MTL - My House of Horrors-Chapter 1111 Who are you talking to (4000)

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"You said Chang Gu is your client?" Li Zheng looked at Chen Ge in confusion. "You didn't know him before. Why did he entrust a man who opened a haunted house to help him find someone? This logically says Doesn't work?"

"Is there anything that doesn't make sense? Doesn't I often help our police solve a case when I open a haunted house? It only shows that my hobbies are extensive and there are many things involved." Chen Ge is talking to Li Zheng, but his eyes have been Looking at the curtains, no one in the room except him could see Chang Gu.

They did not even know that the patient had been sent to the autopsy, and they were standing behind them at this time.

"Let's police? It's not polite for you to speak." Li Zheng wanted to refute, but he couldn't find the point of refusal. They also opened haunted houses, but bosses like Chen Ge are very rare. Can't get one out.

"Zheng brother, besides calling my name, does the patient have any other messages?"

"No, he just called your name before he died." Li Zheng frowned. "You're serious. We now doubt that you made him that way. After all, he was in a mental hospital. Only you and him stay in the ward."

"Misunderstanding, this is definitely a misunderstanding!" Chen Ge immediately explained, he revealed some of Chang Wenyu's things and the parents of the children after they were locked in the psychic school.

However, he didn't say it all, he just said something selectively and distracted Li Zheng's attention.

In fact, he did not know what Chang Gu wanted to do. After all, after he entered the psychic ghost school, he was jointly calculated by the brothers and sisters of Chang Gu. The person who really aggrieved was him.

Of course, Chen Ge will not care about the dead. He is ready to take Chang Gu home directly. Everyone has a "dead" relationship, and he can have a good chat.

If another person comes over and talks to Li Zheng about these things, Li Zheng will not give the other party a chance.

But Chen Ge is different. No matter how outrageous his words are, they will all be fulfilled afterwards. Especially in predicting homicides, this is almost a special ability that can be described by terror.

Looking at Li Zheng or thinking about doubts, Chen Ge simply unzipped the backpack and said: "Zheng brother, can we put this patient's affairs aside first? I have more important things to report to you, in fact, you call me When I was ready, I was ready to come over and find you in person."

"What is more important than a human life?" Not only Li Zheng, but even the doctor next to him could not stand it anymore. They felt Chen Ge was a little indifferent.

"Yes." Chen Ge took the information from his backpack: "Several lives."

As soon as he said this, the room was instantly silent, and everyone looked at the blank paper in his hand.

"I went to the old town last night and made a major discovery in a place called Jinhua Community." The criminal evidence handwritten by the deceased was hidden in the backpack mezzanine. Chen Ge took out the simplified version that he rewritten on the taxi. There are only a few names and a few important clues. Some things are too detailed and not good. After all, as an ordinary person, it is very doubtful to restore the murder scene 100%, because such a person may be the murderer.

Chen Ge handed the information to Li Zheng: "Look at it yourself."

Although it is a simplified version, it is enough to surprise Li Zheng. After all, the building is almost full of perverts and lunatics.

In order to achieve their own goals, Mingtai is very cautious when choosing a tenant. Don’t want people who are kind-hearted, don’t have those who have no tendency to pervert, and don’t want those who have no intention.

After more than ten years of accumulation, it is not so much that the perverts of Hanjiang chose to live in Jinhua Community and Jiuhong Community. It is better to say that they found them and lured them together.

While Li Zheng was reading the materials, Chen Ge walked to the curtain with a backpack.

Chang Gu saw him coming, his body trembling slightly, he raised his head, looked at Chen Ge with the remaining eye, opened his mouth, and said in a voice that only Chen Ge could hear: "I can still see me Sister, right?"

Chen Ge nodded. He took the comic book from his backpack, opened the blank night, and stared at Chang Gu silently.

His meaning is very clear, it is not convenient to talk here, if you want to see your sister, just follow me.

Chang Gu had no more choices. He chanted Chen Ge's name before he died, which should be for this moment.

From his obsession, he didn't leave the ward, and he could be seen waiting for Chen Ge here.

The two sides have a good understanding, Chang Gu and obediently entered the comic book, but Chen Ge seemed to have nothing happened, and put the comic book away again.

"Is the air conditioner broken? Why did it suddenly feel hot?" The doctor lowered the temperature of the air conditioner. He also took a few steps towards Li Zheng, seeming to be curious about the content on the white paper.

Hearing the footsteps, Li Zheng immediately put away the white paper. He looked at Chen Ge with a very serious expression. His eyes contained anger, but this anger was obviously not directed against Chen Ge.

Li Zheng is a person with a particularly strong sense of justice, which is why Chen Ge appreciates Li Zheng very much.

"Chen Ge, you will immediately go back to the city branch with me. This is too big. You must ask the Yan team."

After Li Zheng finished speaking, he gave a few words to the doctor and nurse, asking them not to arrange the patient in this ward for a while, and then took Chen Ge and the other policeman away.


Arriving at the city branch, Yan team immediately recruited everyone and understood the situation, and had an emergency meeting.

Everyone was sitting in the conference room, and Chen Ge also had his place. The most important thing was that all the police did not seem to feel anything wrong.

The various departments summarized some file information, compared the missing population records, and the report records many years ago, the police found that Chen Ge's homicides written on several blank papers completely matched some clues.

"Assemble immediately, we will go to Jinhua Community now. By the way, call those colleagues who go back to rest!" Yan team personally led the team. After he arranged, several police cars drove directly out of the city branch.

Holding his backpack, Chen Ge was sitting amidst the two policemen. He looked a bit cautious: "Which... shall we go into plain clothes to investigate? You go directly and will scare a few residents."

The atmosphere in the car was solemn, and the two policemen did not answer any questions from Chen Ge.

Ten minutes later, they had arrived at the Jinhua community, police cars screamed past, and police sirens sounded over the old city.

Justice may be late, but it will never be absent.

Many tenants have not yet figured out the situation, but some tenants have begun to sneak away, but when the police came, they directly blocked the Jiuhong and Jinhua communities, and no one wanted to escape.

Sudden attack, no sign, Chen Ge also saw the Yan team's resolute side, he is very decisive, he has a terrible intuition for any case.

The Hanjiang police can say that all of them are elite and have withstood high-density "baptism" of heavy cases, even if the newcomers will grow particularly fast, working here for a month, the number of cases involved even exceeds that of other places. The total number of cases in the year.

In just ten minutes, the suspects were under control, and Yan team found that Wen Qing and Xiang Nuan had disappeared.

Fingerprints of Chen Ge and other strangers were collected at the scene, and the police also found a large number of death notices with the name of Xiang Nuan.

"Did you enter this room last night?" Yan team and Li Zheng both stared at Chen Ge, and they looked completely different when they handled the case, putting a certain pressure on Chen Ge.

"Wen Qing is the intermediary responsible for these two communities. She has worked here for more than ten years. Most of the clues I gave to you are what she told me." Wen Qing's occupation is closely connected with the tenants here, and she does exist. Knowing all the possibilities, in addition, Wen Qing is now left in the world behind the door, and the police can't ask her to ask questions, so Chen Ge doesn't have any questions to say.

"Where is she? Are you together last night?" Li Zheng asked one question after another. The case involved too many people this time, and he was a little nervous even when he was used to big cases.

"Wen Qing has discovered some abnormalities in the residents of the building long ago, but she can't say it because she feels that someone wants to kill her, but she doesn't know who is who."

"Someone is threatening her?" Yan team's expression also changed, and the nature of the case became worse and worse.

"Yes, you look at the leaflets in the hallway outside the door that insulted her, and then look at the pile of death notices in her house. Some people are eager to die."

"Some people?" Yan team keenly discovered the words in Chen Ge's words: "There are many people who want to kill Wen Qing? Is it because she knows the secrets of those people?"

"I don't know the specific situation. I'm afraid I have to find her first." Chen Ge said: "But Wen Qing mentioned something to me. The person who wanted to kill her had something to do with a hospital."

Chen Ge directly stated some things about the unsmiling and the cursed hospital. All the murders and disappearances were detained by the cursed hospital.

In case of indecision, he was dumped and cursed at the hospital.

Anyway, the murderer who framed the unborn child and killed Wen Qing was the faceless doctor in the cursed hospital. This is a fact. Even if Chen Ge is put on a polygraph, no other conclusion can be detected.

More than just about the disappearance of Wen Qing, Chen Ge pushed all the mistakes made by the unborn child to the cursed hospital.

The fetal womb was taught by that hospital, but the fetal womb is now distracted, and the catastrophe caused by the fetal womb should be borne by that hospital. This seems very reasonable to Chen Ge.

Before Nie Xin died bizarrely in the operating room, Yan team found an unsmiling figure in the surveillance outside the hospital. This time they found an unsmiling figure on the old street outside the Jinhua community.

In addition, Chen Ge gave some "key hints", and now the investigation direction of the entire Hanjiang police is around the cursed hospital.

Several homicides were found, the murderer was caught on the spot, and the head of Jiuhong Intermediary Company and the rarely seen behind-the-scenes boss Jiang Jiu also rushed to the scene.

The police questioned one by one until the afternoon.

Interestingly, after the police asked Jiang Jiu, he was asked to sit directly with Chen Ge and wait for the next round of interrogation.

One of them was the last person to meet Wen Qing, and the other was the last person to call Wen Qing.

The boss of the horror house in the New Century Paradise in the western suburbs sat with the actual helm of the haunted house in the virtual future paradise in the eastern suburbs.

When the police were gone and the two of them were left in the room, Chen Ge leaned back on his chair and glanced at Jiang Jiu next to him.

Jiang Jiu doesn't see any traces of his years. He is as old as Director Luo, but he feels much younger than Luo Dong, but he is more old-fashioned and formal.

"It's not easy to see you. This opportunity is very rare today." Chen Ge took out the comic book casually and flipped it up.

Jiang Jiu didn't speak. He seemed to feel that Chen Ge was not worthy of talking with him.

"The dying fetus threatening you is gone." Chen Ge turned the comic book to the page where Zhang Yi was hiding and stopped.

Jiang Jiu's hands trembled when he heard the word "Midborn", but he quickly returned to normal: "I don't know what you are talking about."

"If you really don't know, you won't speak." Chen Ge stared at Jiang Jiu, his pupils gradually narrowed, and after using the Yin pupil, his aura was different and the temperature of the room began to drop.

"I think you are designing a haunted house and confused your head design." Jiang Jiu didn't admit it. He turned his head to the side, but his body shivered because of fear.

"I don't care about the rest, I just want to know one thing." Chen Ge got up and looked down at Jiang Jiu: "Have you been there, and heard some information about me and my parents?"

Jiang Jiu is a businessman. He can do business with ghosts for his benefit. There is no truth in such a person's mouth, but as long as he benefits him, he can say anything he knows.

The room temperature was lowering, and Jiang Jiu found that Chen Ge's body temperature was also lowering in the process of hesitation, which made him feel terrified from the heart, and remembered some very bad memories in his brain.

"I've never seen Ming Fei mention your name, but he likes to make your clay sculpture. He seems to want to be you."

"Only these? Is there any information about my parents?"

"It went to your parents." Jiang Jiu's words directly excited Chen Ge.

"When did this happen?"

"I can't remember clearly. I only know that since then, the fetal womb has never stepped into the suburbs of Hanjiang." Jiang Jiu slowed down and calmed down slowly. He tried to take the initiative: "I can do it again To tell you a very important message, the city of Hanjiang is very special. Your parents seem to have been unable to leave for some reason."

"They are not unable to leave, but they are guarding something." Chen Ge recalled his life for more than two decades and pursed his lips: "Is they guarding me? Or the door of the horror house?"

Jiang Jiu secretly remembered everything Chen Ge said. Chen Ge also noticed Jiang Jiu's small movements. He didn't care about these things, but just summoned Zhang Yi.

"I didn't want to do this originally, but you are a traitor, I'm afraid I can't play with you, so..." Chen Ge waved to Zhang Yi: "Move faster."

Jiang Jiu didn't know what was going on, he frowned tightly: "You, who are you talking to?"