MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-Chapter 5 Middle grade magic weapon

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Climb to Baiyang Peak Platform

Reward: Mid-grade Magic Artifact Flowing Cloud Boots

Accepted or not: yes/no

Lu Yi didn't expect that the reward would be so generous, it turned out to be a mid-grade magic weapon!

Magical instruments... There are hundreds of thousands of disciples in the outer sect of Baiyun Sect, and it is estimated that only a very few have magic instruments, which are generally used by foundation-building cultivators.

Lu Yi has a long sword with a low-grade magic weapon because his parents are deacon of the outer door and a base-building cultivator. In order to buy this low-grade magic weapon, Lu Yi's parents spent a lot of money.

Low-grade instruments are so precious, let alone mid-grade instruments?

As far as Lu Yi knew, his father, Lu Gaoyang, only had a long sword with a medium-grade magic weapon. Lu Gaoyang was a treasure, and he could only look at it, not touch it; his mother didn't even have a middle-grade magic weapon. Woolen cloth.

I didn't expect this task to be sent directly, which is too generous, right?

Lu Yi felt that he had to climb on the platform even if he was climbing today, otherwise his conscience would be disturbed.

Lu Yi silently accepted the task and stepped forward again. The outer disciples who were watching the play around them, made way for Lu Yi to walk over.

Lu Yi didn't feel it at first, until he became more and more dependent on the **** platform, Lu Yi found that something seemed a little wrong.

How come no one stopped him?

This shouldn't be, normally, shouldn't a few more outer disciples jump out and not let him go to the platform? There are many disciples of the eighth level of qi training listening to the sermons below, just watching him, a disciple of the sixth level of qi training, go to the platform? This is not good?

Lu Yi walked and found that the platform was in front of him, and the people in front didn't seem to stop him.

Lu Yi was a little anxious: Get up, brothers and sisters who practice Qi on the eighth level! What about your dignity? ! Can he just let him go to the platform as a rookie with six levels of Qi practice? He was ready to go through five levels and cut six generals, and was ready to get the perfect Qi Condensing Pill, and that's the result? ! That's it? !

Lu Yi walked very slowly, intentionally waiting for someone to jump out to stop him, but no one stopped him until Lu Yi reached the steps under the platform.

Lu Yi was very disappointed, turned his head to look behind him, and saw all the brothers and sisters looking at him, he was a little unwilling, and planned to struggle at the end.

He looked around, smiled and said, "Senior brothers and sisters, I'm going up now?"

Come and stop me! hurry up! Right now! Lu Yi waited eagerly.

At this time, a senior sister who practiced Qi at the eighth level smiled and said: "Junior brother, go up, Lin Gang is also one of the best among us. If you can defeat him, none of us can guarantee a steady victory over you, so we won't stop you. ."

"Yes, junior brother, the power of the Baiyun swordsmanship in Huajing is indeed extraordinary. After this sermon, I hope to discuss swordsmanship with junior brother."

"If that's the case, how about adding me?"


One by one, the brothers and sisters were talking, and Lu Yi felt numb in his heart. Was the strength of the previous senior brother so fierce here? Speaking of which, you are so fierce, why don't you let someone with a little dish stop you first? !

Lu Yi was very unhappy and looked at Lin Gang. When Lin Gang saw this, he smiled at Lu Yi honestly: "Junior Brother, if you have time, you can continue to learn from each other."

Lu Yi struggled to pull out a smile: "Thank you brothers and sisters for your love, since that's the case, then I'll go up."

He turned his head lost, and walked up the steps of the platform step by step.

The steps were not long, and Lu Yi soon came to the platform of Baiyang Peak. On the platform was a huge square with futons placed one by one. In front of the futons, there was also a platform, which was where the preaching elders sat. Now is empty.

There were already quite a few people sitting on the futon. Lu Yi found that the closer the futon was to the pulpit, the stronger the disciples were. There were several disciples who made Lu Yi feel a very dangerous atmosphere. the weaker.

Some of these disciples exchanged their cultivation experience in twos and threes, and some were alone with their eyes closed. After Lu Yi came up, someone looked over.

After seeing Lu Yi, those disciples were stunned, some were puzzled, and some frowned.

"Sixth level of Qi practice?"

"What's the situation? Why did the junior brother on the sixth floor of Qi practice come up? The people below didn't stop him?"

"That shouldn't be the case, right? How could the people below watch a junior brother come up? Didn't they stop him?"

As soon as these words came out, many people looked surprised, and more people looked at Lu Yi, and their eyes were different.

The disciples sitting on the inner side had inquisitive and interested expressions in their eyes, while the eyes of the disciples near the outer edge were a little wary.

There are only so many places on the platform, and every time it is full of people, if one comes up now, it means that someone has to go down. Since this junior brother of the sixth level of Qi practice can come up through the obstacles of so many disciples below, it shows that his strength is not strong. In general, the disciples in the inner circle definitely don’t have to worry about going down, but the outer circle is worried: If they are kicked off the platform, shouldn’t they lose face and die?

Lu Yi looked at the futon on the platform, thought about it, and thought it was better not to be too high-profile. The brothers and sisters inside seemed to be quite fierce. He seemed to be unable to beat them. Just find a place outside and sit.

After all, the meal needs to be stuttered, and the goals of UU Reading need to be realized one by one. Today, Lu Yi is very satisfied with the platform. He used to be only in the middle of the mountain. This progress is already big enough. First hand!

So, Lu Yi casually found a seat next to him and sat down, happily looking at the panel.

【Current task】

Climb to Baiyang Peak Platform

Reward: Mid-grade Magic Artifact Flowing Cloud Boots


Whether to receive rewards: yes/no

Mission accomplished! He will have a mid-grade magic weapon soon!

But now there are a lot of people, Lu Yi can only endure the excitement in his heart, he did not receive the reward, and plans to wait until he goes back to receive it.

Seeing that Lu Yi quietly found an empty seat to sit down, those eyes that were looking at Lu Yi gradually retreated, but Lu Yi still felt that someone was watching him, and he was a little eager to try. I wonder if anyone will challenge him? If there is, he will have another reward.

As for taking the initiative to challenge himself, Lu Yi never thought about it. He Lu is not such a high-profile person!

Lu Yi waited for a long time, and no one challenged him rashly, but as time went on, more and more disciples came to the platform, and seeing Lu Yi's new face, many people were paying attention to him.

As time passed, there were more and more people on the platform, and the futon was gradually filled. The monks sitting on the inside were nothing, and the monks sitting on the outside frowned when they saw Lu Yi.

At this moment, Lu Yi heard a cold voice: "This junior brother, your seat is mine."

Lu Yi turned his head and saw a handsome young man looking at him coldly.

Qi practice eight layers.

finally come! Do you know that the flowers I've been waiting for you have to thank? !

Lu Yi stood up and said with a smile: "Hello, senior brother, this position is mine now."