MTL - My Immortal Cultivation Game Life-v2 Chapter 294 3 missions, great harvest

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Lu Yi's foundation is strong, whether it is the absorption efficiency of the star marrow, or the natural recovery speed of the fairy energy, it is far faster than the four of Liu Ningshuang.

It didn't take long for Lu Yi's fairy power to fully recover, and he slowly opened his eyes.

Glancing at Liu Ningshuang and the others who were still recovering, Lu Yi felt the monks outside again, and found that their breathing was stable and there was nothing abnormal, so he felt relieved.

He looked at his mission panel with some joy.

In addition to his previous task of investigating the reason for the gathering of the Nine Nether Demons, Lu Yi naturally released a task before doing it.


Save the monk who is still alive (Completed)

Reward: The ultimate fairy artifact, the Immortal Yin-Yang Robe, the level of the specified skill +4*3, and the star marrow*5000

Whether to receive rewards: yes/no


Destroy Ritual Pillar (Completed)

Rewards: Low-grade Houtian Lingbao Treading Hunyuan Boots, designated skill level +4*4, designated immortal skill level+4*4

Whether to receive rewards: yes/no

Plus the previous task of investigating the reason for the gathering of the Nine Nether Demons.


Investigate the reason for the gathering of the Nine Nether Demons (Completed)

Reward: Mid-grade Houtian Lingbao Eternal Light Shield, the specified rule is increased by 30%*3.

Whether to receive rewards: yes/no

It can be said to be a bumper harvest!

The ultimate immortal artifact, the Immortal Yin-Yang Robe, can enhance the power of the law of Yin-Yang and increase the strength of Immortal Yin-Yang Art. It is also very useful for Lu Yi.

After all, Lu Yi's understanding of the law of yin and yang is not low, and he also mastered the ultimate level of immortality "Yin Yang Diagram".

After wearing this yin and yang fairy robe, his defense ability has been greatly improved, and his life-saving ability is even stronger.

At least it must be much better than the robe on his body.

Not to mention the low-grade Houtian Lingbao Treading Hunyuan Boots, as the Houtian Lingbao, it is far more powerful than the top-grade fairy weapon.

The Hunyuan boots of stepping into the sky are acquired spirit treasures to improve the law of space and space immortality, which is enough to greatly improve Lu Yi's space escape technique, and the specific effect is naturally needless to say.

Coupled with the defensive middle-grade Houtian Lingbao Eternal Light Shield, Lu Yi found that all the quest rewards were about defense and escape.

Lu Yi was a little speechless, this frankly improved his life-saving ability a lot, did he intend to make him run away all the time?

This is not quite right.

But no matter what, there are rewards, and there are treasures such as the best fairy artifact and the Houtian Lingbao, so Lu Yi naturally has a hundred thousand favorites in his heart.

Received all the rewards, but Lu Yi didn't use them. After all, the environment is not good now.

It's not safe yet.

Lu Yi stretched out his hand, the pattern flickered, and several light curtains appeared in front of him.

Above is the scene outside the Chiyang Boat.

On the barren land, there are a large number of Nine Nether Demons rushing from all directions, trying to stop Chiyang Zhou.

However, the Chiyang Zhou is a top-grade immortal weapon after all, and the large formation on it is also extremely powerful. Although it cannot deal with the existence of the Jinxian level, it is not worthwhile in the face of Xuanxian.

And the Nine Nether Demons at the Mystic Immortal level were all chasing and killing Chiyang Zhou from behind, and the ones in front hadn't even reached the Mystic Immortal level, so naturally they couldn't stop Chiyang Zhou.

A large number of Jiuyou demons were killed by Chiyang Zhou's body protection array, and the sky was sprinkled with blood.

And in the rear, an extremely terrifying aura surged, and in a light curtain, Lu Yi saw those Profound Immortal-level Nine Nether Demons roaring and chasing Chiyang Zhou.

Obviously, Lu Yi disrupted their actions and made them very upset, so they probably didn't intend to let him go.

There was no fluctuation in Lu Yi's heart.

After all, Chiyang Zhou's speed is faster than Xuanxian's, even if these Nine Nether Demons are powerful, they can't catch up with Chiyang Zhou.

Just like that, during the chase, the Chiyang Boat turned into a scarlet light and passed through the vast wilderness.

A few hours later, Lu Yi saw Jiuyou Storm in the direction of the station.

He controlled Chiyang Zhou and plunged into Jiuyou Storm.

The Nine Nether Storm was raging, and Lu Yi could feel that the Chiyang Zhou slowed down under the Nine Nether Storm.

He frowned slightly, looked at the light curtain behind him, and found that the Nine Nether Demons at the Xuanxian level had been boosted in the Nine Nether Storm, their aura was stronger than before, and their speed had also increased a bit.

According to this speed, it won't be long before those Xuanxian-level Nine Nether Demons will catch up with Chiyang Zhou.

But Lu Yi was not too worried.

He looked at Liu Ningshuang and four people beside him. In the past few hours, although Liu Ningshuang and four people have not fully recovered, their strength has recovered more than half.

He said softly: "Wake up!"

Liu Ningshuang and Jian Ruyu opened their eyes one after another.

"What's wrong? Junior brother."

Lu Yi pointed to the light curtain: "We have entered the Nine Nether Storm, but those Nine Nether demons have become stronger in the Nine Nether Storm, and the speed of the Chiyang Boat has slowed down. If this continues, we will be caught up, or Use the Escape Technique to go back."

Liu Ningshuang and the others nodded slightly.

"We recovered a little bit and that should be enough."

Therefore, Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang once again used the Yin-Yang Dao Seal with all their strength.

Lu Yi's breath soared.

Lu Yi left the training room and came to the hall.

The monks in the hall are also recovering from their injuries at the moment.

Sensing Lu Yi coming out, they all opened their eyes with nervous expressions: "Master Lu Yi, what's wrong? Is there something wrong?"

Lu Yi nodded slightly: "The Nine Nether Demons have caught up."

Hearing this, the faces of the group changed.

The captain of the Star Realm Army struggled to get up, his face was pale, his breath was a little weak, obviously he hadn't fully recovered yet.

He looked at Lu Yi and said, "Master Lu Yi, take the others and run away, I'll block those Jiuyou demons for a while!"

The two Star Guardsmen on the side also stood up with a determined expression.

As the Star Militia, it is their destiny to die on the battlefield, just like their brethren.

The expressions of the monks on the side changed and they struggled a little.

After all, most of them came to Jiuyou Battlefield because of their immortal duty.

On the outside, they are all lofty immortals with noble identities.

If they can live, they naturally don't want to die.

Lu Yi smiled: "Who said you should block it? Since I rescued you, I will naturally bring you back to the station safely."

"But young master, didn't you say... the Star Guards are about to catch up?"

"That's just catching up with Chiyang Zhou. I've recovered a lot, enough to bring you back." Lu Yi said seriously.

Although the task has been completed, even if they are left alone, Lu Yi has nothing to lose.

But since Lu Yi did it, he naturally wouldn't let them go.

In fact, even if his fairy spirit hasn't fully recovered, he can bring everyone back.

After all, he still has a small world orb in his body, which contains a lot of fairy energy, enough to bring Lu Yi continuous strength.

However, this is one of Lu Yi's precious trump cards, and Lu Yi will not use it unless it is absolutely necessary.

Hearing this, whether it was the three members of the Star Guard or the other monks, they were all shocked.

After all, they all know how much power it takes to bring a large number of monks through the space, and how Master Lu Yi recovered in such a short time? !

What recovery speed is this?

Lu Yi didn't care what they thought, and said don't resist, then rolled up everyone and left Chiyangzhou.

The Nine Nether Storm was like a terrifying wave, sweeping towards everyone, which shocked all the monks.

"Nine Nether Storms?!"

"It's over!"

They were healing in the hall, but they didn't know that there was a terrifying Nine Nether Storm outside Chiyangzhou!

Under the Nine Nether Storm, they were seriously injured and had no room to resist.

However, before they could regret it, all the Nine Nether Storms were blocked by the Qi of the Dao, making all the monks stiffen.

At this moment, Lu Yi has put away the Chiyang Boat, took out the Monument of Escape, and traveled through the space.

Not long after Lu Yi and the others left, those powerful Nine Nether Demons came to where Chiyangzhou was. Feeling the fluctuations in space, they were very angry and chased after them again.

However, the speed of Lu Yi's continuous shuttle is faster than that of Chiyang Zhou.

After several space shuttles, Lu Yi passed through the large formation of the station and entered the station.

In the resident square, everyone appeared. Lu Yi put down many monks and let out a breath of foul air.

The Dao seal between his brows flashed, and the four of Liu Ningshuang appeared.

A group of monks looked around blankly at this moment, with a dazed look on their expressions.

"...Is this the station?"

"Are we really back?!"

They are still a little hard to believe.

And the appearance of everyone's aura naturally attracted the monks in the resident.

Streamers of light quickly came to the square, including peak master Ling Luo and Song Daheng and other Star Realm Army powerhouses.

After seeing Lu Yi and the others, especially the seriously injured Star Border Army and the others, everyone's expressions changed.

Peak Lord Lingluo came to Lu Yi, looked at Lu Yi and Liu Ningshuang beside him and said, "How is it? Are you okay?"

"It's okay, Master, we are very good!" Donggong Mingyue said with a smile, her expression was rather smug.

After using the Yin-Yang Dao Seal and feeling Lu Yi's powerful power, Donggong Mingyue was very swollen and felt that she was almost invincible.

Lingluo Peak Master glanced at Donggong Mingyue, stretched out his hand and flicked, Donggong Mingyue squatted down, clutching her forehead.

"Why are you so arrogant? Isn't this looking for a beating?" Peak Master Ling Luo said speechlessly.

Liu Ningshuang and the others thought it was funny.

Lu Yi shook his head: "We're fine, but something happened there."

Peak Master Lingluo's face changed slightly: "What's the matter?"

"Well, you should ask them, they should be more clear." Lu Yi gestured to the star soldiers and other monks who were rescued by Lu Yi.

At this moment, Song Daheng and a group of star soldiers surrounded the three seriously injured star fighters, including the two star soldiers who Lu Yi and the others had rescued when they came back.

"Boss! You are still alive! It's great!" The human star army named Luo Yi had red eyes, and stretched out his arms to hug the seriously injured leader of the star army.

The star army commander's face turned pale, and he cursed: "Damn, why don't you let go?! If you don't die, you will kill me!"

The Three-Eyed Star Forces on the side also looked surprised: "Boss, how did you survive?"

Song Daheng and the other Star Realm Army on the side also looked happy. The Star Realm Army of the same company are all brothers and sisters, and the relationship is very good.

Song Daheng also asked: "That's right, Pang De, what's going on?"

Pound took a deep breath and told what happened before.

When they heard that the Nine Nether Demons were planning to open the passageway with a strange large formation, and wanted to let the Golden Immortal-level Nine Nether Demons enter the Zhen'an battlefield, everyone's expressions changed drastically, and their backs turned cold.

If they were really entered into the battlefield of Zhen'an by the Nine Nether Demons of the Golden Immortal level, then there is a high possibility that their base will be lost!

This is too serious a situation.

However, everyone was dumbfounded when they heard that Lu Yi had rescued all of them under the siege of nine high-level Xuanxian-level Jiuyou demons, and even destroyed the formation.

Whether it was Lingluo Peak Master, or Song Daheng and the others, they all looked at Lu Yi in bewilderment, and the entire square was completely silent.

Lu Yi was a little embarrassed by the look, and coughed dryly: "Why are you looking at me like that?"

The corner of Lingluo Peak Master's mouth twitched, with an unbelievable expression on his face: "You boy... really saved them from the hands of the nine Xuanxian high-ranking Jiuyou demons?! And destroyed the big formation?!"

Lu Yi coughed dryly and nodded, "Yes."

Even the star realm army present looked shocked at this moment, looking at Lu Yi as if they were looking at a god, this is so **** outrageous, right?

Even myths dare not make up such a thing.

Seeing the shock of these people, Pound and the monks beside him felt a little gloating. Even if they had experienced it personally before, it was as if they were in a dream.

Afterwards, Song Daheng came back to his senses and said, "This matter is too big, I have to notify the military master to avoid accidents!"

After speaking, Song Daheng left in a hurry.

As for the other seriously injured monks, they were taken to register by the Star Border Army.

Peak Lord Ling Luo looked at Lu Yi, still a little hard to understand: "How did you do it? That's a senior Xuanxian, how could you save so many people under the siege of so many Xuanxian experts? "

Even she couldn't do it.

This brat has surpassed her now?


Peak Master Ling Luo felt a little disbelieving.

Lu Yi said helplessly, "I used some hole cards."

Hearing this, Peak Master Lingluo suddenly thought of something, and looked at Liu Ningshuang and the other four beside him with strange expressions: "Before you promised them to go together, was it also a means?"

The expressions of Liu Ningshuang and the other four on the side froze, a little embarrassed. I didn't expect that Lingluo Peak Master would still remember this.

Lu Yi was also a little embarrassed: "Is that right?"

Peak Master Lingluo looked at Lu Yi suspiciously, and then at Liu Ningshuang and the other four beside her, but she didn't say much, she just said, "Looking at you, you should be a little tired, go back and rest first. .”

Lu Yi nodded. UU reading

The group returned to the residence, and then Lu Yi went to the practice room. He was anxious to sacrifice the top-grade fairy weapon and two Houtian Lingbao he had just obtained.

After the sacrifice was completed earlier, he could find some to use and add more cards to himself.

Liu Ningshuang and the other four on the side also planned to go back to recover.

At this moment, Lingluo Peak Master's voice sounded: "Little Mingyue, follow me."

"Ah? Master, what's the matter?" Donggong Mingyue looked blank.

"There's so much nonsense, just follow me!" Peak Master Ling Luo glared at Donggong Mingyue.

She was still very curious, what was the reason that that **** would take the four of them with him, and it was his hole card?

She couldn't figure it out, and she couldn't sleep well.