MTL - My Iron Suit-Chapter 41 Improved serum

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"Dr. What is going on?" Chen Mozhen asked.

“Remember the advice you mentioned before I went to Europe?” Dr. asked Chen Mo.

"Do you mean improving the super soldier's serum and improving the success rate?" Chen Mo remembers that whether it was the original serum before the improvement, or the enhanced serum he and Steve injected, it was not completely successful in animal experiments. .

Although the physical success of the tested animals was strengthened, without exception, during the experiment, they all seemed to suffer tremendous pains, struggled desperately, quickly lost consciousness, fell into a coma, and eventually died.

Examinations after the test found that their brains were overly strongly stimulated beyond their limits and caused brain death.

They analyzed that this was due to the fact that the strengthening process was too violent to transform the body, which led to severe pain, which was later demonstrated by experiments.

Therefore, the existing intensive serum has a very high demand for receiving enhanced people's willpower. Once it can not withstand the pain of strengthening, it will fall into a coma like the animals in the experiment, and eventually the brain will die.

Therefore, Chen Mo suggested that the doctor should improve the serum to make the strengthening process more gentle, reduce the pain in the transformation, reduce the need for willpower, and improve the success rate of strengthening.

It seems that the doctor should be successful now.

"Yes, I did research in the direction you said and found that there is indeed the possibility of improvement. Based on some of the theories you put forward, I conducted research and experiments again, and finally succeeded in developing improved serum."

Dr. proud smiles.

“The animal experiment was a perfect success. Although there was a strong struggle in the process of strengthening, it did not fall into a coma. Everything was normal after the experiment.”

Chen Mo looked at the doctor and asked affirmatively, "So you used your own human test?"

"Yes, I succeeded, didn't I?" The doctor smiled.

Chen Mo shook his head helplessly. In fact, the normal procedure is to experiment with death row or volunteers. After all, there is a certain risk in the experiment. Scientists use their own experiments. Once they fail, the whole project will end.

However, the doctor is too kind. Before it was not the order of the superior, and the precedent of the success of Hung Hom, the doctor would not let Steve experiment.

"Dr.! I hope this kind of thing will not happen again for the second time!" Chen Mo said with a serious face.

"You are the core of the entire Super Soldiers program and the most important core member of our SHIELD. In the event of an accident, the consequences are unimaginable!"

The doctor did not get angry because of Chen Mo’s attitude, but smiled softly. “Follow! My commander!”

At this time, Howard suddenly got two eyes and got together.

"Dr., can I accept reinforcement?"

Howard said, the saliva is flowing out quickly. Thinking of Chen Mo's strong physical quality, Howard can't wait to strengthen it now, then turn over the serf and sing, and return the bullying in Chen Mo's!

Thinking of Howard's eyes, Chen Mo's eyes are a little bit eager to try.

"Yes, but I just forgot to say that the improved serum has improved the strengthening process, so the strengthening effect is much weaker than the original and the enhanced type. The physical quality after strengthening is about three times that of normal people. The advantage is not Life ray exposure is required, as long as sufficient nutrients are added, the sera can be directly injected to complete the strengthening."

Howard heard a sigh of relief, and then think again, even if Steve is strengthened by the enhanced serum, it is not Chen Mo's opponent, he still does not dream, this life is not to turn over.

Feeling the silence of Chen Mo, Howard wants to cry without tears.

At this time, the doctor suddenly said, "And, I have specifically studied the life and body freezing problems that I mentioned."

"After serum-enhanced body, the cell activity is extremely strong. After freezing, the body's metabolism approaches stagnation, but after thawing, the cell can quickly recover its activity, and during this time, life is almost static!"

“That is, your idea of ​​freezing the body and stopping the body from aging is feasible!”

"In addition, I did ignore the problem of longevity before. The serum strengthens the body and enhances the vitality of the cells. The aging rate of the cells is greatly delayed."

"The only one who successfully accepted the enhancement was Steve and you couldn't use it as a reference. After the successful serum improvement, I deliberately carried out animal experiments and found that the lifespan of serum-enhanced animals has indeed been greatly extended!"

"The changes that have taken place in me have proved this!"

Howard heard the words, and there was an instant in spirit.

"What are we waiting for? Doctor, let me strengthen now!"


The intensive process of the improved serum was very smooth, although the middle pain Howard wowed, but successfully completed the reinforcement.

From the experimental chair, Howard felt the changes in the body.

The body that was originally lacking in exercise seemed to be full of inexhaustible strength, and it made a punch with force, and it actually brought a burst of screaming wind.

Howard was excited, and once again he tentatively took off, and jumped up to two meters high, scared him when he fell and almost fell to the ground.

Howard, who was full of joy, couldn’t wait to run in front of the mirror, trying to see if he had become as tall and strong as Chen Mo and Steve.

Obviously, the results made him a little disappointed. Although the improved serum is equally effective, it can reach three times the physical quality of ordinary people after strengthening. Strength, agility, endurance and other aspects are very strong.

But perhaps because it has not broken through the limits of human flesh, the changes in the body are not too big. From the outside, it is just a little more solid than before, and there is no such great change as Steve.

Looking at Howard was a little disappointed, Dr. Erskine smiled and took a shot and patted him on the shoulder.

"You didn't find it?"

Howard did not respond.

"What did you find?"

The doctor pointed to his own brain.

Howard feels with his heart, and the color of surprise blooms in his eyes.

"God! My brain!"

"Thinking is too fast! And my memory!"

"God! It feels great!"

Looking at Howard, who was yelling excitedly, Chen Mo couldn't help but turn his eyes, too much!

Dr. Okins only smiled. He himself has just strengthened his success. After feeling the tremendous improvement in brain thinking, analysis and memory, he did not perform much better than Howard.

"We should all thank you." The doctor said seriously to Chen Mo.

Seeing Chen Mo open his mouth, the doctor waved him.

"In my opinion, the value of improved serum is limitless, and it allows us ordinary people to accept reinforcement."

"In addition to the improvement of physical fitness and the extension of life, the most important thing is that its strengthening of the brain has brought tremendous help to our research. During this time, many problems that have been plaguing me for a long time have been solved one by one. Every experiment and research has become very handy, and everything seems to be very simple."

"You know what this means for a scientist and what it means for the world."

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