MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 500 Aura burst

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Sun Tu saw Guo Xing's hesitation and continued to persuade:

"I know you are struggling with whether to follow the Mountain Master or not.

I also know that you have your concerns here.

But what I want to tell you is that if you really choose to stay here, in a thousand or ten thousand years, when your lifespan is approaching, you will definitely regret your choice today. "

Guo Xing fell into silence when he heard it.

He admitted that Sun Tu had a point.

But he also felt that if he chose to go to Canglang Realm, he might not regret it in the future.

Guo Xing thought for a long time, but still couldn't make up his mind.

He shook his head, temporarily suppressed the messy thoughts in his mind, looked at Sun Tu again and said, "You seem to really hope that I can choose Canglang Realm?"

Sun Tu smiled and said, "Yes, I do hope to enter the Canglang Realm with you.

Although I am referring to the chief guardian spirit beast of the Tianshan Mountains, his status is far inferior to your core disciples.

In the last era, I have seen too many core disciples who are malicious towards spirit beasts.

Compared with them, you are much easier to get along with. "

The corner of Guo Xing's mouth twitched slightly: "But you're not afraid that I will regret it after you persuade me to go to Canglang Realm, so I hate you for it?"

Sun Tu said without hesitation: "Of course I'm not afraid.

You will only thank me in the future, and you will never hold grudges against me! "

'So sure? ’

Guo Xing was stunned for a moment, and then he guessed Sun Tu's thoughts.

He nodded and said, "That's right, if I really regret it, it probably means that my cultivation has not met expectations.

In that case, even if I hate you, you shouldn't be afraid. "


Sun Tu was immediately speechless.

Just when the atmosphere was a little embarrassing, a messy aura suddenly came from outside the villa.

Guo Xing raised his head subconsciously, but found that Sun Tu had already reached the door of the villa.

He asked directly, "What happened outside?"

Sun Tu said: "It was a nearby spiritual energy node that suddenly spewed.

It appears that the recovery of the big world is picking up again. "

Guo Xing said curiously, "You should be responsible for suppressing the spiritual veins near Tianshan Mountain, right?

Why haven't you dealt with this? "

Sun Tu smiled and said: "When I first came here a few months ago, the spiritual veins were indeed guarded by me.

But during this period of time, the Earth cultivator was flying in and out, and he was able to suppress all the nodes with one force.

Even if the aura node suddenly rioted this time, the monks nearby responded quickly. "

When he said this, he looked directly into Guo Xing's eyes and said:

"These earthlings can already protect the planet by their own power.

I don't mean much here anymore. "

Guo Xing said thoughtfully: "So, you want to go to Canglang Realm now?"

Sun Tu nodded and said, "The Canglang Realm is also developing rapidly, if you go back late, most of the good spots will be robbed.

If you can see the Demon Lord, please help me with a few good words. "

"This... okay!"

After the two chatted awkwardly for a few more words, Sun Tu turned around and left, leaving Guo Xing to continue in a daze.

For the next few days, ordinary players on Earth went straight into a frenzy.

For them, the copy of the Devil's Nest in the Canglang Realm was closed perfectly.

Almost all the players who participated in the suppression of the Devil's Nest have received a lot of prizes from Zhitian Mountain to a greater or lesser extent.

Although the vast majority of people received white jade of the lowest quality, these white jade could be shipped to Earth.

And white jade is the most sought-after hard currency on earth.

At the very beginning, it was predicted that the influx of so much white jade into the earth would most likely lead to a sharp drop in the price of spirit stones.

However, a few days later, the price trend of white jade made those who were prepared to wait and see all dumbfounded.

Because the price of white jade not only did not fall, but continued to rise.

The reason why this happens is because a considerable number of players choose to use this loot for themselves.

These people all know that strength is fundamental in the age of immortal cultivation.

Even if someone wants to improve their life, they just choose to sell a small amount of white jade.

This has resulted in far less white jade flowing into the market than previously expected.

On the other hand, those wealthy people who are waiting to feed don't care about the price of white jade.

Almost as soon as the white jade appeared, it was bought by the rich and powerful at a price higher than the market.

The result is that Tianshan transports a large amount of white jade to the earth every day, but the price of white jade is still rising.

In the process, countless participating companies have eaten their mouths full of oil.

Among them, the most profitable one is naturally Huancang Technology, which has the exclusive right to operate Canglang Realm.

However, Lu Zhengye, who made a lot of money, was not happy at all, but always looked worried.

Because Guo Xing had completely told Sun Tu's prediction of the situation to him.

The Canglang Realm might be far away from Earth within a few decades, and this news made Lu Zhengye worried.

Decades seem like a long time, but once the news spreads, it will have an immeasurable impact on the earth.

The first to be impacted is naturally his Huancang Technology.

If he doesn't handle it properly, his business empire could even collapse.

However, he did not respond immediately, but has been secretly looking for people to collect all kinds of relevant information.

In the past few days, a piece of news has gathered in his hands like snowflakes.

The most mentioned in these news is not the changes in the Canglang Realm, but the spiritual energy nodes on the the third day after the end of the magic cave, someone experimented with a lot of white jade A new method of gathering spirits came out.

As long as this kind of gathering array is arranged near the aura node, the speed of aura overflowing can be increased several times.

When the formation structure was announced online, it was quickly laid out all over the country.

In just a few days, nearly 1,000 Spirit Gathering Arrays were laid near the spiritual energy nodes all over the country.

The effect of this spirit gathering array is unexpectedly good. Almost all the aura nodes where the spirit gathering array are arranged, the aura spewing speed has begun to increase exponentially.

And recently, the speed of the aura nodes has also started to blow out.

Under the combined influence of many factors, the concentration of aura on the earth began to increase at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Those ordinary people who were unable to embark on the road of cultivation because they had no resources before also developed a sense of qi in batches.

Although having a sense of qi doesn't completely mean stepping into the door of a cultivator, it is enough to make ordinary people who have no way to practice go crazy.

In the original estimate of the relevant departments, the era of national cultivation of immortals will take at least a few years to come.

But because of an accident in the Canglang Realm, the door to full-scale cultivation of immortals was now faintly cracked.

This change made the entire Xia Kingdom boil.

In order to calm down the gradually warming situation, the grassroots forces in the entire Xia Kingdom were mobilized.

Even the military, which is not easily used at ordinary times, has participated in the stability maintenance operation.

The millions of troops who had just fought in the Canglang Realm were immediately thrown into a new battle without any repairs. Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!