MTL - My Master is a Bug-Chapter 531 pre-war preparations

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Fang Mu naturally won't procrastinate at this time.

Even without Su Wendi's reminder, he would have responded as soon as possible.

But he also didn't panic.

Fang Mu glanced at Su Wendi, and the corners of his mouth raised slightly:

"Now that Yasheng is attacking, my Canglang Realm is in danger.

You actually came here to tip off at this time.

Aren't you afraid that the sub-Saint will anger your master and disciple? "

Su Wendi smiled and said: "I came to inform Lingjun, so naturally I have to take some risks.

But after all, Lingjun has just made a deal with my master and apprentice. We can't just watch Lingjun fall into crisis without knowing it. "

These words sounded high-sounding, but Fang Mu lost his interest in continuing the conversation.

Fang Mu nodded slightly and said, "I have taken over the friendship between your master and apprentice.

When you run into trouble in the future, I won't stand idly by.

Now that the situation is urgent, I will stop chatting with you. "

Su Wendi nodded and said, "Lingjun will prepare himself!"

Fang Mu nodded, then turned around and returned to the spiritual world.

After his figure completely disappeared, Su Wendi planned to go back and return to Yi Huang.

But just as he turned around, the whole person suddenly froze.

Just when the boundary wall was cracked, Su Wendi faintly felt a familiar breath.

At that time, his mind was full of the battle between Canglang Realm and Yasheng in the future, so he didn't take that faint breath to heart.

However, the moment he turned around, he suddenly realized what that familiar breath was.

That is the breath of the Heavenly God Tree!

‘The Heavenly God Tree has recovered so quickly! ? ’

As an immortal, Su Wendi was very aware of the power of the Heaven-passing Divine Tree.

He is also aware of how harsh the conditions for the recovery of dead branches of the Divine Tree of Heaven are harsh.

Among those immortals and demons who used the divine tree to suppress the cave, many people wanted to cultivate a subspecies of the divine tree in their own cave.

But they all failed.

Most of them didn't even get those branches back to life.

The few people who awakened the branches of the **** of the sky also spent a lot of time and treasures.

Moreover, those immortals and demons cultivated relatively fresh branches, not the dead branches in Fang Mu's hands.

The dead branch that Fang Mu got has been washed away by hundreds of thousands of years, and its vitality has long been dimmed.

If not, Yi Huang might not be willing to use it to gain Fang Mu's trust.

However, it was just such a dead branch that even Jin Xian was not optimistic about, it fell into Fang Mu's hands for less than a day, and it actually recovered!

This cannot be explained by the abundance of resources in the Canglang Realm.

Once the Tree of Babel chooses to take root somewhere, it is very difficult to move it again.

This also means that once the realm it chooses is destroyed, the tree of the gods will likely be destroyed along with it.

But now, it took less than a day for the Tongtian Divine Tree to recover in the Canglang Realm.

Su Wendi said incredulously, "What is so magical in the Canglang Realm, why did the Connecting Heavenly God Tree choose to take root there."

He couldn't think of anything in the Canglang Realm that was attracting the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree.

All he knew was that the branch of this ancient divine tree had been in the hands of Fang Mu for less than a day, and the rest of his life had been pinned to the Canglang Realm.

Su Wendi pondered for a while before muttering: "No wonder the master also chose to stand on the side of Canglang Realm.

It turned out that the old man had already figured out that the potential here was endless.

But now the sub-sage is coming, a realm without sub-sage, how to survive this crisis..."

In fact, Su Wendi was not too optimistic about Canglang Realm before, he just came here to report because of the majesty of Yihuang.

It wasn't until he found out that the Heaven-reaching Divine Tree had also chosen the Canglang Realm, and then he realized that the Canglang Realm was indeed full of potential.

At the same time, he finally understood why the Wuxia Patriarch had driven the entire filthy world to devour the Canglang Realm, but no sub-sage appeared to stop it.

Because those Asian saints have also seen that Fang Mu's potential far exceeds that of the flawless ancestor.

"I'm afraid those sub-sages who have been silent all the time should be paying attention to this battle..."

Thinking of this, Su Wendi shuddered.

He subconsciously turned his head and glanced around.

The surrounding void was still calm, but Su Wendi faintly felt that he seemed to be seen through by countless eyes hiding somewhere.

Su Wendi's face turned pale, and he could no longer think about deeper things.

He turned into a stream of light directly, and fled into the depths of the void in panic.

After Fang Mu returned to the spiritual realm, he went directly to Zhitian Mountain.

He swept away his spiritual sense, but did not find Guo Xing's figure, so he directly waved his hand and summoned a vortex in front of him.

At this time, Guo Xing was meeting with relevant departments on earth.

The content of the meeting was related to those immigrants from the Canglang Realm.

Although those immigrants had chosen the Canglang Realm, they had already lost their relationship with the earth in theory.

But after all, they are all people who have gone out from the earth. Whether it is the government or the people who eat melons, they are very concerned about their situation.

Therefore, Guo Xing will communicate with relevant departments every once in a while, and let some remember to go to Earth Town for interviews.

However, this time they were not discussing this content, but how to completely open the Earth Town.

Most of the 100,000 people who immigrated to the Canglang Realm this time were young and aggressive young people.

They have an unusual desire for the treasures of heaven and earth in the Canglang Realm.

But after they entered the Canglang Realm, they did not get the opportunity to go out to explore, but were concentrated in the immigrant town.

In the first month or two, the strength of those people was generally relatively low, and Guo Xing provided them with a lot of resources for them to cultivate, so they could be brought safely to the town.

But with the passage of time, the strength of these people has been improving, and they have become familiar with each other.

Some people even found like-minded partners in the process and formed their own exploration teams.

After a period of running-in, most of the teams are already eager to try the world outside Canglang Realm.

However, the blockade of the immigrant town has not been lifted, and they can only drool at the various phenomena of heaven and earth outside the town.

So the voice for freedom in the town grew louder and louder.

What Guo Xing discussed with the relevant departments this time was the most scientific way to open up the town.

But just halfway through the meeting, he felt a familiar whirlwind.

"Why did you come to summon again, Master is too fast this time..."

After Guo Xing complained silently, he saw the familiar figure in front of him.

The corner of his mouth twitched slightly: "Master, are you looking for me?"

Fang Mu nodded and asked, "How are the resettlement of those immigrants from Earth?"

Guo Xing listened, and the corner of his mouth twitched again:

"I've just been on Earth talking to the authorities about those immigrants.

Now that they are familiar with the environment, some squads are clamoring to go out and explore every day.

But the outside is still too dangerous for those squads, and they can't be resurrected like players.

So this matter is still under discussion..."