MTL - My Medical Skills Give Me Experiences-Chapter 29 hello auntie

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"After graduating from university, I went back to my hometown to become a doctor in Shuangchuan County People's Hospital. I have done internal medicine, surgery, pediatrics, and emergency department. This job lasted for 14 years, from intern to doctor. The attending doctor of the hospital. If there are no accidents, he will be able to be evaluated as a deputy senior professional title next year."

Jin Mingxi talked about his past for the first time.

"Wait, you're 35 years old, right?"

Dr. Xu loves to be serious, and seems to have committed it again.

"Yes, I just turned 35 this year. If I haven't been admitted to Tuya's regular training qualification this year, I will never have another chance in my life." Jin Mingxi is stuck at the age point and making the final sprint.

There are actually quite a few social doctors like him.

Because Tuya's training qualification is too difficult to test.

Just like an old boy or an old scholar in ancient society, he still didn't give up when he was gray-haired in order to take the exam.

Many social doctors failed to pass the Tuya training qualification this year, and will continue to take the exam next year. As long as they're under 35, they'll keep going.

"Graduated from a bachelor's degree, at least 23 years old. You have worked for 14 years, so aren't you 37 years old?" Dr. Xu stared at him fiercely.

This is a big flaw.

Not long ago, Dr. Xu also stared at Zhou Can with this kind of eyes.

"Hey, when I was in elementary school, I skipped three grades. I was called a child prodigy for a long time." Jin Mingxi explained with a smile.

This kind of prodigy can be found all over the country.

There are even special classes for young geniuses.

Unexpectedly, Jin Mingxi was so good when he was a child that he could jump three levels in a row.

"You have worked in the County People's Hospital in your hometown for so many years, why do you want to come to Tuya as a regular trainee?" Dr. Xu asked curiously.

After another year, I will be able to be evaluated for the title of deputy senior professional, and I will get through it.

Even if you are only the deputy chief physician of the county-level people's hospital, you can live a very nourishing life.

At this level, there is absolutely no need to go to Tuya Hospital for regular training.

"How should I put it? From the perspective of my personal interests, there is really no need to travel thousands of miles to Tuya Hospital to become a doctor in training. My hometown, Shuangchuan County, is located in a remote mountainous area, poor and backward, and there is no way to keep high-end doctors. Talent. This has also led to the overall medical level of the county people's hospital being particularly backward."

"In my work, I often encounter some patients who are limited by the local medical level and medical conditions, and eventually die. Whenever this happens, I am very sad. Because I know that as long as their illness is changed to Tuya Such a large hospital will definitely be able to cure it.”

"Later, I came up with an idea. I was admitted to a top hospital as a doctor. After learning the skills, I went back to teach the doctors in the People's Hospital in my hometown. Only in this way can I gradually improve the medical level in my hometown and save more people. people."

After hearing these words of Jin Mingxi, everyone was silent.

The spirit of doctors who give up their homes and protect everyone is particularly great.

Many people may have feelings, but there are not many people who dare to abandon their personal interests, serve the people wholeheartedly, and contribute to the medicine in their hometown.

Whenever the country is in trouble or the hometown is in trouble, the heroes who appear are often the "fool" type like Jin Mingxi.

At critical moments, they dare to stand up without fear of sacrifice.

Throughout the thousands of years of Chinese history, whether it was the chaos of the Five Kingdoms at the end of the Jin Dynasty or the invasion of the Eight Kingdoms at the end of the Qing Dynasty, whenever the Chinese nation was in danger of extinction, there would always be countless heroes who stood up.

They bravely defended their homes and the country, even sacrificing their lives.

This is the blood and courage engraved in the bones of Chinese sons and daughters.

"Doctor Jin, I believe your wish will come true." Zhou Can sincerely wished him.

If he has the ability in the future, he will be happy to help.


Jin Mingxi smiled gratefully at Zhou Can.

"Great Dr. Jin! What a dream! In the future, if you don't understand medical skills, you can ask me anytime." Dr. Xu was also moved by Jin Mingxi.

Thumbs up to him.

"Sure! Thank you!"

Jin Mingxi nodded heavily.

"Hehe, Dr. Jin's idea is indeed great, but I think it would be better for those who are more capable to do these things. Anyway, if it were me, I would definitely not do such stupid things."

Dr. Lu did not agree with Jin Mingxi's approach.

"Maybe! Some things must be done by someone. I also know that my ability is limited, but it is a good thing even if it is just to take the lead."

Jin Mingxi's belief is firm and he is not moved at all.

A refined egoist like Dr. Lu can't understand it at all.

At this time, another patient came in.

"Ah yo, ah yo, hurry up and operate on me, I'm going to die soon..." The patient lay on the cart and kept moaning.

Zhou Can always felt a little familiar when he heard this voice.

"You two go over and pick it up!"

Doctor Xu gave Zhou Can and Jin Mingxi instructions.

"Doctor Xu, this patient has been here since the morning. She called the Department of Gastroenterology, and after the examination, she was found to be a cecal calculus. So the Department of Internal Medicine asked her to go to the Department of Anorectal Surgery to register for surgery. She had to wait in line for a long time, and it was really painful. I couldn’t stand it anymore, and heard that there was no need to queue up in the emergency department. So I came to our place. What Dr. Luo Yong meant was to do the surgery for her as much as possible.”

The nurse gave an overview of the situation.

Because of the high popularity of large hospitals, people from all over the country come to see a doctor, and the number of people seeking treatment is particularly large.

Standing in line is a difficult time for every patient.

There have even been cases where patients died because they waited too long before being admitted for treatment.

The female patient on the cart was a bit miserable. She wandered around the hospital's internal medicine and surgery departments for nearly a day, and finally had no choice but to go to the emergency department to seek treatment from a doctor.

The emergency department does not mean that there is no queue.

The patient's condition is critical and can be rescued first.

In addition, because the emergency department is only an emergency aid station, all kinds of patients have to be accepted, and the number of patients received is huge. This has resulted in the characteristics of emergency department but not refined.

When encountering some difficult cases, or the situation is not urgent, the patient will still be sent to a specialist for treatment.

Zhou Can took the cart from the nurse and looked down at the female patient who was screaming in pain on the cart.

Immediately happy.

No wonder the voice is so familiar.

Isn't this the morning in the outpatient hall to frame him as Yito's aunt?

After a day of tossing in the hospital, the makeup on the aunt's face has become a mess, and her hair is also a mess.

Looking scary like a ghost.

If Zhou Can hadn't been so impressed with her, he would hardly have recognized her.

"Are you accompanied by family members?"

Doctor Xu asked.

The aunt was only focused on crying out for pain, and seemed not to hear Dr. Xu's question.

Zhou Can had no choice but to repeat it.

"The attending doctor asked if you were accompanied by family members?"

Aunt heard clearly this time.

"No one is accompanying me! I can sign by myself. I have already signed the consent form for the operation and paid the money."

My aunt is so sick, I don't know why she didn't ask her family to accompany her?

"Your surgery is a second-level operation. If you go to a specialist for laparoscopy, it is a third-level operation. You can't do it without the company of your family!" Dr. Xu said while taking the aunt's examination data to check.

Whether this operation can be performed or not is up to him to make the final Luo Yong, who is attending the consultation, can only give suggestions.

"This intestine is blocked like this. If I came to the hospital for treatment earlier, I might not need surgery!"

After seeing the B-ultrasound and CT films of the abdomen, he sighed slightly.

Cecal stones are actually caused by falling bezoars into the appendix cavity.

If it is not serious, it can be treated conservatively.

The stones can be passed out with medicines.

If it develops to the point of intestinal obstruction, even close to necrosis, it will be serious.

It needs to be removed along with the appendix.

When the aunt heard that she wanted to find a family member to accompany her, she seemed very embarrassed.

She looked at Zhou Can.

"Young man, your voice sounds familiar just now, can you take off the mask and let me take a look? Maybe we know each other." She must be thinking in her heart, if she is an acquaintance with this young doctor.

I beg for mercy, maybe I don't need to ask my family to come over.

Zhou Can took off his mask, a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Hello, Auntie!"

This is how Zhou Can greeted her in the morning.

" could it be, it's you?" The aunt originally thought that this young doctor might be an acquaintance, and she could make friends and say a few nice words so that she could be taken care of easily.

As a result, when Zhou Can took off the mask and saw Zhou Can's true face clearly, she couldn't help being dumbfounded.

It's really a narrow road to Yuanjia. Isn't this the young man she scolded as a doctor in the morning?

"Hey, this world is so small, we meet again."

Zhou Can smiled very comfortably.

In the morning in the outpatient hall, I was **** off by this aunt. Now she is a patient and Zhou Can is a doctor. She probably wanted to die.

What worries her most is Zhou Can's revenge on her.