MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 451 More wolves and less meat +11

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  Chapter 451 More wolves and less meat +11

  What Ye Anlan couldn't figure out was why Zhao Zongrong instructed his son to go through such trouble.

  She asked Li Jing, "What is this guy making a fuss about? Wouldn't it be good to just be his king with a different surname?"

  Li Jing can guess Zhao Zongrong's thoughts, he said: "Perhaps it is worried that the more stable the country is, the lower the sense of existence of their family will be, and it will be easier for His Majesty to deal with them in the future."

Not everyone is like Pei Yuanjiang. Marrying a wife seems to have reached the pinnacle of life. Every day, what the wife wants to eat, drink, wear, and play with is what he wants to be with his wife. Let's do something together.

  Also a king with a different surname, Pei Yuanjiang didn't mind at all that he didn't have real power, but Zhao Zongrong couldn't get used to this kind of leisurely and rich life where he just sits and eats and waits to die.

  He tried to enter the court more than once, but before Xie Yuan completely digested Zhao Zongrong's influence in the southwest, he would never consider letting the people of Shun Palace hold power again.

  Xie Yuan was just being cautious, but Zhao Zongrong couldn't help being suspicious, suspecting that Xie Yuan wanted to let his family fade out of everyone's sight first, and then find an excuse to completely wipe out their family.

  He was reluctant to let his one-word prince be downgraded, so he didn't dare to take out his son-in-law to make trouble.

But for the concubine, he didn't have such concerns. In order to keep the Prince Shun's mansion in everyone's sight, Zhao Zongrong ordered his two concubines to set off small incidents from time to time in the capital after being honest. storm.

  His two concubine sons were very unwilling, but none of them dared to resist Zhao Zongrong, the King of Shun who controlled their fate in this life.

   Da Qi was much more stingy in terms of favor and shade than the former Da Zhou. In order to prevent future generations from messing around, the founding emperor of Da Qi, Xie Yuan, was not only stingy himself, but he also reflected this stinginess in the law.

  According to the laws he made, the only two kings with different surnames in Daqi, as well as the hereditary princes, marquises, and uncles of Daqi, all of these people have and only one title that can be passed on to their own son or daughter.

  If they have no sons or daughters, then the titles of their families will have to be downgraded and inherited.

  It is worth mentioning here that the laws of Daqi do not recognize those false descendants and real concubines recorded under the names of the aunts.

If these dukes, lords, and uncles want to use their concubines and concubines to pretend to be the sons and daughters of the concubine, the government can even punish them with the crime of "passing off the concubine as a concubine". It's a noble.

   Even if these princes, marquises, and uncles have no children and can only adopt the children of their brothers or cousins ​​to become nobles, they must also adopt the children who came from the belly of their brothers and wives.

   Otherwise, for those selected children, every time there is one more "shu" on their bodies, the titles they can inherit will also be lowered.

   This is unbearable for any family with a title.

   In addition, Xie Yuan also imposed strict restrictions on the number of graces in the form of laws.

   Dazhou was flooded with favor quotas given to families of martial arts, which can be said to be an extremely rare and rare species in Daqi.

   For a one-word king like Zhao Zongrong, he only has four places in his hand.

  His eldest son can inherit his throne with a different surname after his death, but his other eldest son and a group of concubines can only stare at the four favored places in his hand.

  As a feudal patriarch with wives and concubines in groups, the total number of children has exceeded 20, and even eleven sons alone, Zhao Zongrong said that this quota is not enough for him at all!

  There is no daughter in their family who likes to wield knives and guns, so he can only consider his son for the quota of Enyin, but the ratio of eleven to four, the gap is really big, it’s so outrageous_(:з」∠)_

   What upsets him the most is that he has several grandsons who will be crowned in a few years (╯‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

  There are more monks and less porridge, more wolves and less meat, can Zhao Zongrong and his group of descendants be in a hurry?

  In particular, they are different from other nobles of the Great Qi. Other nobles of the Great Qi can touch the military power, continue to accumulate credit and earn favors for themselves and even future generations, but he and his descendants can only stand still and eat nothing.

Although he has been a tyrant in the Southwest for many years, he is not short of money, even if his children and grandchildren do nothing but just lie at home and eat their money. To live with dignity, status, and even future and prospects are two completely different things.

  If his children and grandchildren are not officials, do not hold power, and have no titles on them, but are just white, who in this world will continue to respect them?

   Not to mention that their family still has the title of King Shun, you must know that this title can only be passed on to his eldest son.

His eldest son had been fighting with his concubine younger brothers in the early years, and coupled with the mess between his wife and his group of concubines, no matter how blindly optimistic Zhao Zongrong was, he would not Will be so optimistic that his eldest son will take care of his younger brothers.

  In fact, the same is true for his sons who were concubine. Even if he was willing to degrade the title to pass on the title to the concubine, none of his concubine would be willing to take care of all his children and grandchildren after his death.

   It is precisely because of knowing this that Zhao Zongrong made up his mind from the very beginning to make the eldest son the eldest son.

   But he is also reluctant to part with his other sons. In order to allow them to live a good life and be a master for as long as possible, Zhao Zongrong has been trying his best to support them in the past two years.

  He felt that he was a very qualified father, but he didn't know that none of his sons and daughters, who were sensible, were satisfied with him.

  Although his eldest son won the right to inherit the throne, he was dissatisfied with his father's continuous training of his younger brothers, because he felt that his father's actions were clearly supporting his younger brothers to compete with him for power.

  In order for his own inheritance rights to remain stable, what he hopes most is that his younger brothers are lumps of mud that cannot support the wall.

  He was dissatisfied, and his only brother was also dissatisfied. The other party felt that if his brother could inherit his father's throne, so could he.

   After all, he is also a legitimate son. If he inherits, their family's title will not be downgraded.

  These two brothers are at odds with each other, and their concubine brothers will not be sincere with their other brothers and friends.

  Although they are concubines, they also want to inherit the throne at home.

As for the concubine who will be demoted to the rank of the prince, he will be demoted. They are also the kings of the county. It is better than getting nothing, or can only work hard to grab a favor from his own father. Or the number of generals in Fengguo.

  (end of this chapter)