MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 454 Go with the flow

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  Chapter 454 Pushing the boat along

  After they left, the father-in-law walked in lightly, and changed Xie Yuan to a cup of tea at the right temperature.

  Xie Yuan took the teacup, and said to himself, "Shunwang Mansion will soon be very peaceful."

  With the good start of these two concubines, Zhao Zongrong, Zhao Zongrong's other concubines will definitely follow suit, which is why Xie Yuan directly threw these two concubines to the naval barracks where they are easy to make meritorious service.

  The naval barracks are managed by Chang'an and Pei Huaiyu. With them watching, Zhao Zongrong's two sons can't make waves.

  While they can't turn the tide, they can be promoted by meritorious deeds. If Zhao Zongrong's two concubines don't want to join forces with their father to make some fools, they should be satisfied with this arrangement.

  Seeing that they got a good chance, it would be strange if the other princes of Shun Palace were not moved.

  When they are moved, they will naturally jump out and use all means to fight for their own interests and opportunities.

   In this way, the illusion of peace that was barely maintained because of Zhao Zongrong's pressure on top, naturally couldn't last long.

   Their own family was in chaos, and Zhao Zongrong's energy was involved, so naturally there was no time to look around and think about things.

   Just a second thought, Xie Yuan followed suit and buried Zhao Zongrong's family with a fuse that could detonate the powder keg.

  After dealing with this matter, he picked up the ink pen and was about to continue reviewing the memorial, when suddenly another small figure appeared in his mind.

  He put down his pen, and asked the father-in-law who was about to quietly retreat to the gate of Qinzheng Hall to guard, "By the way, is An Lehou old enough to say goodbye?"

  The father-in-law in charge said hurriedly after hearing the words: "Return to Your Majesty, it is indeed almost the same."

  Thirteen or fourteen-year-old youths should indeed be kissed, but An Lehou has a special status after all, if Xie Yuan doesn't propose marriage to him, he may never be able to marry him in this life_(:з」∠)_

  You must know that before An Lehou became Da Qi's An Lehou, he was the puppet emperor of Da Zhou. With his status, he must be cautious in everything he does.

  Although he is young, because of his childhood experience, he is very good at distinguishing the goodwill and malice of others, and he also knows how to protect himself.

  Since Xie Yuan granted him the Marquis of Anle, this child has been obediently staying in his own Marquis Mansion, never going out if he can, and never coming into contact with any suspicious people.

Pei Huaiyu pitied him for his young age but he was extraordinarily well-behaved and sensible, and after getting engaged to Xie Yuan's own sister, he had less scruples when talking to Xie Yuan, so taking advantage of Xie Yuan's good mood one day, he suggested that Xie Yuan The child invited several masters to show his favor.

Of course, governing the country cannot be taught, but such elegant things as piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, flower tea, and miscellaneous studies such as astronomy, geography, accounting, bamboo weaving and woodworking that have nothing to do with political affairs, Pei Huaiyu thinks this child can do it. Learn more or less.

   I don’t expect him to study well, just give him something interesting to pass the time, so that he doesn’t feel like going to jail every day, and can only huddle in his mansion and suffer day after day.

Xie Yuan is also very satisfied with An Lehou's self-discipline. Compared with Shun Wang Zhao Zongrong who has to show off his presence from time to time, Xie Yuan is more willing to be kind to An Lehou who can understand the emperor's heart and never embarrass him, the emperor. .

  Not only did he agree to hire a master for An Lehou, but he also assigned the matter directly to Pei Huaiyu, who was kind to An Lehou.

   He even offered to propose that if An Lehou wanted to learn, Pei Huaiyu could ask An Lehou for a martial arts master, so that the other party would teach An Lehou how to maintain his body through boxing and sword fighting.

   The implication is that he doesn't want to learn powerful martial arts, but Xie Yuan doesn't mind him learning the health-preserving boxing and sword skills.

  Pei Huaiyu is a smart person, what's more, what Xie Yuan said was actually quite straightforward. He accepted Xie Yuan's order with a smile, and then went to ask An Lehou himself for his opinion.

  Although An Lehou occupied the position of emperor when he was a child, the empress dowager who was in power at that time never had anyone teach him anything related to state governance.

  During his short study career, what his teachers asked him to do the most was meaningless memorization, and all of them were memorizing the Book of Songs, Book of Rites and the like.

  This has led to the fact that the child doesn't want to study at all now—he is really afraid of the oppressive, heavy, and boring learning atmosphere every time he goes to class.

Pei Huaiyu could understand the child's subconscious rejection of reading. He thought, anyway, the child has learned most of the commonly used words, and even if the child never reads again, the child's life will not be affected. Bad effect.

  In this case, instead of persuading the child to read more, he might as well follow his mind and let him learn what he is interested in.

  However, what made him rather speechless was that An Lehou was not even interested in the piano, chess, calligraphy, painting, poetry, wine, flower tea that he gave examples.

He was just a puppet emperor in name only, except for the annual palace banquet, he has never heard anyone else play the piano, but every year the palace banquet is where he has to work hard to cooperate with the Queen Mother in acting. occasion.

   At that time, it was too late for him to be nervous, so he didn't have the thought to enjoy some singing and dancing music.

  He used to often see the empress dowager playing Go with others, but now whenever he sees the chess pieces, he will recall all the misfortunes he experienced when he was in the empress dowager's palace.

  Because he is often punished for copying scriptures, he has the same psychological shadow on practicing calligraphy as he does on playing chess and reciting poems.

  As for painting, brewing wine, growing flowers, and tasting tea, An Lehou said that although he didn't have much in-depth contact with these, he knew that he was not very interested in them.

  Pei Huaiyu was stared at by his innocent and candid little eyes, and was embarrassed to show her speechlessness.

   Not only can't show it, he even has to comfort him against his will, and patiently take him to try various things together from time to time, so that he can find something that interests him.

Not to mention, his efforts were really effective. After the two of them tried no less than twenty kinds of miscellaneous knowledge that Pei Huaiyu thought An Lehou could learn, An Lehou really found two of them that he was more interested in. of.

   First of all, he became obsessed with stargazing at night on every night that is not cloudy, rainy or snowy.

   Well, as far as he knows nothing about astronomy and geography, his so-called stargazing at night should actually be called "I just want to sit on a high place and watch the stars".

  In addition to "stargazing at night", An Lehou is also obsessed with making inkstones from mud. Among all the things that Pei Huaiyu has tried with him, he feels that he is the happiest when playing with mud, cough, making Chengni inkstones.

   Then, in order to make An Lehou's life better, Pei Huaiyu, after obtaining his own consent, added five courses to him: Daqi law, basic etiquette, health boxing, equestrianism, and general affairs.

   There will be more updates in the afternoon~



  (end of this chapter)