MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 457 Double favor +15

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  Chapter 457 Double favor +15

  Mr. accountant came very quickly, there were ten accountants in a row. If it wasn't for the load of things, Princess Zhaoqing felt that she would be very stressed at the moment_(:з」∠)_

  After all, if there were only three melons and two dates, she would be sorry for the ten accountants Ye Anlan called her

  She signaled the guards to take out her and Pei Huaiyu's share first, "This belongs to me and my son-in-law. When the British government erects a merit monument, remember to engrave my name and my son-in-law's name together."

Ye Anlan agreed without even thinking about it. As long as Princess Zhaoqing is willing to give the money, not to mention that she just asked Ye Anlan to engrave the names of Princess Zhaoqing and Pei Huaiyu together, she just asked Ye Anlan to make a wedding ceremony for their husband and wife alone. Ye Anlan had no objection to a monument of merit.

  Princess Zhaoqing was very satisfied with Ye Anlan's attitude, and she pointed to other boxes, "These were donated by my imperial grandmother. She hopes that the British Duke can also engrave my imperial grandfather's name on the merit tablet."

  Ye Anlan continued to nod, "No problem!"

  Eldest Princess Zhaoqing smiled even wider, "And these, donated by my father and queen mother, and donated by my royal brother and sister-in-law."

  Ye Anlan looked at the accountants registering the books, and nodded vigorously to Princess Zhaoqing, "Princess, don't worry, I will definitely write the names of your father, mother, queen, brother and sister-in-law together."

  Princess Zhaoqing nodded contentedly, "Then please trouble sister Ye~"

  Ye Anlan waved her hands and shook her head, "The more 'troubles' like this, the better for me."

Princess Zhaoqing was amused by her sincerity, she took out a bronzing invitation card and handed it to Ye Anlan, "I will hold a flower viewing banquet at the Princess Mansion in ten days, if Sister Ye is free, why don't you also come to Fusheng for half a day?" .”

  Ye Anlan subconsciously wanted to refuse, but thinking about Princess Zhaoqing's generous donation today, Ye Anlan immediately looked forward to Princess Zhaoqing's flower viewing feast in her heart.

  She received the invitation, "I will definitely come."

  Princess Zhaoqing couldn't help laughing, she felt as if she heard the sound of copper coins colliding with each other from Ye Anlan's categorical words.

But thinking that Ye Anlan was digging doors and stealing holes to find money for the purpose of paving roads, building bridges and docks, not for his own enjoyment, Princess Zhaoqing made up her mind to help Ye Anlan so that she could go smoothly , Raise expenses more quickly.

  After leaving Ye Anlan's place, Princess Zhaoqing instructed the nuns beside her to "unintentionally" tell their acquaintances in other dignitary mansions about the donations from the royal family.

  With them spreading the word in the middle, and Princess Zhaoqing moderately hinting at the flower viewing banquet, there must be more people who want to be famous at Ye Anlan's place to donate money.

  At this time, Princess Zhaoqing didn't know about it, because the amount of silver donated by their family was really huge. After reading the account books, Ye Anlan actually had people customize a lot of merit tablets for them.

According to Princess Zhaoqing's request, Ye Anlan customized four kinds of steles. The first type is about the late Mrs. Xie and the Empress Dowager couple, the second type is about the couple of the Supreme Emperor and the Empress Dowager. The third type is about the couple of the emperor and the empress, and the fourth type is about the couple of Princess Zhaoqing and Pei Huaiyu.

And in order to make these four steles the most conspicuous, the most convenient for Xie Yuan to promote the benevolence and love for the people of the Daqi royal family, and the most beneficial for Princess Zhaoqing and Pei Huaiyu to show their love to the world, Ye Anlan did not make these four couples The donation was used for the section of the road that had already been repaired, but started from the west gate, north gate, northwest gate, and northeast gate of the capital, and then rebuilt a large section outside.

  In addition, the royal family members donated a lot of money. In order to accurately mark the distance of the distance, and also to facilitate the following follow-up courtiers and dignitaries, Ye Anlan did not change her strategy of erecting a stone tablet every 100 miles.

  She was not stingy at all, and assigned several stone tablets to the members of the royal family according to the amount of donations.

  Anyway, on the stele with their names engraved on it, although the name on the top of the stele has been repeated several times, the "××" below the stele, which says "there is still ×× miles from the capital", is always changing.

  With this ever-changing figure, the contribution of the royal family members to the construction of the road can be seen at a glance.

   Among them, the most eye-catching cubs are undoubtedly the most wealthy emperor and empress couple. The sum of money they gave was more than 800 miles for road construction.

   In addition, Ye Anlan also used the money they donated to build a durable small stone bridge.

  Of course, there is also a stone stele engraved with the names of the emperor and empress at the head of the bridge.

  What Ye Anlan didn't know was that about three quarters of the money paid by the empress and empress came from the empress.

  Although she doesn't have a few natal family members left, she has so much wealth that she can't spend it all in ten lifetimes.

  Finally, there was an opportunity to increase her reputation and influence in a fair and honest manner. The queen was not stingy at all, and very generously took out a large bundle of silver notes and some gold and silver ingots.

  But Xie Yuan is different. Although he is in charge of the world in name, he is actually the hardest worker in the world.

  Although he felt that the small treasury was bleeding heavily, the value of the "special funds for paving roads and bridges" he asked his sister to hand over still only accounted for one-third of what the empress took out at will ╮(︶﹏︶)╭

  Under normal circumstances, there is such a disparity in donations between the emperor and empress, which is actually quite embarrassing.

  But Ye Anlan was inspired by Princess Zhaoqing, and managed to win the double favor of Xie Yuan and his wife by "writing the names of the husband and wife together".

  Xie Yuan was happy because Ye Anlan helped him save his face as an emperor, and didn't let him lose face because of the lack of donated money.

The queen was happy, firstly because she was the only queen whose name was lined up with Xie Yuan's name on those merit tablets, and none of the Yingyingyanyans in Xie Yuan's harem were treated this way, and secondly because Ye Anlan Considering that it would be too much space to write only two names, and it would not be able to arouse the urge to infiltrate those who pursue false fame to the maximum extent, so she took the trouble and briefly introduced the identities of Xie Yuan and his wife.

  As the founding king of Daqi, it is only natural for Xie Yuan to leave his name in official history. If it wasn't for winning the hearts of the people, he would never want to engrave his name on the monument of merit.

   But the empress is different.

  As far as she knows, there are not many queens who can leave their full names in history. Most of them just have a surname, and then they are briefly introduced who her father is and where their family is from.

  The queen didn't want to do this. If possible, she hoped that she could also leave a complete name to be known to future generations.

  (end of this chapter)