MTL - My Parents Are Omnipotent-Chapter 467 What happened to the Liu family

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  Chapter 467 The encounter with the Liu family

  After Ye Anlan and Li Jing left the capital, the stewards, servants, and guards sent by the Ye family, the Su family, and the Zheng family also left the capital with large and small bags.

   At the same time, a large number of scholars from all over the country also poured into the capital.

   Among them, there is Ye Anlan's ex-fiancé Liu Zhihong who the Ye family sincerely hoped that they would never see each other again in this life.

  Liu Zhihong relied on Yue's family, and his life was pretty good these years, but his parents and younger sister did not have such a good life as Liu Zhihong.

After Liu Zhihong's parents and sister were captured by the rioters, Liu Zhihong's father, Liu Feng, knew that it was inconvenient to deliver news in troubled times, and they could not just rely on their son to rescue them, so after being arrested, they took an opportunity to protect their wife, Wang Shi, and daughter Liu Zhiyuan. run away.

  His decision is correct, but his wife and daughter are used to holding people back.

  His daughter Liu Zhiyuan didn't learn a lesson from the consequences of her willful pampering at all. After Liu Feng and Wang took her away for a while, she lost her temper and went on strike.

   From her point of view, they could obviously continue to stay there with food, drink and shelter, quietly waiting for her brother to bring money to redeem them, but her parents insisted on running away.

   Run away, run away, if they want to escape, they are well prepared!

   But what about them?

   Said to run, and then ran away without any preparation.

  There is only a little bit of food and water, and there is no car for transportation.

  The most exaggerated thing is that they don't even have any money.

  If you don’t have money, you can’t buy a car, you can’t stay in a store, you can’t have enough food and clothing.

  As long as she thinks that she is about to live a life like a beggar and a refugee, Liu Zhiyuan's resentment towards her parents will instantly fill her heart.

  She was panting heavily, holding her hands on her knees and refusing to walk.

In order to avoid the suspicion of the guards, Liu Feng, who has not analyzed their situation with his wife and daughter, was almost blown away by his spoiled daughter. When they got up, they would definitely be discovered by the rioters in charge of the night watch, and Liu Feng didn't dare to give her two slaps.

  He could only bear it, endured his anger, and then resigned himself to his fate and continued to escape with his daughter on his back.

   But you think this is the end?

   Not really.

  During their subsequent escape, Liu Zhiyuan played tricks every day.

  On the other hand, she still felt that she had been greatly wronged. She couldn't listen to Liu Feng's whatever he said, and Wang's heart ached for her daughter, and she always spoke up for Liu Zhiyuan against Liu Feng's anger.

  Liu Feng beat and scolded, but the effect was so small that it almost made him despair.

  In addition, he still has to worry about the food and drink of the family of three, there are actually not many times when he can take care of Liu Zhiyuan.

   This led to, and soon Liu Zhiyuan got him into trouble again.

   Liu Feng was looking for food, but he missed her by mistake, so she got into a group of hungry and crazy mobs, and together with those people, went to rob the local villagers.

  Her mother, Wang, did not stop her, and chased after her and went with her. Then, the two died in the chaos of the rioters and villagers in order to protect Liu Zhiyuan.

   As for Liu Zhiyuan, although she survived by chance, she injured her face and an arm during the escape.

   When Liu Zhihong found her, not only was she disfigured, but her arm was also terribly swollen.

  Liu Zhihong found a doctor for her, but because of the delay in treatment, her face and arms were not healed in the end.

   After many years, she still has a disfigured face and a left arm that dare not use force.

  Liu Zhihong didn't mind being blamed by her, after all, the misfortune of his parents and sister had something to do with him indirectly.

  If he didn't instruct his father to help him withdraw the marriage, then the Ye family would not turn against the Liu family. If they didn't, the Ye family would still help and protect the Liu family as before.

Taking a step back, if after he got married, instead of choosing to leave his parents and sisters in his hometown because of his own reputation, but to take them with him so that they could also take shelter in his father-in-law's house, then they would be fine too. won't be caught.

   It can be said that the death of his parents is all because they gave birth to two daughters who are like debt collectors, he and his sister.

   Liu Zhihong is selfish, snobbish, desperate to climb up, but at the same time he is not hypocritical at all, he never minds admitting that he is selfish, snobbish, desperate to climb up.

  This kind of strange frankness of "I am a real villain" made him very able to face his own responsibilities and mistakes.

  But Liu Zhiyuan is different. Even if her willful behavior hurts her parents several times, she never reflects or even blames herself.

  She blamed Liu Feng and Liu Zhihong for all her faults, thinking that it was the father and son who caused her today.

   In the next few years, she often tossed Liu Zhihong and his wife confidently because of her face and arms.

  Liu Zhihong didn't take it seriously, but Liu Zhihong's wife Qian Shi got annoyed with Liu Zhiyuan because of this.

  Qian Shi is vicious, and she is much more capricious than Liu Zhiyuan.

When she first arrived at the Liu family, she was not even familiar with the village, so she dared to pay for the Ye family. Later, she had the help of her mother's family, and it was not easy to deal with Liu Zhiyuan, who hated ghosts. .

Liu Zhiyuan was designed by her to have a physical relationship with others. Liu Zhihong asked her to choose between becoming a aunt and marrying immediately. Liu Zhiyuan made a fuss and found that her brother had no intention of changing her mind. In the end, she could only marry with full of resentment. people.

  She compromised, but at the same time she hated Liu Zhihong and his wife because of it.

Later, she helped outsiders and cheated the Qian family. The Qian family asked Liu Zhihong for justice and asked him to compensate her family. However, Liu Zhihong resolutely rejected the Qian family's offer because the Qian family had fallen and was no longer useful to him. The lion opened his mouth wide.

   Because of this, the Qian family was rejected by her natal family, and Liu Zhiyuan was killed by the Qian family who couldn't swallow this bad breath.

  Liu Zhihong pretended to be ignorant, and acquiesced to the Qian family's retaliation against Liu Zhiyuan by their own means.

Of course, this is not because Liu Zhihong has a sense of justice, he just has had enough of Liu Zhiyuan, and he doesn't want to have such a person in his future life who is not successful enough to fail, and the meaning of life is to give him nothing but trouble. A troublesome sister.

  The Qian family is willing to solve his troubles. While avoiding the notoriety, he can even turn around and use it as an excuse to break with the Qian family openly.

  As for the arrogant and domineering Qian family in the past, because she indirectly led to the decline of the Qian family and Liu Zhiyuan was killed by the Qian family, she was abandoned by her natal family and rejected by her husband at the same time.

  (end of this chapter)