MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-Chapter 314 : "I haven't eaten white rice for a long time, and my mouth is a little itchy."

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Soon, the group made a decision.

Carrying flowers, cigarettes, wine, fruits, melon seeds and peanuts and other things to go to the grave.

They didn't have these things.

But... in the random treasure box two days ago, there were too many messy things, so I just brought all these messy things with me this time.

The melon seeds and peanuts opened from the random treasure box, they have been eating for two days, but they have not finished eating, it is really a bit too much.

This time, invite their Blue Star father to eat a little too.

As for that flower... yes, it came from that random treasure chest too.

They can all imagine what kind of mood it would be when a human player worked so hard to kill 100 mechanical players, then exchanged a random treasure chest and opened a bunch of flowers.

After all, not everyone is like them, who can slaughter mechanical players so easily.

For many human players, killing machine players can only find the kind of single or small team to kill, which is still a bit inefficient.

It is estimated that the player who opened this bouquet of flowers does not have anything like love and pace in their minds. They should all be words like thief and your mother.


When three cigarettes were lit and inserted in front of the tomb, a mysterious religious ceremony that had been studied for a long time by later generations began.


It's just that the ending this time may be a bit disappointing for a few people.

After the mysterious religious ceremony, Li Hao went out to find the treasure chest for a long time, but he didn't find a single talent enhancement order, let alone seven or eight, not even one.

According to common sense.

When their religious ceremonies are over, they will accidentally find what they want in a treasure chest while searching nearby, like last time, but this time it seems...ineffective.

"What do you mean?"

Scardog said with some doubts: "This time it doesn't work? Is it withered?"

"Is this not going to work?"

"Would you like to give Lanxing's father something like a deer antler and sheep whip?"

"What do you think?"

Li Hao shook his head, frowned, and said, "Blue Star's father is just Blue Star's world origin consciousness. It should have no substance. Those things you said are not reliable."

"But a little of what you said is useful."

"That is, Blue Star's father may really be withered. It may be because he gave us the space tattoo last time, and the origin consciousness of the world is almost exhausted."

"Doesn't it mean that with the progress of the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, the consciousness of the origin of the world will gradually be annihilated?"

"And our Blue Star's world origin consciousness usually gives us these props. It is estimated that the world origin consciousness will disappear faster."

"Then what?"

"Naturally, what is missing makes up for what."

Li Hao said with a serious expression: "There is a saying in my hometown that you can eat what you lack. This is called diet therapy on Blue Star. It has a long history. If you lack the brain, you will eat the brain.

"Since the world origin consciousness is missing, then it's good to make up for the world origin consciousness."

"There are so many planets in the federation. If we grab one planet and take out the world origin consciousness of this planet and feed it to Father Blue Star, it should make up a lot."

"Eh...that seems like a good idea."

After thinking about it for a while, Scar Dog nodded in agreement: "But, do you know how to extract the world origin consciousness of a planet?"

"I don't know, but the Federation must have relevant information. Don't forget that the Ten Thousand Race Arena was created by the Federation, in order to take advantage of the existence of the origin consciousness of the planetary world."

Chen Jiang, who was standing on the sidelines, nodded after listening to this conversation. When he even started to contact Heiou Company, he began to ask if he knew how to extract the origin consciousness of a planetary world.

He felt that both of them were right.

Blue Star's world origin consciousness may indeed be a little weak, and it should be almost just right to eat a few planets to make up for it.

It makes sense to make up for what is missing.

Orange star is good.

There shouldn't be too many problems with taking tonic, but this process may be a bit cumbersome and requires some effort.

Or "star"?

Chen Jiang began to think thoughtfully. He remembered that X mentioned "ball star", which is a kind of football star with huge energy inside. Wouldn't this kind of planet be more nutritious?

Or eat it all.

It shouldn't be bad anyway.

It's just that how to feed the blue star's source consciousness is still a problem, but this matter has to be pushed back, and we will consider this matter later. Now let's consider how to extract a planet's source consciousness.

Maybe ask x.

The "CBD" organization seems to understand this.

Soon, the communication screen was dialed.

The other party's picture is a little shaky and the lights are not clear, and a heavy breathing sound can be heard.


Chen Jiang was silent for a while before he said, "How about I hang up and wait for you for three minutes?"

"Need not."

The voice at the other end of the screen was a little hurried and panting and said, "I'm on a mission, Mr. Jiang Cheng, did you forget that I told you three days ago that I was going to perform a very dangerous mission?"

"...Forget, you don't look like it's very convenient now. When it's convenient for you to come down and send me a message."

"No, I'm very convenient now. What is Mr. Jiang Cheng's order?"

"I want to take time out of a planet's world origin consciousness, what should I do?"


The other side of the screen was obviously stunned, and then it began to shake violently in the dark light again, and it could be seen that X seemed to be running wild: "The method is very simple, just like trying to twitch the sandwich in sandwich bread, use A straw is fine."

"The origin consciousness of the world exists in the deepest part of the earth's core."

"But the world origin consciousness extracted is useless. I would rather die than give up. I cannot use these world origin consciousness to create any props. Only by using the Arena of Ten Thousand Races can we rationally use the world origin consciousness."

"This point, many people in the federation have experimented many times. The exact conclusion is that the world origin consciousness that was forcibly drawn out is completely useless."

"Would you rather die than give in?"

"Well, I would definitely rather die than give in."

"That's okay, I just want it to die."


There was a pause on the screen again, and after a while, a voice came: "Mr. Jiang Cheng is so elegant."

"But to extract the origin consciousness of the world, you must contact a professional company, and you need a set of expensive and precise instruments."

"And the Federation does not allow the collection of world origin consciousness on the planets within the Nicholas Galaxy Federation. It can only do it on the planets outside the Nicholas Galaxy Federation. Almost all planets in the Ten Thousand Race Arena are from outside the galaxy, and occasionally Throwing a few sin stars into the Arena of Ten Thousand Races is rare."

"If Mr. Jiang Cheng, you plan to attack the planets in the galaxy federation, you will be wanted by the federation, and..."

Not finished yet.

The words of X, who was running for his life, stiffened in place, because he suddenly realized that being wanted didn't seem to mean anything to Mr. Jiang Cheng.

"That...even if it doesn't matter, but no professional company is willing to accept the work of extracting the origin consciousness of the world on the planets in the galaxy federation."

"I have lots of money."

"It's not about money, I don't want to give more money. After all, Mr. Jiang Cheng, you can't be caught. Those companies are different. Every such company has been reported to the federal government. Can't run away."

"Even if they give more money, this group of people is not willing to take these risks."

"I have other things besides money that should convince them."


The screen froze again.

X, who was on the run, suddenly felt as if he couldn't keep up with Mr. Jiang Cheng's way of thinking. Is this person's way of solving problems so rude?

What can be solved with money, can be solved with money.

What cannot be solved with money, can be solved with firepower.

Cheng Yaojin still has three axes, and Mr. Jiang Cheng only has two axes.

But I have to say... Mr. Jiang Cheng's two axes are much better than Chen Yaojin's three axes.

Sure enough, the best way to solve a problem is often very simple?

He was silent while running away, and after a while he said, "That's all right, you can contact the "Grave Digging Company", this company leases professional equipment and has professional employees who specialize in this line of work. "

"Their offer should be more expensive."

"But it doesn't matter, they shouldn't be able to refuse your offer, Mr. Jiang Cheng."

"I'll send you his business card."


Chen Jiang nodded lightly, glanced at the x in the picture, and said casually, "Where is this?"

"In the stomach of a star beast."

"Big enough."

"It's quite big. The length of this star behemoth is equivalent to the diameter of a commercial living star, which is several thousand kilometers."

"good luck."

"By auspicious words."


The screen hangs up.

A solution was quickly found, and at this time, there was also information from Heiou Company, saying that there was a "grave-digging company" that did this business, and He X recommended a company.

It seems that the company has a good reputation in the industry.

It's just that this company's name sounds a bit unlucky, more like a company doing archaeology.

"The goal is already there, very clear."

Scardog paused for a moment, and then suggested: "How to say, smuggled out to find this "grave digging company" to talk about life? "

"I have already thought about the name of this global smuggling activity, so it's called "Eagle Catching the Rabbit". "

"Players will be suspicious. Three consecutive events with the same content, but with a different name, may guess what the few of us are doing. Anyway, there must be a conspiracy."

"Guess it, guess it, what effect can it have on us."

"If Brother Jiang didn't want the Wanzu Arena to end too early, our preparation time was too short, and all other foreign players would have been cleaned up long ago."


In fact, with Chen Jiang's current strength, as long as it takes a certain amount of time, he can completely clear all the alien players in the Ten Thousand Race Arena within a few days.

This is not difficult.

This is also because the planet of Wanzu Arena has been specially expanded, and its volume is several times larger than that of the orange star, otherwise it will be faster.

But... after all these alien players died, the Ten Thousand Race Arena was over, and they had to lead the human race to face the Federation for a period of time.

This is an unwinnable battle.

So, have to wait.

They have to wait until the Arena of Ten Thousand Races ends normally, which will bring them a long development period.

And let the human race players have more experience, otherwise, if the human race players have no combat power at all, it is impossible for him to protect all the race players after going out.

He is only able to hold up a big banner for the human race players, so that the human race players will not be slaughtered by downgrading as soon as they show up. In the end, which step the human race players can go to depends on the human race players themselves.

This is the place he can't help Terran players to do.

Several people are activists.

Just do it.

There was no hesitation.

At the same time as the sound of the global event "Eagle Catches the Rabbit" sounded in the ears of all players, Chen Jiang and others came to the Federation as disappeared rabbits.

Smuggling again.

This is the first time they have smuggled in, they forgot.

But I don't know why, every smuggling always creates a **** storm, but in fact they didn't think so much at first.


"Is it fun?"

Scardog sat on a bus, looked at the game on the watch of a young man beside him with some curiosity and said with a smile: "Lianliankan?"

"I played it when I was a kid, and it was pretty fun."

"What is Lianliankan?"

I saw that the young man turned off the screen projected by the watch on the back of the chair with a disdainful expression, and did not want the scar dog to continue to watch: "This is the most popular little game, and everyone who knows the trend is playing it. "

"Where did you come from, how many years have you been in the country, you don't know?"

"Look at it again and again, it's embarrassing."

"Did I talk to you? Who told you to gossip?"


Scar Dog was expressionless and silent for a while before looking at the young man beside him and said, "We all play other games over there."

"what game?"

"Death roulette, the rules of the game are that two people face each other, take out a revolver full of bullets, take out a bullet, and then fire one shot in turn, whoever falls first loses."

"I don't play any game played by fools."

There was a glimmer of unease in the young man's eyes, and he leaned his body out uneasily, biting his head and saying stubbornly.

Scardog didn't care what the young man said, but took out a revolver from his arms, loaded bullets one by one in front of the young man, took out another, and then aimed at his chin without saying a word, and buckled on the spot. Pull the trigger.


The sound of the trigger shot empty came, and the gun was empty.

Scardog grinned, and slowly raised the revolver to aim at the young man's head and said, "Next, it's your turn."


Gunshots sounded!

The bullet rubbed the young man's scalp and shot out, bringing out a blood line!


! "

"Killed, killed!


A piercing scream sounded in the bus. The young man felt the tingling pain from the top of his head, and touched his scalp in horror. After seeing the blood on his hand, he couldn't help but rushed to the window with his eyes full of fear. He was very decisive. He jumped out of the car and ran away!

"whispering sound."

Looking at the sound of the young man escaping, Scar Dog did not catch up, but leaned against the window casually, looking at the scenery that was slowly flying backwards outside the window, and put his feet on the position where the young man was sitting just now. road.

"This child, speaking so aggressively, will die on the street sooner or later."

"The federation is not really such a purely legal society."

"What's wrong with a child?"

Li Hao, who was separated by a passage from Scar Dog, spit out a live ammunition from his mouth at will, and then said, "Be punctual next time, the smell of gunpowder is quite unpleasant."

"Is the place we went to this time really reliable?"


Scardog shook his head: "Anyway, the Heiou Company said so, if it's not reliable, it will be raised with the ashes of the Heiou Company."

"It's been a long time since I ate the white feast, and my mouth is itchy."

"Tsk tsk...Scar dog, you are too hostile now, Heiou Company is a friend of Jiang Cheng Company."

"It's only friends who say this, not friends, how can we let us go to the banquet, and it is absolutely wiped out that there is no one who can hold a white banquet for them."

"...makes sense."

Chen Jiang, on the other hand, was sitting in a row in front of Scar Dog by the window, holding his cane in his arms, looking out the window at the scenery flying behind him, his face calm and silent.

This planet can only use this old-fashioned gasoline tool.

I can't use any means of transportation such as maglev. The reason is that the magnetic field of this planet seems to be a little different. Anyway, all vehicles on this planet burn this kind of oil. As for why it doesn't consume electricity, he also not very clear.

And this time-

A girl sitting next to him, after swept away Chen Jiang's profile and the gentleman's attire many times, finally felt that she might regret missing this time, so she couldn't help leaning slightly towards Chen Jiang. Jiang, a small voice like a fly.

"My name is Rubing."

I heard a voice ringing in my ear, and an inexplicable fragrance.

Chen Jiang held his breath subconsciously and activated the self-defense props and detoxification props in an instant. Then he turned his head to look at the girl sitting beside him, observed it closely, and then suddenly said with a smile.

"I'm a country man."


The girl was stunned in place, not understanding what it meant?

Country people?

What does countryman mean? She didn't ask if the man was from the country.

According to common sense, shouldn't this man reply his name?

And how could this man be dressed like a countryman? Countrymen would not use this kind of defeat. The clothes, sticks and hat, including the scarlet spots that were not very clear on the shoes, were all custom-made at first glance.

This kind of is not cheap.

Immediately afterwards, the man was heard smiling again.

"And in our country, we often play a game called Death Roulette."

"Especially when meeting new people."

next second—

She heard the revolver's distinctive sound of the magazine turning.

It was followed by a crisp trigger sound, followed by a sound.



ps: Today’s update is a little 20,000 words, so-so, okay, let’s continue to work hard tomorrow, today’s update volume is starting to ask for tickets, can you arrange the monthly tickets of the bosses?

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