MTL - My Turret Has a Caliber of Three Thousand Meters-~ Three hundred and twentieth: The best way to deal with the traces at the scene is not to destroy the traces, but…

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"How to live?"

Scardog walked to the window, held the severed finger on top of his head, observed the condition of the severed finger in the sun, and said casually, "Without all the power in my body, how can I live?"

"You didn't read what was written on the wall. It takes hundreds of millions of believers to call out the name of this **** in their hearts, so that this **** can wake up?"

"If it was so easy to wake up, then she didn't need to fall into a deep sleep back then, just cut herself with a knife before she fell asleep."

"However, I have a general understanding of the formation of gods. Basically, as long as the devout believers are used as the medium, enough differentiated world origin consciousness is concentrated on oneself, and gods are formed."

"Other than that, there's not much difficulty."

"That is to say, if you want, you can actually copy a **** in the current federal environment."

"That's right."

Li Hao nodded in agreement and said: "This is the same as the Arena of Ten Thousand Races, it is a way of using the origin consciousness of the planetary world. The Arena of Ten Thousand Races is to make the origin consciousness of these worlds into props, and the gods are to use the origin consciousness of these worlds. to itself."

"But in the current federal environment, it is still relatively difficult to find such relatively ignorant citizens."

"But you can make yourself a **** through the mode of batch brainwashing, or by looking for wild-inhabited planets outside the Federation, and by absorbing the beliefs of the inhabitants of those wild-inhabited planets."

"After this method of utilizing the source consciousness of the world is exposed, it will definitely bring a lot of influence. Many companies and federations that have the strength to explore externally should use this method to artificially create gods for themselves."

"This may have a certain impact on us, so we must make a response in advance, in case the enemy suddenly summons a **** in the future, causing a dimensionality reduction blow to us, it will be difficult to resist."

Scardog frowned and pondered for a while before saying, "We currently don't have the ability to explore outside the galaxy federation, and since we can only sneak out of the federation, we don't have much time to do this kind of thing."

"It is still very difficult for us to artificially create gods."

"But isn't the essence of gods the carrier of the origin consciousness of the world? Using the origin consciousness of the world to break through the rules of the universe, in this case, we can completely raise a god."

"Like Blue Star's father?"

"We can use the constant capture of the world's origin consciousness for him to continuously increase the strength of Blue Star's father, so that when the enemy moves out of the gods in the future, we will directly let Blue Star's father rush up!"

"There are certain drawbacks to this."

Li Hao shook his head and denied: "First of all, we are not sure whether Blue Star's father can devour the origin consciousness of the world, and whether he can increase his own strength if he devours the origin consciousness of the world."

"Second, we still need to have the power to face the gods. After all, we can't be sure whether the Blue Star father is on the same front as us. If we feed the Blue Star father strong enough, one day the Blue Star father will do something to us. , then we will be very difficult to guard against.”

"Although this possibility is unlikely, we have to think about it in advance."


Chen Jiang nodded lightly, paused for a while, and set a tone for himself: "The future things will be temporarily dealt with, this time mainly to focus on the body of this **** and the origin consciousness of the orange star's world. Bring back."

"We'll talk about it later."

God, in fact, it just sounds better.

In essence, it is the carrier of the original consciousness of the world, and all abilities come from the original consciousness of the world of a certain planet, and the strongest is the original consciousness of the world, not God.

It's just that ordinary people can't bear the origin consciousness of the world, let alone use it.

Just like making props, the origin consciousness of the world has the power to break the rules of the universe.

For example, the talent "want transformation"!

This is a talent that has no upper limit as long as you have enough one-star props!

Six hours passed quickly.

Liu Yishou's preparations were also perfected. In front of the Federation's eyes, the operation to extract the consciousness of the origin of the orange star's world began.

This action will definitely attract the attention of many people.

It's been a long time since there was such a daring chaotic force.

And when a planet's world origin consciousness is taken away, the planet will wither at a speed that is almost visible to the naked eye, until it perishes.

Just as God opens a window for man, he closes the other.

Although the universe gives the world origin consciousness on each planet the ability to break through the rules of the universe, it also deprives them of their wisdom.

The world origin consciousness of almost all planets has the ability to be close to God, and can do almost everything they want, but their intelligence is only about two or three years old.

They don't seem to be aware of their own abilities, or how effective their abilities can be, let alone how to use them rationally.

If all the origin consciousness of the world has the wisdom of normal men.

In the entire universe, there will be no other races, and there will be only one race in the entire universe, and that is the Protoss!

That is, the planet family!

It is a pity that these world origin consciousnesses do not know that they can do this, or they should be lucky!

It was only after the technology of the Arena of Ten Thousand Races came out that people realized which methods could be used to utilize this kind of world origin consciousness, which was not very intelligent.

At this time, the excavation has already started.


Estimated time is 8 hours.

After 8 hours, the origin consciousness of the world on the orange star will be extracted and placed in a specific container.

In fact, this is a relatively cruel behavior. The word cruelty is not only applicable to human beings, it is applicable to many places, but it is difficult to empathize.

And at this time-

Chen Jiang suddenly received a message.

sent by x.

The content of the message is very simple, with only three lines.

"The Federation found a sleeping **** in this civilization ruin, a goddess."

"The Federation is going to use this **** for auction, and the auction time is set in three days."

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, are you interested in this?"


Looking at the three lines in front of him, Chen Jiang couldn't help but fall into silence for a while. He really didn't know why the Federation made such a choice. A sleeping god, if you consider it from the perspective of the Federation, isn't the significance of scientific research more important? ?

Why do you take it out for auction, is your brain funny?

Is the federation short of this star coin?

If the decision-making level of the federation is like this, then it is estimated that he does not need to do it. In just a few years, the federation itself will be divided.

Then he opened his mouth with some doubts.

"The federation is short of this star coin?"


The chat box paused for a while before a new message popped up.

"Actually, it's not that the federation lacks this star coin, but that this operation has not been reported by the outside world, but many people in the federation actually know about it."

"The federation is the federation of personal feelings."

"Once you have important information, as a trusted confidant, you naturally have to tell your boss, then your boss tells your boss, and then you tell the good friend, and there are many trusted confidants in this federal exploration team, and that's it."

"The headquarters of the Federal Research Institute naturally issued an order to this god's body at the first time, ready to use it for scientific research, was blocked by many people."

"Some words, I don't know how to say, is that people with power... often don't lose money, and they have a lot of money, and they have enjoyed a lot in this life."

"A beauty that is rare for mortals to see, they are about to play bad."

"In this case, when this goddess came out, it immediately attracted a lot of people's attention."

"The goddess is tired of playing, but this kind of real goddess is said to be tired of playing, but I have never seen it before."

"So... just when the federal investigation team was about to comply with the orders of the Federal Scientific Research Headquarters and transport the body of this goddess back, they received more orders like goose feathers."

"An official is bigger than an official."

"Of course there are various reasons. The most outrageous is that there is a deputy star leader of the twelve prosperous planets in the Federation, who said that he would take away the body of this goddess and take it back to be the landmark building of their planet."

"Although there are various reasons, but everyone knows what they are thinking."

"In this case, the Federal Scientific Research Headquarters is in a stalemate with this group of people."

"Although the Federal Scientific Research Headquarters is directly affiliated to the Nicholas Galaxy Federation, its status is theoretically higher than that of any planet. The star leader of any planet, seeing a small member of the Scientific Research Headquarters, is an equal member, but... a group of If you are engaged in scientific research, how can you understand politics and connections.”

"It's not like the Federal Weapons Research and Development Department, which talks about research and development at the same time as business. The people in the department are not too rigid, there are a lot of connections, and there are things to grasp the fate of other planets. The scientific research headquarters is a pure soft persimmon. , anyone can come and pinch it.”

"So the result is... directly crushed."

"The reason why the stalemate has been so long now is entirely because those other people have froze together, otherwise this federal scientific research headquarters would have been kicked out long ago."

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, you also know that theoretical status does not equal actual status."

"Finally, under a mysterious force, the two sides negotiated and reached an agreement."

"That is, the body of this goddess will be auctioned off in three days, all anonymously, and the highest bidder will win."

"But the auctioneer must reach an agreement with the auctioneer, that is, three days after the auction, the body of this goddess must be cleaned and returned to the Federal Research Headquarters."

"Let the research headquarters be used for research."

"That's probably the case... It's equivalent to putting it bluntly, you play for three days first, and I will study it after three days, so you can stop thinking about it."

"If it's really itchy, just take the money. Whoever bids the most will take it and play for three days."

"When I got the news, I immediately contacted Mr. Jiang Cheng to see if you are interested in this, Mr. Jiang Cheng. This auction is absolutely anonymous and everyone can participate."


Chen Jiang sat on the sofa expressionlessly and fell into silence again, and this time the silence was long enough that he no longer knew how to evaluate the current environment of the Federation.

I feel that the credibility of the Federation does not seem to be very strong.

Put it on the blue star, find this kind of thing, and say that it will be used for research, who dares... who dares... who dares...


This kind of thing doesn't seem to be very certain.

But even if it is uncertain, it will not be as blatant as the Federation.

"Thanks, I'm not interested."


Soon the other party's news came again.

Following this line of text, he seemed to see the shyness on X's face on the other side of the screen.

"Well, if you are not interested, Mr. Jiang Cheng, please ask Mr. Jiang Cheng if you have an unkindness."

"That's what, I have a business plan."

"As you know, Mr. Jiang Cheng, although my Rose Club has made a lot of noise, it's not very famous. I've been looking for an opportunity to make the Rose Club a hit."

"I think this time is a good opportunity."

"As long as I photograph this goddess and place it in my rose club, three days of fun!"

"This will not only completely boost the reputation of the Rose Club, but also exaggerately attract money!"

"Let's do a simple calculation!"

"A goddess can receive three customers at the same time, and one customer takes about ten minutes, that is, the turnaround time is ten minutes."

"That is to say, 1296 customers can be received in three days!"

"It's not too much for a customer to charge 100 million stars, right?"

"Just this one chance, if you pass this village, you won't have this store if you want to experience it again. For those rich people, this amount of money is a piece of shit!"

"This is a goddess!"

"I don't know how many years it has been passed down. Porcelain that has been passed down for thousands of years can be sold for sky-high prices, and abalone that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years can't be sold directly at this price?!"

"After three days like this, it's 129.6 billion!"

"In addition to other services, such as spectator positions, it's not too much to charge 10 million for this kind of energetic program? And there are places where you can get started and feel it. This kind of fee is 20 million yuan, and this kind of sporadic Together, there is probably an income of 80 billion!"

"This is the income of 200 billion!"

"As long as I take pictures of this goddess, I will definitely be able to take 200 billion star coins after entering my operation and talent!"

"Don't worry about the source of customers, I don't need too many customers in my hand. This kind of hot scene where the last customer just walks away and the next customer arrives and waits in line to turn over the table at an extremely fast speed is a business model that many catering companies dream of! "

"It's almost the start-up capital for auctioning this goddess!"

"I only have 200 million in my hand. I don't know Mr. Jiang Cheng... Could you lend me a little bit first? Don't worry, I will return thirteen after everything is done, and I understand the rules."


Chen Jiang fell into silence again, this time longer and longer.

He didn't know whether this was a cognitive difference brought about by different regional cultures.

He can understand every word that x says, but why can't he understand it when they are connected together?

After three days, will this thing still be used for research?

Fuck it... **** it up!

He couldn't help but cursed inwardly. Who are these people? Did the people he came into contact with just have a problem, or was the whole federation just like this?

Why does it feel like there are no normal people in the federation? !

He suppressed the urge to swear in his heart and calmed down as much as he could: "I can lend you 20 billion, and you can lend it to these people, maybe they can help you."

Immediately afterwards, he pushed the contact information of Wang Jili of Shark Company and Wu Xian of Heiou Company.

Yes, he borrowed the money even though he was speechless in his heart.

the reason is simple.

He is in opposition to the Federation.

If this goddess is really auctioned off by x, and spoiled for three days in a row, and then thrown to the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research, making it difficult for the Federal Ministry of Scientific Research to develop anything, it would also be a good thing for him.

The enemy's heartache is his pleasure.

Although this way makes him lose his temper, as long as the result is favorable for him.

"Thank you, Mr. Jiang Cheng, I have written down this great favor. Don't worry, Mr. Jiang Cheng, even if things don't work out, I will still return thirteen times. I will definitely not let Mr. Jiang Cheng's money go back intact."


Chen Jiang closed the chat box expressionlessly, and did not reply, but looked at Scar Dog: "Come here for a cigarette."


Scar Dog was stunned for a moment, and then he reacted and hurriedly took out a cigarette and handed it to Brother Jiang, and said slightly surprised: "Brother Jiang, when did you start smoking?"

Brother Jiang basically never smokes, why do you suddenly want to smoke today?

Could it be that something troubled happened?

That's not right, Brother Jiang doesn't have any women, so there's no such thing as a crush, and it's even more impossible if you encounter difficulties in your career. Isn't this smooth sailing?

Where is the problem?

Chen Jiang didn't speak, but sighed lightly, lit the cigarette, put it in his mouth, took a breath, and coughed a few times before he put the cigarette between his two fingers, The words were repeated briefly.


After listening, Scar Dog was also silent, sitting beside Jiang Ge with a slightly stiff body, also lit an eye, and looked at the blue smoke in front of him with shock and confusion.

Even Li Hao, who claimed to have quit smoking, lit one with an expressionless face, using cigarettes to release his emotions.

"What's going on here?"

Just after finishing their work, Wang Defa and Zhao Ritian, who pushed in the door from outside, looked at the scene of the three people in the office, and said a little dazedly: "What's the situation, Li Hao, didn't you say you quit smoking for a long time?"

"You listen to me."

Scardog shook the ash in the ashtray on the table with a sigh of relief, and said faintly.

After some talk.

Wang Defa and Zhao Ritian stood there expressionlessly, and after a long silence, they spoke.

"Stop talking, send me one too, and I'll accompany you all."

After a while.

Everyone's mood calmed down.

"how to say?"

Scardog pinched the cigarette that was about to burn out in the ashtray on the table and said with emotion: "This x is really a business genius, as far as I know that guy Wang Jili is also a business wizard, the two collide. If you go out, you might be able to burst out more sparks.”

"Let them do it over there."

"Anyway, as long as we can disgust the Federation, it will be good for us."

"If X is really successfully auctioned, I can imagine the ugly expressions on the faces of those in the Federal Scientific Research Department."

"It's just so interesting."

"All right."

Chen Jiang paused and turned to look at Wang Defa: "How is the situation on Liu Yishou's side?"

"no problem."

Hearing that he was talking about business, Wang Defa suddenly looked serious and said, "The excavation has already started smoothly, and the rest is to wait."

"The planet Orange Star has been temporarily abandoned, and the federal government has already left."

"The federal government of Orange Star is still applying for reconstruction funds and attracting foreign investment. So far, there are not many people on that planet, and there is almost no risk of exposure."

"As long as it is not reported, it is basically impossible to be discovered."

"That's fine."

Chen Jiang nodded lightly and didn't speak any more. This was their main task this time.

As for that civilization site, it's all incidental.

Soon, 8 hours passed.

Everything is going smooth.

There were no accidents along the way.

Chen Jiang took a small container handed over by Liu Yi, and after observing it for a while, he lightly raised his brows and said, "This is the world's origin consciousness?"


Liu Yishou said helplessly: "In the early days, when the Arena of Ten Thousand Races had not been developed, the Federation discovered that the planets actually have autonomous consciousness, that is, the origin consciousness of these worlds, and the origin consciousness of these worlds has a A very unique power that can even break the rules of the universe."

"But these world origin consciousnesses cannot be manipulated by people. Later, they developed a method to use the world origin consciousness to clear the arena of all races."

"Mr. Jiang Cheng, in this form of the world's origin consciousness, it will hardly be used by us. It must be done in the way of the Arena of Ten Thousand Races."

"But we have already extracted it. At this time, even throwing it into the Ten Thousand Race Arena will have no effect."


Chen Jiang shoved the small container into his arms with satisfaction, looked at Liu Yishou with a light smile and said, "You don't need to worry about this, it's hard work, the money that should be given to you has already arrived in your account, if everything goes well If so, I should still be looking for you in the future."

"Thank you for your appreciation."

Liu Yishou opened his mouth with a bit of bitterness: "But if this kind of beheading business is possible, try to find someone else next time. It's too nervous."

"Will not."

Chen Jiang shook his head, tilted his head and looked out the window casually.

"Since ancient times, there have been only **** who lift their pants, not those who kill their heads."

"The decapitation has been done for the first time, only the first time."

"When punishment is anchored, the more times you do it, the lower your cost per case will be, and the more cost-effective you will be when you're caught."

"It's called in business, the marginal effect."

"You can roughly understand that when the input is fixed, continuously increasing the input of a certain factor will always increase the output or income."

"All death row prisoners are loyal supporters of marginal effects before they are caught."

Chen Jiang paused for a while, then turned to look at Liu Yishou and smiled lightly: "The same is true for you."

Then he strode towards the door, waved his hand and said casually.

"See you next time, don't worry, all traces of you have been covered up this time, and no one will know that you did it this time."

Only 6 hours left until the return time.

It's time to prepare to go home, and I don't know if Lan Xing's father will like the souvenirs brought this time.

As for how he managed to let the Grave Digging Company extract the original consciousness of Orange Red Star in just ten hours, and conceal the traces of the Tomb Digging Company's actions, then there is naturally his way.


And Liu Yiyi looked at the backs of Chen Jiang and others leaving, and was relieved at first, but when he saw the large transfer in his account, his eyes couldn't help but turn a little red.

Jiang Cheng's company doesn't seem to be as brutal as the Internet says.

At least talk about credibility and generous enough.

Although he showed some fear in front of Mr. Jiang Cheng, he actually had nothing to fear about this operation. The reason was very simple. The way Jiang Cheng's company handled the traces was too simple and rude, which was reassuring.

In that way of dealing with traces, let alone the Federation wanting to trace it, even if the archaeological team came to dig three feet in the ground, they could not find any trace of the tomb digging company.

As for how Jiang Cheng Company handles traces...

The piece mined by dozens of laser beams gave Orange Star a small minimally invasive operation, and it melted a piece directly!

It is equivalent to having corns on your feet. Go to the doctor, and the doctor will directly chop your feet. It will definitely cure the root cause. You will no longer need to worry about it, you will have corns on your feet.

Yes, that's how Jiang Cheng Company handles on-site traces.

The best way to deal with on-site traces is not to destroy traces, but to destroy the scene.

Simple, rude, and effective!

If every criminal handled the scene like Jiang Cheng did, the federal prison might be empty, and basically no one could be caught.

Simply, not every criminal is as simple and rude as Jiang Cheng.


"It's only six hours until the comeback. UU Reading"

Scar Dog put his hands behind his head, walked on the street in Shacheng, looked around at the women with headscarves on their faces and couldn't help but sighed with emotion: "The main task this time has been completed, and the next step is to wait for the return."

"Should we do something to commemorate our visit to Shaxing?"

"But aren't the women here a little too conservative, why everyone wraps themselves up tightly and only shows their eyes."

"Not conservative."

Li Hao shook his head and said: "This is Shaxing, there are often sandstorms, and the air quality is not very good. A turban on the face can protect the skin very well. For women, it's nature to love beauty, and naturally you have to protect your skin. already."

"Well, you're right."

Scar Dog nodded casually and said, "Brother Jiang, where shall we go next?"

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