MTL - My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences-Chapter 18 black money! Enter the Changshan Martial Arts Hall!

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private room.

Qin Huai and Luo Huatian sat in the second seat.

The person in the chief seat was Gu He, Qin Huai's chief examiner.

While pushing cups and changing cups, the three of them laughed continuously, as if they were friends they hadn't seen for many years.

"Your son-in-law's qualifications are really a bit... It's hard to explain in words, the money really can't pry those guys' mouths. If the matter is not done, I naturally have no face to talk about it." Gu He held the wine glass and punished himself with a drink.

"It's a pity... If I had known that Qin Huai was Chenglong Kuai's son-in-law of shopkeeper Luo, I would have paid for those old stubborn ones myself!" Gu He regretted.

"Then is there a turning point in this matter?" Luo Huatian asked.

He naturally didn't believe Gu He's 'regret'.

According to what the other party said, it should be that I didn't give enough money.

"The list of small tests is still in our small room, but how about prying the mouths of the others..." Gu He stopped abruptly.


Luo Huatian asked, "How much do you think is appropriate?"

"There are a total of four people in the review, and each of them has to..." Gu He made a comparison of five.

Luo Huatian looked at Gu He's outstretched fingers with some pain.

Two thousand taels of silver, the Luo family's income for half a year is no more than that.

However, two thousand taels of silver bills were simply sold out.

Although Qin Huai can still go to the Changshan Martial Arts Gym and Ba Boxing Gym, but if he has the opportunity to go to the best martial arts gym, he must work hard.

The journey of martial arts has always been a thousand miles away.

do not miss it.

"Brother Luo, don't worry! I will take care of my son-in-law!" Gu He patted his chest, and put the two thousand taels of silver into his arms.

Then he ate and drank again and left in style.

This walk is another five days.

Not only did Gu He not reply to the letter, news spread in Pingnan City that Qin Huai was rejected for participating in the small test at Benlei Martial Arts Hall.

And like a whirlwind, it became the talk of the entire Pingnan City after dinner.

"Tsk tsk, I didn't expect that, under the root bone, qi and blood are mixed, and everything counts as the same, it seems that it doesn't work."

"Who says it's not? This Qin Huai's talent is incomparably inferior, not as good as mine!"

"I don't know how to practice as a second martial artist."

"If you say that this Benlei martial arts gym is worthy of being the largest martial arts gym, this Qin Huai can also be regarded as our heroic boy in Pingnan City. How many hearts can we earn if we take it in?"

"Tch, this is the Benlei Martial Arts School, fairness comes first! Talent comes first! Conscience~"

"According to my gossip, Qin Huai, it's the end of his cultivation to the second level."

"It's a pity, debut is the pinnacle~"

At tea stalls, restaurants, medicine shops...

Sarcasm, joy, pity, all kinds of people talked about this matter with various moods.

In the Luo Mansion, the atmosphere was dull.

Even fools now know that they were played by Gu He.

"The people from Benlei Martial Arts...have taken the money and don't do anything!" Luo Ya was angry and clenched her fists.

"The coach of the dignified Benlei Martial Arts Academy is really dishonest." Luo Huatian's face was full of anger.

Qin Huai also looked cold.

More than two thousand taels of silver, I have to be a pharmacy student for ten years to earn it.

Now it was hacked by Gu Hequan.

"He took the money and didn't do anything, and he deliberately spread the news, using his senior brother to publicize the nobility of the Benlei Martial Arts Academy." The more Luo Ya said, the more angry she became.

But although several people were angry, they could only stare blankly.

After all, no one dared to trouble Ben Lei Martial Arts.

"I'll try Ba Boxing Gym and Changshan Martial Arts Gym again."

Qin Huai got up, collected the tokens of the two families, and ran out of the city again.

He first went to the Ba Boxing Gym closest to Luo Mansion.

As a result, the opponent kicked Qin Huai out on the spot after testing Qin Huai's talent.

Leave a sentence, "Being kicked out of the Ben Lei Martial Arts Gym, all the blood in your bones is waste, and I, Ba Boxing Gym, would not want it."

As for the original promise and token,

Nature is also right as if it does not exist.

Qin Huai had no choice but to go to the Changshan martial arts hall with his last hope.

Changshan Martial Arts Hall is located halfway up the mountain, and the entire martial arts hall grows on Bailiu Mountain at a 50-degree inclination.

This is the martial arts school with the most apprentices among the eight major martial arts schools, and it is also the martial arts school with the lowest threshold.

Qin Huai stood at the foot of the mountain, staring intently into the distance.

In the past few days in Luo Mansion, he also tried to practice Yang Qi Gong, Ben Lei Gong and Qi Qi Gong.

The results were wildly different.

Given another ten years, he might not be able to reach the realm of three refinements.

"If the Changshan Martial Art Museum doesn't keep me, I can only go to the hills around Pingnan City to wipe out bandit gangs with warriors in charge."

"Use their lives to improve my realm strength, and then find other ways."

The only way he could think of to suppress the bottom of the box was to slaughter the bandits.

"But it's too risky to do so. If you don't handle it well, you may be wanted by bandits to retaliate. Unless you are in a desperate situation, you must not choose it."

Another point,

That is, the more exercises, the more mottled one's qi and blood will be.

It will be more difficult to enter the martial arts hall or other forces.

Qin Huai rubbed his chest. Inside was a map of more than ten kilometers around Pingnan City, which marked the approximate locations of large and small gangs on the hills around Pingnan City.

They were all discovered one by one by him using the breath-holding technique in the past few nights.

"I hope it will be successful this time. I don't like to be too high-profile, and I don't like to kill too many people." Qin Huai murmured.

He wanted to keep a low profile when he slaughtered the gang last time.

It's just that he didn't know how he was known by the people in the city, and he was carried in as a hero before he even entered the city.

Changshan Wuguan.

Still a small test.

The chief examiner is Qin Huai's acquaintance, Gu Shengcai who gave him a token.

Qin Huai watched nervously as Gu Sheng had just finished touching his bones, and shook his head in a familiar way.

Then there is the intensity of Qi and blood, mottled Qi and blood...

They still had the same expressions as the previous two.

Qin Huai's mood suddenly fell to the bottom, isn't it okay?

"By the way, you learned the exercises at the Liu Family Pharmacy, right?"

Gu Sheng spoke suddenly.

"Exactly, the qi-nourishing kung fu I practiced in Liu's medicine shop is also the breakthrough of the second refining realm." Qin Huai replied truthfully.

But Gu Shengcai's expression became strange.

"You're joking."

"The qi-nourishing skill of the Liu Family Pharmacy was simplified from the long qi formula of my Changshan Martial Arts. The former shopkeeper of the Liu Family Pharmacy is a well-known genius in my Changshan Martial Arts. It's a pity..."

Gu Sheng sighed, and then changed the topic, "Master is kind, let him simplify the Long Qi formula, and leave behind the Qi Yang Gong that can only be practiced to the first level."

"Now you say that you have cultivated to the second refinement realm by relying on Qigong?"

"My Changshan martial arts school does not want people who are full of lies."

"Everything Qin Huai said is true." Qin Huai was firm.

"At first, I also thought that Yang Qigong would not be able to break through the second practice, until I practiced Yang Qigong to the fiftieth level, and suddenly ushered in the second transformation of Qi and blood..."

"How many floors?!" Gu Sheng's eyes widened.

"Fifty floor." Qin Huai said calmly.

He knew this might be his last chance to join the martial arts school.

"Try to activate the exercises." Gu Shengcai stood up, his eyes full of interest.

With a thought in Qin Huai's mind, the white dragon in his body overflowed with his palm.

The invisible air wave pushed in front of Gu Shengcai, causing his hair to fall backwards.

"To be able to cultivate the 'White Dragon' with Qigong is a sign that a Changqi Jue warrior has stepped into the first practice. Bailong cannot be trained with Qigong." Gu Shengcai was both surprised and delighted.

He didn't know whether Qin Huai's Qi Yang Kung Fu had really reached level 50, but the level of these two exercises and Bailong couldn't fool anyone.

Gu Shengcai sighed, "Come to the martial arts gym and try it out, but you have to start as an apprentice."

This Qin Huai may have a unique compatibility with Changqi Jue.

"Huh..." Qin Huai let out a long breath.

Whether it is an apprentice or a disciple, it is considered a success to enter the martial arts gym.

There were 19 people in the quiz, and in the end, 10 people passed the test on the spot.

The pass rate is more than half.

It is indeed the martial arts gym with the lowest threshold.

This also means that there are many more opportunities for him to collect experience balls.

"Next, I'll take you to the place where you live." Gu Shengcai led everyone into the depths of Changshan Martial Arts Hall.

"The eight major martial arts halls are no different from Pingnan City and the mountains and fields. In your eyes, the unscrupulous second-level martial arts practitioners are just mediocre existences in this martial arts hall."

Gu Shengcai obviously meant something.

Shocking shouts echoed over the Changshan Martial Arts Hall.

Several people stopped by the side of a school field, and inside there were about twenty or thirty bare-chested people punching.

"There are twenty-seven people in this branch school, half of them are first-class fighters, and the rest are second-class fighters." Gu Shengcai said lightly.


Qin Huai and the others behind them couldn't help but gasp.

It seems that the place they experienced before is not in the same world as this martial arts gym.

There are more than a dozen second-level martial artists in a small school?

"The martial arts gym is so powerful, why don't you go to suppress the bandits?" Sun Ziyao asked, he is also a newcomer Yexiu who has passed the test.

"The bandits can't be killed. Any of the eight martial arts clubs in Pingnan City with a radius of a hundred miles can be wiped out within a month. But after that, more bandits will inevitably appear."

"So our shots are useless."

Gu Sheng explained.

Qin Huai was also silent, feeling the same way.

After the Black Eagle Gang was wiped out, I heard that their original territory was taken over by other bandits.

But these are not considered by Qin Huai now.

Qin Huai glanced over one by one, and picked up all the experience **** that were visible on the school field.

The range of dropping and collecting experience **** is the field of vision that Qin Huai can clearly see with naked eyes.

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Green)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +50!"

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Green)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +41!"

"Ding! You have collected a [Long Qi Jue Essence (Green)], [Long Qi Jue] experience value +65!"