MTL - My Two-sided Cultivation: Starting From Collecting Experiences-Chapter 17 Qualification, result

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Gu He was surprised,

It can almost be said that a guy with no talent for cultivation, how could he become a warrior.

And he's a second martial artist.

When Qin Huai heard this, his expression remained the same.

He has always known that his cultivation qualifications are not very good.

This is what the martial artist in the town said.

Gu He picked up a small blood-colored stone on the table, "Drop a drop of blood on it."

As instructed, Qin Huai bit his finger and squeezed out a drop of blood.

A reddish light glowed on the stone, and after touching it for a second or two, it slowly receded.

Gu He looked up at Qin Huai, with a stern expression, "Are you Erlian?"


"Qi and blood are not strong." Gu He was indifferent.

This stone can detect Qi and blood.

Qin Huai pondered, the strength of the qi and blood, apart from the realm, is related to the nourishment of qi and blood such as drinking qi and blood soup and qi and blood pills.

I haven't had much money for more than a year, and my salary has not risen, and prices have soared.

The qi and blood soup that he drank was very little.

Qi and blood are naturally unsatisfactory.

Talent is not enough, you need money.

Gu He pushed the big stone in front of Qin Huai again.

"One more drop of blood."

I saw blood dripping on the big stone, and the light of the big stone flashed three times.

Qin Huai looked at Gu He.

Gu He's face was as cold as frost.

"In this world, the more exercises you practice, the better."

"The qi and blood produced by each exercise are different. The more exercises you practice, the stronger the qi and blood will be, but the more mottled the qi and blood will be."

"Multiple martial arts will make you stronger for a while, but it will also cut off your way to break through, making your martial arts bottleneck like a tower, unbreakable."

"What's more, your natural capital is extremely poor!"

Qin Huai didn't say a word, he didn't expect that there was such a saying about the cultivation method.

He has cultivated Qigong, Qigong, and Benleigong, which he has not yet mastered...

It is indeed mottled.

However, one's own strength depends on gaining experience, and there is no so-called bottleneck in martial arts.


This can't enter the martial arts hall.

"...But it's not without room for maneuver." Gu He's voice changed.

"I like you the most in my life, a hero who punishes evil and promotes good, full of youthful ambition."

"You have the reputation of Tu E, and I am willing to give you this opportunity... But the decision to enter or not is determined by several chief examiners."

"They don't have a good temper."

Gu He's words stopped abruptly.

Qin Huai also understood the other party's hint, and calmly took out two bank notes and handed them to Gu He.

Yu Xin was really thoughtful, and the two hundred taels really came in handy.

Gu He nodded in satisfaction.

"As the saying goes, hard work can make up for one's weakness, and the same is true for the first journey of martial arts. It is obvious that you have suffered a lot of unimaginable hardships if you can cultivate to the second level with your talent."

Gu He applauded.

"Go back and wait for my news. I won't let Ben Lei Wuguan miss a hardworking young man."

He patted Qin Huai's shoulder heavily.

"Thank you senior!"

Ben Lei Wuguan.

Gu He and another examiner sat down at the wooden table with some rice paper.

There are two other people on the opposite side, dressed in long robes and fleeces from the Ben Lei Martial Arts Gym.

Pick up the rice paper each.

The rice paper contained the information of Qin Huai and others.

"Qinhuai...The place of birth is unknown... Taiping fled to Pingnan City three years ago, because of literacy, he entered the Liu Family Medicine Store in the city... I remember that the last shopkeeper of this Liu Family Medicine Store was an apprentice of Changshan Martial Arts School, and was finally dismissed by a girl picking medicine. Martial arts... but the herbal girl ran away, making that guy a laughing stock in the city."

Fang Ruo recalled the past for a while, and continued to read, " year and two months to cultivate to the second refinement realm..."

"Genius, Lao Gu."

Fang Ruo was pleasantly surprised, "I remember that this kid also killed some gang, and he has a good reputation in the city."

"Old Fang, look down again." Gu He said slowly.

Fang Ruo continued to look down, frowning.

"Gengu...down...the intensity of Qi and blood...down...the blood and blood are mottled, and the blood stone flashes three times..."

"Is this impossible?" Fang Ruo subconsciously doubted.

According to the rice paper, it is a miracle for Qin Huai to be able to practice a single exercise, let alone a year to two exercises.

"Old Gu's bone touching is second to none in our Benlei Martial Arts Academy. I haven't missed it for so many years."

"As for the can't go wrong."

"It's probably compatible with the qi-nourishing skills of the Liu family pharmacy, so luck is better." The old man closed his eyes and meditated.

Fang Ruo knocked on the bong, "Ahem... I think since he can practice to the second level, why not give him a chance to try?"

"What else is there to try, the root bone is everything."

"What's more, the qi and blood stone flashed three times, which means that he has already practiced three kinds of exercises, and if he adds the Ben Leigong..."

"I don't need to say what the upper limit of that person's martial arts is with the energy and blood of the four martial arts of the same practitioner."

This time it was Gu He who took Qin Huai's money to speak.

All his life, he only believed in root talent.

The so-called hard work can make up for one's weakness, but it's just a humble word of the strong.

At least he has lived to this day, and has never seen a warrior who succeeded only by hard work.

Therefore, Qin Huai would never let him in.

As for the two hundred taels...

If a fool is willing to give money, what reason does he have to refuse?

Fang Ruo also nodded, "It is possible to abolish the kung fu and re-train, but with his aptitude and no previous opportunities, it may be difficult to complete a practice in this life."

"But this Qinhuai just wiped out the Black Eagle Gang, so he has a lot of prestige among the people." Fang Ruo changed the topic.

He likes middle-of-the-road kids who come up through hard work.

Coupled with the merits of the Qinhuai slaughter gang, he won his heart.

So Fang Ruo unconsciously turned towards Qin Huai.

He just finished speaking.

A tall figure walked in from outside the hall.

"If we reject him, UU reading can reflect the rigor and level of my Ben Lei martial arts."

"What's more, my Benlei martial arts gym is the first among the eight major martial arts halls, why should this be the icing on the cake?"

the one who speaks,

It is indeed Lei Hong, the leader of the younger generation of Ben Lei Martial Arts.

"Haha, why did you come here?" The indifferent old man saw Lei Hong with a smile on his face,

"Let's take a look along the way." Lei Hong was indifferent.

The old man's enthusiastic handshake came to an abrupt end, and he took it back in embarrassment.

"I've seen this person before, he's nothing special, probably because he hooked up with a woman from the Luo family to get along today."

"It's not a bad way for him to hook up with a woman, but it's absolutely impossible for him to enter the Ben Lei Martial Arts Hall."

"Ben Lei Martial Arts only recognizes talent!" Lei Hong seemed to be making a conclusion.

"Indeed." Fang Ruo nodded.

The other person also nodded in agreement.

They are all old coaches of Ben Lei Martial Arts, but they can only obey in front of Lei Hong.

without him,

Because Lei Hong is too strong.

"I also agree with Lei Hong's statement! Only in this way can I show the justice of my going to Lei Hong, and I suggest that this news should be revealed quietly..."

Gu He laughed and drew a big cross on the piece of rice paper with Qin Huai's name written on it.

"...Blacksmithing (Elementary, 91/200

"...Blacksmithing (Elementary, 147/200

"...Blacksmithing (Beginner, 195/200

"...Blacksmithing (Intermediate, 27/400

One day, two days, three days...

Qin Huai has been waiting in the Luo Mansion.

But when his blacksmithing skills reached the intermediate level, he still didn't get an answer from Ben Lei Martial Arts.