MTL - My Unrivalled Princess: I Won’t Mess With You-Chapter 16 Get out of the limelight 1

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In the early morning of the next day, Miss San's sudden itching and scratching herself spread throughout the Prime Minister's Mansion.

The second lady's courtyard was very depressed at this time.

Satsuki returned to the water, heard other people talking about Miss Three, and talked to her own girl after returning.

"Miss, Miss Three had an accident last night!" Xiaoyue Xue broke down and deliberately drew appetite.

Luo Qianchan woke up early and sat in front of the mirror to dress her up and ask her: "What happened to her?"

"I heard that Miss Three came to us shortly last night, and she suddenly felt itchy and unbearable. She didn't have a good place to catch herself." # _ #

"And the second lady asked the doctor to come over, but the doctor couldn't find the fault several times after diagnosis. It was still the second lady who made the third lady stunned again and again to avoid a more tragic tragedy. The lady was poisoned. Fortunately, the lady was blessed with great fate. Everyone said that the third lady was a wicked person who had a bad report, and she encountered dirty things. "Xiaoyue raised a faint smile at these corners of her mouth. Did you bully them again?

"Who can blame yourself?" Luo Qianda said lightly, Luo Kerer never thought of letting her go, otherwise, "Luo Qianchan" would not die.

As a sister but poisoned her, her means are still light!

"Miss, is it true that the eighth prince is going to come to give the gift?" Xiaoyue set aside the matter of Luo Keer, and remembered the important thing today.

"Sure." He came here last night, was it just to lie to her?

"But ... what about Dr. Lin? Did the lady really not want Dr. Lin?" Xiaoyue sucked her nose. The medicine in their room was given by Lin Zimo. Without Lin Zimo, I am afraid that Miss could not live now .

Ms. Lin and Dr. Lin love each other so much, is she going to give up to Ms. San?

Looking at the reflection in Xiaoyue's heart from the reflection in the mirror, Luo Qianchan couldn't help raising his eyebrows. According to Xiaoyue's meaning, she and Lin Zimo loved each other, but in her memory, Lin Zimo just met Pingshui.

How is this going?

After thinking about it, probably only the original owner knew it, and didn't say anything else, at least she was sure that when she saw Lin Zimo, she had no other thought than to lament that he was handsome.

In order not to let Xiaoyue be more attentive, Luo Qian shallowly avoided the heavy and answered her lightly: "The imperial edict has already been made, can't it make your lady resist the edict?"

At the beginning, it seemed that the original owner was really unwilling to accept the order, presumably because of Lin Zimo's sake?

In fact, she did n’t think much about marrying. The reason why she did n’t resist was because Murong Yun would n’t let it go, and she would n’t be able to afford a bite. So she wanted to make good money. In the 21st century, live her life!

Xiaoyue heard that her face was wrinkled, and her pitiful look made her distressed: "Of course, Xiaoyue doesn't want the lady to resist the purpose! But, what should Lin Shenyi do?"

Luo Qian casually picked a mule from the jewelry and inserted it on his head, and patted Xiaoyue's hand: "Isn't this marriage yet? Later, let's talk later!"

"Xiaoyue, you have to remember that people do not die for themselves. We can only plan the future better if we live well in the present, you know?"

Xiaoyue heard only a half-knowledge, and she could only slump her mouth. "Miss said, Xiaoyue wrote it down!"

If ... Ms. Really decides to forget about Dr. Lin and start again, she will respect Miss's decision, but she will be alone ...

The Eighth Lord's Mansion and the Prime Minister's Mansion are one on the east and one on the west. This morning, vendors and people in the streets and streets all got up to work, and men, women, and children walked on the streets, a scene of prosperity.

Suddenly, horseshoes came from the quiet streets?

Looking at it all the way, countless exquisite carriage teams are moving from east to west.

The breeze blew the window of the car. There was a man in the carriage, wearing a black robe, embroidered with gold embroidery on the robe to create a natural-looking texture, and the dark black hair was full of relief. Inevitably makes people feel very ugly, but he is like a divine residence, people dare not profane.

The man's cold and arrogant eyes seemed to have no focal length, and the dark eyes were full of calmness. The handsome had to make people secretly amazed. He was lying lazily on the soft couch, surrounded by a cold atmosphere. Killing is invisible.

"It's Lord Eight!"

"Look, it's Lord Eight!"

I don't know who was the first to speak out. For a time, men, women, and children on both sides of the street bowed down to the ground, "See the eight kings!"

There was a girl in the crowd who didn't understand why the mother pressed her to her knees on the ground, and a small voice wavered in the crowd: "Mother, why do you want to kneel when you see the eight kings?"

"Baoer, shut up!" The girl covered her mouth in fear, kissed, and explained in a panic: "Childlike words, childlike words ..."

Why bow down?

The eighth year of the eighth lord has been in the battle for six years!

Had it not been for one year ago that the eighth lord had protected Tian Qiguo with an enemy army of tens of thousands and tens of thousands of people in one place, I am afraid that Tian Qiguo would have lost the peace and tranquility nowadays.

What a horrible scene?

Because of this, eight

There are some problems with Wang Ye's legs, and even standing is a problem when it hurts!

The eighth lord has not been peaceful since he was a child. He has been poisoned by tartars and lost his fertility. They all say that the eight lords have not lived well for a few years. How can such eight lords make them disrespectful, unafraid, and not kneel?

Another sharp-eyed person saw the anomaly, "What did the eight kings drive so many carriages to the west?"

The power and power of the West, is it the adult?

Think of that decree again ...

"Look, the carriage is full of treasures!"

As soon as this remark came out, everyone was calm, "Is this the eighth prince going to the Prime Minister's House to give Miss Four a gift?"

Oh my **** ... this battle turned out to be dozens of carriages?

The carriage is filled with valuable treasures!

"Miss Four, He De He Neng, but a daughter-in-law was lucky enough to win the favor of the Eighth Lord?"

"If you can marry the eighth lord, even if you can't have children? The eight lord ..."

For a while, the story about the eighth Lord and the fourth wife of the Prime Minister's House spread, and what happened was also told by the storyteller with his nose and eyes.

Prime Minister's Office, Luo Ge.

Murong Yun directly drove the carriages to the entrance of Luoge. So many carriages, one after the other, and some were waiting outside the Prime Minister's House.

Luo Qianchan was attracted to the door by the sound of horseshoes. Just after leaving, she almost came in close contact with a sweaty BMW.

The horse hissed for a long time. If it were not pulled by the wind, the horse's tongue would lick into Luo Qianshao's face.

At a glance, countless carriages were lined up in the back, and she was clearly the second largest courtyard in the Prime Minister's House.

Luo Qianchan: "..."

What the hell?

"Where is Murong Yun?" She glanced around without seeing the figure.

Read Ms. Doctor Divine