MTL - My Weird Life-Chapter 1 Perfect Life Simulator

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   Chapter 1 Perfect Life Simulator

   It was raining lightly outside the window.

  Su Wu looked at the rain line outside the window and sighed silently, his mood was as gloomy as the sky outside.

   Three years ago today, it was raining lightly, and the news of my parents' death was delivered to my school that day.

   Sitting at his desk, he picked up a watch.

  The watch is an old item. I saw my grandfather wearing this watch when I was a child, and later passed it on to my father.

   Later, when his parents passed away, this watch went to Su Wu.

   He kept this watch by his side, thinking about it.

   The mirror surface of the dial is a little yellowish and fuzzy, and the metal bracelet is still shining.

   "Why don't you turn?"

  Su Wu frowned and looked at the stagnant clock. After he took out the watch from his parents' belongings, it kept turning. This was the first time in three years that it stopped turning.

   Is it broken?

   Holding his own thoughts, he twisted his fingers on the crown on the right side of the dial and tried to twist the crown.

   However, the crown seems to be welded to the dial, and it will not move even if Su Wu's fingers exert force.

   He was a little anxious, and even stronger.

   Accidentally, his fingers wiped the edges and corners on the side of the watch. The edges and corners that would not have hurt people, he used too much force, and directly cut a small wound on the pulp of his finger.

   Blood immediately oozes out, staining the dial glass red.

  Su Wu hurriedly took out a piece of paper to wipe the blood on the mirror surface—but before he could wipe it, the blood condensed into a drop of blood on the mirror surface, and the drop of blood suddenly seeped into the watch and landed on the needle.

  ‘Da da, da da, da da…’

   The hands that were stagnant at first turned again now.

   seems to be helped by that drop of blood.

   The entire dial turned bright red, and then the bright red dyed through the bracelet, wrapping firmly around Su Wu's wrist.

   He saw that the blood-stained second hand was turning clockwise at a speed that was unattainable to the naked eye, passing round after round.

The direction of the    minute hand and hour hand also changes rapidly.

The hands of    were turning, and the room where Su Wu was in was plunged into boundless darkness.

   A huge dial was suspended in the darkness, all the hands pointed to the number '0', and a mechanical electronic female voice sounded in Su Wu's mind: "Welcome to the perfect life simulator!"

   "You can consume Yuanyu and choose to simulate your own life or someone else's life to find solutions to many life problems!"

   "Currently you can only simulate your future life, do you want to start simulating?"

   The series of female voices impacted Su Wu's thinking. He saw that on the huge dial, the second hand pointed to the number '1', and a display appeared next to the '1'.

   Su Wu in the screen was sitting in front of the desk, frowning in thought while looking at the empty palm.

  Is this the life you can choose to simulate now?

   Where does the Yuanyu consumed come from?

  How can the watch handed down from grandpa become the so-called 'perfect life simulator'?

  Su Wu's mind was full of chaotic thoughts.

  These disorganized thoughts were washed away after the electronic sound: "After each simulation, you will receive Yuanyu and other rewards depending on the score after the simulation."

  Su Wu listened to the electronic sound and suddenly thought of the bizarre death of his parents. Could it have something to do with this simulator?

   His heart skipped a beat, and he finally made up his mind.

  —Maybe you can find answers to some puzzles in this bizarre life simulator!

   "I'm going to start a simulation!" He responded in his heart.

   "It is detected that your Yuanyu wallet balance is '5', and the personal life simulation consumes one Yuanyu."

   "When you use the Perfect Life Simulator for the first time, you can consume one yuan jade and randomly obtain a permanent talent. Is it consumption?"

  Su Wu didn't understand why there was Yuanyu in his wallet, and suddenly heard the simulator's question, he didn't hesitate, and directly consumed one Yuanyu to extract a permanent talent.

  No matter what game it is, in order to tempt players to spend, the first recharge reward will be extremely valuable.

   "Talent extraction..."

   "Successful drawing! You get the permanent talent 'Calm (Green)'."

   "Calm (green): You have a cautious mind that is prominent among ordinary people, you can carefully observe things around you in a chaotic situation, and you have a certain ability to think logically."

   The moment the talent extraction was completed, Su Wu's mind suddenly became clear, and the many thoughts that were ups and downs in his mind all calmed down one after another, allowing him to carefully study and judge the current situation.

   Calm talent is still only green quality, does it mean that there are blue, purple, orange and other qualities on it?

  The talent extracted by the simulator not only acts on the simulation game, but also directly acts on the real self!

   "You can choose to consume a certain amount of Yuanyu to bring real items to the simulation game. The options are as follows..."

  There is only one hand left on the huge dial, and it is turning rapidly all the time.

   And the numbers around the dial have become items.

  Option 0: Your Body (Consume 10 Yuan Jade at the moment, you can experience Sims in person, any gain or debuff on your body in Sims is irreversible, and if your body dies in the game, the reality will also die)

  Option 1: Half pack of tissues.

   Option 2: A watermelon knife.

  Option 3: A craft Han sword produced by a sword factory.

  Option 4: Three folding stools.

  Option 5: A set of cups.


  The options are densely arranged around the dial, and everything is the items in the room where Su Wu is in the real world.

   His eyes stayed on option 0 for a long time.

  This game gradually exceeded his expectations, and it made him intuitive that the life he was about to simulate might also be extraordinary.

  Except option 0, all the remaining items need only one Yuanyu to bring into the game.

   Even so, Su Wu did not choose any of them in the end.

   His Yuanyu is not much, he will use it on the blade. Watermelon knives, paper towels, etc., are there not in the game?

   As for bringing your own body into the game, it's even more impossible.

   Entering the game for the first time, how can you block all your escape routes. What's more, he doesn't have ten Yuanyu.

  Su Wu saw that the hands on the huge dial were rotating one circle in turn, all pointing to the number '1'.

The    dial turned into a streamer and dissipated, and the prompt sounded: "Your future life has been loaded successfully!"

   The eyes are still so dark that he can't reach his fingers, and the scene where Su Wu is standing doesn't seem to have changed from just now.

   But he listened carefully and did not hear the sound of rain outside the window.

   He tried to stand up, groped in this dark space, bumped into the table in front of him, then moved his steps against the edge of the table, and found a switch on one of the walls.

   Press the switch, and the dark space is instantly illuminated.

  Su Wu saw two pieces of begonia-colored desks that were put together, next to one wall, with a few books stacked in the corner of the table on the right.

   A laptop was folded and placed on the table.

   There is a notepad on it.

   He turned his head slightly, and saw the begonia-colored bookcase behind him. There were many books that Su Wu was very familiar with, but these books were covered with layers of mildew.

  The four walls have yellow patterns soaked in rain, and clusters of green-green mildew spread along those patterns to the periphery.

"this is my room."

   "After all, I haven't thought about tidying up the room, it's normal that it will continue until there is no change in the future."

   "However, why is there so much mold in the room? Will there be a lot of rain in the future?"

  Su Wu glanced at the window, but the window was completely blocked by the opaque planks.

   "Why do you cover the windows so tightly?" He felt a little strange.

   walked to the desk and looked at the desk calendar.

  On the desk calendar, the date that has passed is marked with a red pen, and the date that has not been drawn is displayed as 'April 17, 2030 in the solar calendar'.

   This date is exactly one week past the real date.

   But Su Wu couldn't be sure that the time displayed on the desk calendar was correct - he sometimes remembered to cross out the past dates after several days.

   He picked up the notepad on the table and turned the familiar words page by page.

   After his parents passed away, Su Wu began to have the habit of taking notes.

   Not every day, but two or three times a week.

This habit of   , which was originally useless, became an excellent tool for him to understand what happened in the past period of time.

  ‘April 10, 30.

   During the morning meeting on Monday, the supervisor asked us to turn on our mobile phones on weekends and watch the news of the work group frequently.

   Hehe, he thought so beautifully. Lao Tzu can't let go. ’

  ‘April 13, 30.

   Tomorrow is Friday, so I decided to go fishing overnight in the countryside after get off work on Friday.

  Wang Zhiyou asked the supervisor to go to a certain clubhouse on weekends to be unrestrained and unrestrained. I happened to hear the private message. Do I want to report them? ’

  ‘April 14, 30.


   The weather seems to be very humid recently, there are a lot of mildew spots on the walls, and many books on the bookshelf are damp. It stands to reason that this is not the south. Is the air so humid?

  Remember to turn over the book tomorrow for drying. ’

  ‘April 16, 30.

   I heard that there were several murders nearby, but the murderer has not been found.

   I haven't inquired about the exact location, so I don't know.

   Forgot to post the book, let’s talk about it next week.

   There is more and more mildew on the walls. ’

  ‘April 18, 30.

   The couple who lived upstairs died.

   I didn't dare to go to the crowd, I heard that the death was terrifying, I would have nightmares when I saw it, right?

  The tenants on several floors are about to move, and the moving trucks start to line up downstairs. Do I want to live in another place too?

   Is there something wrong with the structure of this room? It's been sunny these days, why is mold growing everywhere? ’

  ‘April 19, 30.

   Smelled a slight smell of dead mice, but couldn't find where the mice were. ’

  Su Wu turned to the last page.

   The text on the last page did not record the date, and hurriedly wrote a line in red pen: So many people have died recently, is the murderer really human?

What does it mean?

   What else could it be if it was not a human being?

   Su Wu felt a chill in his heart.

   He closed the notebook, the chill in his heart had not yet dissipated, and he suddenly smelled an extremely strong smell of dead mice between his nostrils.

   A more gloomy aura suddenly emerged from behind and quickly attached to his entire back!

what happened!

   He turned his head hastily, and out of the corner of his eye he only had time to catch a glimpse of a black shadow under his feet suddenly standing up, and then a burst of pain accompanied by the sound of flesh and bones being torn and shattered rushed to the top of his head!

  Su Wu looked down—

   A **** hole opened in his chest.

   A ten-fingered palm wriggled in front of his chest without a drop of blood.

   Su Wu's eyes darkened.

   (end of this chapter)