MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 701 The original record of Tiandian (2/2)

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  Chapter 701 Shiyuan Tiandianlu (22)

  Master's tone was serious, slightly nervous.

  Su Wu ignored the bursts of shouts from above, he was surrounded by thick beards and hairs of the asparagus gods, and while Kui San was tossing in phantom, he had already wiped away the many dead beards and hairs of the asparagus gods accumulated at the foot of the mountain.

   exposed the pair of closed feet,

   and things under the soles of the feet.

  Under the soles of the feet, a tablet is stepped on.

Compared to the huge soles of the feet, the tablet is too small. Su Wuyuan looked at the feet of the three clear, and it was difficult to distinguish what was written on the tablet-but there were many densely packed blood characters around the tablet. A certain pattern keeps dispersing, arranges outwards, and gathers under the feet of Sanqing, gradually forming a piece of blood red.

  Su Wu's beard and hair, which had awakened all over his body, died layer by layer.

  He took advantage of the time when the beards and hair of the asparagus resisted the treacherous rhyme of the feet of Sanqing, and kept cleaning away the dead beards and hairs of the asparagus around the feet, and constantly seduced the awakened beards and hairs of the asparagus above to wrap around his body.

  Finally, he completely emptied the beard and hair around the Sanqing feet.

  Finally, I can clearly see the blood characters around the feet of Sanqing.

   Eight-eared ghost?

   And through the talismans I received, I traced back to my predecessors, the Lushan Taoist priests in the middle and early Ming Dynasty, and traveled through time and space—the Lushan Taoist priests in the middle and late Ming Dynasty were trampled to death one by one!

After hearing what Su Wu said, the Chilu Mountain Talisman didn't look dazed, and murmured loudly: "It's strange, it's strange that the patriarch left a message saying that he was ashamed of his senior disciples, and that he said that he was connected end to end to avoid the calamity of Mount Lu. method...

  The law of killing people with the feet of the eight cleanses is actually similar to the "Small Karma Worship Killing Curse"—

  When you were reading at that time, you read the unclosed record of the power of the "Foot of the Eight Purities",

  Someone is guarding there! "

  It is mentioned that Qi Dou Mi Dao enshrines "Ba Qing" as the little **** of Yuantian, and the body of Baqing little **** is entrenched in the "Yuantian Xiaoluotian" under the eight heavens.

  The Taoist priest with a mustache became more serious as he spoke.

  I turned into a "Phantom of the God's Skin", and used the horns on the top of my head to scroll the rhyme of the God's skin,

  Kuiba Phantom is best at climbing dangerous mountains. It didn't take long for Su Wu to re-climb to the position of the 'God's Beard and Hair Temple', and by the way put aside the Chilu Mountain Talisman that was wrapped by the phantom's beard and hair.

  It is to bow down to the tablet,

  Just by stepping on the tablet, you will crush the future of a sect's lineage!

  The blood characters are arranged in a vertical column, conveying a specific meaning: "Xiuzhen, I will grant Lushan Fulu in the fourth year of Qiqi tomorrow."

  The method is to pass on eight ears?

  The book itself ignites and burns to ashes! "

   Swish Swish Swish!

   Many thoughts flashed through Long Jin's mind, and I wrote down the reminder from the Chilu Mountain Talisman.

   It corresponds to what he said is the law of killing those feet.

  The blood-red cracks closed in an instant, and the eyes of countless living people suddenly turned into pale dead fish eyes—

  Su Wu yelled at the Chilu Mountain Talisman below, and he slowly left the foot of Zhenlu Mountain, peeling off layers of dead beards and hairs of the God of God, and merged with the Chilu Mountain Talisman.

  Master changed the subject: "He ran up the mountain suddenly, didn't he find anything?"

   At this time, Su Wu had already transformed into the "Phantom of the God's Skin", and directly left the temple system, scrolling the charm of the God of the Goddess, blocking the gate of the temple system!

Chilu Mountain Talisman looked to the side of the 'God of the Beard and Fat Temple', and said to Long Jin: "In any case, the most important thing now is to delay the recovery of the God of God and the feet of the Eight Purities.

  The famous work "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu".

  On those feet, the **** of Patriarch Jingyang is pressed,

  The characters who go to the core of the lotus formation, the older they are, the closer they are to that era.

   There are also the characters of 'quan', the characters of 'ling' and so on.

   You then go down! "

   suddenly crashed and opened the gate of the bearded hair temple of the **** of 虺,

Lines of blood emanated from the feet of Baqingzhi, winding along the rows of characters towards the end, drawing the names of Taoist priests in Shaolu Mountain in the middle and late Ming Dynasty one by one. Red line, paint our Dao name in red.

  When it wakes up at the turn of the Ming and Qing Dynasties, all the disciples of the Lushan School who have been taught the true martial arts will be trampled to death by it!

   "If a disciple reaches such a critical juncture, he can only abandon the master.

  Su Wu's eyes were fixed, he looked at Master's eyes, and said, "How did Master know that this is Baqing's foot? Did Master Jingyang leave any last words?"

  It turned out that the Zhenlu Mountain where you are today turned out to be a pair of feet.

  If I recover here, then the disciples of Lushan Mountain in the north and south, and even the entire Fujian region will inevitably suffer evil calamity.

He told a certain person one after another that being bad is difficult and risky, and he ran to the bottom of the mountain. If something happened, a certain person would do his best to save him, but he was also afraid of Zhenlu Mountain and the revival of the God of God, so he dared to use all his strength— At this time, one must be discarded, and you can't count on someone, at a critical moment, someone will definitely abandon him.

   Stop here,

   Su Wu’s mind was concentrated,

The Chilu Mountain Talisman looked at Su Wu, smiled suddenly, and continued: "This abandoned house appeared in a creepy ghost creature called 'Eight Ears', if he has no chance to set foot on this creepy ghost creature in the future, or Nothing else was found."

  But when the master heard what he said, he was stunned, and the anger on his face suddenly dissipated.

  My words sounded like I was fighting against the Chilu Mountain Talisman,

   "Don't come up!

Even the names and surnames of the disciples who have continued until the year and month—these Taoist names of Lushan disciples who were awarded the true martial arts thousands of years ago have all been crossed out. Perhaps we may be in the era we live in. , was trampled to death by the soles of these feet. "Su Wu was silent for a while, and finally told the truth to the Chilu Mountain Talisman.

  Dense blood characters form a lotus formation.

  The Chilu Mountain Talisman is only calling for Su Wu, and he has already climbed out of the Patriarch's cave temple system, winding up along the veins of the God of God!


  The lives of all living beings are far less important than the master alone. " Su Wu looked into the eyes of the Chilu Mountain Talisman, and suddenly said with a smile.

  If you seal me up with the **** of assholes,

"This "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu", Master can—" Before Su Wu finished speaking, Chilu Shanfu shook his head as if he hadn't expected and thought about what I said, "This book is written in a book. Found in an abandoned house.

  The writing under it all disappeared.

   "Xiu Zhang, I will grant Lushan Talismans in the fourth year of Qi Qi tomorrow."

  Su Wu stopped his thoughts for a moment, jumped into the temple, and then paid attention to the eyes of the living people around the blood-red crack, and directly captured the charm of the temple floating in the blood-red crack!

  Su Wu nodded.

   turned to grin and said: "It should be so.

   Qishangwai's awakened beards and hairs of the Goddess came towards me, trying to throw me out of the temple!

  In that classic, you only read about the power of the ‘Eight Cleansing Feet’,

  The eyes of the mustache Taoist suddenly burst into a fierce and fierce light!

  I walked towards the ‘God of the God of Beard and Hair’.

   "Zhenlu Mountain is a pair of feet.

My figure suddenly turned to one side, and turned into a human-faced centipede covered with clumps of beards and hairs of the gods. The long arm also suddenly penetrated into the blood-red crack, and with the movement of Hengzhi's charm, he was about to pick up a temple-type charm in his hand!

  Why did this patriarch tablet appear on the feet of the Eight Purities?

At most, it can give him hundreds of years of time for you and senior disciples of Lushan to deal with this matter—in the Patriarch Temple Department, there are also some records of the Patriarch's thinking about how to deal with this matter, and he will be able to see it when he goes outside the Patriarch Temple Department Know.

   "Patriarch Jingyang once said where these feet come from,

  The moment I threw myself into the temple system,

  Before many disciples of the "Xiu" generation,

A thought suddenly flashed in my mind - the foot of Baqing may have foreseen that the matter of master and myself suppressing its recovery will be successful this time, otherwise why would it have to wait thousands of years ago, when the Ming and Qing Dynasties alternate, to treat Lu Shan The Taoist prescribes a small killing ring?

   Extinct orthodoxy!

  Measure time, see the future, and conquer everything! "

at this time,

   Is it Baqing's foot? ! "

  Finally, I saw the handwriting under the tablet clearly: "Xu Jingyang, the founder of Lushan Mountain, received the first-order 'Taixia Xuantian Zhenwu has a mixed one into a real talisman'!"

  The tablet of Xu Jingyang's celestial master was trampled on by the feet of the Eight Purities.

  Chilu Shanfu glared at Su Wu, staring at Su Wu and reprimanding him: "That guy, he is putting aside the dignity of the teacher even more!

The next time I simulated doing the Tao there, it was because my mind reacted a little faster at that time, so I was taken advantage of by the "God of the God of Beard and Hair" and came in. I concentrated my energy on this, but I would do the "Temple of God of Beard and Hair" again It is the way of the gods.

   "Xiu Ming, I will grant Lushan Talismans in the fourth year of Qi Qi tomorrow."

  He mentioned the law of killing those feet, which reminded someone of the content recorded in no classics. "The light in the eyes of the Chilu Mountain Talisman faded away, and he said anxiously to Su Wu, "This classic comes from the 'Seven Dou Rice Road', the source of 'Zhengyi Dao'.

What I said at the time was words above anger, but what I thought from the bottom of my heart. If it really comes to such a critical moment, not to mention the life of the little disciple, not my own life, I will take care of it, and it will be for the heavens. The common people fight everything!

  The life of the common people in the sky is more important than a disciple in a certain seat! "

  Su Wu imagined that the feet of the Eight Purities stepped on the **** lotus formation formed by countless names, and knew in his heart that all the causes and effects of Lushan's destruction in the previous life all originated from a patriarch tablet that was stepped on by the feet of the Eight Purities today.

  Su Wu saw the names of Lushan Taoist priests painted red one by one deduced by the feet of the eight Qings, even after a long time of practice, he would not feel chills in his heart!

  A certain person knew this because he had escaped from death on a part of the "Eight Purity Gods".

   Now, let's go outside the Xufa Temple of the God of God to pick up the charm.

  In the entire temple system, there are countless curly beards and hair of the gods, all with their teeth and claws stretched out.

   Getting closer to the tablet at the core.

   A pair of feet, a pair of feet...

   Eight-eared macaque?

  He can understand X, and X can understand him! "

The law of killing includes various elements such as 'foreseeing', 'traveling through time and space', and 'cursing to kill'. If you want to change that period of cause and effect, you must start from the 'cause', or you must start from the 'cause', or you have to practice the Lushan Dharma lineage since then. Zhenwulu', or try to divert the killing law of the foot of the Qing Dynasty, and even extend its silent time longer!

   Master's shout came again from the top of the peak.

  (end of this chapter)