MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 717 "Five Buckets of Rice" (2/2)

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  Chapter 717 "Five Dou Rice Religion" (22)

   Haven't you heard the rumors about Lu Shan's deeds? !

How can it be!

  Su Wu frowned, and stretched out his palm to Chaoyun Nishang: "Let me use the phone."

  Yun Nishang immediately took out the mobile phone from his pocket, handed it to Su Wu, watched Su Wu open the browser, and quickly input the words 'Lushan Fajiao' in the window—

  A series of search information appears on the screen.

  'Yiwulu Mountain, the Holy Land of Gulu. '

  ‘Chaoyang Palace, a famous Taoist temple. '

  ‘Lushan Fajiao-Encyclopedia. '


  Su Wu glanced at all the handwriting on the screen, and first clicked on the encyclopedia entry to check the specific information of 'Lushan Fajiao'.

   "Lushan Fajiao - one of the three mountains of Taoism.

  Started from Jingyang Tianshi, developed in Tang and Song Dynasties, and flourished in Yuan and Ming Dynasties.

In the Ming Dynasty, there were five national teachers who were all from Lushan Dharma Teaching. Later, the seventh generation Dazheng of Lushan said that natural disasters and catastrophes were coming. Shan Fajiao has since disappeared.

  Lüshan Dharma Teaching Dazheng Forms of All Dynasties.

  The first generation Dazheng, Daoist Daohong, named Chilong Zhenren, was named "Lei Ze Chilong Zhenjun".

  The second generation Dazheng, Kaizong Dazheng, Daoist Dingyang, named Zhuxiao Zhenren, was named "Zhuxiao Guangzhao Zhenjun".

  The third generation Dazheng, Daoist Dingling, Great Master of the Ming Dynasty...

  The fourth generation Dazheng, the Taoist name is straight..."

   After reading a lot of information, none of the "Lushan Fajiao" that Su Wu could find has survived in the world. In the late Ming Dynasty, Lushan Fajiao blocked the gate of the mountain and led Lushan disciples to hide from the world.

   and said that this move is to prevent natural disasters from bringing disasters to the world.

  —Could it be that the natural disaster came from Zhenlu Mountain itself?

  In order to resist the revival of Zhenlu Mountain,

  That's why Lushan Fajiao has to block the mountain gate?

But if the 'Foot of the Three Purities' and the 'Houtu Bloodline' show signs of recovery, why can I still recruit the Lushan Talismans from the temple system, which can be connected to the Houtu Bloodline, and use the Houtu Bloodline's strength?

   Still, the reason is not on Zhenlu Mountain,

   But outside Zhenlu Mountain?

   What went wrong?

   Could it be the layout plan of Yuzaoqian and Jianzhen of Dongliu Island?

  Here is not far from Fujian!

  Su Wu frowned, his thoughts turned quickly for a while.

Although Lushan Dharma is hidden from the outside world at present, Dharma teaching still has a strong suppressive force on Houtu's blood and Sanqing's feet. If it were not for this, it would be impossible for Su Wu to use the temple family Lushan talisman to call on the descendants The power of earth blood.

  If you talk about priorities,

  The ‘Lushan incident’ must come after the ‘Longhushan incident’.

  Su Wu’s original plan to go to the ‘Nam Gyatso Temple’ discovered by archaeologists in the Secret Tibetan Region after the end of the ‘Linyang Trip’ has not changed.

  After the end of the "Travel to Namu Gyatso Temple",

  May consider embarking on the 'Hiding of the Lushan Dharma Teaching'.

  However, the plan cannot keep up with the changes, and there may be other changes in the process, so he can only adjust the plan and postpone the schedule of starting to solve the "hidden matter of Lushan Fajiao".

  Yun Nishang saw that Su Wu was frowning and thinking, and didn't disturb the other party. He chatted softly with the stove team, and helped put away the tents and supplies here and put them on the pickup truck.

  She asked the stove squad to drive two pickup trucks back to Linyang City,

  When she finished all the work, Su Wu also came to his senses long ago, and extinguished the life-protecting fire.

   "Let me drive to find you a place to rest.

   It's late now. "Yun Nishang couldn't hide her exhaustion. She leaned against a large off-road vehicle and gestured to Su Wu for the car keys in her hand.

  Su Wu opened his right palm,

   In the palm of your hand, a ball of white firewood is silently burning,

  In the torch, there is a decadent consciousness imprisoned.

  He said to Yun Nishang: "Wait a moment."

  In the eyes of the six-day ghost between the brows, the three pupils slowly turned, all staring at the consciousness imprisoned in the white torch in Su Wu's palm.

  The consciousness of the dead is almost transparent,

  The cloud splendens talisman left many inexplicable traces of lines on the consciousness of the deceased—it has lived in the consciousness of the deceased for a long time, and it has long been indistinguishable from the cloud splendens talisman, and it has gradually acquired some characteristics of a spell.

  The energy of Su Wumei's mind circulated, slowly flowing into the fire, causing the fire to go out,

  Intentional energy infiltrates the transparent consciousness of the dead,

   It didn't make the dead man sober.

  It fluttered in Su Wu's palm, as if as soon as it got rid of the infiltration of intentional energy, it would immediately be riddled with holes and torn apart by a gust of cold wind!

  Yun Nishang saw the almost transparent shadow in Su Wu's palm, she also approached, lowered her voice, and said, "The method you asked me to shoot just now is specially designed to deal with the 'spell inner consciousness' entrusted to Li Gui.

  Is this shadow the consciousness inside the spell?

   Is it a ghost? "

"It can be regarded as a person's ghost." Su Wu nodded, "The unresolved special incidents in Longhu Mountain and its surrounding areas should mostly be due to this kind of entrustment on Li Gui." Consciousness within the spell', which cannot be cleared by the Kitchen God method,

  The Kitchen God Method cannot clear the consciousness of the dead entrusted to Li Gui,

  The consciousness of the dead in turn suppresses Li Gui's desire to collect soul rice,

  Finally, the Kitchen God's method was greatly reduced in dealing with these quirks, and even became invalid because of it. "

  Yun Nishang held her breath, looked at the shaky figure, and said: "Is the consciousness of the dead in these spells people from our time?


   "It has to ask itself."

Su Wu shook his head, stretched out a finger with his left hand, and tapped the shaky figure lightly, his voice also became illusory and hollow at this moment: "The person who came down from the altar, what is his name, he lives in where?"


  The figure was erratic, after a moment of silence, he barely managed to gather a word, but it was an irrelevant answer: "Received Zhang Tianshi's talisman, in the world, he is known as Deng Tiancao, and Zuo Tian acts.

  The autopsy ranks among the immortals, and is the **** of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas..."

"Who is your name, and where do you live?" Su Wu's brow chakras turned, and his question was like a stone falling into a quiet lake, causing layers of ripples on the surface of the person's shadow, which penetrated the entire consciousness of the other party. !

   "In the world, he was named Cao Tiancao, and Zuo Tian acted.


Su Wu stopped the rotation of the brow chakra, looked at the increasingly transparent figure, and said a word to Yun Nishang beside him: "This consciousness of the dead is too broken, and it is already enough for it to take the initiative to answer my question. impossible."

   "Then what should we do?

  Among other unresolved special events around, there should still be this kind of consciousness within the spell enshrined in Li Gui..." Yun Nishang spoke softly.

  Before he finished speaking, Su Wu shook his head: "It doesn't need to be so troublesome.

   It doesn't proactively answer my question,

  But it still has some passive memories, from those memories, we should be able to see where it came from and who it is—”

   As soon as his voice fell,

  The brow chakra turns like a millstone,

The figure floating in his palm was directly engulfed by the mental energy and filled into the rumbling grinding disc—all the thoughts of the dead man's consciousness were like soybeans falling into the grinding eyes, being ground into the most delicate slurry, even Not a single scum left!

   And in such grinding,

  Su Wu searched through the memory of the deceased's consciousness,

  Finally, from those memories, I saw some hazy pictures.


In the deep and deep house, wooden pillars support the beams above, and the beams support the vertically arranged purlins. Rows of purlins intersect with the horizontal beams, creating a flat and square aesthetic feeling. .

  The green smoke curled up on the beams, dyeing the wooden beams black and shiny.

  The dust on the beams fell with the breeze, slowly falling, and fell on the shoulders of a statue of an old man with white hair and white head and fair beard.

  Before the statue,

  Men wearing clothes that were simpler and simpler than those of the Tang and Song Dynasties, but obviously in the same strain, knelt down in the hall.

  They wore short jackets, long skirts, and short-nosed trousers in the skirts.

    Ruyi, calf-nosed pants, and long skirts.

  The general attire of the working people in the Han Dynasty.

Su Wu 'looked' at the people kneeling in front of the short case, and a thought flashed through his mind, and he 'heard' himself say: "'Xiang'er' grant the Heavenly Master the three-day rectification, and take the Heavenly Master as the 'three-day The mage is a real person',

  Now, all those who want to worship this religion must pay five buckets of rice.


  The voice of 'myself' became more blurred and unreal, and the picture Su Wu saw gradually rippled and finally disappeared.

   "Xianger..." Su Wu frowned slightly and murmured.

According to the historical records, the master of Zhang Daoling enshrined the "Taishang Laojun" and claimed that he was close to the Taishang Laojun to teach the Dharma. Taishang Laojun' talked about the understanding of the scriptures.

  But in the picture just now, he heard the working people of the Han Dynasty who had the same consciousness as the deceased said that it was 'Xiang'er' who gave the heavenly master the three-day rectification.

  Thinking Er's true meaning, shouldn't Zhang Daoling express his personal understanding of the words and deeds of the Taishang Laojun and the scriptures he gave?

  Why did it seem to be a real 'God' in the consciousness of the dead? !

   "Su Wu, what happened?"

  Yun Nishang spoke softly beside Su Wu.

  Su Wu shook his head and replied: "This consciousness of the dead should be the Taoist priests of the Five Dou Rice Sect in the Han Dynasty—the quality should be quite high in the Five Dou Rice Sect, and it should be the middle class among them."

   "A Taoist priest in the Han Dynasty?" Yun Nishang was a little surprised when he heard the words, "His soul has survived to this day relying on a spell?"

   "By now, self-awareness has been wiped out in sevens and eighties,

   This kind of "alive" is equivalent to a vegetable.

  However, spells account for only a small part of the reason why this consciousness of the dead has been preserved to this day. The biggest reason is the strangeness associated with the spells. "Su Wu shook his head, stood up, looked into the distance, and suddenly said, "Receive Zhang Tianshi's talisman, and he will be named Tiancao in the world, and he will act as his assistant.

  The autopsy ranks in the fairy class, the **** of mountains, rivers, lakes and seas...

  A bigger secret should be involved in the Longhushan conferring.

  In the sudden disappearance of strange powers in the surrounding area, the missing talismans have become some kind of "God of Mountains, Rivers, Lakes and Seas" now?

   Who is organizing all this? "

  (end of this chapter)