MTL - My Weird Life-v2 Chapter 731 Robbery (2/2)

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  Chapter 731 Jiecai (22)

  In a bungalow, on the edge of a small bed.

  A figure was sitting on the edge of the bed, blood seemed to burst out from the pores of his body, completely dyeing him red, turning him into a blood man.

  But none of the blood that kept flowing on his body splashed to the surroundings, making him get off the bed or the ground, and the surrounding furniture were stained with scarlet.

  He bent over, leaned over and let out bursts of furious roars.

  The howling sound quickly turned into a muffled whimper—a thick arm stretched out from his mouth, and that arm filled his mouth, stifling all the sounds that came out of his throat.

  The arm joints were turned, and the palm was facing the blood-colored figure.

   In the palm of your hand,

  The purple lips parted slightly,

   made an illusory and hollow voice: "The secret of heaven has been revealed... wait for the time to move..."


  The blood around the human figure suddenly stopped flowing, and pieces of skin grew out of the blood, covering its whole body.

  The 'skin' was pieced together and finally turned into the appearance of 'Zhang Yongsheng'.

  The thick arms protruding from the mouth of ‘him’ have retracted,

  ‘His’ eyes were full of irrepressible anger,

  Looking up at the mirror on the table, he murmured to himself: "The time is coming...I will take revenge!"


  The mirror on the table was smashed with a punch!


  "After the Longhushan incident, it can be seen that there is a bigger secret hidden.

  But the hidden existence has other means, eliminating all cause and effect. "Su Wu frowned, and had a strong premonition in his heart that 'the rain is about to come and the building is full of wind'. Even if he used the simulator to push the time forward by more than a hundred days, he still couldn't find it in Longhu Mountain and the surrounding areas. Any trace of hidden existence!

  The other party not only has 'no cause and effect', but is deliberately dormant and avoiding him.

  If he does not move, the opponent will not move.

  It is very likely that his front foot will leave the area around Longhu Mountain, and the opponent will move immediately!

   But this seemingly simple method is the most effective for him.

   Taoist members have never grown up,

  With his own strength, it is impossible to monitor the strange events in various parts of Asia Pacific and respond immediately.

  The other party plays a game of 'peek-a-boo' with him,

  He is the one who can afford to lose the most!

The most important thing is that the main altar of the "Wanfa Zongtan" in Longhu Mountain has been reduced to a decoration, and the "Wanfa Zongtan Altar God" that has been cultivated for many years in Longhu Mountain has been stolen by a hidden existence up.

  At present, only the sub-altars of the Wanfa Zongtan, which Su Wu has mastered, can have a slight influence on the main altar and the altar god.

The hidden existence holds the main altar of the Wanfa Zongtan, and it communicates with the spirits of the ancestors of the Longhu Mountain. If you ask the altar to lower the talisman, there will be no obstacles. Like the previous "Longhushan Entrusting Incident", there is a hidden existence once. Sex, please cast down thousands of spells, cast down thousands of strange things, which may appear again at any time.

   "There is no cause and effect..." Hearing what Su Wu said, Lao Tianshi, Yun Nishang and others who were by his side were worried.

  The old heavenly master said: "Didn't the method of 'planting cause and effect' used by friend Su trace the shadow of the hidden existence? Why can't we continue to trace it with this method?

  This matter is pending, I am afraid it will bring greater disaster. "

   "The main altar **** and the purpose of the altar of the Wanfa Zongtan here have been taken away by the dark people, and the Wanfa Zongtan has been reduced to a decoration.

I just traced him based on the trace left by that person when he stole the altar decree of the Wanfazong Altar and the Altar God—I could only sense his existence at that time, but I never really traced him. Track, track of action.

   It is impossible to catch him with this method.

   Moreover, 'he' is not the real hidden existence behind the scenes.

   is just a pawn. "Su Wu shook his head, and ended his conversation with the old heavenly master, "The old heavenly master and the Taoists of Longhu Mountain will go down the mountain for the time being, and here will be specially stationed and guarded by Taoist masters.

  I'll think of a way to deal with the current situation. "

The old celestial master hesitated to speak, and also understood that he, a so-called Taoist priest who did not understand the Dharma, could not help the other party. He sighed, took the group of Taoists to say goodbye to Su Wu, and got on a few buses parked at the foot of the mountain. Car, go to Xuanmen station.

  Yun Nishang and Su Wu were in the same car. This time, Yun Nishang drove the car and found a place to stay in the local area.

  Su Wu confessed to Yun Nishang a few words, then walked into the room prepared for him, and locked the door.

  He was sitting on a chair, and the talisman dharma body Dao I, which had taken over the black and red double suns from the big temple behind him, suddenly appeared, and a ray of mental energy dripped from the brow chakra, and fell into the Yuanhuang Temple behind him.

  In the Yuanhuang Temple, the central brazier was burning.

  The walls of the temple hall flickered in the firelight.

  The pattern of the avenue appears faintly on the wall.

  As Su Wu's consciousness sneaked into the temple, the raging flames in the central brazier churned up and gathered together to form a human face.

  The face of the man in the fire silently looked at somewhere in the empty temple,

   Under the gaze of ‘it’,

  Somewhere it was looking at, white light gradually outlined a blurred human silhouette.

   "It seems that you still want to do this business with me." The man in the fire looked at the silhouette of a human, with a cold expression, not at all warm and kind to do business with people.

  The humanoid silhouette transformed by Su Wu's intention walked to the brazier with strides.

  The blurred features on his face became a little clearer,

  A pair of deep well-like eyes looked at the face in the fire, his consciousness shook slightly, and his voice echoed in the temple: "We were outside before, but it was not a good place to talk about business.

  It is easy to lose money and people outside. "

   "Empty of money and people?" Huo Zhongren sneered a few times.


  If it talks about business with Su Wu outside, I am afraid that the so-called "sale" has not been negotiated, and it will break away from all kinds of shackles first, and leave the "freedom" of Yuanhuang Temple.

   As far as Su Wu is concerned, it is naturally a waste of money and manpower.

  The man in the fire looked up at Su Wu's face, and asked in a deep voice, "What business do you want to discuss with me?"

   "What business do you want to discuss with me?" Su Wu asked back.

   "Xian Er will open the gate of heaven and come out—

  Recreate the "Original Heaven Daluotian" in the world! "The human face in the fire directly said a piece of news.

  Su Wu looked at the middle-aged man with a long face and slender eyebrows in the fire, with a calm expression, making it difficult to see what he was thinking.

  In fact, the bottom of my heart is already overwhelmed!

  The original sky is full of heaven!

   Second time hearing this name!

It was the first time I heard this name from Master Chilong, and Master Chilong knew this name from "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu". According to rumors, the three great gods who merged into one live here. In this 'Original Tian Da Luo Tian'!

  'Xiang'er' will 'open the gate of heaven',

  Recreate the 'Original Heaven Daluotian'!

In the Han Dynasty, the ancestor Tianshi sacrificed eight ghost commanders and six heavenly ghosts to open the gate of heaven. After that, he compiled and sorted out the classics taught to him by the Taishang Laojun. '.

  How did Zu Tianshi open the gate of heaven at that time?

  Think about it, why are you in the 'Gate of Heaven'?

   But judging from what the human face in the fire said - the hidden existence behind "everything about Longhu Mountain" should be "Xiang Er"!

  Think Er is a part of the Sanqing Great God?

   Or a part of the individual Taishang Laojun?

   Or, it is vaguely related to the Great God of Sanqing and Taishang Laojun, but it is a terrifying and strange thing that is self-contained? !

  Thinking of the scene where he had fought with 'Xiang'er' with a spell before, Su Wu felt a chill in his heart—Xiang'er, could it be another Li Gui who seems to have sanity?

  Su Wu couldn't mention all these problems to the face in fire in front of him.

  The other party broke the news out of his mouth, because he wanted to test his details and see how much he knew about this matter.

Although he knew nothing about this matter, he still had to pretend that he actually knew it quite well, and that his knowledge of this matter was no worse than that of the other party—all kinds of thoughts flashed through Su Wu's heart for a moment. After the face's voice fell, within two or three seconds, he had put away all the thoughts in his mind, stared at his eyes tightly facing the face in the fire, and said: "In "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu", It was mentioned that the body of the Sanqing Great God is entrenched in the Yuantian Daluotian.

  This is the embryonic form of the Sanshan Talisman Taoist School, the great **** enshrined in the Wudou Rice Sect at first. "

The origin of "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu" is mysterious. Chilong Zhenren only read this book by accident. Later, if people want to find this book again, they must meet a fierce monster named "Six Ears". Among them, find this secret code.

  Bring out the name of this secret book, and mention some news that Su Wu himself can be sure of, maybe it can’t fool people in the fire,

  But at least it won't make the other party look down on Su Wu,

   And then started to fool Su Wu's mind.

  However, he did not expect that the name of "Shi Yuan Tian Dian Lu" was used, and the effect was many times better than he imagined.

The flames that made up the long and thin face in the brazier suddenly jumped a few times, and the long and thin face in the fire was silent for a moment, and said: "You have read the 'Shiyuan Tiandianlu'—it seems that you have read it in a mortal body. Falling into a certain part of the Sanqing Great God's "law of death robbery", he can rebel against the law and finally escape.

   It is the person who is responsible for the 'robbing material'. "

  The slender face said two terms that Su Wu had never heard before.

  Death robbery law, robbery material.

  He can probably understand the law of death and robbery, and it should be similar to the meaning of the "law of killing".

  Jiecai is a Go term. Literally, it is the material used to rob, and it can also be regarded as a bargaining chip for negotiation. From this point of view, the meaning of a person who is in charge of robbery should be someone who holds some kind of 'chip'.

  Master Chilong did read the "Shiyuan Tiandianlu" by accident after he escaped from the law of killing by the Sanqing Great God.

   Regarding this matter, Chilong did not mention it much.

  Su Wu always thought that it was when Master had cultivated himself that he encountered some part of the Law of Death Tribulation of the Sanqing Great God,

   Now, after listening to the slender face, I just realized that when the master avoided a certain part of the death law of the Sanqing Great God, he was most likely still an ordinary person without any cultivation!

  Even if Su Wu met some part of Sanqing several times, he never dealt with Sanqing's law of killing as a common man!

  He didn't know if he was in danger?

  (end of this chapter)