MTL - My Whole Sect Transmigrated to The Interstellar World-Chapter 14 Mecha is not suitable for little girls to play? Ah……

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Abai patiently sent a bunch of information to Sa Sa, "You should do a mental sea level and gene level test, at least from your performance on Xingwang, your spiritual sea level is definitely not low, maybe very high. Suitable for being a mecha soldier."

He gave Sa Sa a bunch of benefits of getting into a good school and receiving an orthodox education, trying to get Sa Sa to get rid of the brainwashing of the pheasant sect.

After reading it, Sa Sa immediately said, "Okay, I'll go to the school later."

But now, of course, the game is still at stake. There is no conflict at all between getting subsidies for going to school and getting bonuses for competitions. Both hands must be grasped, and both hands must be hard.

Qualifying points are hard to get. After a 1v1 ranking, you can get one point for the winner and one point for the loser. Under normal circumstances, the system automatically selects people with similar points for matching. However, you can also choose the leapfrog challenge, the points of the leapfrog challenge will rise fast, and the loss will also be fast. For example, if you challenge someone ten times more than you, if you win, you get ten points, and if you lose, you lose ten points to the opponent.

This also caused some people's scores to be negative. After a negative score was formed, it was not allowed to continue the challenge by leapfrogging, and they could only slowly score.

Sa Sa wanted to score points quickly, and directly challenged those with 100-200 points. She has probably seen the situation, and the level of people in this score segment is okay, but it is still a little worse than A Bai, and it is relatively stable to use it to score points.

Sa Sa quickly matched a person named [Tiger].

Except for Ah Bai, Sa Sa didn't know much about people on Xingwang, and had no idea about the name.

But the audience in the audience are basically mecha enthusiasts. The influence of the mecha qualifying competition in StarNet has always been at the top level. Those who watch the game know more or less about some god-level players and unique players. At that time, there was an uproar from the audience, "Interesting."

Sa Sa's black fans are gloating, "It seems that even the system doesn't like her pretending to be a B. This time she kicked the iron plate."

Some people are also puzzled, "Is this [Tiger] a great god? I don't seem to have heard of it."

Someone in the know gave popular science to those who don't understand, "This [Tiger] is not a great god, but he is also quite famous, and his strength is no worse than that of [A Bai]."

The reason why [Tiger] is more famous is that his style of play is much more ruthless than that of Ah Bai, often injuring one thousand enemies and 800 himself. Of course, there are also many people who like to watch his style of play. So he also has a nickname, called Crazy Tiger.

This crazy tiger is a lover of leapfrog challenges. He said that only fighting against the strong can make his soul tremble, and it is meaningless to play against the weak. He is not a person who can only talk about it. Those with higher points than him may be bitten off by him if he is not careful.

Of course, he could also run up against opponents he can't beat, causing him to drop, just like now.

Crazy Tiger is not a player with the strength of 100-200 points, but because he dropped to this point, he was matched by Sa Sa.

Some people have already decided in their hearts that Sa Sa is a parallel importer, and naturally think that the game has no suspense. Fortunately, the money was not spent in vain, because watching the crazy tiger crazy game is also a different kind of bright spot.

Crazy Tiger was also stunned when he saw the matching result, and then laughed, his eyes under the black mask revealed a hint of joking, "It's just a shortcoming, and someone took the initiative to send the score, it's good."

"let's start."

Sa Sa was calm as if she hadn't heard his words, waiting for him to shoot. Not to mention that he didn't know Crazy Tiger's record, even if he did, it wouldn't change her mentality in the slightest.

Every cultivator must be prepared to fight against the Dao of Heaven. If you don't have the determination to practice against the sky, you will not be able to pass the test of training your mind. Although Sa Sa has no spiritual root physique, just as Master Xu Yi commented: She has a tenacious Dao heart.

Crazy Tiger heard a clear female voice, sounding young, so he said with great interest: "Little girl? The leapfrog challenge is quite ambitious. But this is not suitable for you, and it is suitable for little girls to play. It's something. Give it up, I don't want to beat you too badly."

A cold light flashed in Sa Sa's eyes, but her state of mind became more and more calm. She calmly observed Crazy Tiger's mecha, looking for his flaws.

He doesn't do it, does he?

Then she is welcome.

Sa Sa approached Crazy Tiger with a dash, and the basic epee slashed straight at his energy core. Crazy Tiger was startled and cursed inwardly, not daring to be careless. With a movement like Sa Sa, she can no longer be treated as an ordinary little girl.

However, Crazy Tiger is not a vegetarian. His reaction speed is extremely fast, and he immediately pulled out the particle light knife and slashed at Sa Sa. A flash of excitement flashed in his eyes: Very well, this man can be his opponent.

The more intense the duel, the more he can mobilize his adrenaline and fighting passion.

The basic epee and the particle light knife are head-to-head, and everyone knows the result.

Unexpectedly, Sa Sa dodged and retracted her epee, while avoiding the mad tiger's attack. She bent over and the epee in her left hand came out, slashing at the mad tiger's right leg joint.

At this time, the mad tiger finally understood that her previous subtle moves and body techniques were just a false move, just to make him misjudge the move. Her purpose is not to eliminate him directly, but to abolish one of his right legs first!

Unfortunately, it was too late to react at this time. His body couldn't keep up with his brain at all, and he didn't have time to react.

That's right, that's what Sa Sa judged from the crazy tiger's standing and walking posture: he's a guy who relies more on his right leg. Without the right leg, the battle is half determined.

Before she started, she had already thought about this strategy, which seemed to be the most profitable strategy.

Crazy Tiger felt a chill in his heart, and he finally understood that this opponent was no worse than the big men he had met before. If you want to push him to this level, you must not only have the awareness to formulate this strategy, but also have the skill to implement this strategy.

If there is a little carelessness, Sa Sa is a little slower, and the particle light knife of Crazy Tiger is a little faster, and Sa Sa is eliminated.

But obviously, Sa Sa is not only brave, she also has the ability.

All kinds of thoughts flashed in Crazy Tiger's mind, but if he just admit defeat, then he won't be called Crazy Tiger.

He simply gave up his right leg and fell to the ground, but the particle light knife instantly turned into a particle cannon and blasted towards Sa Sa.

Crazy Tiger also calculated Sa Sa's course of action. He knew that Sa Sa's movement skills were good, so he fired several particle cannons one after another, and wanted to block Sa Sa's action route and push her to a blind spot, and then, only the last shot was left. now...

The corner of Crazy Tiger's mouth showed a crazy smile, and it was a very interesting experience for him to fight against adversity.

But in the next second, his smile froze on the corner of his mouth. His energy core has been pierced by Sa Sa's other basic epee.

His attack is still gathering momentum, but the system has reminded him that he has been eliminated.

While he was calculating Sa Sa's course of action, Sa Sa was also calculating his. While he pushed Sa Sa into a blind spot, Sa Sa also incorporated him into his attack range.

Sa Sa deliberately showed her helplessness and could only follow his calculations. In fact, under the shelling of the crazy tiger, she kept a high level of calm, calculating the interval time of his particle cannon and the energy usage. , and psychological changes.

Then, seize the moment and kill with one hit.

Crazy Tiger was not ejected directly from the arena, because Sa Sa applied to the system, saying that he still had two words to say to Crazy Tiger.

The crazy tiger stared blankly at Sa Sa approaching step by step.

She looked down at the crazy tiger lying on the ground and said, "Mecha may not be suitable for little girls, but I think it is not suitable for you. After all, I just play casually, and I can play better than you. Uncle , don't play if it doesn't suit you, it's a waste to put such a good mecha on you."

"By the way, uncle, you just said that you don't want me to lose too ugly. Sorry, you should have admitted defeat earlier. Actually, I don't want you to lose too ugly."

The face of the mad tiger turned from blue to red, and then from red to green.

On the field, because of his ruthless attacks, he often heard unpleasant abuses every day. But there has never been anything like Sa Sa pierced into his heart with such precision.

The abuse of the loser has never been taken by the mad tiger, and the great **** who can win the mad tiger basically maintains his identity and will not have the same knowledge as him.

But now, a little girl who won him stabbed a knife in his heart.

But the mad tiger could only watch her go away.

For ordinary opponents, Sa Sa won't have to deliberately step on it after winning. But what Crazy Tiger said at the beginning succeeded in responding to her.

"Little girls are not suitable for playing mechs."

"If you don't have spiritual roots, why don't you accept your fate?"

"Let's play something else. Cultivation is not something you can do."

"Get stronger? Don't think so much about the little girl's family."

In Sa Sa's life, I have heard too many similar voices.

People who say these words wantonly point to other people's lives based on stereotypes. Sa Sa thinks that these people just owe a lesson. If you clean up properly, you will have a long memory in the future.

Everything happened between lightning and flint. In less than five minutes, the duel was over. The mad tigers who felt ashamed all ran away, and the audience under the stage reacted.

"Damn it, worthy of being a new **** who just killed, it's too awesome!"

"It's so worth it! It's definitely worth watching this showdown!"

The black fans who said that Sa Sa must be a hype were speechless after watching the game. If this is water injection, how many people in this world have real talents?

There are even a few black fans who turned black on the spot.

People who like mecha will inevitably worship strength.

Although the duel only lasted less than five minutes, no one felt that five hundred star coins were lost. The time for the duel was short, but the shots, reactions and consciousness of the two people were amazing everywhere, and it could only be said that there was no urine.

In fact, the level of Crazy Tiger is not bad, and it did not play abnormally in this duel. It is because that little junior sister is too evil.

The title of Little Junior Sister finally got rid of the doubts of the hype, and officially started in the Star Net mecha qualifying competition.