MTL - My Yellow Hair App-Chapter 294

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Huannai was silent for a while, then suddenly looked at him: "Come with me to the amusement park tomorrow."

"Um." Bai Chuanxia hesitated.

"When I was a child, I always dreamed that my father could take me to the amusement park." When Huannai spoke, he looked into his eyes.

"That's fine." Bai Chuanxia nodded, and her aunt's favorability had already increased.

But that's because she thought she was dead.

In the current situation, if she repents and complains to her aunt, it will be very troublesome.

Besides, to be honest, she is indeed his adopted daughter, and it is very reasonable to fulfill a small request.

"I will spare time tomorrow." After Bai Chuanxia finished speaking, Huannai nodded, not very interested.

The two sat on the bed for a while, staring at each other in silence.

"Then I want to go, see you tomorrow." Bai Chuanxia got up from the bed.

"Okay." Huannai didn't hold back, and watched him leave.

Only Huannai was left in the room.

She fell backward on the bed.

Looking at the ceiling.

Put your hand on the position where Bai Chuanxia was sitting just now, and his remaining warmth.

Huannai was in a complicated mood.


The last scene of last night appeared again in her mind, Bai Chuanxia chose to sacrifice for her.

Such a man will probably never be encountered again in a lifetime.

Kanna thought, reaching into her long skirt.


She closed her eyes and pursed her lips, letting out a suppressed moan.

Although it has been simulated according to memory, it is far from the touch in memory.

the other side......

After Bai Chuanxia returned to his aunt's room, he told Huannai about his invitation to go to the park tomorrow.

"I'm sorry for that child. I don't have time to accompany her." Concubine Ma lay on her side on the bed, put down the file in her hand, and said softly, "When you are in a bad mood, go out and relax, and you will get better soon. It's hard work for you to tolerate her." Be self-willed, Xiao Xia."

"No, actually I don't know what to do." Bai Chuanxia massaged her aunt's long black silk legs with her hands.

"No, you have done well enough." Aunt Ma Fei sat up, put her hands under Bai Chuanxia's armpits, hugged him into her arms, and looked into his eyes: "Xiaoxia, what do you think of Huannai?"

"Of course she's a foster daughter." Bai Chuanxia replied without thinking.

Hearing his answer, Concubine Ma smiled, "Okay, we've made an appointment."

"Well, it's an agreement." Bai Chuanxia hugged her aunt's slender waist, her skin was smooth and delicate to the touch, without a trace of fat, and it felt very good.

After the two chatted, the atmosphere became ambiguous.

His right hand went down from the aunt's slender waist to the back, and his fingers circled on it.

When I was in Huannai last night, I only entered the head, and the experience was extremely poor.

Auntie felt his small movements behind his back. With winking eyes like silk, both feet were stressed, she stood up in his arms, held Xiao Xia in her hand to align her position, with any finger pointing up, she hooked up the lace panties, and sat down.

"Hmm." Bai Chuanxia said comfortably, and it had to be Auntie.

She can control the muscles to relax completely, and after swallowing him completely, she can control the muscles to tighten, like giving Xiao Xia a massage.

This night, the two played until late.

When Bai Chuanxia fell asleep, he put them inside, and fell asleep with his aunt in his arms.

Time came to the second day.

The four had breakfast together as usual.

Tachibana Miyu went to school, and Auntie went to work.

Only Bai Chuanxia and Kannai were left in the room.

"Wait for me for a while." After finishing the housework, Huannai went back to the room and changed into a new set of clothes.

Bai Chuanxia heaved a sigh of relief after seeing her dress up.

Didn't deliberately dress mature like yesterday.

It's very ordinary casual clothes, coupled with the bookish smell on her body, she has a ladylike temperament.

Bai Chuanxia personally thinks that such a dress is very suitable for Huannai.

"Let's go, I'll drive."

"Yeah." Huannai cooperated very well.

Bai Chuanxia fastened his seat belt, kicked the accelerator and drove to the playground.

The corner behind him.

Aunt Ma Fei leaned on the driver's seat and watched his car leave.

Chapter 385

"These fish look like they are flying in the sky." Huannai put his hands behind his back, looked up at the jubilant fish behind the transparent glass above his head, his eyes were bright.

Take your phone and take pictures.

"Well, now should be the fattest time for fish." Bai Chuanxia replied with his hands in his pockets.

The two originally planned to go to the playground.

He just bought a ticket.

Huannai suddenly said that he didn't want to go and wanted to come to the aquarium.

It's pretty capricious.

"There are still penguins ahead, let's go quickly." Huannai smiled and took his hand, walking briskly forward.

"En." Bai Chuanxia was helplessly pulled by her.

Huannai is usually very quiet, and this is the first time he has seen such a lively appearance.

The two walked to the exhibition area. Behind the glass, a penguin was swimming in the water.

"So cute!" Huannai's eyes lit up, his face full of excitement: "Look, it's super cute, super cute, what should I do?!"

"Mmmmmmmm, that's great." Bai Chuanxia looked at the chubby penguin: "It's quite fun."

"There will be a feeding session later, can I see that time here?" Huannai asked.

"Well, you can see until you are satisfied, anyway, I will accompany you today." Bai Chuanxia shrugged indifferently.

"Great!" Huannai put his hands on the glass partition, looked through the glass, and looked at the chubby penguin: "When I came with my friends, I didn't dare to look at it for too long, for fear of delaying others."

"Then you can choose what you like today." Bai Chuanxia said indifferently, "I don't have anything to see."

Not far behind the two.

With her back to them, Maki Hojo stood at a corner with a blind spot, watching the two with her mobile phone camera.

When she first saw that her daughter was abnormal, she just thought it was because she couldn't accept her dating with a boy who was a generation younger.

This is indeed a very embarrassing thing.

But soon, she realized that things were not so simple.

The way my daughter looked at Bai Chuanxia was a woman looking at a man, it was love.

She was in a mess.

Looking down at the screen, Bai Chuanxia had pretty cheeks and complicated eyes.


In the next afternoon, Bai Chuanxia followed the agreement, ate snacks with Huannai, watched the dolphin show, and bought penguin souvenirs for Huannai.

At sunset, the two stood by the bridge, watching the sunset and the sea.

" beautiful!" Huannai leaned on the railing with both hands, looking into the distance.

"Yeah, it's really spectacular." Bai Chuanxia echoed, with a weird expression, this is where the auntie threw the wedding ring, and he still hasn't figured out whether the ring is real or not.

"Finally saw the penguins today." Huanna smiled and broke his fingers: "The sunset is beautiful, I have never had such a good time."

"Hmph, that's good." Bai Chuanxia continued to echo.

Huanna turned her head and looked at him with a smile: "Obviously I came to play with you, but in the end I had a great time alone."

"Don't say that." Bai Chuanxia shook his head: "It's not just words of consolation. I'm also very happy today. A lot of things have happened recently, and I've been thinking about everything."

In order to attack his aunt recently, he had to deal with a messy relationship, and his head exploded.

"Come out with you today, let me change my mood, thank you for inviting me, I am very happy."

"That's it." Huanna looked at him.

The two looked at each other under the setting sun, and the atmosphere suddenly became ambiguous.

"Sure enough, I still can't look at your father." Huannai looked at Bai Chuanxia's eyes, it was a woman looking at a man.

"Uh..." Bai Chuanxia didn't speak.

"There's still time, let's go to the hotel." Kannai didn't show any shyness.

"No, I promised Auntie that I will accompany you out to play as a foster father." Bai Chuanxia shook his head.

Huannai was not surprised when he heard his answer, but instead smiled: "Then as a friend, I will give you one last kiss."

When she spoke, she stood on tiptoe, closed her eyes and kissed Bai Chuanxia's lips.

Lips touched skin, but not soft.

Not Bai Chuanxia's lips, but the back of his hand.

The moment she stood on tiptoe.

Bai Chuanxia covered his mouth with his hands, his reaction speed was already top-notch after he had a human body, and it was not easy to kiss him unexpectedly.

"The so-called last time often turns into countless times."

Huannai was stopped, but not annoyed, she stuck out her tongue, licked the back of his hand lightly, and then backed away.

"It's so cruel to reject the girl's affection."

"I'm your father." Bai Chuanxia took the initiative to take half a step back.

"I don't mind." Huannai leaned forward, and moved closer to the position he used to keep the distance after he quit just now: "I don't promise that I won't change my mind in the future, but now, I don't mind talking with you." The adoptive father maintains a closer relationship."

Bai Chuanxia stared at her eyes, which was different from the way he tried to trick him before.

Her eyes were uncompromisingly firm.

The girl didn't lie.

"If you can get mom to agree, I don't mind being your girlfriend with mom."

Kanna moved closer.

"I reject......"

"It's okay, let's treat these words as a secret between us." Huannai smiled and stood up straight, his eyes bent into crescents behind the glasses: "In this way, it will be more exciting when the three of us meet."

"Uh..." Bai Chuanxia was speechless, looking at Huannai, it was hard to imagine that this quiet and good girl would have such a side.

But think about how she has always seemed to be well-behaved, but she is actually rebellious.

It seems no surprise to say this.

In other words, because of stimulation, she liberated her nature.

Auntie Ma's daughter, how could she be a good child.