MTL - Mysterious Lord Gu’s Palm Treasure-Chapter 128 conspiracy begins

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   Chapter 128 The Conspiracy Begins

The dark night is always the best place to hide darkness and desires. When night falls, ghosts walk at night, people wandering in the city, you never know what kind of secrets, what kind of desires and desires are hidden behind that layer of skin. What kind of despair, people always yearn for a feasting life, just like a moth to a fire, yearning for a bright red, so they fold their wings so quickly.

   A fiery red sports car was parked at the entrance of fany magazine. At ten o'clock in the evening, for many people, it was just the beginning of overtime.

Su Mei walked out of the building holding her handbag. The whole building behind her was still brightly lit, and now many fans were working overtime. The security guard at the door came over to open the door for her and quickly returned to her post. Standing up, Su Mei, who was wearing a lake blue windbreaker, raised her head and looked at the increasingly round moon above her head. The Mid-Autumn Festival was approaching. The temperature in Haicheng began to drop, and the temperature difference between day and night began to change.

When she went to get off work in the morning and when she got off work in the evening, she felt a little cool. She pressed the key in her hand, and the front light of the car opposite turned on. She just opened the car door when she heard the woman rushing over there yelling at her. .

   "Wait!" Su Niannian ran over panting.

  Su Mei stopped and stared at Su Niannian who ran in front of her with a black backpack.

   "I thought you had already left, but luckily I caught up." Su Niannian held the car door and started to catch his breath.

   She originally planned to come to accompany her aunt back immediately after work, but it was delayed for a while because of the meeting. Fortunately, their newspaper office was not too far from here, so it was just right for her to come here.

   If you are a little later, you will not be able to come and see anyone.

   "You don't have to come here if you're busy, I can do it myself." Su Mei pulled out a tissue and handed it to her to wipe the sweat.

  Su Niannian threw the bag in his hand on the back seat of the car, opened the co-pilot's door and sat up, "What's the matter, I have to accompany you for the past two days."

If Bai Xun hadn't arranged the rest of the tasks for her, she would have followed Su Mei all day today, but she had to investigate how many people in Haicheng were still sleeping, and finally got clear data. He had to hurry up and tell Bai Xun what happened.

   "By the way, my mother said she prepared a late-night snack for us, let's hurry back and go back." Su Niannian said.

  Su Mei opened the door and got in the car, "Come up and go."

The whole Su family is now wondering what happened to Su Mei's blind date. Not only the old man is worried, but also her brother and sister-in-law. She hasn't gone back these two days, so they called Su Niannian in a hurry. Call and ask Su Niannian to bring the person back tonight, otherwise, he will also arrange seven or eight blind dates for Su Niannian.

  The car drove out along the space where the cars were parked in the square. Su Mei turned the steering wheel seriously, looking at Su Niannian who was reading the written records on her hand, with a smile on her mouth.

   "Still busy now."

Su Niannian bit her pen, "Well, I've figured it out, there are still 21 people in Haicheng sleeping, 15 of them have been sleeping for a month and a half, Bai Xun said, she The root of the problem has been found, let us not worry, it will be solved soon."

   They all believed in Bai Xun's ability, and would definitely be able to solve this matter and find out what happened.

  Su Mei's hand gripping the steering wheel tightened, she always subconsciously remembered the way the woman died in front of her, lingering, even if it wasn't for her, it was a lingering shadow.

   "Auntie, are you still afraid?" Su Niannian looked at her, a little worried.

  Su Mei stabilized her mind and shook her head, "I just feel a little pitiful. Isn't it terrifying that so many people died for no reason."

   This is her cognition, no matter whether the deaths of those people were deliberately murdered or acted by natural disasters, it is always a pity that so many young lives have passed away like this.

   No matter what kind of person, taking someone's life so casually is the most cruel person in the world.

   To be able to make Su Mei, who is not afraid of the sky and earth, become like this, Su Niannian sighed in her heart that this incident has indeed had a great impact on her aunt.

   "It's true, but I always think it's not easy behind the scenes." Su Niannian stared at Su Mei and said.

So many people have been killed by the same method, and these people have nothing to do with each other, they don't even know each other, it can't be revenge, the only possibility is that the people behind this , is proving something.

   It may even be an invasion of foreign enemies, virus warfare, etc., so the National Police Agency and the hospital pay so much attention.

  If people from other countries used this method to invade Haicheng and country A, the hospital and the police department would not be able to cope with such a situation so far.

   This can even rise to the level of national security. Whether it is public or private, they should find out what is going on in this matter.

   "Naturally, it's not that simple. Haicheng hasn't seen such a strange situation for many years. I'm afraid it's not that simple behind this incident." Su Mei looked at her coldly.

"So this time, the police department seems to be paying special attention to this matter. Together with the military, many people have gone there. It seems that some people with more serious conditions have been quarantined and are now placed in the military hospital." Su Niannian elaborated. .

The girl she was able to track and report on has slipped through the cracks. Su Niannian doesn’t know whether the girl will be quarantined by the police recently, and it seems that some of the corpses have been disposed of recently. Gone, in short, mysteriously disappeared.

   "It seems that the situation cannot be underestimated. We can only wait for Bai Xun to read it to see if he can find the source of the disease." Su Mei stared at the road ahead.

  These strange things have not happened in Haicheng before, but after so many years, time has hidden all the secrets, and those who know those anecdotes have also passed away with time.

  Those secrets are always hidden, but these things are always archived and recorded for future generations. If they cannot be explained with common sense, I am afraid it is really difficult to find the truth.

Su Mei's car went along the third ring road. The place where the Su family lived was not far from the city center. The old man Su liked the quiet. Over the nest.

   The people who live in the duplex villas near Su's house are also rich or expensive, and they are extraordinary.

When she was almost approaching the villa area, Su Mei's eyes flashed, and suddenly a little girl ran past on the road, and the car stopped as if it hit something. She stepped on the brakes urgently, and the inertia caused the two to rush forward. Su Mei's chest hit the steering wheel, and it hurt a little.

   "Did you bump into someone?" Su Niannian looked ahead in horror.

  Su Mei gasped, just now she seemed to have seen a little girl in a red dress pass by, and the car did not know what it hit before it stopped.

On the empty and lonely road, only the street lamps on both sides emit faint light, illuminating the entire wide road. At this time, the road that should have been coming and going, but it was like midnight, and no cars could be seen on the road. The shade of the trees on both sides of the road floated, and two yellow leaves fell from time to time, and the shadows swaying on the ground were like demons.

   The car lights stopped on the road, the air was still and solidified, Su Mei raised her hand to uncover her seat belt, pushed the door with trembling fingertips, and went down to check if she had really hit someone.

  Su Niannian went down behind her, and the two of them looked in front of the car, but saw nothing.

  Su Niannian rubbed his eyes, "Why, nothing?"

   "You sound disappointed?" Su Mei said, staring at the road.

   "But we just saw a little girl in a red dress." Su Niannian said and looked around.

  People, it's impossible to see it wrong, Su Niannian circled around the car and didn't see the little girl, but the sound of the collision just now didn't seem fake.

   "Could it be that we, hell?" Su Niannian said with some trembling.

   "Don't talk nonsense." Su Mei said to her.

   After confirming that she did not bump into anyone, Su Mei let out a sigh of relief. She had encountered so many things in the past two days that she was almost out of breath. Even if she bumped into a ghost at this time, it was because she was too unlucky.

   Not far away, a man in a black burqa slowly approached. Under his wide sleeves, he held a silver dagger in his hand and walked in step by step.

   A gleaming white moonlight arrow shot over, just in front of the man. He turned around and saw the man with a bow under the tree opposite, and disappeared into the air with a wave of his hand.

  Su Mei sensed the movement behind her, and when she turned around, she saw a man in white casual clothes walking towards the end of the road, unable to see his appearance under the night.

  Chenyi walked quietly under the darkness, His Highness said, let him follow these two well during this time, I didn't expect that he had just come here, and the people who were scheming came over.

  These two are very important friends to His Royal Highness in this world, and he needs to do his best.

   But why did the people behind this set their sights on Su Mei and Su Niannian, I am afraid that it was also because of His Highness, those people still couldn't hold back and were ready to start.

   "What are you looking at?" Su Niannian followed her line of sight and saw nothing.

   "It's nothing, let's go back first." Su Meihe fastened her seat belt on the door.

   It is said to be mysterious, and it is indeed very mysterious in many cases. There is no one who does not stick to shoes when walking by the roadside.

   When the two returned home, Su Yan and his wife hadn't rested yet. Shangguanxue saw the two girls entering the door and happily stepped forward.

   "Come in quickly, I just made soup for you."



   The two called out separately.

  The old man didn't come down to practice calligraphy upstairs. Su Yan's eyes were moved from the TV to the eyes of the two girls, and he turned back and continued to watch TV.

   "Are you tired today?" Shangguan Xue greeted the servants to bring them soup.

Su Mei and Su Niannian are not too different in age. Su Mei's mother died after giving birth to her. She was raised in the Su family until she was three years old. After Shangguan Xue married into the family, she also raised Su Mei as her own daughter. to today.

   "I just saw Nian Nian, what's the matter with you, Meier, I haven't even made a phone call recently." Shangguan Xue complained to the two of them with soup in their hands.

   "The magazine office has been too busy recently, and I don't have much time." Su Mei replied.

  Su Yan snorted over there, "I don't think you dare to be free. Dad has asked you about your blind date several times. Until today, you haven't told us whether you are satisfied with each other."

  Shangguanxue turned his head and glared at Su Yan, everyone came back, so he couldn't speak properly. He always had to be so yin and yang, which made people feel uncomfortable.

   "Your brother is right, are you satisfied with him?" Shangguan Xue leaned over and asked.

  Su Mei swallowed the soup in her mouth and raised her head quietly, "We are suitable for being friends, not couples, so you should just die."

   "But the other party clearly said that he likes you very much, and Mrs. Gu even called me." Shangguan Xue frowned.

   "Pfft" The soup in Su Mei's mouth spurted out subconsciously.

   Gu Qingjun said he liked her, right?

   "I think I guessed it right. It must be your little girl who has been tossing about something again. Gu Qingjun is very satisfied with you, so you can't find someone to marry." Su Yan had an expression of hating iron.

  Everyone outside knows that Su Yan and Su Mei have a deep relationship. In fact, Su Yan is more like Su Mei's father, and he has the demeanor of an eldest brother like a father.

   "It's impossible for me and him, we've made it clear." Su Mei hurriedly said.

When they parted that day, she and Gu Qingjun made it clear that their personalities are suitable for being friends, even if there was such a one-night affair, but it was normal, and she couldn't be dragged for such a little thing. Stay.

   "Mrs. Gu said that Gu Qingjun is very satisfied with you, and I hope there will be follow-up development between the two of you." Shangguan Xue said honestly.

When    received the call, the old man almost set the date of the wedding, and it is conceivable how much he hopes Su Mei can marry.

   "What nonsense is he talking about, I think it's too late for him to hate me, how could he really like me." Su Mei gritted her teeth, this fellow, you should be a person with one set and one set, right?

   No wonder it was so easy to talk that day, feelings are waiting for her here, right?

"Mei'er, I've met Mr. Gu. He's a talented person, and he's a member of the Gu family. The family background, appearance, and character are not bad. You are also worthy of it. Anyway, you don't have a boyfriend now, so why don't you just look around with him? ." Shangguan Xue persuaded a few words.

  Su Niannian lowered her head and didn't speak, and ate her own food seriously. She should not open her mouth at this time, otherwise, it would be very easy to drag her along with her on a blind date.

"We Mei'er have this capital to be picky, but you have to take a look. Gu Qingjun is a dragon and a phoenix in Haicheng. If you don't like such a person, my brother is afraid that you will end up alone in the future." Su Yan together Opened up in the past.

   "Yes, yes, Meier, don't be too picky, okay?" Shangguanxue said.

  Su Mei kicked Su Niannian with the foot under the table, and the person who was burying his head in the soup straightened up, "Mom, what about the thing you promised me?"

  Shangguanxue made a move, "Oh, I forgot."

   She went over to the coffee table and took a parchment scroll on it, "This is what your uncle found for me. The case file is from a long time ago. What do you want to do with this?"

  Su Niannian threw a spoon and took it, poured out the documents inside one by one, and on the yellowed pages were the information of each individual.

  Su Mei curiously took two pages and flipped it over. These people all had the same symptoms as the people who were in a coma. They died violently within a week after waking up, and the method of death was the same.

   "Really." Su Niannian flipped a few times.

   "This is a case from almost 20 years ago, why are you investigating this?" Shangguanxue asked.

This case was also a case that shocked Haicheng back then. These people all died in the same way. The hospital at that time could not find anything, and so far they have not been able to give the cause of death or any other reason. The file is withheld by the relevant department for safekeeping.

Shangguan Xue was still working in Haicheng No. 1 Hospital 20 years ago. She is also a famous neurosurgery doctor. Although she has retired early, her contribution is still there. It was her regret that she was not able to practice medicine.

   "Mom, do you have any impression of this case?" Su Niannian asked.

   She also mentioned it casually at home. Shangguanxue remembered the case from that year and told her about it. Su Niannian thought about going through the archives of the year, maybe he could find something different.

   So I begged Shangguanxue to find it.

Su Mei's memory can be regarded as recovery. This case was very sensational at the time. She was eight years old at the time. She vaguely remembers that during that time, the entire Su family used a lot of disinfectant that Shangguanxue brought back from the hospital. The smell of disinfectant is lingering.

"In short, as you said, the level of medical care 20 years ago was limited after all. At that time, it was not possible to find out what kind of illness these people were, and I didn't expect to be able to find out what happened now." Shangguan Xue Sighed.

   "Is there no object of suspicion?" Su Niannian asked.

  Shangguanxue thought for a while, then shook his head, "No, people were panicking back then, and there were even ghosts and gods talking about it. I don't believe the words like God's punishment flying all over the sky."

  Su Yan walked over and picked up a piece of paper on the table. Even after so many years, he still had memories of these things.

   "What are you looking at?" Mr. Su came downstairs and looked at the people around the dining table in the living room.


   "Grandpa!" Su Niannian cried happily.

   Mr. Su came over and looked at the record sheets scattered on the table, "What are you looking at?"

"Dad, do you still remember the case from 20 years ago, that is, some unrelated people started to fall asleep at the same time, woke up two months later, but began to die one after another within a week. That case." Shangguan Xue explained.

The old man squinted his eyes, of course he remembered, the case was not solved in the end, the official can only say that these people committed suicide, more than 200 people died within two months, how could it be an appointment to commit suicide of.

   "Remember, what are you talking about now?"

   "Grandpa, now more than 50 people have died in Haicheng because of this unknown virus." Su Niannian explained.

  The old man was stunned for a moment, and an old man with a folding fan in a green shirt flashed in his head, "This world has never been peaceful, and I don't know how many people will die."

   Hearing the old man's sigh, Su Niannian grabbed the old man and said, "It's okay, Bai Xun will definitely be able to find the cause, we have to give Bai Xun more trust."

   When the old man heard the name, he thought that the person who ended the case back then was Bai Xun's grandfather.

   "What are you thinking?" Su Mei looked at her father.

  The old man woke up from his deep thoughts and looked at the daughter opposite, "What are you thinking, I was thinking about when you will be able to marry, but I heard from the Gu family, Gu Qingjun likes you very much, you will get along with me this time."

It is rare for Mr. Su to like the young man Gu Qingjun very much. When they look after children, the older generation will not only focus on the surface, but must look inside. Gu Qingjun's child is good inside, responsible and courageous. Is a rare talent.

   "Okay, what you say is what you say, isn't it just getting along well, I will definitely get along well with him." Su Mei said following the old man's words.

   "It's about the same."

   This is the way she and the old man have gotten along for so many years. She agrees first and can't confront the old man. How to deal with it later is her own problem, and the old man can't follow her all year round.

   "Huh?" Su Niannian took out a piece of paper and stared at it for a long time.

   "What's wrong?" Shangguanxue asked.

  Su Niannian put the paper in his hand and spread it out in front of the old man, "Grandpa, is this?"

  The old man glanced at him, "Bai Yuanpei, the former chairman of the Bai family."

   Isn't that Bai Xun's grandfather? Su Niannian frowned. It said that the death in a drowsiness that year was brought to an end by Bai Xun's grandfather.

The old man looked at the two children, but vaguely saw the black air floating behind them. The old man silently took the copper coins pinned to his waist, and clearly saw Su Mei and Su Niannian, who were wearing copper coins through the eyes of the coins. of blackness.

   Are these two people provoking something outside that shouldn't be provoked?

   "Go back to rest early, I'm going upstairs." The old man was helped up the stairs by the housekeeper.

  Su Niannian packed the documents in a bag and prepared to take them back for a good analysis. Su Mei was not in a good mood, so she followed her to the room.

  The housekeeper helped the old man to the balcony. The old man stood on the balcony and placed the gossip mirror around him. It seemed that he could vaguely detect the existence of some unknown forces nearby.

   "Master, what's the matter with you?" The butler looked at the old man's movements and was a little confused.

   Mr. Su sighed, "Brother Bai, what you left back then said that it would keep my Su family safe, but these two children seem to have provoked someone who shouldn't be provoked."

   "Are you talking about Mr. Bai?" the butler asked.

   I'm afraid this sea city is about to change.

  The bustling and noisy city center is now a good time for the nightlife of Haicheng to start. Even in the busiest city center, it needs to be completely calmed down, and it will not be quiet until around the early morning.

   Waves of young people come and go, and many people come and go with things in their hands. The shops here are very precious places. Those who can come and join in the fun must be people with a very good economic foundation.

But behind the light, there are always shadows. In the alley at the end of the road, in the darkest place, a scantily clad woman lay quietly on the ground, with bright red liquid slowly flowing from the corners of her eyes, and her eyeballs protruding outwards. , his eyes were fixed in one direction, as if he had seen an evil spirit coming out of hell.

   The man next to her was so frightened that she hurriedly sorted her clothes and ran out, leaving her alone on the dark and damp ground, staring at an angle.

On the rooftop that went up, a man dressed in black was sitting on the cement floor on the edge of the high-rise building, with his legs hanging in the air. The man was wearing a pair of animal skin gloves and quietly playing with a pure black crystal in his palm. The ball, opposite him, sat a woman.

  The woman was wearing a bright red dress, like a color stained with blood, with a low desire and temptation in the night.

   "The speed of this collection is too slow. How many Desire Balls are collected by the people who sent them, and when will they be enough?" The man snorted.

"We are severely understaffed. Not only do we have to collect for the owner, but we also need to be careful not to be discovered by Gu Jiusheng's people, so the speed is a bit slower, but this thing is no longer in quantity, but in quality. All of them have been done very well, they have successfully drawn out the dark side of people's hearts, and they have also obtained a lot of desire **** of perfect condition." The woman lowered her head and looked at the pile of black crystal **** in her pocket.

   In fact, if you look closely, you can tell that many of these desire **** are flashing with colors, which is very dazzling.

   "Who is in charge at the bottom?" The man lowered his head and looked at the corpse below.

   "It's in the east area of ​​the city, but it looks like it's done very well. A lot of people have died in the past two days," the woman replied.

   "Very good, as long as you get enough, it will easily make people lose their minds, let them continue, and when the master recovers, they will immediately dig Bai Xun's heart." The man ordered.

  The woman in the bright red dress smiled, "She hasn't recovered her memory or her spiritual power yet. Even if she digs her heart, it won't help. Besides, she has Gu Jiusheng by her side now."

   Not to mention, Gu Jiusheng's spiritual power is the most powerful and powerful, even the master has to be courteous three points, with such a person protecting them, it is impossible for them to get close to Bai Xun's body.

   "It's not easy, if Bai Xun knew that Gu Jiusheng was the one who sealed her Yunjin whole family, think about it, what would she do?" The man stared at the black crystal ball and said happily.

  The woman was stunned for a while, I am afraid she will do it herself and finish Gu Jiusheng.

   "Love is the most hurtful thing and the most healing thing. As long as she knows how the person she falls in love with has treated her day and night, we don't have to do anything, she will solve Gu Jiusheng herself."

   And once Bai Xun's memory is restored, it proves that her spiritual power is almost gathered, let her kill Gu Jiusheng by herself, and they will do it again.

   "How's Miyagi over there?"

   "Everything is normal." The woman whispered.

  The man put the black crystal ball in his hand into his pocket, "Take care of him, don't let him do bad things at a critical time."

   This Gong Li is a very useful sword, but it is also the most hurtful sword. If it is not used well, some will be busy.

   "Don't worry, I will take good care of him, at least not let him ruin our affairs."

   The man nodded, tapped his fingertips, and turned the corpse of the woman lying in the alley below into a stream of blood, which flowed down the sewer on the side.

   "Let them hurry up and start disposing of the corpse, don't wait until Bai Xun suspects it."

  The woman thought for a while and stepped forward, "Then when do we start?"

  The man raised his head and glanced at the perfect night sky, "It's better to hit the sun if you choose a day, the boat will cross the water without a trace, do you understand this truth?"

The    woman smiled, she understood what it meant, and if the matter here was settled earlier, they could go back earlier, and they didn't have to stay here so anxiously.

The black mist turned, a black cat jumped from the rooftop and walked quietly on the road. Chen Yi waited in the narrow alley at the end of the road. When the cat passed by, Quietly pulled his hands and pulled the cat up. .

   "Let me go!" the black cat meowed.

  Chenyi grabbed its tail and looked at him, staring at the black furball opposite, "Oh, isn't this Lord Jiayan, when did it become like this."

   "Let me go!" Jia Yan called out with a sharp-toothed mouth.

  Chenyi disapproved and threw the cat in his hand out. The moment it touched the floor, a cloud of black mist enveloped them, Jiayan rubbed his **** and stood up from the ground.

   "I think you deserve a beating." He snorted.

   "Okay, what are we arguing about here." Chen Yi waved his hand and his face became solemn, "Those people really have their eyes on Su Mei and Su Niannian."

   That is His Highness's good friend, and they have to protect them.

   More importantly, the blood on Su Mei and Su Niannian's bodies is more suitable for cultivation than ordinary people's. I'm afraid those bugs have already gone to them.

   "We guessed right, those people really want to start between the Empress and Her Majesty." Jia Yan said.

   The spiritual power of the two people just now was very strong. If there was a fight, he and Chenyi would probably not be opponents, so they temporarily retreated.

   "Go back first." Chen Yi looked solemn.

   What those people want is Bai Xun's heart, but if Bai Xun's heart is to have the best effect, it must be when her spiritual power recovers, and Bai Xun's spiritual power has not recovered yet.

  If those people can't wait any longer, they will definitely use some method to awaken Bai Xun's memory and give birth to her previous spiritual recovery.

  This is probably not a good thing.

   The female lead has regained her memory.



   (end of this chapter)