MTL - Mysterious World, I Have Special Understanding-Chapter 30 righteous strike

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  Chapter 30 Righteous Strike

  This night, with the eagerness and earnestness for knowledge as a scholar, Ji Que first took a bath and changed clothes, and then recounted the old news several times, and finally sat down upright.

   In front of him was a blue-bottomed book with the words "Yi Xue" written on it.

  This "Yi Xue" and the other "Book of Ren" are both Confucian classics, and they all talk about the principles of benevolence and righteousness.

  Ji Que took a deep breath, fixed his eyes on "Yi Xue", and said silently: "Comprehend."

  The familiar picture reappeared, a milky white energy poured into the book, and the book turned automatically without wind, quickly turning over in front of Ji Que.

  Suddenly, the feeling of enlightenment rushed over, the truth was analyzed layer by layer, and even the author's thoughts and mentality changes when he wrote the book were poured into his mind.

  Ji Que knew all of a sudden that he had passed the plenary session and was the one who could get 100 points in the exam.

  No one knows "Yi Xue" better than me!

  [Name: Ji Que

  Age: 17

  Boundary: the upper level of the second level of condensing air

  Strength: acceptable (self-assessment)

  Skills: Amphibious Swimming (Proficient), Running (Proficient), Barbecue (Proficient), Jiyi·Tai Chi (Great Achievement), Free Learning (Great Achievement).

  Savvy accumulation value: not yet opened]

  For a while, Ji Que, who had released half a year's accumulation of comprehension, was a little empty, but full of confidence.

   In this way, there should be no problem in being a scholar.

  That night, Ji Que had a dream. He dreamed that a burly scholar kept pounding the heads of iron men into his body cavity.

  The crackling sound of blows can be heard endlessly, coupled with the scholar's almost perfect muscle lines, there is a violent beauty.

   After that, Ji Que woke up.

  He didn't know who the scholar in the dream was, but he knew that he should be a very remarkable person.

   Then, his hands were itchy, because he learned the technique of driving the iron man's head into the body cavity from a dream.

   Sure enough, this savvy still surprised me.

   It's just a surprise, is it a technique to drive a human head into a body cavity?

   No, not just people, as long as there is a head.

  Will this be a little too cruel?

   No, Ji Que quickly realized that whoever dares to be an enemy of justice, smashing his head into the neck is a very reasonable method, which is in line with the idea of ​​"Yi Xue".

  So Ji Que named this skill "Righteous Strike", which means righteous strike.

  In order to practice the effect, he found a crooked neck wild tree overnight.

  In the night, there was only a bang, and the "head" of the tree penetrated into the trunk smoothly, and the neck no longer crooked.

  Afterwards, Ji Que passed by another deserted temple and saw a stone lion.

   With a snap, the head of the stone lion sank inside.

  For a while, Ji Que only felt that the snapping "righteous strike" felt really great, and it can be said to be very enjoyable and decompressive to use.

  So on the road, even the scarecrows in the farmland did not escape his murderous hands.

   Too decompressed!

   In the next two days, Ji Que occasionally saw a person walking with his neck stretched out, and wanted to "correct" him with a slap.

  One day, on the way home, Ji Que saw a little girl who was having trouble killing chickens, so he offered to help.

  The little girl was a little worried at first, after all, there have been incidents of robbing chickens in recent years.

   But seeing that he was handsome, he handed the chicken to him.

   As a result, there was only a crisp sound, and the chicken head suddenly penetrated into the chicken breast and died without any blood.

   It’s really killing chickens without seeing blood.

  The chicken died successfully, but it became difficult to cut the neck of the chicken and let the blood out.

  Ji Que could only forcefully pull the chicken's head out, but the chicken's head sank into the chest cavity. With this pulling, the squeezed blood of the chicken soared up to two feet high, scaring the little girl to tears.

   In the last season, Que lost a chicken to settle the matter.

   It can be seen that it is not easy to be familiar with this "righteous strike", especially if you want to practice with living animals.

So this wilderness, which ordinary people are afraid of, has become a paradise for Ji Que to practice. In the wild, not only a few unlucky wolves, dozens of poisonous snakes, and even a bunch of toads have not escaped the righteous hand. .

   Fortunately, after successfully getting hundreds of toad heads into his body, Ji Que is already familiar with this "righteous strike".

This can be said to be a miraculous and brilliant combat technique, with a unique technique of exerting force, no matter whether the target is dead or alive, tall or short, hard or soft, as long as you find the right position to exert force, you can easily achieve it. The effect of the head entering the body.

  Of course, this technique requires the use of true energy, and the amount of true energy consumed is related to the strength of the target, and cannot be used without limit.

  Ji Que tried it before, but if he hit too much and too often, his arm would be sore and numb.

   This unexpected "righteous strike" undoubtedly increased Ji Que's confidence. After all, no matter whether the opponent is a human or a ghost, if his head is smashed into the body cavity, he will definitely be confused.

  Unfortunately, because of the bad luck in Sangshui County, Ji Que couldn't find a chance to actually fight for a while.

  At this time, he actually missed Finger God Envoy a little bit.

  That guy has three faces, nearly three lives, and a hard head. It must be very enjoyable to use for "righteous strikes".

  Unfortunately, the finger is dead, I don't know where the other fingers in his diary are, and will they come to the door.

  When the weather is getting colder and the autumn leaves are withering, Ji Que and Tang Yi, the crouching dragon and phoenix, finally ushered in the important county test of life.

  The old man of the academy repeatedly cheered everyone up, asking everyone to be calm and put what they have learned to good use, but Ji Que and Tang Yi were not included in his cheering targets.

He even found Ji Que and Tang Yi alone, and said earnestly: "It's good to experience the county test once or twice. It's not a rare life experience. Ji Que, if you don't have talent, don't force it. With your hard work, find a good job. It is not difficult to live a safe life.

  As for Tang Yi, you lazy bastard, if you can be a little less lazy, you have a bright future. Even soft rice should be chewed in your mouth, right? "

  The warm-hearted old gentleman didn’t get into a rage that rare time. He spoke very euphemistically, but the meaning was obvious. You two don’t need to come to the academy from now on.

  Looking at these two people, his chest felt tight and his breath tightened. He wanted to live a few more years.

  Even though the old gentleman has said that, Ji Que and Tang Yi are strangely confident, thinking that they will definitely win.

  Ji Que has this confidence because no one knows "Yi Xue" better than him. He doesn't understand why Tang Yi has similar confidence?

  So naturally, two confident people entered the examination room, and...

  Both failed the rankings.

  Ji Que was very depressed, so depressed that he wanted to vomit blood, because his great achievements in "Yi Xue" did not save him.

  How to compare? If it is said that a test paper has a total of 100 points in the examination questions, there are only 20 points for the "righteousness" at most.

   I can only blame him for being too young. The old man’s words are the same as the key points of the teacher in the previous life. There are so many inevitable.

  The most important thing is that apart from "Yi Xue", his foundation in other subjects is too poor.

  As for Tang Yi, it is said that in the middle of the county test, he was so tired that he fell asleep while writing.

  The failure of the two did not cause any waves, because this is the most normal result.

   What seemed a natural result to outsiders, was a major blow to Ji Que's life.

  How confident he was before the exam, how frustrated he was after the exam.

  Lao Tzu is a dignified traveler, swimming on the ground is faster than a 100-meter sprint, good at barbecue, Tai Chi, and knocking people's heads into the chest cavity, studying as hard as preparing for the college entrance examination, and even cheating secretly, but failed to pass the exam as a scholar?

  For a while, Ji Que couldn't help doubting life.

  The same is true for Tang Yi.

  He seriously suspected that there was a shady scene in this county test. He clearly wrote so many words (most likely in a dream.), how could he fail.

  In short, what everyone thinks is a particularly normal result, feels outrageous to Crouching Dragon and Phoenix.

  (end of this chapter)