MTL - Mystery Descends: My Exchanges Are Not Equal-Chapter 784 , evenly matched! Hidden killing intent!

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As soon as the words fell, a monstrous murderous aura erupted from Emperor Luan and enveloped Wang Teng.

In just a split second, Wang Teng was locked by Luan Huang.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

At the same time, the space boundary wall with a radius of hundreds of millions of miles was also cracked inch by inch by the monstrous murderous pressure, and the scene was extremely horrifying.

Bai Peng and Wan Renjin were all amazed.

The strength of the mid-level Supreme Realm is extraordinary, far beyond their reach.

Afterwards, the two looked at Wang Teng with gloating looks.

This little thief is dead!

I'm afraid that if Master Luan Huang makes a move, he will be blasted to pieces.

After all, this little thief is just a superior Taoist.

Don't say that Master Luan Huang made a move, even if any one of them made a move, he would be able to kill him instantly.

It's just that they couldn't figure it out, how could Luan Yi be murdered by him? !

It was probably killed by this little thief with tricks.

Thinking of this, the two of them looked at Wang Teng and became even more unhappy.

They hate the kind of people who don't rely on their strength, but only rely on tricks.

To put it bluntly, the two just didn't like Wang Teng's strength.

At the same time, on the square where Yanlong was stationed.

Yan Huang, Fu Yang and many other strong men saw the situation outside through the projection of the light curtain in the air.

When they saw that Wang Teng was confronting the three Heaven Holders alone, their expressions were a little ugly.

When Emperor Luan burst out with murderous aura and locked on Wang Teng's Qi machine, their expressions suddenly became more panicked.

That Emperor Luan is a mid-level powerhouse in the Supreme Realm!

Faced with such a strong man, why didn't Shaozu run away quickly?

At this moment, Yan Huang and the others were extremely worried, and their palms were sweating.

At this moment, within the light curtain, Luanhuang's voice sounded.

"Little thief! Where are your helpers?"

At this moment, Emperor Luan's voice was hoarse and cold.

He was trying to suppress his anger.

Wang Teng was taken aback: "Helper? Where did you get the helper?"

Luan Huang said coldly: "If you don't have helpers, you, a little super Taoist, can kill my daughter?"

Wang Teng was speechless.

Even now, the old man is still doubting his strength.

At the moment, he shook his head slightly: "Why do you need help when killing a mere quasi-superior person?!"

Emperor Luan was furious: "Speak out loud! Court death!"


As soon as the words fell, Emperor Luan made a sudden move and punched Wang Teng wildly.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

That fist blasted away, mixed with the power of grasping the sky, causing the world to tremble, and the surrounding walls shattered one after another.

The attack momentum erupting from his fist has reached 7 billion stars, which is extremely frightening.

In Yanlong's station, Yan Huang and others watched with horror in their eyes, and their hearts were raised in their throats.


The attack power of 7 billion stars!

The Luan Emperor's attack has reached 7 billion, the young ancestor is in danger!

At the same moment, Bai Peng and the other two also sensed the terrifying momentum of that punch, and their eyes were full of horror.

Such a terrifying attack, even if the two of them joined forces, they would not be able to withstand it.

How could the little thief in front of him not die? !

card ~! card ~! card ~!

In the blink of an eye, that punch blasted through layers of boundary walls and killed Wang Teng in front of him.

At this moment, Emperor Luan's eyes were full of ferocity.

He wanted to smash this little thief into scum with one punch.

Then use his flesh and blood to pay homage to his beloved daughter!

With this thought in mind, the momentum of Luanhuang's punch increased sharply.


At this moment, Wang Teng also exploded with momentum.

The Sky Shaking Battle Ax and Pantian Battle Armor were put on in an instant.

At that moment, his aura suddenly reached 99.2 million stars!

"Huh? This is..."

Emperor Luan's eyes suddenly showed consternation.

He sensed that astonishing momentum.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

But without waiting for him to think too much, Wang Teng activated the Seven Killing Divine Body, shining golden light all over his body, and his aura soared all the way, reaching 198.4 million stars in a blink of an eye.

Emperor Luan was terrified!

How could this super Taoist have such a terrifying aura.

At this moment, Emperor Luan's eyes were full of disbelief.

Hum~! Hum~! Hum~!

But at this moment, countless dazzling lights lit up on Wang Teng's body.

1.34 billion times the power of good fortune, blessed.

The power of sacrifice in the four poles and four barren lands comes from the blessing.

There is also the power of sacrifice from the Nanyuan Universe and the Xiyuan Universe, which is blessed.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

With this sacrificial blessing, Wang Teng's momentum soared all the way, reaching 230 million stars in a blink of an eye.

The power of the sacrifice has accumulated to about 30 million stars.

Such a huge sacrifice, even Wang Teng did not expect it.

At the same time, Emperor Luan finally felt something was wrong.


Before he could think too much, Wang Teng slashed towards him with all his strength, facing his attack.

Hum~! Hum~! Hum~!

At that moment, the Heaven Shaking Tomahawk emitted countless dazzling auras, and all kinds of attack boosts were activated simultaneously.

With a knowing blow, all the heavens celebrate, and the attack increases by 10% each!

The Eastern Emperor Bell, the Good Fortune Jade Book, and the Six Prison Suppressing God each increased their attacks by 20%!

Eternal Sky Fa Dao, Pantian Battle Armor, the attack increases by 30% each!

The sky-shaking battle ax, the attack increases by 50% each!

Dawei Tianlong, attack increased by 100%!

A cumulative increase of 290%!

I'm afraid that everyone in Hongmeng Universe didn't expect that Wang Teng's Dawei Tianlong had been promoted to the supreme supernatural power.

Its attack growth has soared!

This time, after Wang Teng completed the Dragon Transformation Sacrifice, his bloodline was promoted to the 15th rank, and the Dawei Tianlong Divine Ability was automatically promoted to the supreme rank.

This is also the first supernatural power mastered by Wang Teng.

Having said that, he still has a supernatural power fusion scroll in his hand, which should allow him to obtain another supreme supernatural power, but it is a pity that he needs a giant to use it.

In short, with this increase, Wang Teng's attack increased by 30 times.


The dazzling light of the ax swept across the endless sky.

The sky-shaking battle ax slashed down.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

Where the ax blade passed, the heavens were annihilated, and the road was completely destroyed.

The attacking aura that broke out on it reached 6.9 billion stars, making the entire star sea tremble, and the aura was devastating.

In the blink of an eye, the attacks of the two sides collided instantly.


There was a loud bang.

Explosion sound waves, shaking in all directions.

Wherever its sound waves pass, everything turns into ashes.

In the next second, Wang Teng and Luan Huang groaned at the same time, and each retreated 30,000 feet.

However, Wang Teng retreated more than a hundred feet, which is almost negligible.

In other words, in this round, the two sides were evenly matched.

Bai Peng and Wan Renjin were dumbfounded.

At the same time, Yan Huang and the others were already dumbfounded in the Yanlong Department's resident, with their mouths wide open.

The shock that the young ancestor brought to them was really too great!

Looking at the battle scene again, Emperor Luan has stabilized his figure.

Immediately, he looked at Wang Teng for the first time, his eyes widened.

At this moment, the battle scene became dead silent.

Luanhuang, Baipeng and Wanren were all silent.

It was as if the air was about to freeze.

It took a long time for Emperor Luan to recover from the shock.

He took a deep breath, and looked at Wang Teng with serious eyes, no longer as furious as before.

Now, he calmed down instead.

Bai Peng and Wan Ren looked at Wang Teng with complicated eyes.

This kid who was only in the Eternal Realm was even in a tie with Lord Luanhuang.

Doesn't it mean that this kid is much stronger than both of them.

Thinking of this, the two felt very uncomfortable, and there was a surge of jealousy from the bottom of their hearts.

At the same time, they also felt afraid of Wang Teng.

At this moment, Emperor Luan's voice sounded in the field.

"It turns out that what your Excellency said before is true. If you want to kill your husband and your daughter, you really don't need helpers."

Luanhuang's tone was low and gentle.

Even Wang Teng's title has changed.

Obviously, he regarded Wang Teng as an opponent of the same level.

Afterwards, Emperor Luan said coldly again: "Your Excellency is strong, but you have only one person! Bai Peng, Wan Ren, let's fight together and kill this beast!"

As soon as these words fell, Emperor Luan flipped his palm and took out a long spear.

Wan Ren sacrificed a long knife.

Bai Peng held out a long sword.

Seeing this scene at Yanlong's residence, Yan Huang and the others felt bad.

"Do it!"

But at this moment, there was a roar in the field.


Luan Huang took the lead and stabbed Wang Teng.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

When that spear pierced, the heavens and the earth were shaken, and the sea of ​​stars trembled.

The aura that broke out on it has reached 7.9 billion stars, which is much stronger than before.

In Yanlong Square, Yan Huang and the others saw their expressions change slightly.

However, such an attack is still within Shaozu's tolerance range and cannot kill Shaozu.

But the idea just came up, and Bai Peng and the other two also made a move.

Shua~! Shua~!

I saw a knife and a sword, and shot at the same time.

Suddenly, two attacks soared into the sky.

The sharp light of the sword swept across the sky, and slashed at Wang Teng together.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

Where the sword light and sword light passed, the heavens were broken layer by layer, and the avenues retreated one after another.

Those two attacks both reached 4 billion stars.

Shua~! Shua~!

In the blink of an eye, those two attacks and Luan Huang's shot converged together.

The momentum of the three attacks instantly became one, and its power was so powerful that it reached 990,000 stars.

Yan Huang and the others suddenly changed their expressions.


The joint strike of these three heavenly masters has reached such a level that it can already hurt Shaozu.

Thinking of this, Yan Huang and the others felt anxious again, and they were extremely worried.

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

In the blink of an eye, the three of Luanhuang's joint blows had already reached the front.

At this moment, all three of Emperor Luan's eyes showed fierceness.

The attacks in their hands were all blows with all their strength, and they didn't hold back at all.

Seeing Wang Teng's strength, how could they give Wang Teng a chance to breathe.

Therefore, they have to do their best to kill the little thief in front of them.

card ~! card ~! card ~!

One shot, one knife, one sword.

It shattered countless boundary walls and blasted down.

But at this moment, a sudden change occurred in the field.

Hugh~! Hugh~!

Beside Wang Teng, white light suddenly flashed repeatedly.

The elements of fire, water, and earth appear out of thin air.

Shua~! Shua~! Shua~!

In the next breath, Wang Teng and Tu Xing faced Luan Huang's spear.

Huo Xing hit Bai Peng with a sword.

Shui Xing hit Wan Ren with a sword.

The two sides attacked and collided instantly!

Dang~! Dang~! Dang~!

There was a sound of metal and iron.

The sound wave oscillated and the void exploded.

Both sides snorted and were thrown backwards at the same time.

This round, the two sides fought evenly again.

This time, Luan Huang and the three were dumbfounded again.

They looked at Huo Xing, Water Xing and Earth Xing in disbelief, thinking they were the helpers Wang Teng had found.

But in the next second, they sensed that these three were just clones of Wang Teng.

The faces of the three became ugly again.

Especially Luan Huang took a deep breath.

If he didn't have the help of Bai Peng and the other two, even if he sacrificed his weapon, he would suffer a loss.

Who would have thought that this little thief would have three powerful avatars.

At the same moment, Yan Huang and the others also breathed a sigh of relief.

But before they were happy, the three of Emperor Luan came to kill Wang Teng again.

"Little thief! Don't think that the old man can't see it, you just used a secret technique to temporarily increase your strength! This kind of secret technique can't last, the old man wants to see, how long can you last?!"

Boom~! Long~! Long~!

With a roar, Luan Huang roared and killed Wang Teng.

Bai Peng and the other two also came to kill one after another.

The two of them had the same idea as Emperor Luan.

Wang Teng must have used a secret technique, and he couldn't last long.

Thinking of this, the three of Emperor Luan were full of confidence.

Obviously, they still underestimated Wang Teng in their bones.

Not to be outdone, Wang Teng and the three clones took the initiative to meet them.

Peng~! Peng~! Peng~!

In the next second, the two sides were fighting together.

In an instant, the scene was so dark that the sky was annihilated, and countless space cracks emerged, swallowing the sea of ​​stars around.

Even Xinghai couldn't hold on in this battle, and was actually swallowed by the black hole in space, appearing to disappear.

The intensity of that scene made Yan Huang and the others dumbfounded, not even daring to breathe.

Take a closer look at the battle on the field.

The two clones and Bai Peng are evenly matched.

In the battle between Wang Teng and Luanhuang, they were still at a disadvantage.

But with the blessing of Tuxing, Emperor Luan had nothing to do with him for a while.

According to the battle situation in the field, even if they fight for seven days and seven nights, they will not be able to tell the winner.

However, if Shaozu really used secret techniques to temporarily increase his strength as Emperor Luan said, then the protracted battle would be very disadvantageous!

Thinking of this, Yan Huang and the others began to feel anxious again, holding their breath and watching the battle outside with great nervousness.

At this moment, the battle outside is in full swing.

It was difficult for the two sides to tell the winner.

In fact, Wang Teng was also a little anxious.

His reward for the second stage is to rescue the Yaolong tribe and get back the Yaolong order within half a day.

But according to the current situation, it is impossible for him to complete it.

With Emperor Luan present, he couldn't kill Bai Peng at all.


Thinking of this, a strange look flashed across Wang Teng's eyes.

He still has cards to play.

At this moment, no one noticed that in the depths of the star sea, there was a pair of eyes secretly spying on the battlefield.

The owner of those eyes is none other than Wang Teng's wooden avatar.

It turned out that after the wooden company took over the residence of the Shunlong Department, it hurried back.

He arrived not long ago, and saw the main body and Luan Huang fighting.

Judging from the current situation, the two sides are evenly matched.

If he joined the battle at this moment, he would definitely give his side the upper hand.

But that kind of change doesn't help the second stage.

With this in mind, UU Reading Mu Xing's eyes passed through layers of stars and landed on Bai Peng's back.

He wanted to attack secretly and kill this person.

As long as this person is killed, the body's bounty is expected to be completed, and the rest is not important.

Killing Bai Peng is the most important goal at present.

Mu Xing took a deep breath, and looked at Bai Peng's murderous intent, which became stronger.

However, he couldn't do it yet.

Thinking of this, Mu Xing turned back to look in the direction of Yu Longbu, with a hint of anxiety in his eyes.

It turned out that he was waiting for Jin Xing to rush back.

When Jin Xing rushes back, the two avatars join forces to sneak attack, the success rate will be higher!

After all, there is only one chance. If the sneak attack fails, the difficulty of completing the bounty will be greatly increased...
