MTL - Nan Chan-Chapter 22 .Winter Forest (below)

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Donglin intended to be invisible, but did not expect that he really had to take a trip. He found the books from the dress of the flower buds, and carefully slashed the price.

He decided to run the last glimpse.

At the time of the coast of the East China Sea, it is now a sign of the mountain. This world treasure, no winter forest can not steal, but this time, he did not want to steal. So he rushed to the East China Sea. Before leaving, he blocked Chen Ren again.

"I won't leave if I don't have the money." Winterlin said, "I'm still staring at you, you have to be careful."

Chen Ren nodded in a hurry, and Dong Lin gave him a foot.

"Call your woman to pay attention." Dong Lin said, "If she acts and provokes me, I will lick her skin at any time."

Chen Ren still does not know where he is sacred. He only knows that he is familiar with Zhou’s private night. He only wants to fight against people on weekdays, and he will be beaten in the corner by him. More times, Chen Ren did not dare to make another time. Now, talking to people at home is a whisper.

Winter Lin turned over the wall and disappeared. Chen Ren got up from the ground and snorted a few times with his lower back. He stumbled into the house. When Zhou saw him hurt, he said with amazement: "He is coming again?"

"Shut up!" Chen Ren took care of her. "Give some medicine to Laozi. This turtle grandson... Don't let me know who he is."

Zhou’s gap in medicine took a look around and whispered, “How can this be good? You can’t, you can’t just stare at it! You think about it!”

"He didn't have a ghost..." Chen Ren refused to continue to say that he was hurting, and he was suspiciously screaming everywhere. "You will give me money by money and money! If you take the money, you will not be able to send it away!"

"The coffin of the public servant has told you to sneak out, where to make money! If you don't gamble, then there is no such thing! Now I am holding a small sin, I am married and you suffer, do you still have to give you a mat? Life can't be!" Zhou threw a pill bottle. "No money! Want? Unless you sell grass rain!"

Her voice did not fall, Chen Ren took her to the table and shouted: "What are you doing? Fear people don't know!"

Zhou hit the table, covered his face and cried, and screamed, and shouted, "What should I do? I don’t even say that people say it! Our own children, how to pass it is not their own thing, what is an outsider? Guan! You don't sell her, do you still sell me? Chen Er, if you dare to hit my idea, I will fight with you! How have you been through this day!"

Chen Ren was burned in the fire, and she was upset and distracted by her dissatisfaction. When she picked up people, she wanted to slap her face. Zhou cried and shouted: "You play? You dare to fight!"

Chen Renxi made a statement, released his hand, pulled the shirt and said, "Go, call back." He took a few steps, listened to his ears, did not see the movement, and went back, slap the fan to get the table of Zhou. But it is safe and sound.

Chen Ren’s eyes were snarling, and his mouth whispered softly: “You squat again, then smash me to kill you!”

The roof was quiet and did not fly down the stone as it used to. Chen Ren slammed his legs and shouted: "This idiot is actually yelling at me!"

Zhou squinted and said, "People... people are not there."

Chen Ren quickly opened the door and pushed Zhou, and urged: "Quick and fast! The opportunity is rare! Come back soon, the province will come again in the future, it will be too late!"

A few days later, the grass and rain climbed up and sneaked out from the gap in the firewood house. I saw the Chen family gathered in the inner chamber and discussed what was going on. She was kept in the firewood room for one night, and now she was cold and hungry, and she noticed something bad. Not long after, Chen Laotou will curtain out. He put a pot of soup in the door of the firewood house, and the grass and rain went to the hole and peeked at his look.

"Eat." Chen Laotou licked a few snow and said, "The next meal will not be able to reach you."

The grass rained in the gap and looked at him. Chen Laotou knocked on the wooden board and squatted closer.

"Are you talking to outsiders?"

Grass rain shakes his head.

Chen Laotou barely smiled and said: "Would you like to fight? You don't open your mouth. Why is the money for the official? Do you have the wound medicine, isn't he giving it to him? He is a grandson. He lives at home and eats white. "We didn't want you to kill you when you were pregnant. You should be grateful." He touched the grassy arm and measured the meat and said, "I don't know the stupid things."

Grass rain earned his arms, the old man suddenly tightened his fingers, licking her thin arm to the gap, said: "Your mother is also a grateful thing! In vain, I have been delicious for these years. When the debt is paid, it will give me such a shameful thing! You must have a kind of learning now, you dare! The money is something for the official, he dares to report to the official, I will tell him to collect money and humiliate you! He is Not afraid, so I found someone with unknown origins, thinking that I can be called Grandpa, I am afraid? I tell you, no way!"

Grass rain cried in horror, only to feel that looking out between the gaps, the world is full of ghosts. The old man's rough skin was pulled over his mouth, and the saliva splashed, revealing a rotten smell.

"...winter uncle..." Grass rained and shouted, "...winter uncle..."

Chen Laotou’s ears are slightly backed and he can’t hear clearly. After collecting his hand, he turned and patted the ground and fell into the curtain. The grass rain was not yet slow, and Chen Chen followed closely. At this time, the sky will be dark, and Chen Ren sneaked to the side of the firewood house. He opened the door and drilled in.

The grass rain screamed and turned and ran. Chen Ren grabbed her foot and dragged the little girl back to the ground and overwhelmed it. He slaps her while dispelling the belt.

"Who is it? Who is it! It's all called by you! How long have you been suffering from Laozi! If you don't pay back, can you say no?"

The grass rain was beaten by the lips, and she struggled fiercely, screaming and biting Chen Ren’s arm. Chen Ren’s other slap hit her eyes, and almost fainted. She screamed: "Winter Uncle! Winter Uncle..."

"What is this?" The old widow looked at the wall and looked at Chen Ren’s eyes and shouted, "Noisy people..."

The grass rained and screamed and shouted: ""

Chen Ren licked the mouth of the grass rain, and calmly looked up at the old widow. "Look at me and slay your little bastard! The food that I borrowed on the back is still not back? What is the business."

The old widow’s cane was hesitant and went to the house. He said, “No matter... I’m old and dim... Honger! Don’t make a wall... blame.”

Ah Hong stepped on the stone and Chen Ren laughed at him a few times. Ah Hong saw him in the rain and spit on the melon skin in his mouth. He said to the grass rain: "Hey!"

Chen Ren continued to move, saying: "After a few days of selling, it will be gone! Before you come next, let me be treated first, I will not raise you for so many years."

Grass rain screamed: "Winter uncle..."

Chen Ren glared at her cheek and was about to lean over and listened to the screaming behind her.

"What do you do!" The money was hand-footed and turned over the wall. The master was holding a firewood and wielding to Chen Ren. "What are you doing! Are you a beast? Go away! I will go to the press immediately!"

Ah Hong saw the money as a official and immediately retracted his head. He took the remaining sugar residue in his pocket and thought about asking the husband to eat sugar later.

Chen Ren sighed with anger, and he was so excited. He put on his trousers again and drilled out of the firewood house. He smiled at the money and said to him: "What? The Master has no long eyes. What do you come to my house? Private home, I want to sue you!"

Qian Weishi was in a hurry. He gnawed his teeth and slammed Chen Ren. He said, "What are you doing? You are not a person!"

Chen Ren easily pushed him down, cut off a stick, and then pumped it to Qian Shishi, saying: "I am you, you still manage the head of Laozi?"

Chen Ren took the heavy burden and won the money for the official. He smashed the money into a official, and made a round trip. He measured the stick and took a stick on the waist.

"What good person are you? I want to report to the official! I tell you to use sugar to swindle my niece, and to swear that she is doing something that is not clean! The sinister hypocrite! I have to tell you that you are ruined! So you go, go. !"

Chen Ren dragged the money for a few steps to the side of the courtyard, opened the cover that covered the cylinder, and stuffed the money into the water. He knocked on the back of the money and said, "Well!"

Qian Shishi snorted in the water, Chen Ren mentioned him and said: "Give face to face."

The sound fell and the money was smashed into the official, and the money was buried in the ice water, so that it could not breathe.

go to hell.

Qian Shishi tightly squats on the cylinder edge and constantly repeats the curse.

Go to hell!

Thousands of miles away, the corpse was agitated, revealing the eyes of the Raksha bird.

Money was thrown on the ground, he coughed water and looked at nothing. The sky was completely dim, the wind and snow began to rise, and it hit the face. He read: "Death..."

Chen Ren took a few feet, and Zhou looked at people in the lower order. He worried: "People are half dead and not alive, and they are going to report to the official."

"He dares!" Chen Laotou sat inside the room and smouldering the smoker. He said to the window, "He dares to report to the official, and he says that he is tainted with grass and rain. Does he not love and be a child?" So many people look at it, bite Dead, see how he turned over."

"Yes!" Chen Laotai was on the floor, "I can also ask him to pay the silver money, the government stare, he dare not give!"

"The poor acid scholar has a few dollars." Chen Ren spit sullenly and said to Zhou, "Hurry up, let the grass rain go inside the house."

Zhou reluctantly twisted, she pulled the grass out of the wood, and stepped on the new snow. Zhou opened the curtain and pushed the grass to the couch.

"If you add more people, you will burn more charcoal. If you don't come in outside, you won't be able to come in! I will give me the temper in the end." She said that she pulled the grass rain and shouted: "贱1 embryo Look at your fascinating look!"

The grass rain fell on the shop, and Chen Taitai’s knee-stitched needle-turn basin turned over. The old lady "clammed" and climbed up, hitting the back of the grass and raining, saying: "Quick! Fast! The needle 1 is inserted into the quilt!"

The grass rain hid the small scissors and rushed to clean up the needlework. She held the basin and shrank the corner.

Outside Chen Ren is still insulting money for the official, the snow is getting bigger and bigger, he squats, and carries money to open the door.

"Fast, don't call me tomorrow morning..."

When the courtyard door "Oh," opened, Chen Ren fell to the ghost-like back, and even rolled up to climb up the stairs, his mouth was unclear: "How, how..."

The courtyard door was closed in heavy snow.

When the winter forest crosses in, if the copper bell seems to have no sound, his steps are very light, and the light is not as good as the sound of the knife.

"Heroes, heroes..." Chen Ren slipped to the ground and hurried back, raising his hand to block the approach of winter forest. "Yes, there is something to say!"

When Donglin stepped forward, he couldn't help but pull up Chen Ren and took him into the door. Chen Ren fell down and screamed. The exclamation of the woman in the room was a mess, and Chen Laotou scolded with a cigarette gun: "What are you going to do!"

However, the voice of the old man did not fall, and he heard Chen Ren scream. Bloody splashes, Chen Ren squatting and hiding.

"Help, save lives!"

His voice was not complete, and Dong Lin dragged his legs and feet from behind, only listening to the broken bones, and Chen Ren was crushed by his feet. He mourned the tone and became a strange cry in the snow night. Zhou screamed in horror and pushed Chen Laotai to hide behind. Chen Laotai’s old eyes were dim, and he couldn’t touch the southeast. He was scared by the screams of this room and he was groping around. Winter Lin has stood up, he kicked Chen Ren and entered the room.

"Let's ask for money, ask for money! Say it!" Chen Laotou smashed the cloth pocket and rolled a copper bead. He slammed down to the ground, licked the beads, and gave it to Donglin. "Oh, let me know! Honor to you, all tribute to you!"

Dong Lin took off her hat and was swollen with sweat. He turned his hand over the knife and rubbed the sweat with his back.

"I don't want money." Dong Lin turned a blind eye to Chen's horror, "I am going to die."