MTL - Naruto: I Can Only Draw S-rank Rewards-Chapter 172

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"Fujitora, it's five o'clock, I'll take people away. Thank you for your hard work this time."

Lai Luo laughed, beckoned to a group of people with anxious faces in the distance, then said goodbye and walked off the warship.


Just as Lai Luo set foot on the island, there was a sudden sound of breaking wind behind him.

"Your sieve is for you."

It was not until Fujitora left with all the warships and disappeared into the sea that Lai Luo opened his palm with lingering fear.

Subconsciously, he seemed to have used too much force to take the sieve, and the creaking sound seemed to be broken.

"This... don't worry, I will definitely do what I said that day!"

Lai Luo looked at the sieve with the case removed in his hand and said softly.

He already knew what these people meant.

It was still a sieve, but it was a sieve made of ice cubes. On top of it, there was one point in the shape of a pitch-black fist, two points formed by two Buddhas, three points formed by three points of golden light, and four trees. There are four dots made of grass, five dots dotted with lava, and six dots where the word "full" can be vaguely seen at the end.

If Shanks broke his arm to save Luffy at that time and pressed him on the new world, then now, Laylo alone, the entire navy is in order to realize the hope of peace!

"Lord Lei Luo, you caught a big fish, no no no, it should be a dragon to be precise!"

Just as Gedges had just finished his sentence, the originally clear sky suddenly exploded with thunder, and rolling dark clouds came over the surface, seemingly heralding the coming of a storm.

"The most ferocious dragon in the world will be our most powerful ally!"

Chapter 311 The Whitebeard Remnant

With the passage of time, more and more powerful people gathered on the island. Among them, Lai Luo was most surprised by Smog who blatantly announced his withdrawal from the navy.

As for why the World Government has always let the Peacemakers' Alliance go unchecked, this is only a superficial phenomenon, and there will be some small moves secretly.

After all, once the Five Old Stars ordered a large-scale war, it would definitely cause dissatisfaction and protests from the masses.

Just imagine, once this happens, people's definition of the Alliance of Peacemakers is bound to surpass the World Government. If Lai Luo reaches an agreement with the leader of the Revolutionary Army, Long, then the world will really change.

However, what the Five Old Stars did not expect was that the Alliance of Peacemakers and the Revolutionary Army had long since formed an alliance. The former was responsible for dealing with pirates and the navy, while the latter promoted the idea of ​​freedom and equality.

"Ding! System task trigger: Destroy the legend!"

Destroy the Legend: For every Four Emperor Pirates killed, you will get a god-level lottery point*1, and if you kill one of the four emperors, you will get a god-level lottery point*1.

This is the task issued by the system last month, and the content makes Lai Luo very big.

Originally intending to grow up in a wretched manner in the East China Sea, he spent a few years to create a team with all members dressed in combat uniforms and proficient in the eight-door Dunjia army, but he received the task of fighting the Four Emperors.

Moreover, what made Lai Luo speechless the most was that in this mission, one of the Four Emperors had to be killed within three months before a follow-up battle could begin, otherwise it would be considered a mission failure.

The Beast Pirate Ship, captained by Kaido, has a bounty as high as 4.6111 billion. There is no need to say much about its strength.

Even if Kaido is not to mention, the six Lingkong sons under his command are all existences with a bounty of over 100 million, and above them, there are three more terrifying disasters, and the bounty starts at 1 billion.

The Red Hair Pirates, Captain Shanks, has a bounty of 4 billion 489 billion Bailey, and this is only the Navy's estimate. After all, the red hair is not like Kaido's existence that harms one party everywhere.

In addition, the difference between the Red-haired Pirates and the Beasts Pirates, as well as the combat effectiveness and number of cadres, it is no exaggeration to say that the seven highest-level cadres of the Red-haired Pirates have no real battles. Libi's three disasters are definitely beyond compare.

The BIGMOM Pirates, captained by Charlotte Lingling, has a bounty of 4.388 billion. Although her strength may be much worse than the above two, her Devil Fruit ability is definitely the most difficult and deadly. .

Moreover, Auntie has many children. Although the top cadre, Dessert Jiangxing, is slightly less powerful, but because of the relationship of marriage, Auntie's sphere of influence is still the most extensive emperor.

"In this way, my goal seems to be very clear."

That's right, after thinking for a while, Lai Luo locked his ultimate goal on the Blackbeard Pirates.

As the most established four emperors, Blackbeard's bounty is only half of the other three emperors, and his crew members are all bounty before reaching the 100 million level, so don't be imprisoned in the underwater prison, presumably in terms of strength Not to be feared either.

The most important point is that Blackbeard became the fourth emperor, but he stepped on the shoulders of the Whitebeard Pirates, and this can completely make up for the impact of the lack of combat personnel for Lai Luo.

An island in the New World in the second half of the Great Route.

Lai Luo came here alone, looking at the tombs of Whitebeard and Ace in front of him, and just sighed silently.

Whitebeard, as a remnant of Roger's era, Ace, as Roger's son, the existence of the two of them, in the final analysis, is to promote the arrival of a new era.

"Hey, boy, get out of the way, don't disturb us!"

"That's right, people who used to be in the Navy are not welcome here!"

Looking at the voice, there was a hint of anger in Lai Luo's heart, but more helplessness.

Those who speak vulgarly are all the remnants of the Whitebeard Pirates, the big names in the new world, but now, they are living a life of drunkenness and dreaming all day long, relying on the effect of alcohol to numb their nerves.

"No wonder you were defeated by Blackbeard, and you want to come..."


Before Laidlaw could finish speaking, a blond man in his 40s picked up the wine bottle beside him and smashed it.

Blackbeard Titch is the source of anger in each of them.

"It's ridiculous, Margao, who is known as the phoenix, is also a waste in the end. It's a pity that Whitebeard still regarded you as the most cherished family members before his death. I think that except for Ace, every one of you present is garbage and unworthy of it. called the Son of Whitebeard!"

Lai Luo's tone was full of sarcasm and ridicule, but it seemed that Tic was not mentioned this time, and Margao and his party didn't respond, and they were even scolded so willingly.

His brother was killed by another brother, and then the most respected father in his life was also the head of the dead and that person. In the end, they wanted to avenge the two, but they found that they were not opponents at all, and they suffered a disastrous defeat. , and also made the other party become the emperor of the sea in one fell swoop with the help of this understanding.

Such a ridiculous experience happened to the alcoholics in front of them. A series of blows had already made them not know how to face the world.

"Now I have already quit the navy and established the Peacemaker Alliance. This time, I want to invite you to join my alliance and destroy the Blackbeard Pirates with me!"

Lai Luo said tentatively again, but the only response to him was the empty wine bottle that followed, and the cold angry gaze.

"It seems that the white beard is really old. It's okay to have a bad brain, and his eyes are still blind. Otherwise, how can you recognize you **** as sons!"

After being rejected over and over again, Lei Luo was too lazy to continue wasting time here, but just as he said a word and was about to leave, there was a swift and violent sound of wind breaking behind him.


Lai Luo didn't do any dodging, but chose to cast iron blocks to resist the person's sneak attack.

"If you say something bad about Dad again, I will tear your mouth to pieces! Now get out!"

The unpleasant smell of alcohol smelt into the sky, and Lei Luo, who frowned slightly, glanced at the red-faced Margao who appeared beside him, and a thought was born in his heart.

If you can't wake up, then wake up! However, we must first use words to stimulate the fighting spirit in Margo's heart.

"You've been with Whitebeard for 30 years, right? You've learned this over the years? It seems that Whitebeard is not as powerful as I thought."

"Oh, by the way, Whitebeard must be beaten every day, or else he wouldn't have so many scars on his body, and it's a good name that shows that he never runs away."

Chapter 312 Conditions

"Did you go back to Whitebeard's hometown to be a doctor in the name of protecting Whitebeard's legacy after running out of money to buy alcohol?"

Lai Luo's words are completely the plot of the original book, but when they are spoken at this time, the ridicule is obviously far better than filial piety and gratitude, especially when his tone suddenly changes to surprise.

"Ah! I forgot, the son is like the father, what kind of thing a father is, you can tell from the son, the white beard never escapes, I think it's all giving up, the wound in front of him is scratched by himself Bar?"

"What about you, Margao!"

From Lei Luo's mouth, sentence after sentence of taunting towards Whitebeard popped out. At this moment, not only Margao, whose back was facing him motionless, but even other people stood up one after another, glaring at Lei. Lo.

If eyes can kill, Lai Luo can say without hesitation that he has been killed more than tens of thousands of times by the group of people in front of him.

"Sure enough, Daddy was a coward, don't you even have the courage to take action against me?"

Lai Luo sneered, and between the slowly raised right hand, a laser light gradually condensed, and the target was Whitebeard's tomb.

call out!

The golden light flickered and was fleeting, but the final result was not the collapse of the tomb, but the splash of blood.

Looking at Margao, who was seriously injured because he relied on his body to forcibly take the blow, Laylo couldn't figure out why he didn't use the ability of the Devil Fruit to heal himself.

Could it be that his power of regeneration was taken away by Blackbeard?

You know, the current Blackbeard Pirates are very famous hunters!

The ability of the Stealth Fruit was forcibly plundered by them!

Laylo suddenly thought of something, and another laser beam shot out. The target was still Whitebeard's tomb, but the result was still the same. Margo used his own flesh and blood to block the blow.

"In this case…"

Lai Luo smiled, this time the laser light was still aimed at Whitebeard's tomb, but just as it was about to touch Margo, the golden light suddenly turned and shot towards Ace's tomb.


With this loud noise, Ace's tomb shattered, revealing Ace lying quietly in it with a big hole in his chest.

"Bastard, I'm going to kill you!"

Seeing his brother's tomb being destroyed, Margao roared angrily, his original mortal body was replaced by azure flames in one breath, and even his form became the structure of a bird.


Margao's speed is extremely fast, as fast as a blue lightning, but no matter how fast the lightning is, how can it be compared with light?

What Laylo, who easily avoided the blow, saw a claw burning with blue flames, constantly magnifying in his own eyes.

This is the performance of the domineering and domineering being suppressed, and his next move is predicted by the other party!

Raising his hand suddenly, Laylo, who took Margo's blow, only felt that his arm was cut with a blade. The pain caused by the torn muscles made him gasp. .

Golden Light Curse!

Laylo, who was accidentally injured, used the golden light spell to protect his body, which made him pay attention to the shadows behind him. After all, he didn't want to end up being surrounded by everyone.

"too slow!"

"Have you not eaten?"

"Is this what Whitebeard taught me? Sure enough, it's the same trash as him?"

Laylo, who was dodging Margo's attack, was still relying on words to deeply stimulate the emotions of the Whitebeard remnants. Only when the endless anger broke out completely could he hope to guide them out of their self-degeneration.

As his anger continued to burn, Margao's attacks became more severe and heavy. His body moves were never sloppy, and his shots were vicious and decisive, and every strike was aimed at Lei Luo's death point.

Whitebeard is an era, the most powerful and perfect man in the world, no one can slander him, not before, and not now!

If there is anyone who dares to damage the reputation of Whitebeard, then the only choice is to kill Wushe!


"kill him!"

"Let him kneel and apologize to Dad!"

Hearing the sound of killing from behind, Lei Luo didn't panic at all, just grinned, and the unparalleled overlord's arrogance was instantly released, skipping everyone's mind.

Boom! Boom! Boom!

Watching his brothers fall to the ground one by one, Margao's alcoholism completely sobered up, and the opponent's strength is definitely at the level of the Four Emperors!

"Are you awake? If you are awake, then don't sleep. Come with me to fight Blackbeard Tiki!"

Laylo snapped his fingers lightly, and Margo's body shook suddenly at that moment. When he opened his eyes, he found that he was still sleeping on the ground at the beginning, and the wine bottle in his hand hadn't been thrown out.

And at this moment, Lei Luo, who was standing in front of everyone, had a strange crimson color in his eyes.

"What happened just now? Is your fruit ability?"

Margo, who has not yet converted from fantasy and reality, rubbed his temples.

Although the alcohol had receded, the ambiguity in his mind had not disappeared for a while, which made Margao not knowing what to say for a while.

"Yes, I can make others dream through the fruit ability, all of you, I have performed illusions."

In the face of the answer given by Lai Luo, Margao chose not to believe it. After all, everything that happened just now was too real, even the soreness and numbness that came from his hands and feet, which was obviously only after a battle. situation that arises.

However, when he saw that Ace's tomb had not been destroyed, he believed Laylo's words.

"You said you were going to exterminate Tiki? Is this true or false?"

Margao suddenly asked, in this situation, he was always thinking of avenging his father and his dead brothers, but in terms of combat effectiveness, the gap between the two sides was still too huge.

"I need your help, whether it's collecting information about the Blackbeard Pirates or during the war, so are you willing to join my Peacemaker Alliance?"

Laylo invites Margo, and at the same time, this sentence will also be used by the other members who will experience various challenges in their dreams.

To join or not to join, that is the question.