MTL - Naruto: Ten-year-old Kaleidoscope, Opening Betrayal Konoha-Chapter 496

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The [Sacred Tree Fruit Type I], which released a bright light, was thrown directly by Natsume.

Seeing Hui Ye's raised eyebrows, he didn't know why.

I can't wait to fly down immediately and catch the precious [Chakra Fruit].

And the two below.

The growing divine tree also seemed to sense the existence of [Chakra Fruit].

Started to get restless, started to get excited.

Even two sturdy roots drilled directly from the ground and rose into the air.

He firmly caught the [Chakra Fruit] and inhaled it into his body...


Visible to the naked eye, the divine tree, which is absorbing the enormous power of this [Chakra Fruit], has also entered the crazy skyrocketing mode.

400 meters…

500 meters…

800 meters…

1000 meters…

In this way, the divine tree soared to a height of more than 1,000 meters, and then gradually slowed down.

Obviously, the divine tree has entered a mature stage.

this moment.

Only Kaguya woke up, and what Natsume said had her own way.

It was this way!

It is to take a complete [Chakra Fruit] and go to reverse the ripening [Sacred Tree]!

This, this is too extravagant!

It's too outrageous!

Can't you just take that [Chakra Fruit] as a quest tribute and return it to the Otsutsukimoto family?

really not...

Others don't know, but Natsume knows it very well.

The [Sacred Tree Fruit] exchanged by the system is different from the [Chakra Fruit] cultivated by Otsutsuki.

All of the gene factors related to Otsutsuki were eliminated.

This can make it easy for oneself to absorb, and it is not "big tube wood"...

Therefore, the fruits exchanged by the system can be absorbed by oneself.

If it was handed over to the Otsutsukimoto family as a tribute, to deceive them?

The chances of success are slim.

Moreover, if the Otsutsukimoto family knew:

Someone can strip the Otsutsuki gene in the [Chakra Fruit], and directly draw money from the bottom of the pot.

Then they can't be mad?

That's why Natsume had to go around in a big circle and use the divine tree to re-plant a normal [Chakra Fruit] containing the gene molecule of Otsutsuki.

Seeing that the divine tree has entered the mature stage.

Natsume waved his hand again and took out the 'Otsutsuki One-Style Clone' that was previously stored in [Shenwei Space].

He threw it directly to the divine tree as a sacrifice.


Devoured the 'Otsutsuki I-Clone' and unlocked the genetically restricted divine tree.

It has grown a lot again, and then officially crossed the maturity period.

And it's blooming!

After flowering, it is the result of nature.

In the perception of Natsume and Kaguya, it can be clearly detected.

The power of the [Sacred Tree Fruit Type I] supplied before has not been exhausted.

Still being absorbed by this divine tree.

Continue to condense at the stamen of the **** tree, trying to bear a [Chakra Fruit].

three minutes later.

The last ray of power was also completely absorbed by the divine tree.

However, the stamens of the divine tree still failed to bear a single fruit...

Natsume was not surprised by this.

This was what he expected.

"Sure enough, one fruit is still not enough!"

Only one of the lowest-level [God Tree Fruit Type I].

I just want to ripen the whole divine tree and let the divine tree bear fruit...

How can there be such a good thing?

Fully ripening the divine tree has consumed most of the energy of that fruit.

The rest is no longer enough to bear fruit.

Unless Natsume and the others are willing to wait a few more years, let the divine tree continue to absorb energy from this planet and bear fruit.

"If that's the case, let's get another one!"

Xia Mu was ruthless, and spent another 100,000 gold coins to exchange for a [Sacred Tree Fruit Type I] again.

Although the cost at the moment is huge.

But Natsume firmly believed that it was all worth it.

Looking back, I will definitely be able to get it back from Otsutsukimoto’s house tenfold, a hundredfold!

at the same time.

Seeing that, between turning his hands, Natsume took out another [Chakra Fruit].

Kaguya was taken aback again.


He, where did he get so many fruits?

How many does he have?

Who is Otsutsuki?

Kaguya only felt that the surprise of her previous life was not as much as it is today.

Compared with the kid Natsume, it seems that he is the poor native!

There are so many secrets on this little guy!

At this moment, the subconscious told her.

Following this mysterious little guy, there is not necessarily no chance of defeating the Otsutsukimoto family!

Although, this guy's methods are rude.

It doesn't look very honest...

But these shortcomings are hardly worth mentioning for Kaguya.

For her, there is nothing more important than defeating the Otsutsukimoto family.

And just when Kaguya was thinking about it.

Natsume has also fed another [God Tree Fruit] to the new divine tree in front of him.

as predicted.

Got another big wave of energy supply divine tree.

A brand new [Chakra Fruit] will soon be born!

Chapter 423

Natsume stretched out his hand, and a powerful suction poured out.

From the center of the flower of the divine tree, I sucked the newly produced [Chakra Fruit].

until you hold it in your hand.

At this moment, Natsume can clearly feel it.

This [Chakra Fruit] contains more energy than the [Sacred Tree Fruit Type I] that I exchanged.

About 1.4 times or so.

It is also quite impressive.


Natsume is even more certain, this [Chakra Fruit] really contains a wealth of Otsutsuki gene factors!

Because this fruit actually vibrated slightly in his palm.

He seemed to want to escape from his grasp and flew towards Kaguya beside him.

The previous divine tree fruit types I and II were not so restless.

There is no doubt that this is getting close to Kaguya, who has the bloodline of Otsutsuki, right?

Kaguya seemed to see something unusual.

He also voluntarily explained:

"After the fruit is ripe and picked, it will take the initiative to approach the surrounding life forms with the blood of Otsutsuki."

"This can effectively reduce the chance of the fruit being taken away by other enemies..."

"This is also what was set up when the divine tree was created."

Back then, when Kaguya ate the [Chakra Fruit] from the Ninja World.

That fruit also took the initiative to fly to her palm.

However, at least this also proves that this fruit is a success.

It is indeed rich in Otsutsuki genetic factors.

"How does it feel?"

Natsume pointed to the fruit in his hand and asked.

Kaguya truthfully informs:

"It's bad, it's the worst [Chakra Fruit]."

"If you bring this kind of fruit back to cross, it is impossible to get a reward."

"It's good to be able to barely avoid being punished..."