MTL - Necromancer and Super Cemetery-Chapter 787 793? Planeswalker

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   Chapter 787 793 Planeswalker

   At the Grand Duke's Castle in the province of Alsa, Phipas met Green, who had just returned from Anubis' burial.

  Green saw these identical corpses, he couldn't help frowning, and asked, "What's going on with these corpses?"

Archbishop    Phipps immediately recounted the previous situation.

  Green frowned slightly, and immediately called Black Claw and Dr. Vincent over to thoroughly examine and dissect the corpses.

   However, what is surprising is that both Black Claw and Dr. Vincent showed unexpected expressions, and they did not find any traces of magic and alchemy on these corpses!

   "Your Majesty, this is incredible! Without the participation of any extraordinary factors, just relying on scientific means, it is possible to replicate human beings!" Black Claw sighed, looking at these corpses, he couldn't help but feel as if he had obtained a treasure, and planned to study the mysteries in depth.

   However, Green is more aware that this is clearly a very mature 'clone' technology.

   It was just hard for him to imagine that in this world dominated by supernatural beings, who actually mastered such perfect cloning technology? Is it Poseidon? Or someone else?

  According to reason, with the attitude of the Titans rejecting science, it is unlikely that Poseidon will develop this technology, or the probability of other Titans is not high.

  Compared with it, Green believed more that the Sea Emperor Poseidon had an ally by his side, or obtained the application of this cloning technology through some means.

  Green couldn't help but have many thoughts in his heart.

Where did   cloning technology come from? Was it really researched by a genius, or did someone pass through like him?

   or something else?

   As for cloning technology, Greene didn’t have any self-confidence, and explained the general principles to Archbishop Phipas.

   Of course, I don’t expect this layman to understand much. Anyway, I can go back and repeat it to Archbishop Link.

   Sent away Archbishop Phipas, Green fell into deep thought, and there was a faint idea in his heart, he should find a way to figure out how these cloning technologies came from.

   But compared to this, Green has a more important thing at present, which is to wait for the cemetery system to be upgraded.

   With the passage of time, the progress bar of the system upgrade has passed more than half of it, and it will say [100%] within three days at most.

   This makes Green look forward to what the upgraded cemetery will look like.

   In comparison, other things are less important.

   On the other side, Archbishop Phipas left the main world, rushed back to Link's side without stopping, and repeated everything he heard from Green.

Archbishop Link frowned slightly: "Cloning technology! Is it a technology that replicates biological bodies directly at the cellular level? Pure science can do this, you don't need the assistance of extraordinary abilities at all. Maybe... we need this technology. , as long as there are enough resources, a steady stream of soldiers can be produced.”

Archbishop    Pippas did not say anything. He was very emotional about his position. He was an effective executor. As for these strategic things, he did not need to consider and express his opinion.

  Link didn't expect the other party to give any opinion, he just murmured and looked into the distance: "Maybe it's time to have a candid talk with the teacher."

   Learning of the existence of cloning technology, Link did not continue to investigate, or find a way to explore and obtain this technology.

   This doesn't need him to worry, as long as he wants this technology, there are a hundred ways for the Church of the Holy Light to get it.

   On the contrary, it was Pope St. Fran. He felt that cloning technology was more suitable for the Dark Crusader that Pope St. Fran secretly established.

  With the opening of the war of gods, the large-scale recovery of the Titans, and joining the ranks of plundering the void world, is that the living space of the Dark Crusaders is getting smaller and smaller.

   In order to continue to survive and expand his strength, Pope St. Fran is facing great difficulties.

   And this difficulty can't be solved by his promotion to the Holy Spirit level...

   At the same time, in the void world No. 37, in a barren desert.

  The year-round high temperature here leaves no trace of life in the desert.

   However, just below this desert, there is a secret base.

   The code-named 'Oasis' here is a huge underground biological factory, and even the factory built by Green in the main world is a bit inferior compared to this place.

   Everyone in the factory is working intensively, and everyone has a serious expression and is hurrying.

  In a workshop of the factory, in the transparent nutrient tanks, there are people who are exactly the same as those of the previous clone soldiers floating.

   There are more than 100,000 nutrient troughs here.

   According to such a scale, this workshop alone can produce more than 100,000 clone soldiers at one time.

   These soldiers are modeled after the Archbishop of the Church of the Holy Light Nan Stewigang. Although they cannot reach the strength of the main body, their innate excellent genes make these clones have a very powerful extraordinary level as soon as they appear.

  However, Archbishop of Nance, who is the main body, was imprisoned in the cell of the factory in a miserable state at this time.

   As a high-level leader of the Church of the Holy Light, the once mighty Archbishop of Nanster, now with disheveled hair, dull eyes, and dying, was tortured as a guinea pig for several months.

The Archbishop of Nanster felt that the vitality in his body was rapidly fading, and he couldn't help showing a helpless wry smile on his face: "It seems that this time I really want to return to the arms of the Lord, and I will carry the stigma of a traitor, the great Lord. Ah! Forgive your Lamb for not continuing to spread the glory of the Light."

   In this hand, there was a sudden bang.

   The underground factory, which is more than 1,000 meters underground, shook violently.

   Archbishop of Nanster was slightly surprised, not knowing what was going on, and looked outside the cell.

  Because it is a special cell, there are hardly any guards here, but it can be judged from the chaos outside. This sudden explosion had a great impact on this underground base.

   "What's going on? Did someone attack this place, or was there an accident?" Archbishop Nanster thought to himself, trying to cheer up his spirits. If there was any hope of escaping, he didn't want to die.

   Located on the upper floor of the underground factory, a large hole appeared in the ceiling.

  A figure slowly descended from above, with flames burning all over his body, and fell to the ground.

   followed, and many heavily armed soldiers rushed out from the forcibly pierced entrance.

  These soldiers shouted fanatical slogans, and frantically held enchanted rifles to shoot at the gathered clone soldiers.

  Modi floated in the air, staring blankly at the battle below, not intending to take action.

   The entire underground base sounded a shrill siren, and a steady stream of clone troopers gathered from all directions.

  Although Modi brought a lot of people, and his strength is not weak or afraid of death, but in the face of a tide of enemies, after a moment of overwhelming momentum, he was still forced to retreat, unable to open the situation.

  Modi saw all this in his eyes, but he didn't mean to help. Instead, he raised his head and looked into the distance, as if looking into the eyes of another person through the isolation of the wall.

   "Modi, the heir to the fire of the revolution, why are you attacking me? We are not enemies," came a bell-like voice, directly into Modi's ears.

   "Of course we are not enemies, from another planeswalker." Modi answered lightly, but directly revealed the identity of the other party. It turned out to be a very rare planeswalker with the ability to travel between worlds.

   Usually planeswalkers possess vast knowledge and powerful techniques, even more powerful than gods.

   "You actually know my existence?" The voice revealed a surprised emotion, and then a white-bearded old man in a dark blue robe appeared not far away, holding a wand in his hand, and waved it downward.

   The clone soldiers who were attacking frantically stopped.

  Modi also ordered the Revolutionary Army to stop firing.

   However, just this moment of battle brought huge losses to both sides.

  Modi's revolutionary army suffered no less than a thousand casualties, while the clone troopers in the planeswalker base suffered more casualties, almost two thousand or so, and the battle loss ratio of the two sides exceeded one to two.

   However, neither side cares about this loss.

  After the ceasefire, they gathered together and stared at each other vigilantly.

   Planeswalkers and Modi approached each other as if nothing had happened. They were very confident in their own strength and were not afraid to approach the enemy.

The planeswalker looked at Modi, shook his head and said: "Heirs of the fire of revolution, we are not enemies. You should not come here, your soul has been eroded by the fire of revolution, if enough is enough, self-sealing, maybe Thousands of years later, the consciousness of independence can be restored."

  Modi didn't care: "My ideal is to complete a great revolution and create a truly perfect Datong world. If I need to give up my life for this lofty goal, I will not hesitate."

"Obsessed!" The planeswalker sneered, a look of contempt flashing in his eyes: "Do you think your current state, your so-called ideal is really your ideal? Don't be naive, the fire of revolution is not kind, you are just miserably manipulated Worm, do you mean the so-called revolution is killing and destroying? Think about it~~~ What have you done since you merged with the fire of revolution?"

   Modi was silent, already frowning.

   However, he only hesitated for a moment, and then the revolutionary fire raged on his body, making his eyes extremely firm again.

   "Deny the heresies of the revolution, and you will be burned by the flames of the revolution!" Modi looked at the planeswalker.

   Planeswalker shook his head helplessly: "Forget it, since you chose to go towards self-destruction, I have no choice. I know what you want, I can give it to you, but..."

   (end of this chapter)