MTL - Necromancer and Super Cemetery-Chapter 795 801? Count Paul is assassinated

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   Chapter 795 801 The Assassination of Count Paul

   The boss Green met in the tavern just now and the natural disaster grade Destroyer King Kong, their natural disaster grade power core is not inferior to the sun core.

   But in comparison, the larger part of the Doomsday King Kong, their power core is far less than the core of the sun.

   If they can replace the sun core, it will greatly increase their strength in the shortest time.

  Although the side effects of doing so are also very great, it will greatly affect the potential of these Destruction King Kong, but then again, after all these years, how many Destruction King Kong can be promoted to the natural disaster level?

   Therefore, Green's sun core still has a considerable temptation for the [90%] Doomsday.

  Similarly, Sivinaya can also bring a lot of benefits and benefits to Green.

The most basic    is the blueprints of Destruction King Kong and some living samples, which will be of great help for Green to further transform the robot army.

   With this thought in mind, Green had a 'friendly and friendly' conversation with Sivinaya.

   After Greene took out a sample of the core of the sun, he finally gained further trust from Sivinaya and was taken deeper into the ground.

   That is where Sivinaya is currently hiding, and the previous one was indeed a shadowy projection.

   Seeing the real Sivinaya, Green couldn't help being taken aback.

   Sivinaya was still lying on a metal bed, his mechanical body was heavily scarred, with two legs and a hand missing, and a semi-circular wound on his left flank.

  Although a large number of nanoworms are being debridement and repaired on the wound, it is difficult to recover from this serious injury quickly.

  Green knew in his heart, no wonder Sivinaya was so cautious before, it turned out that her situation was more serious than expected.

   But it was so close, Green didn't believe that this was Sivinaya's real body.

  Although the projection in front of him is not, Green can almost be sure that if he shoots now, he will definitely not kill the seemingly dying Sivinaya.

  This woman is definitely hiding a life-saving backhand, otherwise she would never appear in front of Green like this.

   A human was standing beside Sivinaya.

   This is a handsome young man. Seeing Green coming in, he looked at him carefully, with a hint of hostility in his eyes.

   "This is my assistant, Mr. Wendoza." Sivinaya introduced.

"Your Excellency is the Archduke Arsa of the Kingdom of Lorenzo? It's a great honor to meet you." Wen Duosa nodded slightly, even if he knew the identity of the Grand Duke Green, there was not much surprise and respect, as if the Grand Duke of a kingdom was only in his eyes. That thing.

  Green nodded in return, paying more attention to Wen Duo, determined that this person's identity must be unusual.

   Being able to become Sivinaya’s assistant, and with a sense of arrogance in his bones, even if it is not a royal family, he must be a great noble, and this young man’s strength is quite strong.

   "Wendosa, Grand Duke Green will also be our partner in the future." Sivinaye said to the young man, as if reminding that Green was not an enemy, and also implied that Wen Duosa should not provoke Green.

   Obviously, Sivinaya still valued the ability of Wendoza and the forces behind him.

   This made Green even more curious as to why this man was young.

   Just a moment later, through the soul link, Green received valid information that the Red Queen searched and extracted from a large amount of intelligence, and found out the identity of Wen Duosa.

   This somewhat unremarkable young man turned out to be the son of King Carter V of the Kingdom of Sithorn!

   "It turned out to be a prince." Green knew it in his heart: "No wonder he is arrogant.

   However, the current situation of the Sithorn Kingdom is not very good, and it is not even as good as the Death Council.

   The last time in Void World No. 1, the Kingdom of Sithone stood on the side of the Condor Empire, and when he turned back, he was revenge by the Church of the Holy Light.

Moreover, the loss of the territory and resources of No. 1 Void World, as well as the most important arm of the God of Machinery, greatly reduced the national power of the Sithorn Kingdom. Facing the revenge of the Holy Light Church, it could only ask the Condor Empire for help. For this reason have to pay more.

   It was against this background that the Kingdom of Sithorn and Sivinaya came together in secret, and Wendoza, the prince, also became Sivinaya's assistant.

   After learning the identity of the other party, Green didn't say much. In his eyes, it didn't matter whether the young man was the prince of Sithawn or not. As long as he didn't harm Green's interests, Green directly ignored it.

   On the other side, there was a big event on the Church of the Holy Light.

   Archbishop Link was assassinated by a mysterious killer. Although the assassination failed in the end, the mysterious killer chose to blow himself up in the end, causing great damage to Archbishop Link.

  In an instant, many versions of the rumor appeared.

  Some say that Archbishop Link is dead, but the news was blocked by the Church of the Holy Light, some say that he is not dead, but was seriously injured, and some say that the injured is just a double, the real Archbishop Link is safe and sound...

Because   Green has a direct connection with Archbishop Link, he can be sure that Link is not dead, but he also suffered a secret loss.

   And the mysterious powerhouse who assassinated him, Archbishop Link has yet to find out who it is.

   However, after Green sent someone to investigate the scene, he had some clues in his heart.

  Although there is no evidence, Green smells a very familiar scent, which is done by Sivinaya!

   came to this conclusion, but Green's brows were furrowed. According to the truth, Sivinaye was seriously injured not long ago, and it was impossible to assassinate Archbishop Link in the timeline.

   And finally blew himself up, what happened?

  Green still couldn't figure it out.

   The other is Sivinaye's motive. What motive did she have to take the risk of assassinating Archbishop Link?

  Although they were in a competitive relationship before, as Sivinaya turned into a mechanical creature and withdrew from the Church of the Holy Light, the contradiction no longer existed.

   Besides, they are all smart people. Now the battle of gods is just at the beginning stage, and it is not long before the time to fight desperately.

  Green had a lot of doubts in his heart, and there was an urge to go deeper.

   But in the end he resisted the urge.

   This matter, whether or not Sivinaya did it, actually had little impact on Green, and it was meaningless to tangle and explore.

   Instead, it is better to focus more energy on improving your own strength.

   Adjusted his mentality, Green was about to let go of this matter, but he did not expect a new situation to appear.

   "Master, Count Paul was assassinated!" Suddenly the Red Queen reported to Green through the soul link.

   "What!" Green was immediately taken aback. Count Paul was his main administrative official on the main world side. Whether it was Alsa Province or the original Northwest Province, Count Paul was currently in charge of the main administrative work.

   If Count Paul is lost at this time, it will inevitably cause some administrative confusion and cannot effectively mobilize the resources on the territory.

   "What's going on? The specific situation." Green controlled his emotions and calmed down.

   Just half an hour ago, Count Paul was assassinated by an unknown killer while inspecting a batch of strategic supplies that supplied the front line.

  The killer is very powerful, and there is a legendary high-level!

   As for the superhumans beside Paul, the strongest is only the Legendary Elementary. In the face of a powerful enemy, the result can be imagined. Count Paul was assassinated on the spot, and the killer retreated without leaving any clues.

   "Another assassination?" Greene frowned. Archbishop Link was assassinated by a mysterious killer just now. Now it's Count Paul's turn, and Greene has an instinctive association. Are these killers connected, or are they simply a group?

   "Frio!" Green called the Lich Mage and rushed to the scene to see if he could recover Viscount Paul's soul.

   As long as the soul is still there, Green can resurrect it. Whether it becomes an undead or a mechanical life, Count Paul can generally live like a normal person.

  The Lich Mage Frio moved very fast, and returned in just ten minutes, and brought back the soul of Count Paul.

   However, it is a pity that Count Paul's soul has been severely damaged. Even if Greene brings it into the Nightmare Space to repair, it can only be restored to the original level of five or six layers. It is almost impossible to resurrect.

   At this time, Vincent, who came to hear the news, saw his father's broken body and soul, and couldn't help crying. It happened so suddenly that he couldn't accept it.

   As one of the few friends after the crossing, Green comforted Vincent.

   Vincent was sad, but the noble education he received from childhood made him understand that now is not the time for sadness and pain. As the heir of the family and the eldest son of his father, he must be steady and must not panic.

  It has to be said that Viscount Paul has been very successful in educating his son.

Vincent has grown into a qualified aristocrat, he quickly controlled his emotions, and faced Green with a serious expression: "Don't worry, my brother, I can take over from my father immediately, I am familiar with the operation of the territory, the factory There will never be any trouble with the mine."

  Green nodded and patted Vincent on the shoulder: "Don't worry, I will definitely find out who killed Uncle Paul."

   "Please!" Vincent knelt down on one knee, not only thanking Green for his promise of revenge, but also representing that he would inherit the title of earl and formally swear allegiance to the Grand Duke of Alsa.

   Vincent didn't stay long, and there were still many things that he needed to deal with. The news of the assassination of Count Paul could be suppressed for a few days. He had to take advantage of these few days to take over the work of the territory as much as possible.

  Although he had promised in front of Green just now, Vincent’s own family knew about his own affairs, and he was far from being able to replace Count Paul as he said, so if he wanted to avoid trouble, he had to put in extra effort and energy.

   And after Vincent left, Green's face also gloomy, Count Paul's soul was seriously damaged, the meaning of resurrection is not big, but who is behind it, who is behind it? Must find out.

   (end of this chapter)