MTL - NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System-Chapter 16 I don't like poetry

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"Qing Si, what did you say to the child?"

After walking back to Meijia and Qianqiu, Qingsi was immediately asked.

"I just asked her grade and name and wanted to talk to her, but it failed." Qingsi shrugged.

"How come? I think your atmosphere is quite good." Qian Qiu blinked. "Mega is a bit jealous."

"Nothing!" Mei Jia, who was shot again, refuted, but his face still had a hint of ruddy.

"I just... I think the child is very cute, but the temperament is a bit too cold, and it feels very difficult to talk about it, so... I admire the Qingsi and can talk to her easily."

"No, it's not easy at all." Qing Si sighed. "I just want to make a statement. She will test me two poems in person... I almost can't keep up."

"That's actually keeping up with it, it's amazing~" Qianqiu gave a thumbs up. "As far as I can see, this kind of literary girl type is very easy to improve for those who can keep up with her topic. You Try a little more, maybe you can get her mobile number!"

"Exempt, I really can't cope with this type." Qingsi smiled bitterly, and then returned to taste.

"What do I want a mobile phone number for a junior high school girl!? But if you say so clearly, do you usually..."

If Ye Qianqiu's expression suddenly froze, then she did not open her eyes naturally and whistled.

Qingsi and Meijia: "........."

The two ministers did not unexpectedly fail to persuade the hymns.

The value of Kagura is very high, but that character is completely unsuitable for standing on the stage. The capture of the Minister is only a waste of effort.

However, there is nothing in the West Garden Temple Anya. It seems that for her, the process of hunting for the members is enough fun.

"Yuqiu's best friend Uehara Miyaka, transfer students to the wilderness, I am interested in joining the drama department!?"

In the face of the two people who came to visit, West Park Temple Anya's eyes sparkled and released a straight ball.

"I am the tennis department..."

"I still want to see it, I haven't decided yet."

"The acting is very interesting! Try to put on the costumes first, you will definitely awaken new interests!" Xiyuan Temple forcibly persuaded.

Snapped! The Vice Minister of Conscience of the Drama Department stopped her with the book in time.

"We are going to do community activities next time. You can visit as much as you like." Weining Square, smiling at the two people, then sighed. "By the way, look after the school girl over there, okay? She is against us. Very cold, even the name is not willing to say, may be angry..."

"No... that's just that you haven't passed the test." Qingsi said subconsciously.

"Hey?" Xinnai stunned.

"I just talked to her a few words... In my opinion, she should not hate you, nor care about being brought here... When the time is up, she should leave."

"Oh..." Xinnai nodded in doubt.

"Yehara Jun, did you ask her name?!" Anya was keenly aware.

Qingsi nodded.

"Great! Please tell me her name!" Anya slammed her face close to the eyes of Qingsi, and a pair of blue eyes flashed.

If you add the phrase "I am very curious", this is a sign of a black long straight Miss.

Qing Shi even clearly smelled the other person's fragrance, and he subconsciously stepped back a small step.

"Her name... oh... although I want to tell you, but don't just say it better."

"Don't say that, tell someone else~" Anya approached again.

Snapped! The deputy minister shot again.

"School sisters don't want to tell us, then they shouldn't be inquired again." Xinnai grabbed the minister's collar and dragged it down. "The child will ask you, can you?"

Qingsi nodded.

The drama department finally began its community activities.

Qingsi and Meijia, while not paying attention to the members, turned around.

"The clothes are doing well."

“The props and the background are also very different, and it seems that it takes a lot of thought.”

There is also an atmosphere. It is just so happy (worse) that once it is officially started, there will be a serious atmosphere that reveals the style of the big community.

Qingsi and Meijia, who were visiting nearby, were all infected, feeling that doing nothing at the side was too damaging.

"It's totally different from the atmosphere of the tennis department..." Mei Jia sighed.

"Do you think the atmosphere here is better? How about the transfer?" Qingsi said.

"I... I hope that the activities of the club can be more serious, but if they are so serious, they seem to be a little bit..."

If you are not serious, it will be too decadent. If you are serious, you will have pressure. This is a contradictory idea that ordinary students will have. Qingsi can understand.

"Qingwu, do you want to join the drama department?"

"I am a bit interested in acting. It may be interesting to talk to Ruo Ye in this club, but I still have to work, and serious community activities may be too much." Qingsi shrugged.

"This way..."

The two watched for a while, and then Mei Jia looked at the junior high school girls who were silently reading.

The Qingsi also looked at it, and then the two looked at each other.

"I think I will visit here and ask her to leave."

Meijia nodded in agreement.

Qingsi stepped forward and walked to the face of Kagura again.

"Shenzhen classmates, if you don't plan to join this group, let us go with us and don't bother them."

Kagura poetry looked up, faintly glanced at the young man, then closed the poems and stood up.

Unexpectedly a little obedient... Qing Si scratched his face.

He made a look at Mei Jia, and then told Ye and others to leave, and then the three left the theater department.

"The wilderness is clear, do you still need me to do anything?"

When I went out to the playground, Shen Le Shi suddenly asked.

"Oh... no, you can go where you want to go." Qing Shi looked at the girl with a temperament and a unique personality. "Although I am not a drama department, I still say sorry for them, take up Your time."

"That minister... Although it is a real weirdo, it should be a good person, I hope you don't blame her."

"I know." The music of the music is indifferent, looking to the sunset on the horizon.

"The appearance can be dressed up, and the manners can be disguised. The purpose is to be hypocritical, but there is still a real heart."

" it a poem of Tyrol?"

"No, it is Li Yuan."

Medium... Oh no, is the poem of China? Qing Si blinked.

"Actually, I don't know much about poetry. Just being able to confront your poem is just a coincidence." For the girl, he admitted confessed.

Kagura is silent.

"Sorry, it feels like I'm cheating on you." Qingsi smiled bitterly. "But I don't have any bad thoughts. If you don't mind if I don't really understand poetry, we can still be friends."

Kagura is still silent.

That's about it. Qingsi does not care that he is ignored and rejected. This is a normal result.

"I don't need friends."

The soft voice sounded.

"I also... don't like poetry."

The words are like bubbles, disappearing in the wind.

"Oh..." Qing Si stunned.

Before he thought about what it meant, the girl turned and left.

Qingsi and Meijiamu sent her away and were speechless for a while.

"A bit... strange school girl." Mei Jia commented.

"Well..." Qingsi was a little concerned, but the alienation of the other party was already obvious, and he could not catch up.

I don't need a friend... I can see it as a certain degree of S2, but I don't like poetry. What does it mean?

When Qingsi thought about it, he gave up and continued to think.

Anyway, it’s hard to see you again later.

"Qing Si, do you want to go to other clubs to see?"

"No, this is the case today, I want to go back, how are you?"

"I will go home too."

After Hemei got out of the school, Qingsi had already left everything behind him. He is now full of expectations for the new options of the system!