MTL - NEET Receives a Dating Sim Game Leveling System-Chapter 15 I can only smile... a head!

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The drama minister jumped after feeling the true killing of the other party.

"Apply for a suspended sentence! Xinnai, I will come so late is justified. You see, this is the harvest of my ‘hunting’!”

She pulled in a petite figure standing outside the door and pushed it in front of her.


The scene was silent for a moment.

Then "Wow--" sounded the same exclamation that I saw before, but this time it was completely admired.

Even Qingsi looked at it.

Petite but full of material, exquisite face, white and delicate skin, such as the soft black hair of the ink, flat bangs, fine eyebrows, Qiong nose, clear big eyes, cherry-colored delicate lips... body The young girl wearing a junior high school uniform holds a collection of poems in her hand, just standing there, there is a kind of beautiful beauty!

Super beautiful girl.

This is the second time that Qing Shi, the student president of Wanqing, has seen such a beautiful woman.

If the beauty of Wanhua's summer night is pure and tempting, then the beauty of the present is like the snowfield of the north, cold, pure, and free from the beauty of the common.

The so-called beauty embryo of the country is like this.

"It's so beautiful - junior high school students? Where did the minister come from?"

"It’s like a porcelain doll, it’s so beautiful! Who is she?”

The words of blasphemy sounded.

"Oh, great." The Minister of Drama smiled smugly. "Although I still couldn't find the legendary creature, I stumbled upon this one and decisively captured it!"

Capture... Monster O or Pocket O? Qingsi spit in the heart.

Vice Minister Zhifang Xinnae looked at the expressionless beautiful girl for a while, regained her gaze and sighed.


"Let me, deputy minister, so that our community is even more..."

"How many times have you said that you should not kidnap the younger generations?"

The sharp and sturdy book combo, in the air, draws a chaotic trajectory like a knife!

The minister of drama, Xiyuan Temple, An Ya, was abducted by the deputy minister for kidnapping the junior high school girl, and died...

Just kidding.

The minister is generally a great minister. When she took over the drama department in the first grade, the society was already on the verge of the waste. And it took her only a year to revitalize the entire community! And after another year, that is, in her third year, the drama department is already ranked in the top ten of Yuanhua Middle School.

The story that happened in the whole can make a half-year-old animation or TV series with her content as the center, and the content is very simple. For the average middle school student, her experience is legendary.

However, this legendary minister has a bad habit that is not enough for outsiders. That is kidnapping... Oh no, discovering the students who have the potential in her view, it is brought to the drama department!

"At present, about one-third of the members of the ministry are brought back by her, including me." If Ye Qianqi smiled and explained the situation to Qingsi.

"At the time, I originally wanted the various associations to take a look at the decision and make a decision. But when I met the minister halfway, she was caught here. It happened that I was also interested in acting. It was quite interesting to see it here. ""

The original "hunting" and "capture" is the meaning, the daring of the person who really recruits the members as a real version of the pocket O strange to play!

The Qingshi, who was trying hard to spit in the heart, looked at the opposite corner. The drama minister named Anya was forced to sit there and suffered the stormy preaching baptism of Vice Minister Xinnai.

"When I heard about Qianqiu, I thought I was joking..." Uehara Megumi is still a bit dumbfounded. "Doing this kind of thing...has not been punished?"

“The Minister had a confrontation with the Disciplinary Committee in the first grade. As a result, she won. Since no complaint has been made, the Disciplinary Committee cannot interfere with her actions.”

The amount of information is a bit big, hello!

Qingsi and Meijia face each other, and look at the smiles of the leaves, and the other members who do not take this scene as one thing, they can only... smile?

Smile! ! !

This is almost a crime! ? Also tm with the Wind Discipline Inspection Commission, but also won! ?

What is the school’s disciplinary committee? ? Actually due to a first-year student duel, also lost! ? Hairy! !

The spit of the heart of the Qingsi is like a storm, and it is endless.

"Qianqiu, I used to think that you are a bit too maverick, now... I found that I was wrong, sorry." Meijia's three views were shocked.

Don't give up the common sense so easily, Miss Uehara!

Qing Si licked a bit of a twitching corner of his mouth and turned to look at the other side.

The junior high school girl brought here by the minister quietly sat on a chair by the window and read the collection of poems she brought.

The breeze blew, and she picked up her hair slightly.

This picture alone is enough to take a beautiful photo that can be taken to participate in the photo contest.

The person who brought her back was undergoing baptism, and other members might have been shocked by her cold temperament, and no one had ever talked to her in the past.

Qingsi thought about it and walked over.

"Hello there."

The girl did not respond.

Qingsi scratched his face and squatted in front of the girl, staring at the other's face.

"I am the freshman's wilderness, Qingwu. I just transferred to China today. I am visiting this society now."

"Which grade are you in junior high school? If you can, can you tell me your name?"

After a few seconds.

"The reason why the fool is a fool is not because of ignorance, but because he does not know." The soft voice, said slowly and clearly.

What? Qing Si blinked.

Dialogue options pop up -

A: What do you say? Is it yelling at me?

B: Sorry, I don't understand what you mean.

C: The reason why the wise man is a wise man is not because of omniscience, but because he is seeking knowledge.

The force of the C option is so refined, it is definitely the answer.

"The reason why the wise man is a wise man is not because of omniscience, but because he is seeking knowledge." Qingsi said softly.

"叮铃", the degree of goodwill rises!

The girl's eyebrows moved a bit, then finally moved her eyes and looked at the face of Qingsi.

"You also read the poem of Tyrol?"

"Oh... read... a little bit." Qingsi said that I know Tagore, but what is Tyrol?

But I just had to pretend that I couldn’t say that I didn’t understand it at all.

"How far is my distance from you? Then you have to ask yourself how far your heart is from my heart."

Again! ?

This dialogue option did not jump out, don't be so forceless!

Qingsi’s heart was cold and sweaty, but suddenly he was in a hurry.

"‘I am farthest away from you, I am in front of you, and you don’t know... I love you.’”

Lying in the trough, this is really tm shame!

Qingsi’s heart is self-spoken. This poem is known to anyone who has access to the Internet in the past. I don’t know if there is any world.

The girl heard the words, and the water cuts were slightly enlarged.

"This is not the poem of Tyrol..."


"Feeling... very good."

The girl closed the poem.



"My name is Kagura... poetry."

The voice of the girl is very soft, with a hint of coldness, but it is not unpleasant, like the snow in the sun.

"Shenzhen poetry... is it?" Qingsi scratched his face. "It is a beautiful name."

The girl stared at the boy's face.

"Wild field Qingwu... What do you want me to do?"

"Hey?" Qing Si blinked. "No... I don't want you to do anything. I just heard that you were forced to be here, so I think you may be a little uneasy."

Kagura poetry slightly gimmicks.

"I feel uneasy, so ask my name?"



Is this strange? ?

Qingsi is a little off force, I feel that this girl is a little hard to talk, and the radio waves are not right!

"I feel that someone talking to you can calm you down... but now it seems that I am nosy, you have been very calm."

He is not good at talking to this type of literary girl, confirming that she is not nervous, and she has already retired.

Some people may think that this kind of high cold and forced appearance with the top appearance is the so-called goddess fan, but Qingsi really is not very cold about this type, it is hard to talk about it, or forget it.

Kagura is silent.

"You actually... want to comfort me?"


"It turned out to be..."

Kagura nodded.

"The wilderness is clear, it is a good person."

Suddenly got a good person card?

Qingsi did not know how to proceed in the face of this sentence, just as he was in a dilemma, his footsteps approached.

Looking back, it is the weaver of the weaving workshop, and the Anyuan of Xiyuan Temple, which looks a little dizzy.

Finally someone took over, and Qingsi was relieved.

"They are the ministers and deputy ministers of this association. If you are interested in this, just talk to them."

After that, he waved his hand and walked away.

Kagura poems stare at the back of the teenager.

"It's a bit special... taste..."

The soft words, the bubble disappeared in the wind.

Then she took back her gaze.