MTL - Night Hacker-Chapter 287 Escort

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   Chapter 287 Escort

  The bodyguard has been around since ancient times, collecting money and doing things for others.

  Hu Tieniu is not only 8 feet tall, but 2.15 meters tall. He is a warrior class. He has a case, a pair of giant axes, and a thick black beard. He is nicknamed "Liuguang City Black Whirlwind".

   As a street orphan, he entered the Huwei Escort Bureau. It has been more than ten years since he became a **** from a miscellaneous boy.

Hu Tieniu still can't be promoted to the dart head, not because of his lack of extraordinary strength, but because the old shopkeeper Feng said that he is not sophisticated enough, and he is not good at being a dart head, because it is not enough to be able to play darts, but also to know how to make friends and make friends. open circuit.

   At the beginning, Hu Tieniu was somewhat unconvinced and couldn't fight, so wouldn't it be all in vain.

   Later, it doesn't matter if you can play darts, have food, and have brothers.

   "Curious? What are you curious about, what do you all want to know, let me tell you."

   At this time, Hu Tieniu stared at the copper bell-like eyes and looked at the four eccentric and eccentric people in front of him.

  Except for the boy who was skinny and full of godliness and Buddha, the other three didn't look like locals and didn't dress like them.

   The boy who was talking was dressed in a blue sports suit with the word "Dongtu" printed on it for fear that others would not know it. Hu Tieniu was rarely seen in Dongtu Street dressed like this, and he was holding a thermos cup, his tone was tense.

   "It's nothing, it's nothing, I just want to see more of you because of your majesty and style..."

   The thermos cup boy said again, as if he was about to stumble.

   Looking at the cowardly appearance of the other party, Hu Tieniu believed it a little bit, that's all, still want to rob a dart?

  I will encounter a few of these things in a year, some of them are stalking and spying, and some are really bullshitting.

Huwei Escort Bureau has a good relationship with the Juliu Gang in the East District. In recent years, they have not been robbed in the street in recent years. Today, it is just a regular and regular collection of darts and darts. There is neither particularly valuable goods nor dangerous information. .

   They don't need to shout darts. If they go to other areas or the wilderness, they have to ask friends for directions.

   "Have you seen enough?" Hu Tieniu asked, "Would you like to go over and see it more clearly?"

   "Uh, don't need it, don't bother you with darts, let's say goodbye first."

  The thermos cup boy said sternly, and called the beautiful girl in leather pants holding the samurai sword, the mask and the skinny boy, a group of people hurried away in a panic.

   "There's no reason for this." Hu Tieniu couldn't help cursing, "Is it here to entertain us?"

   Several companions next to him also laughed and laughed, laughed and scolded, this is not a bad thing, except to see a big beauty earning, it is really unlucky.

   They walked back to the convoy, and informed Ma Datou, who was leading people and goods from Qizhenju, of the situation.

   A few bird thieves followed, and after they went up to ask a few questions, they scared away.

   "That little white face is holding a thermos cup, it's very funny." Hu Tieniu made fun of the thermos cup and embroidered the pillow, "It's just that Po's deceives women, Bai has a good skin."

   But women like little white faces, he Hu Tieniu is a green forest hero, but he doesn't have that kind of girl.

   Everyone laughed when they heard it, "Tie Niu, you can save it. Anyone who looks at you will not be afraid."

   "Shave off the beard first." "Yeah." Several female escorts were also laughing, "It doesn't matter if you're not handsome, at least you shouldn't be sloppy, it's not the old days anymore, and no woman likes that kind of beard."

   "In ancient times, people didn't necessarily like it. You heard that books talk about ancient times. Is it Zhang Feishuai or Zhao Yunshuai?"

   "Zhao Yun also has a beard!" Hu Tieniu was not convinced. At one point he also wanted to be nicknamed "Liuguang City Zhao Zilong", black whirlwind or something, he initially refused.

   When it comes to storytelling and telling the ancients, none of the escorts thought that an acquaintance would come to report on the **** road on Mingxing Street.

   "The Zhengming Teahouse started talking about the killing sword and Huwei Feng Shaoxia fighting in the street, and a sword blocked the throat!"

   "What, which killing sword, which Feng Shaoxia?"

   Hu Tieniu got angry when he heard it, and was also anxious about the tragic event that Tiger Power Escort might have had.

  What kind of bank, what Long Teng, what bird feather gray, he Hu Tie Niu is not afraid, Huwei Escort is his home, he has to protect the place desperately, no one can humiliate Huwei Escort.

   Even if Old Litou was a figure, Hu Tieniu wanted to rush to Zhengming Teahouse immediately to confront Old Litou.

  What nonsense is this nonsense!

   "Fenglong, Feng Shaoxia." Chai Dog, an acquaintance of the Mighty Liu Gang, said first, and then told them the past of Qingyun's seven sons.

   A group of young guards, men and women, have mixed feelings when they hear it. Shiba Gou is definitely not as good as Old Li Tou, but this story simply sounds like a green forest story of happiness and hatred.

  Huwei Escort has not been vilified in it, but they are really hard to let go.

  Is this true?

  The relationship between Huwei Escort and the Qingyun Gang has always been bad. They rarely **** darts to the south area of ​​Dongtu Street. If they want to go south, they will take other paths.

  Is there a reason for this? As far as Qingyun helps those guys who have done all their evil deeds, they disdain to be with them.

   But now it sounds like there is still a layer of grudges from the past...

   "That's outrageous." Hu Tieniu was sullen, remembering that when he entered the **** bureau as a child, there was no Feng Shaoxia.

   The old shopkeeper Feng had no children and had several daughters. If he had lost a child before, what kind of sadness would it be?

  Although everyone wanted to go to Zhengming Teahouse to find out, Ma Datou seemed to have known about this for a long time, and calmly told them not to mess around, and honestly transport the darts back to the Huwei Escort in the central district.

  Because Lao Litou is a legendary storyteller, he hasn't told it for a long time now. Once he opens his mouth, the story will spread, and this time is no exception.

  The Huwei Escort Bureau occupies a huge area, with many high-rise buildings and large warehouses lined up in rows. The scale is not much larger than that of the Central District Headquarters of the Metropolitan Police Department.

  There is a warehouse for weapons and equipment, a warehouse for goods, and some things in the warehouse for storing goods are still there even if they have a history of many years, waiting for the owner to pick it up.

  The entire **** warehouse is patrolled and guarded by a large number of escorts day and night.

   Usually majesty is majestic, and there are laughter everywhere.

   But now, the atmosphere in the **** bureau is heavy, all because of the story of Lao Litou.

   Now the old shopkeeper Feng is old and rarely shows up. He is all managed by a few Miss Feng and the uncles of the **** bureau, but each **** must be checked by the old shopkeeper Feng, and the old man can only do what he says.

  Hu Tieniu was about to ask someone to ask more about the situation, but the old shopkeeper Feng came forward to inform all the escorts about today's rumors.

   "The things that happened in those days were all in those days. Feng Long killed himself. I have no regrets as an old father, and there is no need for everyone to pursue it."

   The old shopkeeper Feng's remarks are equivalent to tacitly acknowledging that the story is true. Feng Shaoxia was killed by a murder sword in a duel in those days.

   "There's no such thing, it's really unreasonable..." Hu Tieniu burst into anger.

  Although he sometimes complained that the old shopkeeper did not promote him to the head of the escort, he knew that the old man regarded each of these escorts as his own.

And after so many years, Huwei Security Bureau is still standing in the green forest, maintaining its reputation, and it does not need to rely on the consortium, just because the old shopkeeper is highly respected and has a good relationship with major gangs and heroes from all walks of life. A little face.

  The old shopkeeper is different from the former Zhang Batian of the Qingyun Gang.

   There is also Feng Shaoxia, a man with a chivalrous heart, this father and son are really kind and unrewarding.

   Hu Tieniu became more and more annoyed the more he thought about it, he really couldn't take this breath.

   It's just that the seven sons of Qingyun have already retired from the rivers and lakes, and the blood slaughter at the Guandi Temple can be regarded as a blood debt.

   To resent them, it doesn't seem like a hero does...

  Hu Tieniu finally put all his grievances on the Qingyun Gang. Those Qingyun thieves are really hateful.

   For some reason, he also remembered the little thieves during the day, and he was even more angry.

   There are still many young guards who think like Hu Tieniu. They had dinner in the cafeteria of the guard bureau that night.

  Hu Tie Niu couldn't see them like this, his fluffy black beard was shaking, and he said:

   "Don't all of us escorts promise to regard Huwei Escort as home and the people of Huwei as family? If brothers and sisters are humiliated, we will report them, and if brothers and sisters are harmed, we will report them!"

   Everyone listened, and their indignation became even more intense, but they had nowhere to vent.

   It is said that escorts collect money to do things, but on the first day they officially became escorts, the old shopkeeper Feng told them:

   "It is in troubled times, in a place like Liuguang City, that people like us are needed.

   "We are people who keep our promises, escorts, and we make promises."

   "Guardian, a promise is worth a thousand dollars."

   (end of this chapter)