MTL - Night of the Nine-Tails, I Punch the Tailed Beast Ball-Chapter 15 don't like war, but only war

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  Chapter 15 Does not like war, but can only war

  Yongze did not act immediately, but chose to follow that "Master Morishita" all the time, constantly observing him.

  Yongze is not from the mountains, but he does not have the ability to directly obtain memories by violence.

  In order not to be easily discovered, Yongze had to observe some habits of the other party, such as whether he was cold or gentle towards others, how his temper was, and so on.

  Morishita Kizuki avoided the crowd all the way, returned to his home in a low-key manner, changed into a normal Kusanagi costume, and then went out.

  Anbu is too special. If it is not an important task, he will not appear in front of ordinary ninjas and the public, so he usually changes into a normal Kusanagi costume when he returns home.

   "Master Morishita."


  Walking on the street of Kusanagi, Kizuki dealt with Kusanagi who greeted him with a blank face.

  He is one of the few jounin in the village, and he is relatively strong among them, so he has long been used to all this.

   "I heard that Iwagakushi and Konoha have signed a peace agreement. Now Kusanagi should be able to enjoy peace for a while." Someone on the street was discussing this news that was rapidly spreading in the ninja world.

   Kusanagi is located between Yanyin and Konoha. As long as the two countries are at war, the country of grass will surely become a battlefield.

   Unless one side has a strong advantage and can attack the opponent's land, otherwise it is fighting in the country of grass.

   "That's right, peace is finally ushering in, that's great." Someone beside me sighed.

   Muyue glanced at the two people who were discussing indifferently, and the two stopped talking for a moment, and walked away tactfully.

  In Kusanagi Village, no one knows that Morishita Kizuki is a staunch hawk, who believes that only war can make Kusanagi overtake in a curve and surpass the five major powers.

  “It’s really short-sighted, only seeing the peace in front of us but not the oppression in the future.

   Don’t you know that the oppression of small countries by the five major countries is endless, as long as the five major countries are still oppressing Kusanagi, the war will never disappear, even if Kusanagi does not want war.

   Only when the war cripples all of them is the grass ninja's chance! "

   After finishing speaking, Muyue didn't bother to meet the two civilians, and continued his walk.

  Every time he completes Anbu's mission, he needs to take a walk in the whole Kusanagi Village to relax. He feels that this way he can strengthen his belief and work harder for the village.

  While walking to the dilapidated wasteland in the east, Muyue sighed.

  Others think he likes war, but in fact he hates war the most.

  But if Kusanagi does not become stronger, becomes as strong as the five major countries, becomes as strong as the five major countries, then the war will always fall to Kusanagi.

   And in a grass-nin and unwilling way-forced to stand in line.

  Faced with the powerful force of the five major powers, they can only be a fool on the fence, whoever is stronger will fall to which side.

   But if you want to surpass the five major countries, normal practice will not work. The five major countries have more and better resources than them, and stronger and richer ninjutsu. Why do they become stronger than the five major countries.

  Therefore, only war can change this situation, and the vitality of the five major countries will be greatly injured.

  Kizuki thinks this is the only way for Kusanagi to break the blockade of the five major powers.

  Suddenly, Muyue felt a severe crisis. When he wanted to use the instant body technique to leave the place, a strong pain hit him, which made his eyes darken and he passed out.

  Looking at Muyue who fell directly to the ground, Yongze smiled, he is now a master with half the strength of the old white beard,

   If the sneak attack on a Jonin is not successful, and it takes a long time to fight, then he doesn't have to mess around, and he can go directly to Yile Ramen to work.

   "How should I deal with this person." Yongze fell into deep thought.

  He deliberately controlled the power just now, so he didn't kill the opponent directly.

   After thinking about it, Yongze still didn't kill Muyue in the end, but put a sealing technique on him, and quietly transported it to Muyue's own home.

   He can kill him anytime he wants, but if he does, he can't save him. Yongze feels that Muyue might still be useful.

   Throwing Muyue into a small room, Yongze began to search for useful information in Muyue's house.

  Kizuki is a rare jounin among Kusanagi, so the house he lives in is not simple, it's quite big.

  Yongze directly turned Muyue's house upside down. He found all kinds of information, but most of them were not what he was interested in.

  But also thanks to those materials, Yongze probably guessed what Muyue is good at.

  Those materials have a lot about various schools of swordsmanship, or some thunder escape ninjutsu.

   Obviously, Muyue is probably a ninja who is good at swordsmanship and thunder escape, which also helps him in disguise.

  Nagaze put on Kizuki's Kusanabu Anbe uniform and walked towards Kusanabu Anbe.



  Kakashi disguised as an ordinary Kusanagi, walking cautiously on the streets of Kusanagi Village.

  Nagaze gave him the task of investigating the attitude of ordinary ninjas in Cao Ninja Village towards war.

   So instead of disguised as the best disguised civilian, Kakashi turned into a ninja.

  According to his experience, the more ninjas in Ninja Village, the more they look down on ordinary civilians, so if you want to contact each other, you must at least be a ninja.

  So after observing for a short period of time, Kakashiga transformed into a young grass ninja with a popular face.

  Kakashi did not rashly contact Kusanagi directly, but chose to go to a tavern, which is a good place to inquire about news.

  Kakashi ordered a bottle of wine and some side dishes, and pretended to drink, but actually fell to the ground bit by bit. He is not yet an adult, so he cannot drink.

  In the tavern, all kinds of voices talking and quarreling gathered together, creating an eager atmosphere. Under this atmosphere, coupled with the stimulation of alcohol, it was easy for people to talk too much.

  A Kusanagi patted the table excitedly, drank a glass of wine and said, "What the hell, those **** from Yan Yin finally signed a peace treaty with those idiots from Konoha, and the war is over."

   There is also a Kusanagi who sighed next to him: "Yes, the war is finally over. Iwagakure and Konoha fought, and we Kusanagi will suffer instead. What a fuck."


   A grass ninja not far away slapped the table fiercely, and said angrily:

   "You people always pin your hopes on those big ninja villages. If you want me to say, the war can't be stopped. Let those five big countries use their brains. Only then can we grass ninja have a chance to surpass them."

  Many grass ninjas beside him also commented.

  Kakashi saw this scene and showed a thoughtful expression.

   It seems that Cao Ren Village is not monolithic. There are both those who support the war and those who oppose the war, but I don’t know which faction the leader of Cao Ren Village belongs to.

  However, judging from the behavior of Kusanagi sending Anbu to intercept the data, Kakashi thinks it may be the former.

  (end of this chapter)