MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 15 The sixth order of the promotion!

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One after another, Xuanqi continued to stir in the body and entered Dantian. The amount of Xuanqi in Dantian was rising rapidly. Soon, Ye Chen felt the place of the Jin barrier.

From the fifth-order peak to the sixth-order, even the fastest genius, it takes at least two months.

He has just been promoted to the fifth stage for a few days, so he is not eager to attack the sixth-order Jinjie barrier, but continues to concise his spirits and wait for a break later.

Just as he was contemplating the mysterious spirit, there was a fissure on the barrier of the Jin Dynasty, and there was a feeling of being about to collapse.

Ye Chen was shocked and confused. What is going on?

The Jin barrier is like a dam, and Ye Chen’s mysteriousness is like the water inside the dam. The water accumulates more and more. Although there is no impact on the dam, the dam has been unable to withstand the enormous pressure caused by the impoundment.

The dam has been faltering, and for a moment, it crashed!

Ye Chen feels that his body is rushing, like a river whistling.

Sixth order!


Ye Chen gave a low sigh, and the body's mysteriousness came out. After reaching the sixth-order violent atmosphere, exerting any martial arts, the power would be several times larger than before!

I didn’t expect that I didn’t go to the Jin Dynasty’s barriers. The barriers of the Jin Dynasty were naturally broken. Ye Chen looked down and meditated. Could it be that he was subjected to the baptism of the flying knife and the body reached a pure yang environment, which was easier to upgrade than ordinary people. Or is it because the mysteriousness of cultivation is different from that of ordinary people?

No matter what, there is no harm in the promotion.

After looking at the Jiuxing Tianchen, the first weight of Lei Di’s scorpion has been cultivated. Ye Chen now faces two choices. The first one is to cultivate the second heavy of the Lei Di, so that the Xuanqi level will soon increase. The second is to cultivate several other methods, and to practice the other methods to the first weight, so that the promotion of the Xuanqi level will be slower, but the power of the nine-star Tianchen is obviously stronger than that of the Lei Di!

After weighing a moment, Ye Chen chose one of the nine-star Tianchen gongs, called Feng Ling, and began to cultivate.

I don’t know how long it will take to practice the first method of Feng Ling’s martial arts. The reason why he has successfully cultivated Lei Di’s first cultivation is so close to him that he has been practicing thunder and inner strength. Very familiar, light and familiar, but now, this wind is a very strange law, he must carefully understand, lest practice is wrong.

At this moment, several figures came out of the house of the family and flew over here.

It was the father and the uncle, and Ye Chen stood up quickly.

Ye Zhantian and others' eyes fell on Ye Chen's body, revealing a strange color.

"Father, uncle, uncles and uncles, is there anything?" Ye Chen asked doubtfully, so many people were so cold that they stared at themselves and made Ye Chen feel a little unaccustomed.

"Chen Er just now, but the Jin stage?" Ye Zhantian asked, my heart is very uncertain, after all, Ye Chen did not take long to advance to the fifth stage, he thought about how Ye Chen would have to be promoted to sixth order after a month or two. .

Just now, Ye Zhantian and others were enlightened by the Emperor Lei in the house of the family. Suddenly, they felt strong volatility. They could be perceived from the fluctuations of mysteriousness. Some people were promoted to the sixth-order violent situation. At least seven steps have been made, and within a few hundred meters of this circle, who is the next step? They immediately thought of Ye Chen, and they rushed over to want to confirm.

Ye Chen realized that the volatility caused by his own promotion had been noticed by his father.

"It is indeed a baby, and the child has been promoted to the sixth stage." Ye Chen nodded.

Ye Zhantian, Ye Cangxuan and others face each other. To know that this is only a few days, Ye Chen has rushed to the sixth stage. This kind of cultivation speed makes them feel shameless. This is not a talent that can be summed up.

"This is a great blessing. In the future, the rise and fall of the Ye family depends on him!" Ye Cang Xuan looked at Ye Chen's eyes and was full of love.

Ye Zhantian, Ye Zhanlong and others immediately nodded, and there was a kind of uncontrollable joy in the eyes.

These days, Ye Chen gave them too many surprises!

Looking at the praises of the people, Ye Chen, who is still calm and calm, Ye Cangxuan sighs in his heart. With the talent and heart of Chen Er, the future will definitely go straight for nine days, Pengcheng Wanli, Ye Jia, Ye Jia finally It is hopeful!

"Chen Er is finally six steps. If you encounter any problems in the future cultivation, you can ask the uncle and the uncles for advice." Ye Zhantian smiled and smiled.

"Our cultivation experience is not useful for Chen Er." Ye Cang Xuan sighed, he felt that the mysterious spirit in Ye Chen was much more pure than him. According to common sense, the mysterious level The higher the Xuanqi is, the more pure, and the mysteriousness in Ye Chen's body is completely contrary to this common sense. He guessed under his heart, is it that when Ye Jia's ancestors left, he left a hint of thought in Ye Chen's body? Of course, this is just a guess.

"When Chen's fifth-order peak, he can defeat Ye Kongyan in the early sixth stage. How is the strength now?"

"The baby doesn't know." Ye Chen shook his head, didn't play, how did he know.

"Would you like to find someone to talk to Chen Er?"

"Forget it, or to enlighten the Lei Di, you must test the school again!"

Everyone feels that the family is full of hope, and all this is brought by Ye Chen!

Ye Cangxuan and others left, and Ye Zhantian left alone. Ye Zhantian glanced at Ye Chendao: "Chen, come with me!"

"Yeah!" Ye Chen nodded, followed Ye Zhantian into the home of the house, through a long corridor, into the room of Ye Zhantian.

Ye Zhantian opened the dark space, looked down a bit, took out a quaint seal from the inside, probably as big as a thumb, all body blue, crystal clear.

When Ye Zhantian took out the seal, Ye Chen felt that the flying knife in his mind was violently screaming. The seal in his father’s hand did not know what it was. It should be a treasure.

"This is a family ancestral seal. There are one big one and two small ones. According to the ancestral system, they are hosted by the family owner and the successor family. This ancestral seal, you have to keep a good life, it may not be useful, but it is the inheritance of the family! Ye Zhantian handed the seal to Ye Chen.

"Yes, the baby will take care of it!" Ye Chen took the seal from Ye Zhantian's hand. This seal does not know what stone to use. It is very heavy, full of cyan, and crystal clear. There is no trace of impurities, but put it in the palm of the hand, it is just a stone seal, can not see any special place, carefully look at the bottom of the seal is a very complex font, faint can guess from the glyph, is a 'Ye' word, there are three words on the edge of the seal, very small, such as rice grains, faintly seems to be the word 'Tianxingyin'.

"At the beginning you were still young, the temper was impatient, and the father was taken away for you. Now that you have regained the position of successor, I will give it to you. If there is this, when the father is absent, you can also lead the whole. Family." Ye Zhantiandao.

Ye Chen put this ancestor close to the body.

"Father, when competing for the successor of the family, I applied the body of Yuan Lei, did not accept the hand, and injured Ye Kongyan very heavy." Ye Chen hesitated, said.

"At the time of the family struggle, Ye Kongyan actually used this family to ban martial arts. It was his self-confidence. Even if he killed him, he also deserved his sin!" Ye Zhantian’s eyes were cold, but fortunately, Ye Chen was not injured. Ye Chen was injured, he did not fight for the position of the owner, but also killed Ye Kongyan!

"I am not worried about Ye Kongyan. If it is more than once, I will not keep my hands. Today, I recalled that I was printed on the chest of Ye Kongyan’s chest. It seems to have broken the meridians of his chest. Ye Kongyan is afraid that he will not be able to cultivate. Ye Moyang has also been deprived of the position of the elders, Ye Moyang this small amount of popularity, will definitely be reported!" Ye Chen worried about authentic.

"Your worry is justified. Ye Moyang is a family elder. After all, if Ye Ziyang is held up because of the incompetence of the teachings, it is extremely inappropriate. I have sent people to focus on Ye Moyang. If he is restless, then time. Do the disposal." Ye Zhan Tiandao, touched Ye Chen's head, gratified to the earth, "Chen has experienced so much, and finally matured! As the successor of Ye Family, from tomorrow, you have to contact some family affairs! ”

Since the father has sent someone to stare at Ye Moyang, then Ye Chen is also a little relieved, and he thought to himself that this Ye Moyang stay is always a scourge. After all, Ye Moyang has the strength of the seventh-order peak! I thought about it. At this time, I still have to hurry to cultivate and improve my strength.

From the father, Ye Chen continued to practice in the yard. After reaching the sixth-order violent atmosphere, Ye Chen’s Yuan Lei body lasted longer and lasted for nearly twenty seconds. The longer the Yuan Lei body lasts, the more useful it is in actual combat!

In the next few days, Ye Zhantian began to tell Ye Chen slowly about some of the things in the family.

Yejiabao’s main income now includes two aspects. One is a mountainous area about two miles away from Yejiabao. There is a Yejia mine, which produces black iron. There are probably more than one hundred miners in Yejia. Fort work, the black iron produced every year, probably can be exchanged for two hundred gas gathering Dan. The other is Yejiabao's shop in Donglin County, which can also earn 100 pieces of gas. In addition, in terms of food and clothing, Ye Jiabao is self-sufficient.

The income of Yejiabao in one year is just three hundred gas gathering dan, and Ye Chen has used thousands of gas gathering dans in three years. It can be imagined how much pressure the family has caused. At the peak, Yejiabao set up a lot of industries in Donglin County, and the people inside the castle were very rich, but now, those industries are going to go to five or six, and the castle is also in a depression.

Ye Chendun feels the responsibility of shoulders, the people wait for themselves not thin, he must let Ye Jiabao re-energize!

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