MTL - Nine Astra Skies-Chapter 922 Tianyuan left

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After hundreds of chambers of commerce, there are countless wealthy businessmen who have been squandered by Ye Chen, and they really hate their teeth, but I heard that Tianji has cooperated with Ye Chen and turned to Ye Chen’s men. In a merger, the new celestial pole is already the most powerful organization in the entire spiritual market. Who dares to provoke?

Powerful strength, amazing financial resources, attracted many powerful people, and asked to join.

The new celestial pole is still expanding at an alarming rate.

The western domain of the spiritual market, the headquarters of the demon, the master of the demon is a strong ancestor of the ancestors, but also the peak of the star.

The ancestors Hongyan was listening to the people reporting, and the growth of the celestial pole made him feel restless, because the new celestial pole expanded too fast, and now it is twice as many as the enchanted, more than the two organizations of the demon and the soul fire It must be strong, which has broken the balance of the entire spiritual market.

Hong Yan has sent people to contact with the soul fire, although the relationship between the demon and the soul fire is not good, but at this time, only the unity can match the celestial pole!

At this time, a man in a black robe entered the headquarters of the demon under the guidance of Hong Yan.

"Who are you?" Hong Yan looked coldly at this mysterious man in a black robe.

The mysterious man in the black robe smiled faintly: "You don't have to care who I am! I want you to help me do something. If you do it, you will have the benefit!"

"What?" Hong Yan eyebrows picked and asked.

"I want you to use whatever method you use, and you must kill the kid named Ye Chen!" This mysterious man in black robe.

There is a shimmer in the eyes of Hong Yan. This mysterious person should be a person inside the city. I don’t know which one is the top man. If it’s just a dispute between the powers of the land of the spiritual market, it’s not important for some people to die. But it involves a struggle at the top of the inner city of Mage, which is a bit of a hassle.

Ye Chen’s identity is probably not simple, otherwise the background of this mysterious person will not send people to find ways to kill Ye Chen.

Hong Yan thought and moved, said: "What benefits can I get?"

The mysterious man smiled and said: "We can let you enter the interior of the city, and arrange a position in the city. During this period, what do you want, we will provide you with something!"

"Understood, I will do my best! But now Tianji has already invested in Ye Chen, and Ye Chen’s strength has increased greatly. With the strength of my demon, it is not the opponent of the celestial pole!" Hong Yan installed as difficult.

"The soul fire, I have already explained it to them. If you can't kill Ye Chen, then you must lie to Ye Chen into the secret world at the end of the spiritual market. Once in the secret, we have a way to get him. Get rid of it!" The mysterious man blinked in the cold.

"Okay, I will try my best!" Hong Yan nodded.

After the mysterious person explained some things, he turned and left.

The celestial poles continued to grow, and Hong Yan was somewhat worried. He originally wanted to contact the soul fire to confront the celestial poles, but after the emergence of this mysterious person, he was forced to change some ideas.

Ye Chen’s background is not simple. There must be someone at the top of the city. If the battle between the high-levels is involved, then you will not be able to withdraw. As for the various promises promised by the mysterious people, Hong Yan sneered at it. If Ye Chen is alive, they still have the value to use. If they really kill Ye Chen, they immediately become a ghost!

Therefore, Hong Yan’s heart has already made a decision, sending someone to give Ye Chen some news, and it’s best not to sin on both sides.

Among the manors.

Ye Chen, A raccoon and the lion are constantly practicing, and Ye Chen’s cultivation is leaps and bounds, and has reached the peak of the median star, only one step away from the high star.

A raccoon and lion are also making rapid progress.

At this time, Yan Wu walked in and whispered a few words in Ye Chen's ear.

Ye Chen wrinkled his brow, and it was actually the news from the magic organization. It was estimated that Hong Yan wanted to sell himself a favor, and told the mysterious person to contact him.

It didn't take long for Ye Chengang to come to the city. If you want to say that you have hatred, you will stay up all night!

It seems that staying up late does not kill him.

In this case, I will play with you, Ye Chen thought about the electric turn, do not know where the secret environment at the end of the spiritual market is, and stay up all night to actually introduce himself.

Hong Yan sold a good one, then let go of the magic.

Ye Chen originally wanted to swallow all the demons and soul fires. He is going to gather most of the strong people in the land of the spiritual market to his majesty. Later, these strong people will be his capital against the spirit of the stars.

The city of the night, the temple of the night.

Sitting around the clock, sitting close to the eye, his body, the light is dark, sometimes blazing like a strong sun, and sometimes it converges like a star.

The force of a time-spaced pattern is flowing on his body. The star of the star has already controlled the power of time and space to the degree of freedom. His cultivation has reached the edge of the promotion.

Once you break through the peak of the star, you can reach the realm of the legendary god!

It is said that only the eleven people have reached that level in the whole city, that is, the meditation and the ten warriors, and he is the most qualified among the younger generation to be promoted to that level.

Why do you have to kill Ye Chen in the night and night, in addition to Ye Chen destroying his layout, there is a hidden secret.

Xuan night, staying up late, etc., are born on a tree of star spirits, equivalent to the brothers of a mother compatriot, the power of each other echoes each other and resonates with each other. Every night, every night, one of the brothers’ souls is swallowed up, refining them, and they can be upgraded.

Day and night have swallowed up five, reaching the current realm. Originally, he wanted to cultivate the mysterious night, at least to the peak of the star, and then to help him break through the peak of the star, but Ye Chen was upset. His plan to kill Xuan night, which makes the night and night to Ye Chen hate.

Now he has to find other ways to break through, and even if he finds other ways to break through the peak of the star, his future achievements will be much worse!

So even if Ye Chen has a Tianyuan cover, staying up late must make Ye Chen die!

Day and night thought that Ye Chen had arrived at the land of the spirit market. Tianyuan couldn't make Ye Chen out of time. He could slowly remove Ye Chen with some quiet methods, but he did not expect it. Half a month or so, Ye Chen used the method of resolute and vigorous manner to swept the entire land of the spiritual relics, and established a huge force in it. Some means of staying up late, it would be useless.

Ye Chen swept the entire land of the spiritual relics, and the speed of the expansionary forces was also astonishingly fast. This made the day and night more vigilant. It was impossible to let Ye Chen’s strength rise again, and then the situation could not be controlled!

"See how long you can still squat!" Staying up late to kill, although Ye Chen's strength has improved rapidly, but he still has a way to kill Ye Chen.

At the core of the city, there is a void, a small planet suspended in the center, and a figure sitting on the asteroid.

He seems to be integrated with the whole void, like nothing. If you don't look carefully, the outsiders will think that he is just a shadow cast by the asteroid.

Even a person who is so powerful in Tianyuan can't feel any trace of his body.

Tianyuan is full of awe.

He is the master of the legendary city.


Tianyuan’s thoughts have come through, but Tianyuan completely does not feel the existence of meditation. Tianyuan does not even know whether Ming is here.

Maybe it’s just a glimpse of the soul or something else?

I saw the meditation on the asteroid's body and opened my eyes. The expression on his face was not sad, very calm.

"What is the adult looking for me?" Tianyuan’s voice came and asked.

"You and I are all human beings. In the middle of the city, I trust you the most. As far as I know, hundreds of millions of people in the Linghe Star, the Ganges, and the Red River have been slaughtered. Some people We shuttled to the Milky Way and fled to the Tianhe domain. We have to send people to get them to the city. This must be done by reliable people. I must be a human being. I can rest assured."

Tianyuan is slightly indulged. Although he has been following the meditation for so many years, he never knows the idea of ​​meditation. In his opinion, it is unpredictable and the things that are done are not ordinary people. Is it really necessary to send him to meet those people, or do you want to transfer him out of the city?

However, since he said so, he can only bow his head.

In the city of Ming, Ming has absolute authority, and any words spoken are Jinkou's decision.

"As far as I know, there are three Terran masters in the Tianhe Star Field. One is Jiuli and the other is a blind man. The third person I don't know what he is calling. Do you know if Tianyuan knows them?" There is no trace of calm.

Tianyuan’s heart suddenly broke out. What did Mo Fei have discovered? For so many years, he has never had any connection with Jiuli, and he is worried about being aware of it.

"Oh, adults, I heard about them when I was in the Tianhe domain, but I never had contact with them." Tianyuan did not hesitate to hesitate and replied respectfully.

"This time, you will tell them for me, and you will be a human race. If you have prejudice between each other, you should let go." He said that he lived in the universe for thousands of years, after numerous catastrophes, many things Already obsessed.

"Yes!" Tianyuan nodded, he was speculating, what is the intention of the end.

Because tens of thousands of years ago, when Ming had sent people to kill a part of the Terran in the Tianhe domain, and hundreds of millions of people died in this massacre, it is doubtful whether it is ulterior motive at this time. Tens of thousands of years have passed, and the strength of the city has reached a very amazing level. Even if it is a source of heaven, it is only the tip of the iceberg of the city.

The map of the meditation is not small, I don’t know what the meditation is planning.

I don’t know if I left Ye Chen alone in the land of the spiritual market in the city. It’s a blessing or a curse, but Tianyuan can’t do anything, even can’t pass the news to Ye Chen, because at this time he will do something. In the discovery of the meditation, Tianyuan can only pack the bags and leave the city.

~~(To be continued. Please search for astronomical literature, the novel is better and faster!)

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