MTL - North American Detective: I Am Proficient In All Kinds of American IAI-Chapter 204 abnormal reaction

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  Chapter 204 Abnormal Reaction

  Under fear, Li Meimei uttered a very crucial message.

  Dean's expression was subtle: "You mean, you are worried that George will die on the cruise ship, and when you went to find George later, he was being brought into the room by a strong man?"

  Li Meimei avoided Dean's gaze and lowered her head: "Yes, the other party carried George on his shoulders and walked into the spa room. I didn't see the other party's appearance, but I only knew that the man was wearing the crew's clothes!"

   "What time?"

  Li Meimei hesitated for a moment, and said uncertainly: "At that time, the effect of my medicine had just expired, and my mind was clearer. I went out to check the time, and it seemed to be around four o'clock in the morning."

   Time, right on.

   When Aisha played with George, it was past three o'clock.

  After she was satisfied, she ignored George and left alone. Then George, who was lying in the corridor, met another man.

   One thing to say one thing.

  This scene is very similar to the corpse ring that Dean saw in a bar and nightclub.

  In the circle, this kind of men and women are called lying goods (corpses).

  Some men with HIV like to go to nightclubs and bars to squat outside, and when they see unconscious ‘squatters’, they pretend to be companions, take them to a corner or hotel, and stop having sex.

In this way, firstly, it can satisfy selfish desires, secondly, it can spread the disease, and make more people become as unfortunate as themselves, thirdly, take a short video, and then maybe you can threaten the other party to have this relationship for a long time, or sell it to some small websites, You can also get some money, and you can earn money.

  The number of such victims is unknown every day.

   Among them, female victims are the most.

   Male victims are less, but not by much.

  Because of being drunk, although their brothers are not good enough, some areas are still warm, which is enough to soothe the vicissitudes and loneliness in the hearts of those **** men.

   Seeing that Dean listened to his own words, he kept silent.

  Li Meimei is in a hurry.

  She was courageous, and in a tone more pious than prayer, she said sincerely: "There are only so many crew members on the private yacht. You just need to investigate and you can confirm what I said!"

  This kind of private cruise ship, the crew members are all working groups supported by the ship crew, and they are on call 24 hours a day.

  So what Li Meimei said is not false.

   "Then why didn't you tell me about George's death?" Dean raised his head:

   "You should know that the reason why Aisha's rich women are willing to let you join the circle is entirely because of the relationship between your father and Mr. Saul, but after George's death, their hearts have actually pointed their suspicions at you.

  You don't care what they think of you? "

   As Chinese.

  Li Meimei is an outsider here.

  Whether it is living habits, social circles, or interests, it is actually difficult to integrate into the local rich women circle here.

  This kind of person usually cares about the thoughts of other people in the circle, and even deliberately lowers his posture in order to let the other party accept him and get along with him.

  But Li Meimei obviously has important clues, and she has killed toys before.

  She should know that everyone's first reaction was to suspect that she had played George to death.

  In the end, Li Meimei concealed such an important clue. She not only pretended to be dead when she was on the boat, but also put on a posture when she came here. She didn't speak until she was beaten up and found that her father didn't back her up.

It's not normal!

  People have the nature of seeking advantages and avoiding disadvantages.

  This means that, in Li Meimei's view, speaking up by herself may clear her suspicions, but it will definitely bring her even more trouble!

   So, what is she hiding?

   Dean is interested.

He saw that Li Meimei fell silent again after hearing his questioning, grinned, and winked at Harry who was watching the show: "Harry, it seems that our Ms. Li hasn't recognized the status quo, go and help me clear the desk. Bring the toothpick, I'll help her wake up!"

   Li Meimei was directly stressed.

  She got up from the ground at an unprecedented speed, like a ball, and rushed towards the gate, trying to escape from this terrifying place.

next moment.

  Harry's big foot of size 43 hit Li Meimei in the face, kicked her over, and stamped an AJ shoe print LOGO on her.

   "The shoes are good, Harry, look at how clear the prints are, these are a good pair of shoes!" Dean praised.

  Harry gave a thumbs up and said deliberately: "Yes, wearing these shoes, I am the most beautiful man on the street, but I don't understand, Dean, why do you use a toothpick to help this woman clear her mind?"

  Dean squatted in front of Li Meimei, who covered her face and curled up on the ground.

  He picked up the other party's well-maintained right hand, and while Li Meimei couldn't restrain the trembling, he explained intimately: "Every finger of a human has a meridian, which directly leads to the head through the limbs.

  As law-abiding police detectives, we don't want to beat the prisoner's head at will, but if it's just a manicure for her, then it's not a big problem.

The key is."

  Dean looked at Li Meimei, who was trembling more and more, and smiled softly: "The point is, she only has one head. If she breaks it, she will die, but she has ten fingers, enough for us to spend a boring day."

"It makes sense!", Harry has also cooperated with Dean many times, and seeing that the atmosphere is almost ready, he pretends to leave: "Dean, by the way, I remember that Daisy still has pliers, and I will bring them together when the time comes , if you don’t enjoy playing with toothpicks, we can also help her clean onychomycosis for free.”

   "I don't have onychomycosis."

  Weak crying came from the ground.

  Li Meimei choked up, and lifted herself up with big footprints and a mean face with two nosebleeds, looking very pitiful.

   "It's okay!" Dean wiped the corners of her eyes understandingly: "Give me a hammer, and your fingernails will turn gray-black."


   Li Meimei cried even more miserably!

   you can imagine.

  Everything that happened to me today, this second-generation rich woman who played very perverted but has been spoiled and never experienced the dangers of the world, needs a lifetime to heal.

   Don't look at the monk's face and look at the Buddha's face.

  Li Meimei's father is a person under the new 'si chief' Saul, so it is naturally impossible for Dean to really torture his daughter.

  Everything is just psychological pressure.

   Wait a moment.

  Seeing that Li Meimei's psychological defense has almost collapsed, and her emotions are gradually calming down.

  Dean threw the wet wipes on the table in front of Li Meimei: "You are crying too badly, wipe your face clean, and then tell me why you want to hide the matter of the male crew, and then you can leave!"

  Li Meimei sniffled, and didn't dare to hide anything: "The male crew member I said was true, but I didn't leave, but was curious about what he wanted to do, so I followed, and I saw Morece!"

   "The owner of the cruise ship Elizabeth, Morales?"

"Yes!", Li Meimei gritted her teeth, and said what she saw: "Ms. Moraisi seems to hate George very much. After asking the crew member to put a helmet on him, he was simply stimulated, and then... that male crew member, riding up."

  Harry on the side showed a disgusted look.

  A man's brother is used to fill a woman's emptiness, not to be a **** stick!

  He opened his mouth and said: "Is that George so good, brother can still maintain his state?"

   "I don't know either. It may be that the mixed booster drug I injected into George was too powerful. Anyway, the male crew member just did it twice, and George had a reaction."

   "Ahem." Harry licked his lips: "Well, what drugs did you inject? Don't get me wrong, my forensic friend Holz should be very interested, and this also needs to be recorded."

   "Shut up, Harry!"

   Dean is not interested in these things.

  He interrupted the two off-topic words, and continued to ask: "What about after that?"

"George is dead." Li Meimei lowered her head: "He had taken medicine before, and was injected with medicine, and almost died suddenly. It was I who saved him by cardiac injection, but then he gave him another violent stimulation, and finally Died in a leech bath."

   "Moles was also a little surprised.

  She called me in the room for being a madman for injecting George with so many drugs that he killed people on her boat.

  After that, I didn't dare to stay outside any longer, and ran back to the room. I didn't come out until a servant found George's body.

   Dead people, I don't care.

   But this matter involved Morece.

  She is a ruthless woman and has connections with some gangs. Although I don't know that she didn't dispose of George's body the next day, I dare not defend myself. "

   Finish these.

  Li Meimei, who had been exhausted physically and mentally for a long time, lay on the ground, closed her eyes, and waited for Dean to deal with her.

  From the moment the lawyer walks away.

  Li Meimei knew that she had been abandoned by her father.

  "Moles", Dean nodded and looked at Harry: "You contact Morace and ask her to come to the police station. I will take Carlo and go to the morgue first."

   "Then her?"

   "According to the normal procedures, she will be taken into custody, and then her family members will be asked to pay for her bail. After that, we will not be in charge."

   After speaking, Dean left the interrogation room.

  In this case, in the beginning, there will be no scenes of criminals being imprisoned.

  The deceased was just an ordinary person. Even though he was a high-achieving student and a life in full bloom, these are clearly marked in the United States.

this is the truth.

  So the only role of the police is probably to help George, the unlucky guy, to get some compensation.

  Dean became interested in Morace, why would she want to use men to pinch men to deal with George, the former little boy favorite.

  Before going to the morgue.

  Dean came to the office first.

  Daisy was sitting on his scout chair with her slender legs up, watching the latest LCD TV hanging on the wall.

  Carol was struggling to fill in the information.

  He didn’t join Dean’s group through the normal process, all of which required Daisy to help him operate and go through the endless process.

strictly speaking.

  This guy doesn't even have the corresponding police detective certificate.

  See Dean coming out of the interrogation room.

  Daisy yawned: "Dean, when Elsa left before, she didn't look very good. You won't really torture these rich women to extract confessions?"

   As the pig killer's daughter.

  Daisy, a beautiful girl, has a soft appearance and a rough heart. She doesn't dislike Dean's methods.

  Dean shrugged: "It's just some necessary and friendly exchanges, that Li Meimei, I need you to help Harry deal with it, and also help me make an appointment with that Mores to come here, just say that I want to have a good talk with her."

   "Not a summons?"

   "If she agrees, it's communication, if she doesn't agree, it's a summons!"

   After finishing speaking, Dean took Carlo with him and left the office.

   On the way to the morgue.

  Carol kneaded his sore palm and asked curiously, "Dean, is there a result in the case?"

   "Well, on the night of George's death, he was bullied by two women, Li Meimei and Aisha. After that, Morais called the crew and took George to the leech bathtub room to play with, resulting in sudden death."

   Carlo looked envious.

   This is really cool.

   "Dean, then why didn't you summon Morece directly, but asked Daisy to invite her first. Could it be that the existing evidence cannot bring criminal charges against her?"

  Dean shook his head:

   "It's just a waste of time.

  According to the confession, Morece did not do anything, she asked the male crew member who helped her to do it.

  Even if she is prosecuted, the male crew member has a high probability of taking the blame himself.

  In this case, George's family will not even be able to get compensation.

   Also I have to tell you one thing! "

   Carlo paused: "What?"

  Dean also stopped and said seriously:

  "Carol, you must remember that our duty seems to be to protect the rights and interests of all American citizens, but in many cases, those rich people who provide us with a lot of financial income are the real citizens!

   Rich people commit crimes, we can indeed prosecute them.

   But they have the money to pay high attorney fees, sophistry for themselves, turn a big case into a small case, turn a small case into a misunderstanding, and they can even be released on bail.

  Even if you end up in jail."

  Dean lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, and after exhaling a big mouthful of smoke, he smiled and said: "They can also operate themselves into a private prison.

   Spending tens of dollars a day, you can enjoy a large independent single room, and spending a few hundred dollars more, you don’t have to work, and even have a chef to help them cook whatever they want to eat.

  If they want, they can even sleep with another female prison guard every day.

   Except for a brief loss of freedom.

   They will not live worse than the outside world.

   But we are different.

  We have family members, so try to be gentle when dealing with the cases of these rich people. "

  Private prisons are so prosperous.

  In addition to opening private prisons, government subsidies, and prisoner labor income, the biggest source of income is actually those rich people who commit crimes.

  One rich criminal is worth the value created by hundreds of criminals.

  Carol nodded thoughtfully: "Well, I know all of this. In fact, I bought a lot of prison stocks, but I still thank Dean for teaching me."

   "You know a p!"

Dean shook off the cigarette **** and grinned: "I just want to tell you that if one day you offend this kind of rich man, don't be so naive as to send him to a 'fair' trial. For this kind of person, bullets are better than the law use!"

   Carlo: "."

  He admitted that he was superficial.


  Elden was sitting in the office outside, leisurely reading the newspaper and drinking coffee.

  Meet Dean.

  He put down the newspaper and asked doubtfully, "Inspector Dean, did you discover something new when you came here?"

  Dean told Li Meimei what he did to George.

   I suffered a loss once.

  Dean is no longer so superstitious about his mind reading skills.

   It is better to be cautious.

   After hearing this, Elden took a deep breath: "These rich people are really desperate for fun!"

  He explained:

   "There are two categories of normal pleasure-enhancing potions.

  One is to reduce the nerve sensitivity of the brother, so that it will last longer.

  The other is to strengthen the blood circulation of the brother, so that the cavernous body can expand to the largest and firmest.

   These will have a certain impact on the body, but if you take a good rest, the drug residue will be quickly metabolized and eliminated from the body, which has little effect on the body and can be used for a long time.

   But there is another way.

   That is hormone drugs.

  Although this kind of drug can be easily absorbed and metabolized by the body and excreted from the body, it is difficult to control the amount, and it will disrupt the secretion of body hormones, increase the burden on the body time and time again, and easily cause sudden death.

  So this kind of pleasure-enhancing drug only appeared when hormone drugs were on the rise, and was listed as a prohibited product after that. "

   "You mean, this medicine is also easily metabolized and absorbed?"

   "Yes, probably because of this reason, I didn't find any abnormalities in the blood of the deceased." Elden showed a comfortable expression of solving doubts.

   "Okay, thank you, this case can probably be closed."

   It is determined that Li Meimei has a high probability of not lying.

   Dean returned to the office.

  Daisy brought over a cup of coffee, and said with some hesitation, "Molese doesn't want to come, and"

   "And what?"

   "She said, in this case, the murderer will surrender and give financial compensation to George's family. Ms. Morais hopes that for Baker's sake, you will not pursue it any further."

   "For Baker's sake?"

  I have released goodwill.

   As a result, this Morece was not only unwilling to go through a cutscene, but even moved out her elder brother Baker

   This shows that the other party has investigated his family relationship afterwards.

  For an innocuous case.

  Secretly, why did the other party react so strongly?

The key is.

  Since the other party does not want to be involved in this case, it is entirely possible to throw George into the sea immediately after George's death, destroying the body and destroying the traces.

  On the cruise ship, no one cares about these things except my stupid brother.

   In this case, Dean and the others will not even be able to receive a call to the police!

   Interesting, very interesting.

  Dean drank his coffee in one gulp.

  What else is hidden in this case?

   Sorry, I slept for a while after fetching water today.

   The update is a bit late.

   Then just observe the status, no need to go to the hospital.

   Tomorrow there will be more dog thieves.

Good night!

   Thank you for tipping:

   Thanks to the "Brother Cheng is here" book friend for the 20,000 book coins reward, thank you boss, congratulations on being promoted to the hall master, and will make up the reward and add more tomorrow!

   Thanks to the two book friends 'Sky Devourer' and 'BuleReimu' for the reward of 5,000 book coins, thanks to the two bosses, congratulations on being promoted to deacon!

   Thanks to the two book friends "Rain Mirror" and "Wind Chasing Wings 1" for the reward of 1,500 book coins, thanks to the two bosses!

   Thanks to the book friend 'Yi Xuncheng' for the reward of 680 book coins, thank you boss!

   Thanks to the book friend '20211126160412832' for the reward of 500 book coins, thank you boss!

   Thanks for the rewards from book friends such as "John 117, 20190716180417845, Yan Yu, Gu Jiu Waiting for You, Black Tea, Red Blood Cell 2002, 20191121234955827", thank you bosses!



  (end of this chapter)