MTL - Number One Zombie Wife-Chapter 487

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Mu Yifan's right leg became more and more painful, but when he heard the blessing of applause, he could only endure the severe pain and smiled at everyone. He planned to end the oath and talk to Zhan Beitian about his leg problem.

Zhan Beitian noticed that Mu Yifan was surprised when he entered the door, but he didn't think about it, and chuckled: "It won't be too nervous, won't we even go?"

Mu Yifan clenched Zhan Beitian's hand and said, "It's very tense."

Zhan Beitian held him back: "Don't worry, everything has me."


Zhan Beitian took Mu Yifan to the pastor in the eyes of everyone's blessings.

The priest looked at them with a smile, ready to call and pray.

Standing in front of the priest, Mu Yifan's brows frowned and tightened. Suddenly, his ears buzzed, and no sound could be heard. Don't mention the applause or music in the auditorium, even what the former priest said, I couldn't hear it, and my heart suddenly panicked.

He turned his head to look at Zhan Beitian anxiously, and wanted to open his mouth, he felt dizzy suddenly, and the person in front of him became confused for a moment.

Mu Yifan noticed that his body was getting worse and worse, but he didn't wait for him to speak out, and before his eyes became dark, he never knew what happened next.

Zhan Beitian, who was listening to the priest, heard an exclamation from behind, turned his head, and saw Mu Yian quickly support Mu Yifan, who was about to fall to the ground.

He changed his face and hugged Mu Yifan anxiously: "What's going on."

Mu Yi'an anxiously said: "I don't know. Brother Fan was just fine, but suddenly he came over to me."

Zhan Guoxiong, Mu Xiaohu, and Mu Yuecheng stood up anxiously: "What happened to Yifan?"

"Dad." Mu Qingtian called out worriedly.

Shen Qinyang ran over quickly: "Beitian, let Yifan lie down, I'll show him."

Zhan Beitian quickly placed Mu Yifan on the bench where the guests let him out.

Other friends and relatives gathered around in fear.

Zheng Guozong hurriedly made them wait outside because Mu Yifan needed to absorb fresh air, so everyone had to leave the church and wait anxiously outside.

Zhan Beitian saw Shen Qinyang frown, and hurriedly asked, "Qin Yang, what happened to Mu Mu?"

Shen Qinyang shook his head: "His pulse is steady, I can't see it for the time being, he must take it back to research for an inspection."

Zheng Guozong, who did not leave, quickly said, "I'll see for him."

Zhan Beitian's face sank: "Isn't there a problem with the potion?"

Shen Qinyang immediately denied: "It is impossible, if there is a problem, there will be a problem long ago, and it will not happen now."

Zheng Guozong shook his head: "I don't see any problems, so I'll take it back to the Academy for review."

After that, he and Shen Qinyang were both taken to the door of the examination room of the academy by Zhan Beitian's space teleportation.

Zhan Beitian quickly put Mu Yifan on the bed in front of the inspection equipment, holding Mu Yifan's hand tightly, and murmured, "Mu Mu, can you hear me?"

Mu Yifan did not respond. Like a puppet, he closed his eyes quietly on the bed, which made Zhan Beitian feel so distressed.

Shen Qinyang looked full of anxiety and war against Beitian, quickly opened the equipment and instruments, but his heart was heavy.

He was very sure that there was absolutely no problem with his medicament. If there was a problem, Zheng Jiaming and Zhuang Ziyue had already had trouble.

Zhan Beitian suddenly thought of Mu Yifan's movement toward his thigh before entering the church, and then he remembered something.

His eyes widened in horror and redness, and he looked up sharply, "thighs."

"What?" Shen Qinyang and Zheng Guozong froze.

Zhan Beitian said eagerly: "Mu Mu has bone cancer, and his right thigh once experienced swelling. The back thigh was cut off by the power of the space storm. When he recovered, the thigh returned to normal appearance. For a long time, I forgot that he still had bone cancer. Before the treatment, I never thought that after Mumu became human, bone cancer still exists in his body. "

Oh my god

How could he forget such an important thing?

Zheng Guozong also remembered this thing: "Yes, yes, Mumu has bone cancer."

After Mu Yifan became a zombie, nothing happened in the past two years, so he doesn't remember the incident.

Shen Qinyang also remembered that Mu Yuezhi had brought Mu Yifan to look at bone cancer, and rebuked himself: "I ... I forgot this."

At that time, he only wanted to change the zombies back to humans. He never thought that all functions would be restored after being changed back to humans. The illness that he had before he became zombies is likely to continue to recur.

Moreover, when Mu Yifan was in City B, he didn't pay much attention to bone cancer, not to mention the fact that he had forgotten this time.

Zheng Guozong said anxiously: "This is not the time to be in a daze, let's see if bone cancer caused a coma."

"This is going to be checked at the hospital. I'll see if it's a virus or my medicament is working."

Shen Qinyang skillfully performed a series of inspections on Mu Yifan, showing that his body was normal and that the medicament had no effect on his body.

"I'm sure there is no problem with my medicament. I'll push it over to the hospital and have a look."

Zhanbei Tian immediately lifted Mu Yifan and took Shen Qinyang and Zheng Guozong to the medical hospital.

Shen Qinyang took them to the inspection room and quickly started all inspection equipment.

Zheng Guozong suddenly screamed in terror: "Major battle, look at Mumu's right leg."

Zhan Beitian and Shen Qinyang looked at Mu Yifan quickly, and saw that Mu Yifan's right leg was inflating at a speed that can be seen by the naked eye, bulging the outer pants.

Shen Qinyang anxiously said, "Quickly, take off Mumu's pants."

Zhan Beitian quickly took off Mu Yifan's pants, exposing his thighs bulging like a ball.

The three took a breath of air.