MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 117 life for life

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Hearing Li Changtian's words, Yan Shu's heart froze.

There is no doubt that Han Ya must have killed someone, intending to make Li Changtian suffer an unjust injustice!

"Li Changtian, if someone asks this question again, you have to answer no, you know?" Yan Shu was furious.

"But...but, I will be beaten, it will hurt a lot." Li Changtian choked softly and cried, "They will beat me, it hurts... woo woo..."

Yan Shu's face showed pain, and he felt a deep powerlessness. He gritted his teeth, lowered his head, and tried to restrain his emotions.

Since the separation of Yan Ziqing, Yan Shuqing has been cold and cold for ten years, but he has only met Li Changtian for one year, and he has tasted the joys and sorrows of this world.

Suddenly someone gently held his hand.

Yan Shu was stunned and looked up.

Li Changtian carefully grabbed his hand and said softly: "Don't be sad, I will listen to you, listen to you obediently, I will answer no..."

Yan Shu's throat choked, and he reached out and held Li Changtian's hand lightly: "I will definitely take you out of here."

"Go...where?" Li Changtian asked.

"The capital." Yan Shu replied.

"Will someone beat me there? Woohoo, I don't want to be beaten again." Li Changtian whimpered and cried.

"No." Yan Shu hurriedly said, "With me here, I will definitely protect you."

"Then what's in the capital?"

"When the lanterns first came on, the world was full of prosperity." Yan Shu said softly, "If you don't like noise, I will resign from the official position and take you around the world. We will live wherever you like."

"Live wherever you like..."

Li Changtian repeated in a daze, suddenly curled up in the corner of the bed, wrapped his hands around his knees, and rolled down tears.

"This sentence, I also told my sister, I miss her so much..."

As soon as he cried, his tears began to burst, and he couldn't stop it. Li Changtian couldn't help crying.

Asking the sky and asking the earth, since we have met and know the warmth, why bother to leave him alone and try to part.

In the evening, Shen Chao came to look for Yan Shu.

Yan Shu told him that he had asked Li Changtian about torture.

Shen Chao nodded, having some guesses in his heart.

Although the three thousand Beidi soldiers were hiding in Tianque Mountain Villa, they did not obey Han Ya.

Although Ah Wu can easily change into the appearance of Ash Nabal.

But A Wu didn't know Bei Di's language and writing, and sooner or later he would reveal his secrets.

Han Ya is now looking for a scapegoat, because he is worried that Bei Di's soldiers will find out that Ash Nabal is dead. At that time, he will use the stupid Li Changtian to quell the anger of Bei Di's soldiers.

Although Yan Shu didn't know what grievance Han Ya wanted Li Changtian to blame, he could faintly realize that it was too late.

Shen Chao saw Yan Shu's concern and said, "Master Yan, don't worry. Tomorrow, Master Qin will send troops to Baidi City to calm all this turmoil."

"Tomorrow? But if there is a real move, the people in Baidi City..." Yan Shu looked uneasy.

"I already have a countermeasure." Shen Chao said calmly.

After parting with Yan Shu, Shen Chao walked from the wooden overpass to Tianque Villa alone.

The night was dark, and Shen Chao stood on the attic, leaning on the railing and looking out, seeing the bustling and lively Baidi City, which was very peaceful.

Shen Chao shook his head, remembering the past, on the battlefield, there were mourning and corpses everywhere.

Shen Chao pinched the bridge of his nose, and suddenly heard someone calling him from behind.


Shen Chao turned his head and saw Shen Yushu.

Young Master Shen looked delighted: "Dad! You can't sleep either, can you watch the moon here?"

"Ah, yes." Shen Chao smiled and followed his words, "My son, why can't you sleep?"

"Oh, didn't my brother tell me to stay in the attic honestly recently, and don't go anywhere?" Shen Yushu pouted, "I have nowhere to go during the day, so I can only sleep, but I can't sleep at night."

Shen Chao smiled and gently touched Shen Yushu's head: "Just a few days later."

Shen Yushu said, "I know, I know, it will be Dad's birthday in a few days!"

Shen Chao was taken aback.

He doesn't even remember it himself.

Shen Chao looked at Shen Yushu, saw him akimbo, and smiled triumphantly, his eyes were as clear as the people in Baidi City, where thousands of households were only worried about trivial matters every day.

Shen Chao suddenly remembered that a year ago, when he knew that Han Ya was going to lead Beidi soldiers into Baidi City, he tossed and turned for three nights, and finally gave up his heart and sent a secret letter to Shuofang Qin Jueming. He hesitated to betray Han Ya.


The former general of Chu did not understand why the late emperor had to put down his dignity and choose to be with him.

But now, Shen Chao, who had been at ease for more than ten years, suddenly understood.

"Dad, what are you thinking?" Shen Yushu's call suddenly pulled back Shen Chao's wandering thoughts.

"Ah, it's nothing." Shen Chao recovered and smiled, "Yushu, hurry back to the house, it's getting colder these days, be careful that you get a headache from the wind blowing outside."

Shen Yushu responded and went back obediently.

Shen Chao glanced at the comfortable and peaceful Baidicheng again, and walked to his wing.

Suddenly, a guard dressed in black found Shen Chao and asked in a panic, "Shen Wangye, it's not good, something happened!"

Shen Chao's expression changed after hearing the report of the black-clothed guard.

Really afraid of what to come!

Ah Wu Yi Rong Cheng was finally recognized by the Bei Di people! And now, the three Beidi soldiers, headed by them, are looking for Han Ya for an explanation!

In the attic hall, the Beidi people were smashing things cursingly: "What do you mean by fooling us with a fake product? Now the county master is nowhere to be found. Damn, what kind of medicine are you selling in your gourd?!"

The Beidi man suddenly picked up a vase and smashed it at Han Ya's feet. The fragments splashed and some fell on Han Ya's body.

There was a guard in black beside Han Ya who silently pressed his hand on the handle of the knife around his waist, but Han Ya waved his hand imperceptibly, and the guard in black immediately withdrew his hand.

"Relieve your anger, calm your anger." Han Ya seemed extremely calm, "I didn't tell you the truth earlier, because I have been looking for the real murderer, and just yesterday, I found the truth and caught the culprit."

With that said, Han Ya turned his head and said to the guard behind him.

"Go and bring the man."

At this time, Yan Shu and Li Changtian were unaware of the impending danger.

When the moon stars were scarce, after the two had eaten a dinner that could barely fill their stomachs, Yan Shu began to examine Li Changtian's injuries.

The two sat face to face on the couch, and as soon as Yan Shu held Li Changtian's hand, Li Changtian kept backing away, looking flustered and scared.

"Don't be afraid." Yan Shu was distressed and helpless, so he could only try his best to comfort him.

Li Changtian said that he was not afraid, but he kept shrinking his hands.

He couldn't do it without checking the injury, Yan Shu couldn't, and became a little tougher. He tightly held Li Changtian's arm where there was no injury, and didn't let him hide. He took off the white cloth and looked at his wound.

Fortunately, Yan Shu was patient and careful when dealing with his injuries yesterday, and Li Changtian's wounds healed well.

Yan Shu breathed a sigh of relief. He re-bandaged Li Changtian's injury and said, "We can leave here tomorrow."

"Brother Yan Shu." Li Changtian shouted.

"Cough..." Yan Shu was a little uncomfortable with such a name, and in a panic, he covered his lips with his hands and coughed to cover it up, "What's the matter?"

Li Changtian asked, "Why are you being so kind to me? He helped me heal, and said that you would take me away. Why?"

Yan Shu: "…"

Yan Shu lowered his eyes. He seemed calm, but his heart trembled violently. After a moment of silence, Yan Shu asked Li Changtian, "Do you remember half of the past about you and me?"

Li Changtian nodded and shook his head again, he hesitated for a moment, and said, "I feel very at ease with you, since my sister died, I have always felt lonely and confused, but after you came, I don't feel that way anymore. …”

Yan Shu suddenly sighed, "It's okay, it's okay..."

He stretched out his hand and gently stroked the blue silk on Li Changtian's temple, looked at those bright eyes, and said softly: "I have been walking in the world for more than 20 years, I am upright, open and honest, with a clear conscience, the only thing I regret is when I first met you. , I punished you by mistake, this has always been a knot in my heart, and I dare not forget it."

"" Li Changtian looked at him, "Are you being so kind to me because of guilt?"

"No." Yan Shu shook his head, "The guilt is temporary and can be made up for, and I feel sorry for you..."

Before Yan Shu could finish speaking, there was a sudden sound of the door slamming open from the outer room, which startled the two of them.

Yan Shu's face changed, and he stood up very quickly, trying to block the door.

But it was too late, and several black-clothed assassins kicked in and went straight to Li Changtian.

"Li Changtian!!" Yan Shu's face was instantly pale, and he stepped forward to protect him, but was stopped by two assassins in black.

Yan Shu was not afraid, reached out and grabbed one assassin's sword, and collided with another assassin's sword.

"I advise you not to move."

The cold voice sounded, Yan Shu looked up and saw an assassin holding a short dagger against Li Changtian's throat.

Yan Shu was in a turmoil in an instant, revealing his flaws. He was restrained by the other jackdaw assassins and knelt on the ground.

"Don't touch him!" Yan Shu's eyes were blood red, and he was about to struggle when the jackdaw assassin's sword hilt knocked him on the side of his neck, causing him to faint.

The jackdaw assassin who held the short dagger against Li Changtian's neck suddenly attacked, grabbed Li Changtian's jacket, pressed him against the wall, and sneered a few times: "Li Changtian, do you know who I am?"

"I don't know, woo woo woo, don't hit me... I'm sorry, I'm sorry." Li Changtian cried nonsense.

"Hahaha." The man looked up to the sky and laughed frantically, and when he lowered his head again, his eyes turned red.

He says.

"Look, sure enough, except for her, no one recognizes me, and no one recognizes..."

"Li Changtian." Ah Wu sneered and asked.

"Do you want to go down with her?"

When Shen Chao hurried to the attic hall, he saw that the ground was in a mess, and there were objects smashed by Beidi people everywhere.

Several Beidi people were staring at one person.

That person is Li Changtian.

He was pressed to his knees on the ground, his head bowed.

A Beidi man asked Han Ya, "What evidence is there that he killed Ashnabal and the county master?"

Han Ya looked indifferent: "You can ask him."

A Beidi man stepped forward, grabbed Li Changtian by the collar, lifted him up and roared, "You really killed Ashnabal?!"

Li Changtian didn't know what he was thinking, he was silent for a long time, and suddenly raised his head.

He says.

"it's me."

The Beidi man was enraged and threw Li Changtian to the ground.

Shen Chao stepped forward in a panic, wanting to stop everything that was about to happen: "And! Slow..."

However, just as he called out the word 'and', he was suddenly startled, and his eyes suddenly widened.

A sharp sword that was as thin as a cicada's wings and dozens of inches long penetrated Li Changtian's chest like this.

Li Changtian's pupils shrank suddenly, he looked at Han Ya in front of him, and he slowly spat out a large amount of blood.

Han Ya was expressionless, and pulled out the long sword inch by inch.

When the tip of the sword was pulled out, it was probably because of the pain that Li Changtian shivered. He didn't say a word, just lay on the cold ground, coughed a few times, and slowly closed his eyes.

Han Ya raised his head, looked around, and said lightly to the Beidi people.

"The injustice has the head, the debt has the owner, and the life is for the life. Everyone, should you calm down?"

-------Thank you for being fascinated by Beta Tushan Sumu yesterday?

Thanks to Bai Yunda, the descendant of Tang Junmomiao, for the urging vote of AK23-Xiaomi Tang Junmo amily77 in the school yesterday!

Thank you for the monthly pass of Beta bang bang Qi Mine East TiffaC Wanwan Sumei er Nai Rin ^ yesterday!