MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 63 Injured and no one rescues

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The master of Huage Pavilion saw that Li Changtian had been silent for a long time, thinking that he finally understood the scruples, and said softly: "Young master, it is not shameful to take advantage of the situation, and it is a smart person to judge the situation and not act recklessly."

Li Changtian smiled: "Xie Pavilion Master reminded me, but unfortunately I have never been too smart."

As soon as this statement came out, the pavilion master of Huage knew that Li Changtian was going to fight the hungry wolf. She sighed and said, "Young Master, your friend is not here. If you are in danger, no one will help you."

"Fortunately, they're not here." Li Changtian said, "otherwise they would definitely stop me."

"If that's the case, why don't you think about it, son, why did your friend stop you?" asked the pavilion master of Huage.

"I thought about it." Li Changtian looked down at the hungry wolf in the deep pit, "But I also promised my friend that I will definitely give him the token."

"For this, is it really worth it to get yourself bruised and bruised?" asked the pavilion master of Huage.

"But some things have to be done by someone, right?" Li Changtian asked rhetorically.

The pavilion master of Huage was startled.

"Pavilion Master, can the pavilion master lend me that dagger?" Li Changtian pointed to the wall, where there was a dagger with a silver blade.

"It doesn't matter, you can use it, son," said the master of Huage Pavilion.

Li Changtian thanked him, took off the dagger, waved it twice in his hand, felt the weight, and then nodded in satisfaction.

He looked at the pavilion master of Huage Pavilion and said with a smile: "Pavilion Master Fang Cai said that in one night's competition, I won by restraining the opponent's neck, and this move is useless to the wolf, has the pavilion owner thought about it..."

"The reason why I only use this trick is because there is no need to use other tricks at all?"

On the first floor of the Flower Pavilion, the competition was over, and people continued to drink and have fun.

Shen Yushu and Yan Shu waited for a long time and did not see Li Changtian come back. Shen Yushu became impatient, pulled Yan Shu to find a table and sat down, and then summoned two beautiful girls to play music while drinking. girl joking.

And Yan Shu sat upright and upright, and a girl stepped forward to persuade him to drink, and then gently declined, with a worried look in his eyes.

Shen Yushu felt that Yan Shu was really bored and persuaded: "Don't worry, Huage Pavilion mainly doesn't give the token to Changtian, we will come back tomorrow, it really doesn't work, I will ask my father and my brother, They must have a way, come, come, drink."

Yan Shu couldn't refuse, so he brought the wine glass and collided with Shen Yushu, and drank it with his eyes closed.

"That's right! I am drunk now, hehe." Shen Xiaogong smiled, "I heard that the master of Huage Pavilion looks like a fairy, maybe Changtian is also spending the spring night in his arms, otherwise how could it be? It's been so long? We can't just wait for him stupidly."

Yan Shu didn't respond and looked down at the empty wine glass.

The wine I just drank, the mouth is soft and long, mixed with the aroma of rouge, but for someone like Yan Shu who doesn't drink often, it is both choking and bitter.

Yan Shu wanted to sigh for no reason, so as to relieve the depression in his chest.

"What's the matter? What are you sighing for?"

Suddenly, a familiar voice rang in his ears.

Yan Shu was startled and looked up abruptly.

Li Changtian sat beside him at some point and smiled at him.

Yan Shu was stunned.

"Ah! Changtian! You're finally back! We've been waiting for a long time!" Shen Yushu stood up excitedly.

"I've been waiting for a long time." Li Changtian smiled.

"Where's the token? Did you get it?" Shen Yushu asked.

Li Changtian nodded, opened his hand, and in his palm lay a jade tablet with the word 'flower' written on it.

Li Changtian took Yan Shu's hand, put the jade card gently in his hand, and said, "I did it, I got the token back."

"You..." Yan Shu lightly clenched his fists and put the jade card in his palm, "I'm tired."

"Don't be tired, it's good to be able to help you." Li Changtian said with a smile.

After saying this, Li Changtian breathed a sigh of relief.

Yan Shu looked at Li Changtian and felt that he should say something, but he didn't know how to say it.

Li Changtian was putting burdens on his body that he didn't need to carry, and these burdens were not just a word or two that Li Changtian was willing to unload.

"Ah! Li Changtian, Li Changtian, good you Li Changtian." Shen Yushu suddenly shouted, "You really left us and went with the master of Huage Pavilion, Fenghuaxueyue, look at you, your clothes have changed!"

Yan Shu paused and looked down to see that it was indeed the case.

When Li Changtian left, he was dressed in a bamboo cyan embroidered crescent moon and white cloud patterned corset, but when he came back, he was dressed in ink-colored gold patterned clothes, which didn't quite fit well.

"What nonsense!" Li Changtian quickly refuted Shen Yushu and explained, "I had another fight to get this token. The original clothes were accidentally torn, and the pavilion master kindly gave me a dress."

"Tsk tsk tsk." Shen Yushu said repeatedly, obviously not believing Li Changtian's words.

Yan Shu frowned: "A competition again?"

"Well, it's alright, just let's discuss it casually." Li Changtian said quickly.

"Let's go, let's go to the Snow Pavilion!" Shen Yushu held the wine glass and drank it all in one go, then with a wave of his hand, he rushed to the Snow Pavilion in a hurry.

Li Changtian and Yan Shu had to hurry up to keep up with Young Master Shen.

After walking out of the flower pavilion, Li Changtian slowed down a bit, and at the end, he looked up and saw that Shen Yushu and Yan Shu didn't notice him, he took a long breath, lightly covered his abdomen, then gritted his teeth, hurriedly chased after him. On Shen Yushu and Yan Shu.

-------Thank you yesterday 11 is Xiaozhu Baiyueguang Xueyi Abner Li Changtian for blowing bot Qian_It's a sparse forest~ for the reward!

Thank you Li Changtian yesterday for blowing botAK23 - Mi 11's necro butterfly temporarily retired specializing in miscellaneous illnesses The reminder for more votes!

Thanks to Yaoyao's Yangyang Kilin nickname yesterday for taking up the monthly pass of the Burning Pumpkin!