MTL - Of All the Transmigrations, Why Am I a Prisoner?-Chapter 84 do i need to go

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The innkeeper was bowing his head to calculate the account. He was screeching at the abacus when he suddenly heard someone asking if he would hire a part-time worker.

He thought that the visitor would be a foreigner with five or three rough, but when he raised his head, he saw a handsome, handsome young man in white standing in front of him.

The shopkeeper: "Hahaha, son, are you joking?"

"I'm not joking, shopkeeper, are you short of people?" Li Changtian asked sincerely.

"Young master, I am a free-spirited person, and there is no shortage of people." The shopkeeper smiled.

"Ah..." Li Changtian rubbed his neck uncomfortably, "Okay, thank you boss."

Li Changtian sighed deeply, took two steps upstairs of the inn, stopped again, wandered in place for a while at a loss, turned and walked out of the inn.

In Baidi City, the bustling and bustling streets were full of people. Li Changtian stood beside the street with a blank expression on his face, which seemed very out of tune with the pedestrians on the road.

When Li Changtian first traveled to this time and space, he often felt uneasy and depressed.

Like a lost migratory bird, he lost his way and was at a loss.

But later, Yan Shu's company and companions made this feeling gradually disappear, and even for a long time, Li Changtian didn't remember that he was so uneasy.

Today, this feeling once again flooded into Li Changtian's heart because of the noisy streets.

"Hey, let it go, let it go."

Someone was shouting beside him, Li Changtian was startled, and when he came back to his senses, he found that it was a bearer who was carrying a sedan chair.

"Sorry, sorry." Li Changtian quickly backed away.

"What are you in a daze, is there nothing for a big living man to do?" The bearer muttered, carrying the sedan and walking forward.

Li Changtian scratched his head embarrassedly.

Hey, there's really nothing to do.

Li Changtian hesitated and thought.

Why don't you go to Shen Yushu?


But he, Li Changtian, left Yan Shu, Shen Yushu, and others, he really couldn't do anything, was he really useless?

Li Changtian was depressed when suddenly there was a noise at the end of the street.


"Fuck, stop for me!"

At the same time, a man hurriedly pushed the crowd away and sprinted past Li Changtian.

"Huh?!" Li Changtian blinked.

Although the man ran very fast, Li Changtian recognized it immediately.

Hey! Isn't this person the thief who stole the purse last time!

On the first day he and Yan Shu came to Baidi City, they stole a girl's purse and jumped into the water to escape!

Good guy, last time I let you run away, this time I bumped into my face again.

Li Changtian couldn't care about depression and decadence, he rolled up his sleeves and went after people.

The thief had already been chased all the way, and naturally he couldn't escape Li Changtian.

Li Changtian caught up with the thief in no time, grabbed his shoulders, twisted his arm, and brought the man down neatly.

A few people who were chasing the thief came hurriedly, and one of them took out a purse from the thief's arms, raised his palm, and slapped the thief's head a few times: "Steal? I'll let you steal! Turn you to see the government. , to see if you are still stealing! Hey! Little brother, you are very skilled, thank you very much."

Li Changtian looked up and saw that the man was a bearded man. When Li Changtian was about to say that it is everyone's responsibility to punish evil and promote goodness, someone suddenly shouted: "Benevolence?!"

"Huh?" Li Changtian turned his head to look suspiciously, and saw a sixteen- or seventeen-year-old boy standing in front of him, looking at him with joy.

"Ah..." Li Changtian looked confused.

"Engong, it's me. It was you that broke the temple that day. You gave me silver taels to buy medicine for my sick sister." The boy stepped forward, "You taught me to be an upright person."

"Ah!" Li Changtian remembered, "It's you!"

"Emperor!" The boy's eyes became hot and he shouted again.

"Huh?" The bearded side asked, "Axiao, is this brave and resourceful young hero someone you know well?"

Pei Xiao nodded: "This is my benefactor!"

"Oh, isn't it a coincidence!" The bearded slapped his thigh, "Let's go, our **** is not far ahead, have a cup of tea! You can drink, if you have wine! Oh, I just like to be with you. This kind of loyal person makes friends! Ajia, Ajia! You send this thief to the yamen, come come, young man, please!"

Li Changtian was dragged to the **** bureau in such a confused way.

On the way, Li Changtian chatted with Pei Xiao and learned why Pei Xiao appeared in Baidi City.

After parting with Li Changtian last time, Pei Xiao planned to stay in the ruined temple for a few days because his sister was frail and sick, so he could continue on the road after recovering from her illness, so he was separated from the army.

The pills Yan Shu gave that day really worked. After taking it for a few days, not only did Pei Xiao's sister no longer have a fever, but she gradually regained her energy.

So Pei Xiao took his sister on the road again, planning to go to the north to go to distant relatives and find something to support the family.

Coincidentally, the two met Qi Ye's dart team on the road.

Master Qi was the bearded man just now.

He opened a home guard bureau in Baidi City, and there were more than 30 people in the bureau, and he could be regarded as a famous person in Baidi City.

That day, Master Qi's dart car broke down on the road, and the few people accompanying him didn't know how to repair it, and it was broken in the wilderness where the village could not be seen. .

When Pei Xiao met this group of people, seeing how vicious they were, he couldn't help but feel scared, and he was about to hide with his sister.

But at that time, for some unknown reason, Pei Xiao suddenly remembered what Li Changtian told him to do more good deeds.

After hesitating for a long time, Pei Xiao hid his sister aside, plucked up the courage to step forward, and volunteered to help them repair the dart car.

This made Master Qi so happy that he took out the money and stuffed it into Pei Xiao's hands.

Pei Xiao didn't take more, he just took some broken silver and planned to buy sugar cakes for his sister.

Qi Ye started the **** game. Walking in the rivers and lakes, he paid attention to loyalty.

When he saw that Pei Xiao was so righteous and not greedy for money, he was very happy, and he didn't send the darts, so he asked his younger brother to send it back, and then chased behind Pei Xiao and his sister, and kept asking.

"Where is the little brother?"

"How old are you this year?"

"Where are you from, where are you going?"

"Little brother, make a friend, make a friend, make! A! A friend! A friend! Ah!"

Pei Xiao was also honest at the time, and Master Qi answered whatever he asked, so Master Qi quickly knew that he was a refugee from Huaibei.

Master Qi slapped his thigh: "Don't go looking for any relatives, come to Baidi City and hang out with Master! Keep you and your sister safe and secure!"

In this way, Pei Xiao was abducted by Qi Ye into the Baidi City Escort Bureau.

After hearing this, Li Changtian was sincerely happy for Pei Xiao and his sister to find a place to live.

And just as Pei Xiao said, Qi Ye was full of the spirit of people in the world. After inviting Li Changtian into the **** bureau, he persuaded him to drink and made tea. Li Changtian was worried that he would smell alcohol after drinking, so he chose to drink tea.

Qi Ye heard that Li Changtian practiced martial arts, and hurriedly asked him to learn martial arts with the guards in the bureau.

All of this is incredible.

Compared with those escorts who are self-taught and have brute force, Li Changtian moves smoothly and neatly, making Qi Ye's eyes round and slapping his thighs. He can't wait to recruit him into the **** immediately.

He was so happy that Li Chang didn't leave the security bureau until the night was dark.

Before leaving, Li Changtian couldn't help but quietly asked Pei Xiao, "Is there still a shortage of escorts in the **** bureau?"

Pei Xiao immediately said: "Eun Gong, if you want to enter the **** bureau, just say something, and Master Qi will definitely bring you under his command without hesitation."

Li Changtian thanked him, said goodbye to Pei Xiao, and excitedly returned to the inn, wanting to tell Yan Shu about his encounter and what he saw and heard today.

It's a pity that Yan Shu's room was pitch black.

He hasn't returned yet.

But for a moment, frustration and disappointment rolled in, mercilessly drowning Li Changtian.

Li Changtian returned to his guest room with a desolate expression, and sat at the table in a daze.

The purse that was placed on the table in the morning was still there, with heavy silver taels in it.

Li Changtian fiddled with his purse, a thousand thoughts filled his heart.

Although he has been trying his best not to drag Yan Shu down.

But as expected, with him or without him, to Yan Shu, there was no difference.

Looking back on this journey, he also won the flower pavilion token, which really helped Yan Shu.

But without him, after meeting Zhong Li, Yan Shu would still be able to meet the owner of Shihuanian Fang easily.

Yan Shu is too gentle and never considers herself a burden.

But after all, he is still a burden.

Li Changtian knocked his forehead against the table in frustration, sighed and looked depressed.

At this time, Yan Shu was also depressed.

The night was dark, and he was sitting on the branch of a towering tree on the outskirts of Baidi City, covered in stars and the cool moonlight, blowing a shivering cold wind.

He searched for a day, but couldn't find any clues about Lord Xu Yixian's hiding.

But Yan Shu was not depressed because of this.

It was late, and Yan Shu, who had no clue, should have returned to the inn to rest.

But Yanshu did not dare to go back.

He was afraid that Li Changtian would come to find him.

He still didn't know how to face Li Changtian, he was afraid that he would be unable to restrain his joy and reveal his flaws.

He is the Shaoqing of Dali Temple who is not afraid of power and righteousness, and is an upright and upright inspector.

But he is also a timid young man.

Yan Shu waited until Zi Shi, guessing that Li Changtian had already fallen asleep, and then set off for the inn.

Unexpectedly, there was a 'gugu' sound in my ear.

Yan Shu was stunned for a moment, looked up, and saw a carrier pigeon flying over.

The carrier pigeon landed on Yanshu's shoulder and pecked the tip of his hair.

Yan Shu reached out and untied the secret letter on the pigeon's feet, unfolded it, and frowned immediately.

The secret letter came from the spy that Qin Jueming had planted in Baidi City.

On the letter was a short line of teeny small characters: Please leave Baidi City quickly.

Yan Shu tore up the secret letter and hurried back to the inn.

The next day, before dawn, there was a knock on the door of Li Changtian's guest room.

Li Changtian was woken up, confused, and it took him a long time to react and open the door.

Yan Shu stood outside the door with his luggage on his back, and said, "Let's leave Baidi City now."

"Ah? What? Ah? Leaving Baidi City? So suddenly?" Li Changtian was stunned.

"Quickly pack your luggage." Yan Shu said.

"Okay." Li Changtian hurriedly went to tidy things up. As he stuffed his clothes into the package, he asked, "Where are we going? Has the case of Mr. Xu not been investigated?"

Yan Shu originally planned to answer Go Shuofang, but suddenly remembered that every time Li Changtian mentioned Shuofang, he had to say something about joining the army, so he changed his words temporarily: "Jingcheng."

"The capital?" Li Changtian wondered.

"Yes, go back and report to the emperor what you have found along the way." Yan Shu said.

Li Changtian's hand holding the luggage suddenly stopped, he hesitated for a while, then suddenly raised his head and asked Yan Shu, "Yan Shu...I..."

"Do I need to go to the capital?"

-------Thanks for the reward of yesterday's Eternal♂Deceased Little Monster Yantian Jishui bot Yi Jin Yanxia Qinghe 1999 Eternal♂Deceased Little Monster!

Thank you yesterday for the eternal ♂ deceased little monster Tang Jun Mo Yantian for blowing bot Tang Jun Mo Linnan AK23-Xiaomi for the reminder ticket!

Thank you for yesterday's Fat Tiger Tiger Tiger. Babo Master Buddha said Yan Tian Ji Blow bot "Sun" and then say Yan Tian Ji Blow bot Fat Bai Bai Gu Gu Gu is the monthly pass of Gu Gu Gu Meng Friends 13678297678 Qinghe 1999!