MTL - Offered Into Marriage-Chapter 18 Too naive!

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On the eighth day after the starship set sail, Yang Yang finally felt the existence of soul power.

It was a very mysterious feeling, as if the sixth sense had been realized, and it seemed to have more eyes or ears.

However, Yang Yang can't control the ability of perception very well for the time being, it can be intermittent, and when it is good, you can feel the surge of soul power in your own soul palace. When it is bad, you are blown up by an animal ball.

But in the end, it is a landmark improvement.

Archibald has personally guided Yang Yang these days. He is so good-tempered that he can take the Boy Scouts. After seeing Yang Yang can sense the soul, he also breathes a sigh of relief.

However, the qi has not been relieved yet, Yang Yang has stepped out of joy, and continued his efforts. "The next step is to use soul power."

These days, he also knew from Rott the necessary condition to control the cube of the soul-the imprint of the soul power.

Therefore, he must at least mobilize his soul power to "burn".

Yang Yang "will continue to trouble the Duke."

Archibald "..."

Archibald did not refuse.

His senses of Yang Yang are complicated. At first, he was an inconspicuous "plaything", then a clever "raccoon cat" who lied a lot, and then a "shameless face" fooled by eggs ... Of course, these days He also saw Yang Yang's seriousness and perseverance beyond ordinary people.

He couldn't simply define Yang Yang with "likes and dislikes", but one thing he was sure of-he was not good at dealing with Yang Yang.

However, he couldn't convince himself to leave Yang Yang.

Yang Yang didn't realize the complex mood of Archibald. In his eyes, the brilliant "Military Star" and "Duke" coats were removed. Archibald was a big boy who was upright and easy to get along with.

Overall, Yang Yang likes Archibald.

But before starting the next step of training, another thing came to fruition.

That was when dinner was about to end. Archibald's terminal suddenly rang a communication request. After receiving the call, he received another e-mail. When he finished reading the e-mail, his face became dignified.

Archibald looked up at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang has been immune to Archibald's "unhappy face" and only asked "about me?"

Archibald nodded and said, "The result of the artificial conception came out. The samples in the incubation center were indeed mine, but the medical research institute did not find the leaked samples. The data and traces of the call samples were cleared. Permissions The level is high, but the corresponding authority has self-certified evidence. "

Yang Yang wondered "Zhou Hua is so powerful?"

Gulita dropped the knife and fork in her hand and screamed, "This cannot be done by Zhou Hua. It should be his thigh.-The Dotton family has become so popular in the past two years, and they are about to change again. Now, there are many people who want to make the Dotons mess. "

Archibald's face grew ugly.

He patted Archibald's arm. "This tells Bern to talk to your uncle, so don't worry about it."

Archibald had no objection. He was really not good at this matter.

Yang Yang held a cup of fruit milk and smiled, and started the conversation. "So, now you can trust me-I did not lie to you on the agreement."

Archibald looked at him again, saying "..."

Yes, I didn't lie about the agreement.

Gulita looked at Yang Yang and smiled. "I thought you should have seen our trust already. Otherwise, you thought we would watch you bully Bird by your children?"

Yang Yang put down the cup, his face was weak and helpless. "I didn't bully him, but the Duke did not scold me when he was training these days."

Archibald "..."

He scolded him, but which one did not end up cautiously with his tail? ?

But he couldn't say anything to refute ... because, no face.

Gulita didn't smile, she didn't say anything when she saw it, anyway, she was willing to hit one and be willing to suffer, and he was also happy to watch the theater.

Besides, Yang Yang's personality appealed to him.

And Archibald decided to end the topic "In addition to the sample, Yang Yang's previous car accident also found out the result-the car accident was artificial, not a driving error."

For a moment, several people looked at Yang Yang.

Yang Yang calmly finished his last sip of fruit milk and said, "Did Zhou Niya make it?"

Archibald narrowed his eyes and asked, "Why do you think it's her?"

Yang Yang didn't think of Archibald's questioning. Instead, she looked at Archibald with a face and smiled deeply "because Zhou Niya has been crazy 'fascinated' with you. She told me that she was her Helped me escape, and helped me to leave because she knew that Zhou Hua was interested in selling me as 'little, old, and wife'. "

Archibald "..."

Archibald looked away. ——It was this sudden ridicule that made him feel that Yang Yang was “tricky”.

Yang Yang pursed her lips and smiled, saying in a serious tone, "After she told me that she had helped me escape, I let Lott check her, and then found some remarks on her trumpet, although it was not practical Evidence, but she also has big suspicions.-So, is she really? "

Archibald nodded. "It has been apprehended, waiting for the final verdict."

Yang Yang answered.

He is not pitiful to Zhou Niya, and with this carelessness, it is better to go to the poor and poor predecessor.

However, Yang Yang was a little curious. "Why did you check the sample and find out the accident?"

Archibald said lightly, "They went to the hospital to check your medical records. Someone heard the wind and took the initiative to send a clue."

Yang Yang thought about it and understood.

He has now been labeled as a "Doutonian". Someone borrowed the blame from him to send the "culprit" over in order to please the Dotonician.

Unfortunately, his label is fake.

Yang Yang wiped her mouth and said, "I believe in justice, what should I do.-Tomorrow, we will start using soul training, or will we play games?"

Archibald "No, simulate actual training."

Yang Yang hesitated and thought that he had heard the wrong "simulated combat?"

Does this level jump too much?

Archibald's tail dangled sharply. "I asked Aunt Gu and your body recovered well. In order to stimulate your potential more effectively, it would be better to do this kind of training."

Yang Yang glanced at the tip of Archibald's unconscious shaking, and probably knew what was going on. He smiled. "Okay. I'll go to rest first, good night everyone."

As Yang Yang left, the other three turned around and looked at Archibald.

Archibald's shaky tail paused, his face still expressionless. "What's wrong?"

Gulita laughed. "I said he recovered well, but I didn't recommend it in actual training."

Archibald said, "I'm telling the truth. He has that talent and the perseverance to play a guided game. It's better to let him experience the dangers firsthand."

"You rate him highly."

Monta interjected, except for the first day, he had not participated in the subsequent games-to be precise, rejected by Archibald, so he did not know how Yang Yang performed.

However, if Archibald is able to say "perseverance", he can count it with one hand.

Monta was a little curious. "I'll follow up tomorrow to see you?"

Archibald readily agreed this time, "Yes."

He Shu, looking amused, said to Archibald, "I was always worried that you would be unhappy and hate him because of the agreement. Now it seems that you get along well with him."

Gulita laughed, meaning something like "Yeah, getting along well. I still saw it for the first time, and I dared to talk back to Bird by doing something wrong in training, and I wasn't even touched by Bird. Awkward people.-It seems that Bird likes Yang Yang very much. "

Archibald's face was upright. "I didn't like being coerced, but I could understand his position at the time. As for the reasons for not doing anything to him, first he was not my soldier, and secondly he was a pregnant woman."

"Oh-." Gulita laughed. "So, don't you get revenge on this pregnant man for a little while tomorrow because you've gotten angry?"

Archibald "..."

Archibald "is just normal training."

Gulita raised an eyebrow at him.

Archibald stood still, with a sense of justice on his fortitude.

Gulita retracted her gaze and shook her head slightly. "Okay, rest. I believe you have a sense."

Archibald didn't say a word, got up and sent him back to the room.


The next day, Yang Yang was taken by Archibald into a slightly larger room. He did not use holographic equipment, but only put some induction devices on his body.

Archibald instructed Yang Yang to wear the device while explaining, "This is a small simulation training room. The target of today's simulation battle is a Class A soul beast. Your training project is to build a soul shield to block their attack. "

Yang Yang put on the device and raised an eyebrow. "It sounds dangerous."

He guessed that Archibald was going to be a demon today, but he knew Archibald wasn't Monta, and he wouldn't be indifferent, so he shouldn't be tossing him offensively.

Sure enough, I heard Archibald say, "Rest assured, I set the attack intensity to the lowest level. Although it is not completely unfeeling, at most it is just the pain of being flicked with my fingers."

Yang Yang was even more suspicious. What would it be ——He didn't believe that Archibald didn't do anything about it. The 21-year-old young duke, though stable and mature, has a rigid personality.

Archibald stood upright and raised his jaw slightly. "When you are ready, start."

Yang Yang nodded. "Yes, start."

Archibald opened the panel, and then a gleam of light flashed in the middle of the room. A dozen spirit beasts appeared in front of them.

After seeing the appearance of the soul beasts, Monta curiously watched the drama and drew a corner of her mouth, looking at Archibald "This is your revenge?"

I saw in the huge room, there were more than a dozen worm-shaped soul beasts with long arms and large bodies. They were bright and hairless. They looked soft and had eye-like streaks on their heads. Creeping on the bent tail foot, crawling lazily in the area to be determined, the speed is not slow.

Archibald was right-hearted. "I said it, just normal training."

"You are too naive."

Monta couldn't believe it, "Who would be afraid of this kind of thing? It wouldn't be worse if you used to scare the peas--"

Monta's voice paused because he saw Yang Yang ran to the door when he didn't know when he was trying to open the door.

Monta "... ????"

Archibald also saw it and criticized "Yang Yang, although you are not a soldier, it is also a coward's act to escape. Begin training!"

"Don't start!"

Yang Yang shouted in horror, but on the way there were a dozen large bugs crawling up.

The wool of Yang Yang's body exploded, and the body ran away before consciously pulling his legs! Do n’t forget to say ruthlessly, “Archibod! Wait for me!”

Archibald turned a deaf ear, and even carefully reminded Yang Yang, "Although the attack is the lowest setting, the touch is normal. If you don't want them to touch, remember to use soul power."

Yang Yang running around the room "You bastard!"

Monta "........."

Monta looked at Yang Yang, who was afraid of the simulant bug and flies like a head, and looked at Colonel Byrd, who was standing serious next to him but couldn't squeeze the corners of his mouth.

Monta "........."

Are you two in kindergarten? ?

The author has something to say about Yang Yang. Maybe you don't believe it. The Duke died at least a hundred times in my head today.

Byrd ...