MTL - Offered Into Marriage-Chapter 27 Black panther

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Leaving the command room, Yang Yang didn't hold back and shook his red hand-how did that person grow? The muscles are stiff like iron cymbals.


Yang Yang rolled his eyes, recalled the photo just taken, and tweeted the one with the family crest.

It's really annoying that the soul wears your heart Daring. Touching people in front of so many people ~ Arriving at Ling's home today, happy! [Shy] [picture]

Since the first and second Weibo posts, Yang Yang also has 103 fans-of course, all want to eat melon.

As soon as Yang Yang's Weibo was posted, someone immediately responded.

——O did the owner take a selfie today? Disappointed.

——O Lord is still abusing the family crest, continue to report, thank you.

——Do not say the family crest, but this console is a private ship of type hxr148, o the master tyrant!

--Pooh! The Duke wouldn't touch people so insignificantly, this wave of delusional bad reviews!

Seeing this, Yang Yang smiled, "Waitful, precise words."

Lott ...

I always feel that when the Duke finds this account, the picture may be brutal.

Yang Yang continued to read the comments, but still scolded him, but because of being misunderstood as a local tyrant, his number of fans doubled, and finally stopped at a more auspicious number 888.

Yang Yang was watching vigorously, listening to Monta's voice, "Yang Yang, what are you doing?"

Yang Yang immediately closed the terminal and smiled. "Look at the information on controlling soul power."

Monta had no doubt about him, saying, "The landing procedure was entered in an hour, because the soul-like cloud belt was shielded. The process was a bit long and bumpy. You go to breakfast first and find a place to sit and stop falling. "

Yang Yang nodded obediently "OK."

However, Yang Yang underestimated the degree of bumps, coupled with the fact that he didn't sleep all night, and finally passed out.

Yang Yang didn't know how he got off the starship, anyway, after slowing down, he was already in the car.

There was Archibald sitting next to Yang Yang. It probably looked that Yang Yang's face was pale. Archibald didn't hit him, and explained to him, "Let's go back to the base."

Yang Yang didn't have the energy to talk back, nodded, and when he felt better, he looked out the window again.

Many abandoned traces of the city can easily be seen outside. Although most of it is covered by vegetation, it can also see the former prosperity.

These traces continued to the outside of the garrison base, then all disappeared and everything became organized.

The Zhu Jun base is divided into two parts, the outer circle is military land and the inner circle is residential area.

The buildings in the residential area are rich in color and diverse in shape. It is a characteristic small town. There are not many pedestrians on the street, but it has a very life style.

On the edge of the small town, there is a huge lake behind a small forest. A huge estate stands by the lake.

The manor occupies a large area, but except the area from the villa to the gate is neat and beautiful, the rest is deserted.

Like a vampire castle.

As the car started to slow down and lower its height, Yang Yang guessed that this was Archibald's home.

The car landed in front of the manor, then slowly approached the villa, where a man stood straight.

The man had white hair, but he looked middle-aged. Wearing a neat three-piece suit, white gloves, meticulous hair, and a gentle smile on his face.

British gentleman old housekeeper.

Yang Yang immediately came up with such a label.

It really is a noble class.

After the car stopped, the man came over and everyone in the car got out of the car.

"Amber." Archibald greeted him first, then turned to introduce Yang Yang, "This is Amber, my steward, and the person who took care of me growing up."

He had a rare sense of seriousness about Yang Yang. Yang Yang understood Archibald's importance to Amber, and he also behaved as if "Amber is good."

Amber obviously knew the existence of Yang Yang. He slightly yelled at Yang Yang, and then extended his hand. "Good little lady."

Little lady? ?

Yang Yang was stunned by this title, but when he saw Amber stretched out his hand, he quickly reached out.

Yang Yang thought it was a handshake. As soon as his hand was stretched out, Amber stuffed something in his palm. Yang Yang looked down and saw that it was a toffee.

Yang Yang "..."

Yang Yang looked up blankly, but saw that Amber had gone to Archibald again. Archibald was obviously used to it, and automatically reached out his hand, and then Amber put a toffee in his palm with a smile.

Repeatedly, as long as people get off the car, including Heshu and Gulita, each person has a toffee.

After sending toffee, Amber laughed and said, "Welcome everyone back, all the hard work."

Everyone except Yang Yang responded in unison, "We are back."

In particular, Monta spoke with a number of guards, sounding like Hong Zhong.

Yang Yang Leng was surprised and looked around in horror, but saw everyone else looking at him.

Yang Yang "..."

What are you doing? ?

Yang Yang froze for two seconds, then understood, he hesitated, "I'm back?"

Everyone else showed a "trick-to-teach" smile. Archibald also patted Yang Yang's legs with his tail, complimenting "smart."

This time is very light, but Yang Yang is very speechless "..."

No, is this your kindergarten? ?

Amber laughed kindly. "Okay, everyone is going in. I have all my refreshments ready. Mom will go to town to buy food. I will make your favorite lunch."

Monta cheered, the first to rush into the house, and the guards went to the parking guard.

Yang Yang paused, put the sugar in his pocket, and followed him into the room.

The villa is actually not large, with masonry structure, it is a large living room after the entrance. The living room is simply decorated, with wooden floors, decorative curtains hanging on the wall, and a huge open kitchen to the right.

very common.

Yang Yang thought that when he came in, he would see five-story crystal lamps, more than one hundred flat empty dance floors, and the like.

When Yang Yang went in, he found Monta sitting cross-legged on the sofa with a bag of nuts in her hand, and the other hand was clicking on the light screen to play games.

Yang Yang "..."

I can see that this is a regular customer.

"Sit all."

Amber brought refreshments from the kitchen and put a hot cup of tea in front of everyone. Only Yangyang has small fruits floating in it, and the tea soup is red, which is probably health ... Oh no, it should be Antai tea.

Gulita took a sip of the tea and looked happy. "I haven't drank Amber's tea for a long time, it's delicious."

Yang Yang also took a sip, which is really good.

Amber smiled, and sat down while finishing his work. ——Yang Yang saw it out. Instead of being a steward, Amber was more like a family of the Dotton family.

Archibald asked about the business. "Aunt them?"

Amber's smile remained kind. "I let them live in town."

Monta applauded for Amber, "Amber is terrific, let them go out to live.-By the way, what do they say with Yang Yang's dowry?"

Amber shook his head. "I only know that they brought good minerals and some soul essence plant seeds. There are no other ones, I don't know."

"Oh, at most it's just a little more money." Gulita sneered. "Zhou Hua is ready and we will be soft-hearted."

He Shu's face is also difficult to look at. They don't care about the gift, but it represents sincerity. Now it seems that Zhou Hua doesn't have much sincerity.

Although Yang Yang didn't understand the value of that kind of child, but looking at the reactions of several people, it was not precious to think about it. ——It seems that the determination of the Dotons and Zhou Hua to tear their faces is firm.

Yang Yang hit the iron while hot. "If we showdown with them tomorrow, now we should warm up at Star Network. Preemptively take the public opinion first, so Zhou Hua will not bite."

It's Archibald's business to tear his face off the showdown, but preheating is Yang Yang's script. So everyone looked at Yang Yang.

Archibald "What to do?"

Yang Yang “I want to start with Mandrag. — It's not good to say in the sample that Zhou Niya's matter has not yet been judged, so it's best to start with Mandrag.”

Yang Yang was taking Mandela when he was at Zhouhua's house. A patient who was just discharged from hospital, pregnant, and female, even if Zhou Hua was washed with "inadvertent loss", he would only let him carry "harsh nephew". Charges.

Gulita's eyes lightened, and she smiled, "This is good."

Archibald frowned slightly. "You want me to announce this?"

Yang Yang shook his head. "No, it's you and Monta. And it can't be announced directly, it must be insinuating."

Archibald was not good at dealing with this kind of thing, but Monta immediately understood, and began to flex his muscles.

Monta "I understand! Just to make things clear, but not to mention who they are, refer to Sanghuai!"

Yang Yang nodded "Yes. And the Duke only needs to say two words to get angry. It's OK."

Archibald's brow flinched and he nodded "Yes. Where do you want to announce?"

Yang Yang smiled suddenly. "I saw a sentence on the Internet. The wife of the oil rabbit was ten million, and the Duke of Doton enjoyed half of it."

Archibald "..."

Monta "I also have 30 million wives."

Archibald looked over and "shut up."

Monta "..."

Archibald "The Oil Rabbit account is my official account, and it only forwards messages from the military."

Yang Yang "So this time the non-military news will definitely bring a huge amount of heat."

Archibald "..."

Unable to refute, he himself knew his popularity in Youtu.

However, Archibald still had questions. "How can you guarantee that under such heat, Zhou Hua will not find out—"

At half the point, Archibald remembered something suddenly, and then he exhaled and answered himself the question "Rott."

Yang Yang nodded. "Yes, I have Rotter. Rotter can filter the terminal information of Zhou Hua and Mu Shuyi so that they cannot perceive the storm of the star network, so they will not be given the time to respond.

However, to use Roth, you need to solve a small problem-Roth needs to be transferred to an external AI, and equipped with sufficient energy. "

Monta immediately clapped her hands. "It's simple, just ask Ronghui if you want. He doesn't have much else, just ai."

Speaking, Monta dialed Ronghui's video, and quickly picked up there, but it appeared to be Ahiborne.

Monta stunned "Well? Elder brother? How are you there?"

Ahibborn also saw the situation on their side, and smiled. "I have just arrived, and I'm here to pick up Ronghui. I plan to come and gather together. Why, find something wrong with Ronghui?"

Monta nodded "I want to ask him for an ai."

Ashburn smiled and said, "I don't understand ai. Wait a minute, Rong Hui will finish washing right away."

After a while, the door opened at Ashburn, but then the screen went dark, leaving only his voice still.

It was Ashbourne's helpless tone, "Why don't you wear clothes?"

Then there was a somewhat elegant voice, but his voice was full of confusion. "The clothes are forgotten outside. Who are you talking to?"

The sound of gurgling sounded, and Ashbern said, "It's Monta and Bird who want to ask you for an ai."

Rong Hui responded, "Oh, this."

After another two minutes, the screen lit up again. Rong Hui appeared on the screen.

Although Yang Yang has seen Rong Hui's photos on Xingwang, she can't help but be amazed when she sees a real person-it looks good!

Unlike Yang Yang's current appearance, which is difficult to distinguish between male and female, Rong Hui's good looks are book-like, elegant, and picturesque. ——This is also the reason why Yang Yang was standing "Dehui c".

Rong Hui also saw Yang Yang at a glance. He curiously said, "Who, who is that blind man?"

Yang Yang "........."

Monta "Hahahahahaha !!!"

Archibald raised his lips silently and glanced at Yang Yang.


Axibon showed a helpless expression, and then said to Ronghui, "He is Yang Yang, and he got dislocation and out of control, so he covered his eyes. Also, he has a bird in Bird's belly, and you will later Find someone to do the test, but don't look for him.-I've emailed you about this, haven't you seen it? "

Rong Hui grinned two times, then suddenly looked solemn, then surprised; "Bird, you have children!"

Yang Yang "..."

Seen out, this is probably the natural in the legend.

Archibald was obviously accustomed to it, and he gave a faint response, and then said the business. "Yang Yang wants a relatively strong ai with a large energy storage capacity. The intelligence level doesn't matter. It can be connected to the Internet."

Rong Hui was really distracted, he thought about it, and asked, "Is it okay like a mechanical pet? It only responds in a fixed mode."

Archibald looked at Yang Yang, and Yang Yang nodded, "Yes."

Rong Hui laughed. "Okay, you wait."

Rong Hui turned into a room in the back, and after a while came out, followed by an adult black panther.

The black panther's physique is strong. He can see the muscles undulating under his fur while walking. His head is undulating, his golden eyes are looking directly at the floating picture, and he looks away from Yang Yang.

Yang Yang's back was inexplicably cold, and he unconsciously shrank back.

"how about this?"

Rong Hui reached the screen, bent over and lifted the back of the panther's neck, and reached in front of the screen.

The black panther instantly lost the predator's prestige, and his limbs slightly curled up, looking like a milk leopard bitten on the back of his neck by his parents, looking at the light screen obediently.

Yang Yang "..."

Rong Hui went on to introduce, "This is a mechanical pet bought by Enge. Because it needs to simulate the temperature to dissipate heat, the energy storage capacity is very large. I have taken it apart and seen that the parts inside are high configuration, which means that the chip is too low No way to upgrade. Hey.

Enge said let me use it as a baby warmer, but I think it's too bad. Yang Yang, do you want it? "

Yang Yang "..."

Yang Yang glanced at Ahiborne.

Ashbourne seemed to be used to it, and laughed. "Take it if you need it. I'll go back and buy him an upgradeable one."

It can be said that it is quite spoiled.

Yang Yang understood that this was Zhou Yu's hit with Huang Gai.

Yang Yang no longer refused, and smiled, "OK, thank you."