MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 18

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Although it doesn't look like it on the outside, Matsuda Jinhei is indeed a person who "loves to learn" - only in areas that interest him.

Bomb disposal was naturally within his sphere of interest. Even if he prefers practice, he really needs to calm down and sort out the information. He can sit like this all day without looking up.

Matsuda Jinpei didn't care about the coming and going of the barrage. The most troublesome thing about sorting out the information is that some things are basic to Matsuda Jinpei, but for people other than him, it is new knowledge, he needs to make it easy The "common sense" that was ignored by myself was added together.

Matsuda Jinhei was evaluated by the instructor as a personality that did not understand teamwork, and it also showed up here. He is not good at and is not used to accommodating others, and is more suitable to do things at his own pace.

After simply memorizing the basics, Matsuda Jinping unconsciously bit the end of the fountain pen, thinking about what to prepare for the next step, when there was a sudden knock on the door.

Matsuda Jinhei's thoughts were interrupted and he looked towards the door.

【! scared me! 】

[I forgot that the live broadcast was still on www]

【Who is who! Mazda go check it out! 】

Matsuda Jinping didn't pay attention to the text on the barrage. He glanced at the time. It was still half an hour before the lights went out.

I'll come to find him so late...

Matsuda Jinhei opened the door and saw a smiling face smiling directly at him. Hagihara Kenji said hello: "Good evening, Xiaojinhei~"

Matsuda Jinping took a step back and frowned, "Have you been drinking?"

"It's just fruit wine." Hagihara Kenji sniffed the smell on his body: "I came here with a special change of clothes, can you smell it?"

"I guessed it because you changed your clothes." Putting the person in the room, Matsuda Jinping asked, "What are you looking for?"

And Hagihara Kenji seemed to be returning to his room. He sat at the end of the bed with no sense of distance, picked up the notes that Matsuda Jinping put on the table, turned a few pages, and immediately smiled: "Sure enough, It's completely your style, Kojinpei~"

"Except for Xiaoqinggu, the squad leader and Jingguang are probably difficult to understand."

"Huh?" Matsuda Jinping made a suspicious voice in a nasal voice.

"Because today, didn't Kogoya take you to try to defuse the bomb?" Hagihara Kenji opened it up a little more, picked up the pen and added a few words on it, "It's completely different from the actual practice and the verbal explanation. of."

"At least Xiaojianggu has tried it once, and then he knows what the professional terms in your mouth, Xiaozhenping, and the customary names you made up for your own convenience represent."

With a notebook in one hand and a pen in the other, Hagihara Kenji sat on the end of Matsuda Jinhei's bed with a bright smile: "But Jingguang and the squad leader don't know it at all, they haven't really practiced it, they can't understand the 'iron' in your mouth. What is the chip''circuit header'?"

Matsuda Jinping scratched his hair: "I know, it's just that I can't change it in a short time."

After all, when he was studying by himself, Matsuda Jinhei never thought that he would teach others one day. Naturally, he just got used to it.

Hagihara Kenji waved the notebook in his hand: "So I'm here to help you~"

"Didn't you agree to teach together? How could you just let Xiao Zhenping sort out the information alone." The half-long-haired police academy student rolled his eyes: "I came back as soon as the friendship ended? Are you moved?"

Matsuda Jinping looked indifferent: "I'm very moved, but it's only half an hour before the lights go out."

Translation: So what's the use of you coming here now.

Hagihara Kenji said: "I don't believe Xiaojinping that you haven't dismantled the power line in your room."

Matsuda. Really dismantled and even remodeled. Zhenping: "..."

Hagihara Kenji said with a wicked smile: "You like dismantling things, but you are also good at assembling. I'm sure you have something here that can be illuminated at night. Just avoid the patrols of the instructors~"

"Shut up." Matsuda Jinping sat back in the chair again: "Try to prepare the materials tonight, we only have two months."

Not to mention that they still have heavy training and classes during the day, and they don't have much free time.

"Two months? Does it count until graduation?" Hagihara Kenji touched his chin: "It's not like we can't keep in touch after graduation—oh yes, our future choices are different, so it's probably difficult to arrange the time."

It's like the room is a single room, and the table is only suitable for one person to sit on, and adding another one makes it a bit crowded.

So the two of them didn't hesitate, let alone dirty, they just sat cross-legged on the ground and spread the textbooks and books on the bed, which was considered to expand the space.

Hagihara Kenji touched up on the notebook that Matsuda Jinping had already marked, filled it with more understandable words, and even drew a q-version smile of Hagihara Kenji's signature beside him in a leisurely manner.

Matsuda Jinping, who noticed this scene, rolled his eyes: "You are all boring."

"This is called adding interest~" Hagihara Kenji lay beside the bed and continued to draw: "Look at Kenji-chan's smile when you're tired of studying, but it's a great tool for healing, right?"

"You tell the girl that I believe it. As for the three of them... Probably only Jing Guang will comfort you."

"—Why do you use the word consolation! It makes me look like I'm pitiful! Xiao Jinping, you are too much!"

[www They speak like a cross talk! 】

[Is it actually preparing the bomb disposal information! The cameras are not placed in that direction, which made me curious for a long time! 】

[Is it because I knew that Zero Zero would encounter a bomber before, so I planned to teach bomb disposal! Woohoo, I will always love the feelings of the police academy! 】

【I always feel like hagi knows something...】

[hagi is really sweet, woohoo, I love him so much! Sorry Mazda, I want to change my husband! 】

Time passed quickly, and when neither of them could react, the lights were suddenly turned off.

"Ah, the time is up." Hagihara Kenji glanced at the ceiling, and then looked at his own young taming in the dark: "Then I'll leave it to you~ Xiaojinping."

Seeing Matsuda Jinping pull out an apparently modified light bulb from the closet, Hagihara Kenji tutted his tongue in amazement: "Sure enough, he was already prepared."

Matsuda Jinping: "If you don't come, the flashlight is enough."

Hagihara Kenji: "The flashlight can easily hurt the eyes, but fortunately I'm here!"

While speaking, Matsuda Jinhei didn't know what to do, and the light came on all of a sudden.

In fact, as long as Matsuda Jinhei is willing, he can directly connect the circuit of his room alone, that is, turn on the light. It's a pity that this will make his room too conspicuous and be noticed at a glance.

Therefore, the brightness of the electric light at the moment is not too high, so that if you look outside the dormitory building, you can notice that the light in this room is still on.

[Wait, I seem to have reacted to something. 】

【Actually, I too... 】

[When Xiao Zhenping first broadcast live, didn't he say that he couldn't turn on the lights at night, so he just perfunctory it! As a result, you have your own lights! 】

【I don't know what surprise you have! hateful! 】

Because the light bulb is relatively low, it is easy to be spotted by the patrolling instructors through the window if it is placed too high, so Hagihara Kenji and Matsuda Jinpei simply lay on the ground and continued to sit and write with their hands on the ground.

In fact, the night patrol of the police academy is not particularly rigorous, but when a certain time comes, someone will walk around on time to make sure that no students go out in the middle of the night.

After all, if the patrols were strict, Matsuda Jinpei would not have fought so fiercely with Furuya Rei on the first day of school, and no one would notice.

The main thing is that the training during the day is enough to consume the physical strength of this group of police academy students. Normal people will sleep soundly at night, instead of staying up all night with energy to fight or do something like this.

After Hagihara Kenji wrote a few words in the notebook, he couldn't help laughing.

Matsuda array did not raise his head: "What are you laughing at?"

"It's nothing. It's just that I suddenly remembered that you used to live in my house, and then we played games secretly in the middle of the night with my sister behind our backs, and we were secretive as we are now." Hagihara Kenji laughed.

"..." Matsuda Jinping stopped, and complained: "If your sister was like now, she would be very moved when she saw that we were reviewing the textbook."

"That's true." Hagihara Kenji sighed.

After saying these words, the two continued to lower their heads and organize the information.

Around three or four in the morning, Kenji Hagihara sat up, stretched, and yawned.

They don't have enough free time during the day, taking up most of the classes and training, and they also have their own things to do on weekdays, so there's really not much time for sorting out such things.

Hagihara Kenji rubbed his eyes: "Xiaojinping, I'm almost here, how about you."

"I'm getting better soon." Matsuda Jinping lowered his head, "I'll check again for errors, and sleep when you're sleepy."

Hagihara Kenji didn't refute, he yawned directly, and lay down on Matsuda Jinping's bed without taking off his clothes: "Lend me the bed for a while, call me if you have any questions."

"Okay, go to sleep."

It was probably very late in the live broadcast room, and most people probably went to sleep while hanging on the live broadcast. Except for some specific creatures who were used to all-night and night activities, there were very few barrages.

After checking to make sure that there was nothing wrong, Matsuda Jinping also pinched the shoulders and neck. He had applied medicine to the places he bumped into before, and he also went for a massage in the past two days, so there is basically no problem now, just low. I feel a little sore after holding my neck for a long time.

There was a pile of books on the ground, and even a few on the bed were pressed by Hagihara Kenji. Matsuda Jinpei, who saw this scene out of the corner of his eye, didn't bother to care. He didn't tidy up the mess on the ground, and pushed the push bed. Hagihara Kenji: "Go in, I'm going to sleep too."

Hagihara Kenji was confused, and then rolled inside.

After Matsuda Jinhei was sure that people who could sleep would not be squeezed out, the accumulated fatigue made him fall asleep as soon as he closed his eyes.

A night without dreams.