MTL - Officer Matsuda Wants To Save Himself-Chapter 82

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"Small Jinhei~ Do you have an appointment after get off work?" Kenji Hagihara asked while lying on Matsuda Jinhei's desk between work.

"No." Matsuda array flipped through the case file at hand without raising his head, and stabbed back casually, "Is it unclear whether I have an appointment with you?"

Hagihara Kenji smiled: "That's good, I'll take you somewhere in the afternoon."

Matsuda Jinping nodded.

Since the two of them had a heart-to-heart talk that night, Matsuda Jinhei really didn't care at all. If you can't refuse, then accept it - with this mentality, Matsuda Jinhei found that his life was actually no different from before.

At most, Hagihara Kenji is a little bit more clingy than before, but this guy is very good at grasping the degree, all within Matsuda Jinping's acceptance range, so there is nothing to say.

When Hagihara Kenji finished saying this and turned back to his desk, Matsuda Jinpei stopped looking through the documents and looked up at Hagihara Kenji's back.

But to be honest, Matsuda Jinping vaguely sensed a little problem, but he couldn't tell what the problem was.

After get off work, Hagihara Kenji mysteriously drove Matsuda Jinpei to a coffee shop. Although it was a coffee shop, generally speaking, this kind of shop also served meals, such as pasta and fried rice.

If you arrive at the cafe before get off work, you can also have a meal in time.

There is nothing special about this coffee shop in terms of appearance. At most, the name is a bit interesting. After playing with Agatha's stalk, it seems that the owner should be a fan of Agatha. Other than that - Matsuda Jinping raised his head and looked at the sign hanging on the second floor. The surname Maori was a little familiar.

"Mori Detective Agency?" Matsuda Jinping turned his head: "What do you need to find a detective for?"

The friend's reaction was clearly expected by Hagihara Kenji, he put his finger down, smiled and rolled his eyes: "No no no, the point is not this detective agency."

"...That's the cafe?" The eyes under the sunglasses were a little speechless, but after all, he still gave the other side a face: "Then you have dinner here?"

"Well, that's what I plan to do~" Hagihara Kenji opened the door first, "Someone in the police station recommended that the new food from this restaurant is delicious. And—"

Matsuda Jinhei stepped into the coffee shop following the bell on the door that swayed after the door was opened, and in a slightly familiar "Welcome", Matsuda Jinhei's movements stopped.

And the second half of Hagihara Kenji's sentence was just picked up: "It is said that a super handsome waiter came, with blond hair, and a rare black-skinned half-blood."

Matsuda Jinping's eyes widened, and he almost couldn't believe it when he looked at the apron in front of him, who was wearing an apron with a smile on his face. He opened his mouth and almost blurted out the other party's real name.

"Drop-poof!" Matsuda Jinping responded very quickly and covered his mouth, blocking the blurted name, but he did not stop the laughing that he could barely hold back after he reacted.

- What the **** are you! Matsuda Jinping's expression clearly revealed these words, even with sunglasses as a shield, the surprise and smile on his face were quite obvious.

Although Hagihara Kenji made preparations, he almost laughed outright after seeing the real person and being surrounded by Matsuda Jinping.

Furuya Ling had blue veins on his head, but when Azusa Enomoto, who was also a waiter at Poirot Cafe, looked over, he kept the smile on his face: "Guest, do you have any questions?"

It was the first time that Matsuda Jinhei, who was treated with this honorific and polite attitude, was once again shocked. The police officer, whose acting skills were not very good, put his hands on his friend's body and blocked his face. His entire shoulders were shaking, and the air sounds that overflowed from his throat were all made from laughter.

Hagihara Kenji maintained a normal attitude, "Well... we are two of us, do you still have seats?"

Lowering Gu Ling rolled his eyes: "Of course, there is no reservation at the moment, so all the empty tables can be seated."

After Yutani Rei said these words, Hagihara Kenji looked at him strangely for two seconds, and silently looked away: "..."

The smile on Tsukasa's face froze.

Yagu Zero: You two bastards, sit over there for me! Or get me out of here!

Enomoto Azusa, who had noticed the strange atmosphere at the door, looked worriedly, with outsiders, Hagihara Kenji dragged his friend who was shaking with laughter to an empty seat: "Okay Xiaojinping, your reaction is too slow. Well, did you only realize the bad joke I told in the car now?"

Matsuda Jinping: "Huh? Oh, ah... um, I didn't expect it to be this stalk... poof!"

Down Valley Zero: annoying, you two! Get me out of here!

Enomoto Azusa, who was walking this way, breathed a sigh of relief. She almost thought she had encountered some troublesome guests.

Rei Furutani took the menu and walked to Matsuda Jinpei's table, with the waiter's signature smile on his face.

Hagihara Kenji had no choice but to admire his acting skills during the same period in the past. He tutted a few times in his heart, took a look at the menu pretentiously, and then turned his eyes to Rei Kamiyatani: "Do you have any signboards to recommend?"

"If you need a recommendation, we recommend the bitter gourd stewed white risotto and the signature durian blue cheese sandwich. Of course, the strawberry Bobo super spicy milk tea curry is also a good choice." Wonderful dishes.

Hagihara Kenji: "..."

Hagihara Kenji: "...Um, it seems that these menus don't mention it?"

Zero Valley smiled and said, "Because this is our Poirot's special hidden menu."

Hagihara Kenji: "...Your hidden menu is really unique, isn't it?"

Down Valley Zero: "After all, it's all special features and menus."

Hagihara Kenji: "But I think what you just said sounds dangerous!"

Down Valley Zero: "That must be your guest's illusion."

"Are you two planning to form a Mancai group?" Matsuda Jinping finally calmed down: "Just ordinary pasta and fried rice - don't add anything weird to it."

There was a clear expression of regret and pity on the face of the valley.

Because Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji chose a relatively biased position, and the voices of the three were not too loud, they did not attract the attention of others.

Watching Furuya Leo leave this position, Matsuda Jinpei and Hagihara Kenji looked at each other and said, "I bet he will add ingredients in it."

Hagihara Kenji smiled and said, "Then I choose not to add more."

"But I think the point shouldn't be—" Ken Hagihara paused for a second, and didn't say the name of Zero Tatani: "Did you actually learn to cook?"

Matsuda Jinping thought thoughtfully: "Yes, obviously I didn't understand it at all before."

Weird, look again. Matsuda Jinhira turned his head and glanced at the blond **** who was preparing the meal.

Yugu Zero's movements are unexpectedly skilled—also, if he wasn't skilled, the shop wouldn't hire him.

When did you learn it? Never heard him mention it.

Whether it's pasta or fried rice, they are all meals that can be easily prepared. Jiang Guling took two steaming meals and placed them in front of them.

Matsuda Jinping looked at the fried rice, which was basically unrecognizable, and the expression on his face seemed a bit bitter and resentful, and he couldn't speak.

Falling Valley Zero is trying to restrain himself from the urge to press his head in the fried rice at the same time.

After he was mentally prepared and actually put the fried rice in his mouth, Matsuda Jinping raised his eyebrows, and his eyebrows relaxed: "...Eh?"

"It tastes surprisingly good?" Hagihara Kenji smiled while propping his chin.

"Then you win." Matsuda Jinping nodded.

Although it was said just now that it was a bet, the two of them didn't place any bets, it was just a verbal game.

After finishing the meal, Kenji Hagihara, who was not so conspicuous at last, seemed to ask casually when checking out, "Speaking of which, I don't know what you call it?"

"Amuro." Furuya handed the change to Hagihara Kenji, and replied with a smile, "I'm Toru Amuro."

"Ah—Mr. Amuro? We will come often in the future." Hagihara Kenji waved his hand.

Drop to zero:…

Falling Valley Zero: I hope you two don't come here in the future!

After Matsuda Jinhei and Hagihara Kenji left, Poirot was almost getting off work. After cleaning the shop together with Azusa Enomoto, and leaving Poirot's place, the gentle smile on Rei Furutani's face dissipated immediately.

The serious police officer took out his mobile phone and typed something on it, but after hesitating for a while, he deleted the text on it.

Until the next day, the two **** ran over to trouble him again at the same time.

This time, Rei Kogu chased out and stopped Matsuda Jinping: "Guest, I want to ask, have you dropped anything?"

In fact, Matsuda Jinping, who didn't drop anything, stopped and hesitated for a while before he took up the scene of Jianggu Ling: "Huh?"

Seeing this scene, Hagihara Kenji thought it was information that the public security needed to tell separately, so he waved his hand and said, "I'll pick up the car first!"

Jiang Gu Ling still had a smile on his face that belonged to the waiter, and took out a keychain in his hand: "Look at it, is this yours?"

Matsuda Jinping took the keychain, and after confirming that there was no mechanism, he shook his head: "It's not mine."

If Zero Valley wanted to give him this keychain, he should be asked to confirm it again. But Zero Valley didn't do that, just took back the keychain and smiled apologetically. Having made the appearance of a waiter and a guest, Jiang Guling had a waiter's smile on his face, but asked a question in a low voice: "Is something wrong?"

Matsuda Jinping glanced at him: "What?"

"Hagihara isn't quite right, it's a bit deliberate... I'm quite familiar with his current state." Zero Furuya paid attention to Matsuda Jinping's expression: "It seems that you know? Do you need help?"

"...No, it's a private matter, I'll take care of it." Matsuda Jinping responded, nodding his head at Jianggu Zero: "This keychain is not mine, then I'll go first."

"Please walk slowly." Ji Gu Ling glanced at the backs of the two and returned to Poirot's Cafe.

Matsuda Jinpei did notice something was wrong, but he didn't realize what the problem was - and after being reminded by Furuya Zero, Matsuda Jinpei finally got the answer.

At three o'clock in the morning, Matsuda Jinhei pushed open the door of Hagihara Kenji's room without warning, and as expected, Hagihara Kenji didn't sleep at all.

Hagihara Kenji, who was looking down at the phone, turned off the phone subconsciously, and the only light source in the room disappeared, returning to darkness.

Matsuda Jinping broke the calm that belonged to the darkness, with a prickly tone: "It's three o'clock and I still don't sleep, do you plan to die suddenly or do you want to be a cos panda? You are not the black skin of Jianggu, you can cover the dark circles - oh yes, I almost forgot, you learned to disguise."

"So you use the Yirong that Kuaidou taught you to do this kind of thing?"

Hagihara Kenji didn't answer right away, he obviously didn't expect this development—or rather, he didn't expect Matsuda Jinhei to find out so quickly.

Everyone has their own social face, which often turns into two faces at work and in front of family and friends.

Hagihara Kenji can't talk about two faces, nor is it comparable to the three faces of Furuya. But that doesn't mean he won't.

Hagihara Kenji knows Matsuda Jinhei, he knows Matsuda Jinhei's emotions, and guesses whether the other party will pay attention to him, so he can easily fill in the details where Matsuda Jinhei will notice.

It is precisely because of too much understanding that it can cause blind spots in Matsuda Jinping's perspective.

Matsuda Jinpei strode to Hagihara Kenji, took out the phone in his hand, and after opening it, the interface stayed on the familiar text message.

"...Xiaojinping, you look very much like my mother." Hagihara Kenji said slowly.

Matsuda Jinping: "Shut up."

"At a time like this, Cue Xiaogugu, I don't think he will be happy?"

Matsuda Jinping: "I said shut up!"

Matsuda Jinping took a deep breath and asked, "How long has it been?"

Hagihara Kenji tried to muddle through: "Um, today was just an accident?"

Matsuda Jinping snorted: "Do you think I will believe it?"

Matsuda Jinhei did exchange his wish, but the prerequisite for his wish to be fulfilled was that Kenji Hagihara fell asleep first.

What if in fact he didn't sleep at all—at all?