MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 15

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You are a disaster! You shouldn't exist in this world!

If it wasn't for the money, I shouldn't have accepted you in the first place.

You **** who can't even speak, useless stammer.

Good afternoon, little one.

You will live for Mu Fei and die for Mu Fei.

In the chaotic darkness, there seemed to be countless sounds piercing through her eardrums, pulling her vague thinking ability hard.

Extremely stiff, tearing pain.

It seems that countless hands are holding her up, trying to pull her nerves, just to send a message—

(wake up)

With a "sudden", You Ran opened his eyes, gasping for breath, his eyes were pitch black, until the fog covering his eyes dissipated, and then he gradually had a hazy vision.

Is she dead?

You struggled to get up.

Helpless, her body had no strength, she knelt on the ground, and could only observe the surroundings in a trance.

The place where she fell turned out to be near a small stream, and it was a miracle that she fell from such a high place without dying.

The cold stream soaked her body down the ditch, irritating her whole sensory nerve.

Biting cold.

She has to get out of here, or she will freeze to death because she can't stand this ice water.

She forced herself not to care about the powerlessness of her body, and forced herself to stand up slowly with her hands on the ground.

once or twice...

She tried many times, and finally propped her thin body out of the water.

She gasped, but her inadvertent glance made her stare at her own reflection in the water in horror.

Her face was a very strange pale slate gray.

Her eyes were all black, with no normal whites, and there seemed to be a crack under the corners of her eyes, with strange golden marks looming, and all her hair turned silver, which was extremely terrifying.

She screamed in fright, backed up again and again, and sat down on the rocks in the stream.

She didn't care that the ice water was irritating, she stretched out her arms in a panic to check.

The strange skin surface quickly transformed into a normal complexion. She stared blankly at the change for a few seconds, then hurriedly lay on the water and looked at her face again.

A normal face is a normal face!

She rubbed and patted her cheeks with her hands, and after confirming it again and again, she breathed a sigh of relief.

That monster-like scene just now must be an illusion, an illusion!

She must be too scared to see such an unreal and terrifying scene.

You Ran hurriedly held some stream water with her hands and slapped her face, trying to wake herself up.

If she wants to survive, she has to find the little purple flower, then find the exit and dedicate the flower to Lord Mu Fei.

Otherwise, she would be in vain.

She clearly remembered the last words the man said to her. She couldn't understand why he wanted to kill her, just like she didn't know why her mother hated her so much.

You Ran staggered to his feet, she supported the trees around her, walked slowly to the ground, and found her backpack, which contained the wooden box she was going to put flowers in.

She looked around, looking around, and finally saw the backpack hanging from the broken branch.

The contents of the backpack were scattered all over the place, and among them was the box, which had been smashed to pieces.

You Ran picked up the wooden box, tears suddenly filled her eyes, and she wept out of grievance.

The strange forest of black fog seemed to sense the sadness in the girl's heart. The black fog gradually gathered and became more and more intense, directly covering the entire sky, dyeing the gray sky in the afternoon into dark brown.

It was a color close to hell, with a strong sense of discomfort.


Immediately afterwards, gaps opened from Shi Feng next to You Ran, and from the gaps, vine-like brown meridians spread out from all around, until they converged beside the girl.

To be precise, it was the backpack next to the girl.

"Whoosh" wrapped the bread wrapped in the paper bag, ready to slowly take it away together with the backpack.

It's just that the paper bag that was dragging the bread made an obvious noise, and You Ran immediately noticed the difference. The little face with tear stains turned her head just to see this strange thing scavenging into her backpack.

"Ah, this...!"

She uttered a single-syllable byte in astonishment. Although the sound was not loud, it frightened this strange being. The brown tentacles released her backpack and quickly retracted to the crack layer a few meters behind her.

You Ran looked at this moment in shock.

The vine-like tentacles suddenly retracted into the crack.

What is this…

You Ran, who was still sad, was suddenly attracted by this strange thing. She picked up the wooden box in her hand, stood up tremblingly, and walked slowly to the crack.

She saw those things retract in here with her own eyes.

So, because of the nature of a child, she had the guts to look inside.

Suddenly, a head with a jaw similar to an octopus came out carefully, and You Ran, who was just looking down at the crack, stared at him.


You Ran was so frightened that he fell back to the ground, and the strange creature was also frightened and covered his face with his tentacles again.

It wasn't until a few seconds later that it emerged from the crack.

You Ran stared at this strange creature that looked like a human but was not human. It had numerous tentacles on its lower jaw, its body was covered with dark blue scales, and it even had small narrow wings on its back.

The size is not large, about the same as a newborn foal, or even a little smaller.

In fact, the first feeling of this strange unnatural creature in the human sensory world should be: fear.

It's just that You Ran doesn't seem to have any physical fear of this kind of creature, she just observes it with great curiosity, not even afraid at all.

Those pitch-black insect-like pupils also observed this strange human child.

"You, you" You Ran looked at the little creature and saw that the front paw at the barb of the opponent was cut by something, "You are injured, you are."

The little creature couldn't understand her, but looked at her alertly.

You Ran had no choice but to point to his own arm and then to the other's.

Only then did the creature understand, and looked down at its left forelimb.

Then I saw the girl looking for something in her backpack, then took out a small bottle and walked to it.

"This... this, this, the medicine."

You Ran held a small bottle of wound medicine in the palm of his hand and explained it carefully.

She slowly approached the creature, and the other party did not give it a chance, but avoided her touch.

You Ran had no choice but to pour the medicine into the palm of his hand, and then smeared it on his red and swollen hand, indicating that it was just that.

After experiencing the stalemate of goodwill and suspicion, You Ran finally smeared the wound for the living creature he met in the black fog forest, and even pulled out a cuff of his own to wrap a bow on the other side.

"This way, just, just, just hurry up, a little bit." You Ran said as he shivered and tied it up.

She didn't know if this little thing could understand, but she knew that although this creature looked strange, it was not malicious.

She's even less daring than her, and when you touch it, her whole body will shrink back.

What You Ran didn't know was that this strange creature in her eyes could not be touched at will. Its sebum surface was corrosive from the curse of the abyss. After touching it, humans or low-level blood races will be devoured by themselves, and then they will melt into the nourishment of the Black Mist Forest in a few seconds.

Just when You Ran turned around to pack up his backpack, the eagle, who was always hiding in the trees and waiting for an opportunity to hunt, wanted to slaughter this little human girl.

But the half-adult-sized eagle did not notice the "living creature" that had been beside You Ran all the time without a heartbeat. Just as the eagle flew over, a long and powerful tentacle pierced the eagle instantly. The eagle's internal organs, the attachments on the surface of the blue cortex melted the body of this giant bird at once.

The blood was absorbed along the pores of the tentacles.

It's just that this sebum attachment, which is invisible to the naked eye, doesn't seem to work on this human girl.


While absorbing the corrupt nutrients from the body of the eagle, it tilted its head strangely and stared at its front paws tied with bows, as if it couldn't understand that this human girl could touch itself.