MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 28

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"Dear Your Excellency, I will deliver the most suitable dress to your house by tomorrow night, please rest assured."

After Kang Li worked with the assistants around her to discuss the clothes with the hostess of the mansion, she was ready to return to the store. After all, they had to be in a hurry to submit the most perfect work before the Camber family dinner.

It is no exaggeration to say that the current power of the Campbell family is the capital of the five nobles. The head of the Campbell family is the most loyal follower of the leader who is always hidden above the darkness. It is conceivable how much weight their family occupies in the blood clan field.

And Campbells, as the preferred heir to the Campbell family, seems to be born with a convincing ability.

I heard that the banquet held this time was organized by the lady of Cambers, and many people were very honored to receive the invitation letter from the Camber family.

Because that Miss Cumberbatch was charming.

I just heard that the successor of the Camber family, Miss Camberci, seems to have already belonged to her, and she is the gloomy and somewhat cold old castle owner who lives in this private area.

Of course, Kang Li, a well-known ghost designer in the aristocratic circle, was also invited to participate. It was just that Kang Li declined the invitation of the second lady of the Camber family to make clothes in order to make clothes for Mu Fei. There was a little misunderstanding, so to be on the safe side, Kang Li decided not to go to the banquet. After all, she is also a celebrity now, and no one wants to offend her.

Kang Li thought so, and looked up at Your Excellency, who came out of the room.

Mu Fei had already changed into lazy casual clothes at this moment, and she stopped in the hall.

Listening to the news conveyed by designer Kang Li, Mu Fei nodded.

She is quite satisfied with Kang Li's production skills. After all, there are not many tailors who can accept her picky for a long time, so she also ignores Kang Li's close call that she likes to call everyone "dear".

Kang Li stood at the door and peeked at Mu Fei with her eyes. With such a charming and curvy figure, you must know that a genius designer has the most poisonous eyesight. Perfect, and Mu Fei, this picky guest for hundreds of years, is really the person she has met with the most common sense of her vision.

Therefore, she was able to endure the very harsh and eccentric little faults of this grown-up.

Because every time I try on clothes for this adult, the atmosphere is several degrees below zero.

To be precise, although the other party is talking to you, the tone is always the same tone, cold and whizzing, making it impossible for people to make fun of them.

For a master tailor who loves to talk to people, this kind of fitting environment is too much - too boring!

Of course, the only thing that was a little new today was that there was an extra human being in this noble man's mansion.

This is unbelievable, well, following the rules of the mansion, it is even more the rules not to tell any secrets of the guests, Kang Li can only suppress her curiosity in the bottom of her heart.

After receiving the inquiring eyes of Kang Li, a shrewd tailor, Mu Fei issued an "invitation" with a cold face.

"If you're so curious, why don't you stay for dinner, dear master tailor."

Kang Li turned her face away immediately, looking very ashamed, and waved her hand, "No, no, your grandfather is joking again, I'll go back to work now."

Mu Fei no longer embarrassed the old tailor, but before the other party left, he finally (couldn't hold back) opened his mouth.

"You should have a ready-made suit for a twelve-year-old girl."

Kang Li was stunned for a moment, and then her expression became even more bizarre. She had tailored clothes for all kinds of strange customers, but she had never seen anything strange, but—

"The twelve-year-old girl you mean the one just now?"

Mu Fei had a cold face and did not respond directly.

Well, it seems to be a guess.

However, Kang Li was still very puzzled. Her clothes here were all close to dinner party dresses. Of course, there were children's sizes. Of course, she was even more curious about who this girl was. She just saw that the girl's clothes were ordinary.

"Your Highness, I have made clothes for many nobles, including purebred children. There are many styles." Kang Li replied with a smile.

Mu Fei was more satisfied after hearing this, and ordered, "Bring her clothes with you when the time comes."

"Oh...oh, okay, don't worry."

Kang Li agreed immediately and looked up at the girl who was standing respectfully a few meters away from them.

"I took the liberty to ask about the style I needed and the occasion to wear it." Kang Li had already measured You Ran's small body with the eyes of a shrewd tailor, and then asked the hostess who was always half-spoken.

Mu Fei raised his eyebrows, and Da Lei, who was on the side, seemed to be able to guess one, two or three when he spoke from the master, but he was still a little unsure.

"Pure, formal occasions."

Could it be that I was going to take this little girl to participate...

My god, if it were true, it would be an unexpected thrill to take a human to a place where purebloods gather. By the way, who is this little girl?

Kang Li guessed in her heart, wishing she could get Mu Fei out.

Mu Fei walked in front of Kang Li, looked directly at the woman who was smeared with foundation layer after layer and liked to scout out the bottom, and then slightly smoothed the other party's slightly wrinkled striped collar.

He said softly, "I don't want the world without a great tailor like you, Ms. Kang Li."

Kang Li was stared at by so many soul-stirring eyes, and then the temples on her forehead bulged. After feeling the pressure of being pressed by the other party under her neck, she immediately took a step back, kept a safe distance from Mu Fei, and then Quickly grabbed the assistant and got into the car together.

"Dear gentleman, I will definitely submit the most perfect work to you, you stop here, don't send me -!"

Then Kang Li drove away from the Mu Mansion at a fast speed.

"Hmph, this woman will never know how to write the word 'convergence'."

Mu Fei wiped his hands with the tissue handed by Dale, then glanced at the little thing that was always waiting in the doorway.

The top of the other party's head was occupied by Wuming again, creating a "little nest". It seems that Wuming still likes Youran quite a bit.

"Master." Dao Lei pondered for a long time, and finally opened his mouth.

Mu Fei looked at Dao Lei.

"You... let Ms. Kang Li bring a suit, do you really want to?"

Mu Fei pressed his fingertips against the man's lips, which was a millimeter away, signalling him to keep his voice down.

"Dao Lei, what's the difference between you and Kang Li?"

"Okay, master, I'll shut up." Dao Lei couldn't help rolling his eyes in his heart. Really, this master didn't even make a clear statement about the most loyal old servant, so wouldn't he still ask him to give orders later?

Mu Fei no longer cares about Dao Lei, she will stay in the mansion these few days.

Although she is sometimes so busy that she will be outside for many days in a row, she will stay at home when she is free, her personality dictates, after all, for a woman who has lived for centuries and doesn't like to be busy, this is not bad.

"When the time comes, on the industry side, occasionally you will show up for me. Just let me know if there is any important situation. I will be leisurely in the mansion these few days."

Mu Fei assigned Dao Lei, but Da Lei was actually very unhappy in his heart.

Who doesn't want to live a relaxed old age life in the mansion, they say that shopping malls are like battlefields, and the outside is so bloody, so he, the old housekeeper, has to deal with other people who deal with money and business every day, obviously Mu Fei has blood ties Also helping to take care of it.

Dao Lei deliberately gave a discussion, which was an indirect test of Mu Fei's mind.


Mu Fei looked at the scars and folds on Dao Lei's face, and knew what the old fox seemed to be thinking about. She snorted and motioned for the other party to continue.

"Master, of course I'm happy to take care of the property of the Mu Mansion, but I have always kept one thing in mind as a kind person, that is, I found out that Han Sheng's treatment of the professor was too cruel to a child, and the butcher only Being able to teach the little guy is nothing at all, and I think the little guy also needs to be instilled in knowledge." Dao Lei laid the prefix casually.

Mu Fei raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "It's rare for you to be attentive. After all, you want to do things by my side, and you can't be too stupid, but I need a reliable candidate."

Da Lei raised his head very stubbornly, then snorted confidently, and almost raised his hands to signal.

As the one who has been with Mu Fei for the longest time, he was a double-degree sociology doctoral genius at Alga University (the first university in the world) before he went to work in Mu's house.

Although he was once a blood clan intellectual who yearned for a quiet life and then concealed his identity.

But I don't know what happened, and I became the most hardworking and appointed person in the Mu Mansion.

Probably because of the very generous salary, this work put all of his own money into it.

As a result, the young lady is still not married, and she doesn't even have a sweetheart now, which is sad!

Pull away.

"Oh, yes, I suddenly remembered that Mr. Dao Lei is a very powerful Ph.D. in sociology." Mu Fei gave a very positive compliment.

"So, if the master thinks my suggestion is reasonable, why don't I take Youran with me when I go to the headquarters to take care of the property and teach her some... knowledge and so on. After all, Han Sheng really doesn't know the importance of what he does." Dao Lei is very elegant. As he spoke, he completely concealed his other thoughts.

Mu Fei pondered for a moment, but did not agree.

"There is no need to let her know about teaching the family business for the time being. Why don't you wait for you to teach in the mansion and bring other knowledge out?" Mu Fei narrowed his eyes and completely rejected Dao Lei's suggestion.

You said that during the few days of rest in the mansion, if you want that little mascot to accompany you all the time, you have to go around.

"Oh, okay, I'm overtaking." Dao Lei nodded slightly.

Mu Fei glanced at him and said coldly, "There's no need to be so concerned about a human child, Dao Lei."

Dao Lei's expression was very subtle after hearing this, and he followed behind the duplicitous master and returned to the hall.

When passing by the door, the little thing lowered his head in a panic and greeted Mu Fei.

When Mu Fei saw snow falling on You Ran, the blood race didn't feel cold to this extreme cold weather, but human beings were different.

Didn't they all once rebuked her not to stand stupidly in the snow? Why forgot again.

"It's none of your business here, go find Han Sheng." Mu Fei ordered coldly.

And the little man who heard this didn't seem to be excited at all because he was no longer in the cold weather at the door, but faintly lost his eyes.

"Follow your orders, my lord."

After You Ran answered in a low voice, he still didn't move.

Mu Fei glanced at this seemingly strange little guy, but the other party didn't even show a happy look.

Mu Fei was only confused for a few seconds before entering the room.

Xiao Youran was left standing alone at the door.

You Ran looked at the adults and Mr. Dao Lei had turned their backs to her and entered the house, so that she could muster up the courage to look up at the adults' backs, until she was completely invisible, and she stepped on it alone in the snow. I took a small footprint and went to the kitchen to help.

And she just opened the curtain.

Oncoming was a blood-stained boning knife.

You Ran's eyes widened in an instant, and the 100,000 alarm whistles in her heart allowed her to avoid the bloodshed in 0.01 seconds when she almost shaved her ear bone. Of course, she lost a few strands of hair on her temples.

"Old... teacher!" You Ran screamed nervously to ease the fear that he was about to be pierced by a sharp knife just now.

Han Sheng didn't even raise his head, and was still dealing with the body of the wolf, "Remember, being absent-minded will only kill you, no matter what."

Are you distracted...

You Ran was reminded by Teacher Han Sheng, she looked down at a few strands of hair that fell on the ground, and then picked it up silently, "Old, teacher, I"

"What are you? Could it be that you were reprimanded by Mu Fei? Look at your poor little look." Han Sheng looked at her with a **** face, like a demon in hell.

You Ran shook her head quickly, the adults were very kind to her.

And she really wanted to remind the teacher that his current image can be used to shoot horror and suspense films. She took the apron that Han Sheng gave her, quickly buttoned it, and walked to Han Sheng's side.

This area of ​​the kitchen has become a real slaughterhouse. Fortunately, circulating water has always washed away the blood.

It was the first time You Ran had seen such a **** scene, but unexpectedly she didn't vomit or feel sick.

"Come on, hold down this hind leg." Butcher Han Sheng beckoned and asked You Ran to come over.

You Ran immediately stepped over the blood and walked away.

The little hand shivered and pressed the sticky flesh and blood, and then, just watched the teacher go down with a blade, just two pieces.

You Ran also groaned in his heart.

"Tell me, why does it seem like it's wilted."

Han Sheng raised his head and patted You Ran's head with his **** hand. Well, after experiencing this **** baptism anyway, he must have to take a bath. This old man, Han Sheng, is not careful.

You Ran didn't care about being soiled by Han Sheng's **** hands, and just silently helped the teacher to clean up the stump, and whispered, "That's right, here, here, sad."

After You Ran finished speaking, he pointed to his heart.

"Why?" Han Sheng asked.

You Ran felt extremely embarrassed. She hesitated, thinking of the scenes she had seen in the room before, the scene where Ms. Kang Li touched the adult's shoulder and put on and take off the dress for the adult.

She didn't understand why she was still sad until now, it was the first time she had such a strange emotion.

You Ran raised her head and saw the teacher staring at her with blood on her face, waiting for her to speak.

You Ran was even more saddened by the teacher's terrifying expression.

"That's right, before, there were, there were other people in the room who helped her... just tidy up and dress." You Ran stammered for a long time, and finally said a word.

Han Sheng thought for a while, that should be the enchanting woman from Kang Li who came to try on the dress for the young lady, because of the dinner held by the Campbell family on Saturday.

"What's this?" Han Sheng was a little confused.

You Ran was in a hurry for a moment, and without thinking about it, she blurted out, "She! She also took off and took off adults' clothes..."

Han Sheng was stunned after hearing this, what's wrong with the designer dressing and **** the lady? Then he looked at You Ran's blushing face again, and the corners of his mouth cracked into a smile.

"Then you don't think she should do those things? Or?"

Han Sheng deliberately paused, causing Xiao Youran to raise his eyes nervously to look at him, "Or, do you want to do those things for her?"

You Ran nervously held down the wolf's flesh and blood, not knowing how to answer the teacher's question.

Because she really wanted to replace, no, no, she was just, just—

"I don't want adults to be touched by others. 』

"If someone had to do those things, it would have to be her. 』

You Ran was suddenly frightened by the unfamiliar and hoarse shattering voice from the bottom of her heart. She immediately realized that she had really crossed the line, lowered her head and apologized embarrassingly, "I-I was wrong, teacher."

How could she have such a strange thought.

Han Sheng looked at the girl who had uneasiness written on her face, hummed, rubbed her hair, and comforted, "It's not something to be embarrassed about, it's just that your love is just beginning."