MTL - On Her Lips-Chapter 31

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When the door was opened again, the shattered plates and cherries that had fallen from the door were cleaned up.

Mu Fei looked at Aunt Dai who had just gone upstairs. The other party was holding a plate of fruit, which contained cherries.

"You're obviously afraid, why do you still come up?" Mu Fei lowered his eyelids and looked at Aunt Dai who was parked in the half corridor.

Aunt Dai's hand holding the plate trembled visibly. What she saw was Mu Fei's slightly pale face, and she immediately understood.

The master needs to eat at this moment.

In the half-covered concierge, there is no human breath.

Especially if she can't...

Aunt Dai's heart skipped a beat.

"I see that the little guy brought you fruit, I'm afraid she hasn't come back yet because of something wrong," Aunt Dai tried to calm down, she didn't know what happened in the room.

If it was what she feared, she would definitely blame herself.

"You're worried that I'll eat her." Mu Fei smiled and looked at his faithful old servant. She didn't expect that Aunt Dai, who was the strictest in the mansion, would be able to befriend her. It's really fun to come to this little guy.

Aunt Dai frowned slightly and lowered her head. She couldn't deny it, but she didn't dare to admit it.

Mu Fei didn't want to embarrass the old servant, and called out to the house.

"Youran, come here."

Immediately afterwards, the small black figure trotted to Mu Fei's side. She stood at the door and saw Aunt Dai who was coming.

"Dai, Aunt Dai." It was still a cowardly voice.

Intact, but without human breath.

Aunt Dai looked up and down at You Ran, still not quite understanding, and then looked at Mu Fei with puzzled eyes.

"I gave her a ring, you should know what it is, and I won't say anything else." Mu Fei was wearing a coat and leaning against the door rail, her face was even more ill than before.

Aunt Dai realized immediately, and she hurriedly stepped forward to support her little master, who was a little foolish. She was ashamed of her guess that "did the master ate Youran?".

In fact, if You Ran really showed up when the master needed to eat, it would be a very small thing to be eaten, and there was only one less interesting little pity in this world, who would remember.

But Aunt Dai didn't really want that to happen.

"Master, I'm going to prepare (refrigerated blood)."

There was a little worry in Aunt Dai's eyes. She was still a little worried that Mu Fei had not eaten new blood for a long time, and there was a dinner party for the Camber family tonight.

"Your brows are wrinkling to the horizon, Aunt Dai, am I so fragile that I need you to worry?" Mu Fei said flatly. She was cold on the surface, but of course she understood the worries of domestic servants for their masters. A **** thing.

She can completely control her bloodlust, as long as she doesn't touch alcohol, and You Ran's attraction to her is probably just an accident.

She had never seen such an extremely pure soul, jumping freely in the sun, which made her yearn for a moment.

"Master, are you still going to attend the Camber family's banquet tonight?" Aunt Dai asked for Mu Fei's opinion.

Mu Fei snorted coldly, and patted Aunt Dai on the shoulder to let the other party relax, but it was just a drop of blood that would not make her weak. Besides, if she didn't go, Camberci would definitely come to the door. visited.

She doesn't like any kind of trouble, not to mention—

Mu Fei lowered his eyelids and looked at You Ran, who was standing beside him obediently.

What's more, she still wants to take this little thing with her. It is said that tonight is also the birthday of Camberming, the second lady of the Camber family, and there will be many children there. You Ran always stays in her mansion, isn't it? Hunting with Han Sheng is busy, and there is very little leisure time. It is also good to take this opportunity to go out and have a look.

However, it seems that he has not asked this little guy for his thoughts. What kind of reaction will this little guy who is as daring as a little squirrel react.

"Aunt Dai, you go to prepare first, you will come to pick her up later." Mu Fei motioned Aunt Dai to leave first.

Aunt Dai nodded, turned back, and thought about the cherries she had prepared in her hand, "Master, these cherries were just picked today, do you want to taste them now?"

Mu Fei's eyes fell on the bright red cherries, and after thinking for a few seconds, he said, "Let's stay then."


Aunt Dai handed the tray in her hand to You Ran in front of her, and asked You Ran to bring it into the house later, while she went downstairs to prepare the owner's supplies.

Mu Fei looked at Aunt Dai's disappearing figure, she looked at the cherries in the little guy's hand, and then picked a bright red one and put it in her mouth, it was a little sweet.

So she went back to her house again, You Ran stood at the door in a daze, the adults didn't tell her to go in, and she didn't dare to move.

"Come in first, I'll tell you something." Mu Fei sat on the sofa and glanced at You Ran.

The sunny sky outside the house used to be, but now half of the sky is covered by dark clouds, which is the cold and cold weather in the northern district.

"Sir." You Ran obediently put the tray on the table, stood beside Mu Fei, and listened with her head down.

Mu Fei picked up a thin cigarette and held it at his fingertips. He wanted to ignite it with a lighter, but in the end he didn't light it and put it down again.

"I'm going to a dinner party today, and you probably heard what others have said." Mu Fei said, looking at You Ran as if he was obedient.

You Ran pursed her lips and nodded. She had indeed heard from the other people in the mansion that Mr. Mu Fei was going to dinner tonight, and she was going to wear the very beautiful dress from yesterday.

"Do you want to go with me?" Mu Fei's golden brown eyes were staring at the little thing, and she did not let go of the other's subtle expressions.

You Ran was stunned for a moment, then raised his head in astonishment, feeling that the lord must have made a mistake. Seeing that the lord did not want to explain, You Ran blinked his black eyes, and finally said, "Think..."

What she thought was that she wanted to go anywhere with the adults, wherever the adults went, she would go.

"Dowley suggested to me that you can participate as my servant (a kind of close servant) and go out to get some air. I thought about it," Mu Fei played with the full-grained cherries with his fingers, "His It's a good proposal, and it's a compliment to you this morning."

You Ran listened, and her eyes widened instantly. It turned out that Lord Mu Fei knew about the things she did in the backyard early in the morning, and everyone knew about the things she did.

You Ran couldn't help but lowered her head and smiled. She was very happy. Is that the lord admitting what she did?

Even if it's a trivial thing.

"I want to, You Ran, I really, really want to." You Ran answered the words of the adult again firmly, with joy in his eyes.

It's nice that she can stay with the adults again.

Mu Fei had a panoramic view of You Ran's joy. She raised the corner of her mouth slightly, watching Aunt Dai knock on the door.

"You Ran, you go down first."

You Ran listened and nodded, and then saw Aunt Dai carrying a bottle of red liquid, which should be wine, passing by her.

You Ran went downstairs first, her steps were extremely brisk.

Aunt Dai clearly felt the little guy's ease. She knew that it must be the master and You Ran who said something, she could probably guess it. Only then did she put the refrigerated blood on the coffee table. When Mu Fei was eating, he didn't like others seeing it, including Aunt Dai, so Aunt Dai also went out immediately, although she was still a little worried about Mu Fei's body.

Suddenly, the dark room became deserted again.

Mu Fei sighed, picked up the cup of well-preserved refrigerated blood, and drank it. It was tasteless and a pity to discard.

It's not delicious, it's just a supplement, her pupils changed color, her body's meridians were looming due to sucking blood, and a little function was properly restored, just.

She walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling mirror and unbuttoned her black jacket.

Looking at herself in the mirror, her meridians were intertwined due to the entry of blood, her snow-white chest still had the mark, it was the scar left by the centrifugal blood she drew, and it still hadn't recovered. It seemed that it wasn't enough.


Over the North District at night

Still not a single star.

Ms. Kang Li and her assistant rushed to deliver the best dress tonight to Mu Mansion.

Mr. Mu Fei was still wearing that tight purple-black dress that reached to the ankle. It was very beautiful. Who said there were no stars, Mr. Mu Fei was the countless stars tonight.

You Ran was fascinated as he watched the adults enter the car with the help of Mr. Dao Lei.

She didn't trot to Mr. Daowey's side until Dowley turned back and called her.

"You Ran, you ride in another car with me." The handsome man said.

You Ran nodded, "Okay, okay, sir."

She got into the black car at the back under Dale's instructions. Once she got in, her **** was stuck there and she didn't dare to move, for fear that if she didn't pay attention, she would be kicked out of the car.

"Don't be so restrained, there are no adults here." Da Lei looked at the little guy in the rearview mirror and was relieved.

You Ran raised her head and nodded a little embarrassedly, but she was still very nervous.

Because today is to attend a very noble dinner with adults and Mr. Dao Lei, although she was already instructed by Aunt Dai when she came: Don't listen to what you shouldn't listen to, don't watch what you shouldn't watch, don't say anything you shouldn't say Say.

She is best as long as she stays quietly in the corner.

Don't cause unnecessary trouble for adults.

"It is a gift for you to bring you, you must not let the adults embarrass you. All the participants are famous families. You must find Dao Lei when things happen that you can't handle, you know?"

Before You Ran got into the car, Aunt Dai would like to emphasize it again. After all, this is a very formal occasion, and I don't know why the adults brought this little guy there. Although there were quite a few vampire children attending this dinner, You Ran After all, it is not a real blood race, even if it hides the human breath.

Adults always play cards out of common sense, and Aunt Dai is also particularly worried.

"I know, I know, Aunt Dai, I, I will, pay attention!" Of course You Ran knew the importance of this dinner, she would definitely be very careful and try to hide herself in the corner.

You Ran was sitting in the car thinking, looking at the back of Mr. Daowey's head, and finally summoned up the courage to say "thank you".

Thank you, Mr. Dore, for suggesting to your lord that she can come with her.

Dao Lei smiled, but he didn't say it, he didn't propose it at all, he was used to the awkward personality of adults.

In this way, the two black vehicles were driving in the dark night, until they reached the second domain of Camber, which was heavily guarded and brightly lit.

Dinner at Emi Mountain

Even the severe cold wind and snow could not cover it up, and the nose was filled with the suppressed smell of pure-blooded nobles whose status was extremely noble. Mu Feilio held Da Lei's hand out of the car door with a headache.

And in the gorgeous hall of the banquet

The elegant violin sound and the piano composed a gentle and beautiful classical music of Kel Semir, everyone was talking and laughing, but the atmosphere was a bit unspeakable—


To be precise, everyone was more or less excited after learning that the Camber family had also invited that adult.

After all, the aristocrat was eccentric, cold and difficult to get along with, and she was reluctant to participate in many upper-level banquets.

In one night, she was the one who slaughtered the lives of a group of people.

There is even a little scandal with the future heir of the Camber family. This time, everyone wants to see the marginalized lord of the pavilion.

Many pure blood races have never really seen that adult until now.

As soon as she entered the hall in her long black and purple dress, it seemed to cause a commotion around her.

Countless pairs of eyes looked towards her, some curious, some visiting, some amazed, and others malicious.

It's just that those eyes all converged in the next instant, because they were blocked by the beautiful woman in the wine red dress in front of her.

"Mr. Mu Fei, you are finally here." The voice was gentle and pleasant to listen to.

Mu Fei raised his head and smiled, "The wind and snow can't stop your enthusiasm, Mrs. Campbell."

"My enthusiasm for you will never diminish." The lady named Cambers still had a smile on her face, her gray-gold eyes framing the person in front of her with the nib of a knife chiseled contours, from the eyes, the tip of the nose, the mouth to the lip.

So deep and so naked.

Until I noticed the two people behind Mu Fei, one was Daolei, the servant of Mu Fei's family who had met before, and the other...

A small, thin girl.

"Today is also my sister's birthday. I didn't expect that there would be children in your mansion," Camberci's sharp eyes swept over You Ran, who had been standing behind Mu Fei with his head down, and spoke slowly.

Mu Fei stepped forward, blocked Camberci's sight, lowered his voice and said, "Is there anyone in my mansion who needs your help."

Cambers smiled, she turned around and took a glass of low-strength vodka from the waiter and handed it to Mu Fei, her eyes softened a lot, "Of course not, I just think, it's great."