MTL - Once, I Wanted To Be a Good Person (I Wanted To Be A Good Person Once)-Chapter 13 Fang Ze: Report! There are criminals in the task force! (

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   Chapter 13 13. Fang Ze: Report! There are criminals in the task force! (superior)

   At the same time, the director took Fang Ze out of the temporary meeting room.

  The two strolled in the corridor of broken tiles and ruins, all the way to the inner hall of the villa.

   In the inner hall, the director raised his head and glanced at the camera at the top, then stopped.

With his back to Fang Ze, he took out his pocket, took out a crumpled cigarette from his pocket, lowered his head and put it in his mouth, then took out a box of matches, stroked "thorn, thorn" a few times, then lit it. .

   squinted and took a deep breath of cigarette. He turned around, just about to scold Fang Ze angrily, and then try it out.

  As a result, when he saw Fang Ze, he found himself a little unable to speak hard.

  So, in the end, he looked at Fang Ze and asked gently, "Fang Ze. What happened to you today? Is there something on your mind?"

   Fang Ze, who was in the [Sage] state, stood up straight. Hearing the question from the director, he shook his head and said calmly, "Director. No."

   The director gave a "um" and asked thoughtfully, "Is there any conflict with my colleagues?"

  Fang Ze shook his head again, "No, Director."

   The director made another "um", and then he held the cigarette and looked at Fang Ze slowly, as if to confirm that Fang Ze was not telling the truth.

   But for some reason, as soon as he saw Fang Ze, he felt that the other party was very sincere, and it was impossible to tell lies.

  So, for a moment, his expression softened again, and his tone couldn't help slowing down, "That's good."

   Then he paused and said comfortably, "This case is more complicated, and it involves the awakened."

   "Awakened, there are many means beyond our imagination."

   "So, if you can't find a clue, don't get discouraged, don't stress too much."

   "You are still young, don't have any psychological burdens, don't take anger with your colleagues, put your body first, take care of yourself, good days are yet to come."

   Fang Ze, who was in the state of [Sage], was not bribed by the director's words.

   He nodded in response, "Director. I understand."

   "Don't worry, I'll take care of myself."

   "But." Speaking of this, he changed his voice, "I'm not really stressed, and I have no problem getting along with my colleagues. I even found a lot of clues and intelligence this week."

   Having said that, Fang Ze calmly opened his folder and handed the report he wrote yesterday to the director.

   The director was obviously stunned.

   Then he put the cigarette in his mouth, took the report, and watched the report carefully while squinting and smoking the cigarette.

   Fang Ze's report was written before he learned his true identity, so it was written very seriously and did not hide any clues.

   He was actually hesitating this morning, whether to hand in this information or not.

   But when he thought that there were so many "spies" around him, even if he didn't report it, the "spies" would report it afterwards, and he no longer hesitated.

   The director read the information in front of him, and then raised his head with a puzzled look.

   He looked at Fang Ze and asked in confusion, "Since you have so many clues and information, why didn't you communicate at the meeting?"

   Knowing that the plan has reached a critical step. Therefore, Fang Ze, who was under the influence of the [Magazine], was extraordinarily calm.

   He looked directly at the Director and said, "Report to the Director, because I have discovered another vital piece of information."

   The director put out the cigarette and asked suspiciously, "What information?"

   Fang Ze slowly shook his head and said with a blank face, "I can't say it now. I can't say it until I see the chief of the security bureau."

   Hearing Fang Ze's words, even though he was influenced by the [magazine], the director couldn't help but frown.

   He gave a "Huh?" and asked, "Why?"

   Fang Ze did not speak. There was no explanation, just looked at the director quietly.

   Seeing Fang Ze's appearance, the director's brows furrowed more and more deeply.

   He wanted to say something serious, but when he saw Fang Ze's pleasing face, he couldn't say it.

  So, in the end, he slowed down and persuaded, "Fang Ze, although I don't know what key information you have obtained."

   "But, you have to know that you are part of the task force."

   "No matter what, you should report it directly to me. After all, when something goes to the Security Bureau, it's different."

  Fang Ze still didn't speak, just looked at the director with a blank expression.

   Seeing Fang Ze's uncooperative appearance, even though he was affected by the extraordinary power, the director couldn't help surging with blood and his eyelids jumped.

   If you were talking about the usual Fang Ze, most likely he would have panicked in the face of the current situation.

   However, at this time, Fang Ze, as if he didn't see the director's expression or felt the director's irritability, still looked at the director calmly.

  Just like that, as time passed by, the atmosphere became more and more anxious.

   Just when the director was about to swear in anger, suddenly, his face changed, and then he put his hands on his ears, as if listening to something.

   And the state of his whole person has completely changed.

   In front of Fang Ze just now, although he had a gentle attitude, he had always been in a state where a superior leader encouraged his subordinates.

   And now, his fat face is full of flattery and smiles, his waist is bent, and his neck is lowered.

   After a while, the expression on the director's face subsided, and his waist and neck straightened.

   Then he looked at Fang Ze with a complicated expression, and said, "The chief of the Security Bureau agreed with you."

   Hearing the director's words, Fang Ze nodded expressionlessly, as if he had heard an ordinary notice.

   His expression and actions were the same as before, but the director in front of him was suddenly stunned.

   Then the director narrowed his eyes and looked up and down at Fang Ze in confusion.

   After a moment, the director asked, "Fang Ze. Why do you feel a little different from just now?"

   Fang Ze replied expressionlessly, "Director. I don't understand what you mean."

   The director frowned and raised his hand, as if trying to make a gesture.

   But he opened his mouth several times, but he didn't know how to describe it.

  In the end, he probably thought that the Security Bureau could not be delayed, so he put down his hand angrily, and said, "Okay. It's alright. Let's go up first."

   Fang Ze nodded calmly again, as if he was completely unaffected by what happened just now.

   However, what no one saw was that his hand had already gripped the seam of his trousers for some time, his fingers were already white, and his palms were full of sweat.

  ‘. Is the time up so soon? ’

  ‘Wipe. ’

  ‘Then it’s all up to me? ’

  ‘Mom. ’

   'It's going to die, it's going to die'

5 minutes later.

  The second floor of the villa.

   In the room where he reported last time, Fang Ze met a representative of the Security Bureau.

   It wasn't the beautiful young woman he saw that day, but the girl who entrusted Wang Hao with a task.

   Just like what Wang Hao described in his heart, the girl looked small, only sixteen or seventeen years old.

The    is very beautiful, made of pink and jade, with two upturned buns, which is a bit cute.

   Her eyes are smart, and her big eyes seem to be able to speak. There was a huge eight-edged pumpkin hammer on her back, which formed a sharp contrast with her slender body.

   His eyes stayed on the girl for a moment.

  Fang Ze recalled her information in his heart,

  ‘Codename Lark. ’

  ‘The power of awakening is unknown. ’

  ‘Second-level executive officer of the Executive Group of the Operations Division of the Security Bureau. ’

   Seeing that girl, the director's expression was obviously relaxed. There was no more flattery just now, but he still greeted with a smile, "Commissioner Bailing. You will handle this matter."

   Fang Ze pretended to look at the two of them calmly, and quietly added an analysis in his heart,

  ‘Second-level executive commissioner, roughly equivalent to the director of the exploration department in low-level cities. ’

  ‘It seems that the level of the security bureau is indeed very high. ’

  Compared to the gentleman of the director, the attitude of a girl is also very interesting.

   She looked at the director with big watery eyes, and then said strangely, "Director Pang, I haven't seen you for a few days. You seem to have gained weight again. Did you go out to eat and drink again?"

   Hearing her words, the director smiled and patted his chubby belly, waved his hand, and said, "No way, no way. Commissioner Bailing, don't make fun of me."

   The two casually exchanged a few words and sat down.

   Between the two, it is obvious that girls are the main ones.

  So, after sitting down, she tilted her head to look at Fang Ze and took the initiative to speak.

   Her voice was crisp, like a silver bell, very nice,

   "I heard that you have important information and want to report it to the Security Bureau?"

   "Now that I'm here, can you speak?"

  Although the ability has expired, but now that the plan has reached this stage, Fang Ze has been unable to ride a tiger.

   So even though he was about to die in his heart, he could only continue to act.

   So, he continued to pretend to be calm, nodded first, then he looked at the girl, then at the director, and then said,

   "Director, the reason why I don't want to share the information I got at the meeting."

   "I don't want to report this to you separately."

"Because of"

   "I discovered a huge secret."

   "There are criminals in our task force."

   "And yes, the criminal of this murder case!"

   (end of this chapter)