MTL - One New Rule Per Month Globally-Chapter 156 "Calm down, sir."

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  Chapter 156 "Calm down, sir."

   "All right, all right."

   Seeing the captain looking over, the young police officer raised his hands helplessly: "Captain, what you said is correct, I just mentioned it casually. According to your captain, there should be traces of a third person at the scene."

   "But we didn't find any traces of anyone other than the suspect and the deceased at the scene."

   "You must know that ordinary suspects will not notice the existence of hair dander, which is difficult to observe with the naked eye."

The middle-aged police officer sneered before he smacked the cigarette in his hand: "This further shows that the real murderer has the ability to clean up crime scenes far beyond ordinary people, and the professional characteristics of having such means are extremely obvious, and he is destined to be not ordinary people. "

   "This will allow us to quickly tag the real killer."

   "But the murder weapon only has the suspect's fingerprints on it."

   "It's too simple. The real murderer should clean up his own fingerprints on the fruit knife first, and then put the dagger into the suspect's hand so that it is covered with fingerprints."

   "What do you mean, captain, the wound on the suspect's abdomen was not committed suicide in fear of crime, but was injured by the suspect?"


At this time, the middle-aged police officer seemed to be transformed into Detective Conan, lit a cigarette again, and his whole body shone with wisdom, as if a light fell from the sky and hit the middle-aged police officer's face, making his face full of confidence and convincing light.

   "I used to be a special police officer in the capital city, do you know why I came to this small town as a police officer?"


  The young police officer was a little dazed. He didn't understand why the captain's brain circuit suddenly jumped to this point. Wasn't he still discussing the case just now, but he subconsciously replied.

   "Did you offend someone?"

   "No, I did an unjust, false or wrongful case, and I was dismissed after the incident. Since then, I have secretly sworn that I will never do any unjust, false and wrongful case in my life."

   "If it is for credit, I can naturally convict the suspect directly, but for justice and to make up for my mistakes, I will not do this."

   "The forensic doctor sent me a letter just now. The suspect's abdominal wound was not injured by himself. A person stabbed himself with a knife normally. The wound is not like this. This kind of wound can only be injured by others."

   "Unless the suspect twists his arm into a twist."

   "The most important thing is that the suspect has several wounds on his abdomen. Based on years of experience in handling cases, I have seen many self-injury to avoid charges, but these people often only have one wound."

  “After most people create a wound, the severe pain and fear of death prevent them from having the courage and strength to stab themselves again.”

   "And the wound will not be very deep."

   "But the wound on the suspect's body was very deep, and it was obvious that he ran to kill him with a knife."

   "And... when most murderers kill people, they will stab several times in a row. Even if the first knife has already killed him in one blow, they will make up several attacks."

"According to criminal psychology, this is a subconscious behavior made by the murderer's body under the condition of extreme fear, loss of reason and adrenaline surge. Except for the killer who makes a living by this, the general murderer will not leave only the body on the victim when he kills. The next wound."

   "The teacher should have taught you too, right?"

   "Based on these two points, we can clearly deduce that the wound on the suspect was caused by the murderer, and the murderer is a ruthless gangster who is good at cleaning up crime scenes."

   "The only question now is how the murderer entered the house without any signs of damage to the anti-theft door."

   "We need to interrogate the suspect on this point."

  The consumptive rabbit lying on the hospital bed looked weakly at the two police officers standing in front of his bed, and murmured weakly: "It was my wife who opened the door. I was playing games inside the door."

   "All I know is that someone knocked on the door, and then my wife went to answer it."

"At first I just thought it was a food delivery, so I didn't go out. Instead, I continued to play games in the house. After all, I was holding a big sniper that I had saved up for three rounds of money, and I was guarding A big. Naturally, I don’t have the time to go out and check the situation.”

   "Immediately afterwards, I noticed that there seemed to be a quarrel outside the house."

  “When I went out to check, I found that my wife had fallen in a pool of blood, and the murderer rushed towards me with a dagger in his hand. After being stabbed a few times in a row, I fell into a coma.”

   "That man is wearing a mask, I can't see his face clearly."


The middle-aged police officer narrowed his eyes and stared at the consumptive rabbit lying on the hospital bed: "Your wife hasn't gone out for a long time, and when she heard someone knocking on the door when she knew she didn't order takeout, wouldn't she look through the cat's eyes?" ?"

  “If you see a man wearing a mask through the cat’s eyes, or the cat’s eyes are deliberately blocked, why open the door yourself when you know you may be in a dangerous situation?”


  The consumptive rabbit was speechless and silent on the spot, how did he know, he was just making it up, he never thought about this paragraph at all.

   Not buddy, what are you doing? Do you really think you are Sherlock Holmes?

  You are just an npc in a map, okay?

   Almost on the line.

  Then he sighed lightly and stopped talking, prepared to wait silently for the mission to fail, and then re-entered. There was something wrong with his strategy this time, so he had to think about how to enter the map next time.

  Is the difficulty of this map so high?

   And just then—

  The middle-aged police officer changed the subject and said coldly: "Unless the person coming is someone your wife is very familiar with, even if he is wearing a mask, he can recognize him at a glance, and he trusts him, then he will open the door for him."

   "Does your wife usually socialize?"

   It’s beyond the outline, it’s beyond the outline!

   Tuberculosis muttered a few words in his heart. The script of this paragraph has already surpassed his design ideas, but he could only bite the bullet and say: "No."

  In the background of the diary, his wife is a woman who hardly socializes.

But just when he was about to talk about rescuing, a small police officer suddenly broke into the door, and the voice game whispered slightly hurriedly: "Captain, we found all the details with a man in the communication software of the deceased's mobile phone." chat content."

   "The initial judgment should be the relationship between a lover and a mistress. The content of the chat was very explicit. The deceased said in WeChat that she really liked the feeling of being a dog to the other party, and liked the feeling of kneeling on the ground and abandoning all dignity to enjoy being trampled on."

   "And the deceased will meet this man every month when he goes out. He will book a hotel in advance and check in on the same day."

   "But in the last few paragraphs of the chat record, the two had a big quarrel, and the deceased deleted the other party's friend."

   "This chat content was deleted by the deceased, but it was completely restored by our technicians just now."

Speaking of this, the little police officer noticed that the constable rabbit was lying on the bed, his body was slightly stiff, and he said awkwardly: "Well, I'm sorry, but you are going to be shot soon, and you probably can't take care of your own head. How many hats do you want?"


  A shock flashed in the eyes of the consumptive rabbit, and he straightened up involuntarily. His eyes were filled with the desire to spy and the excitement of eating melons. He was about to say a few words in detail, but he didn't have a picture to say anything.

  But I suddenly remembered that I was role-playing, and I should make enough actions that fit my identity.

   Almost instantly, his eyes were filled with violence and anger, and he roared ferociously: "That bitch, **** bitch!"

   "I gave up everything for her, she eats my food and drinks mine every day, how dare she treat me like this!"

   "Who is that man, I want to kill him, kill him!!"

   "This pair of dogs and men!"

   "Calm down, sir."

  The middle-aged police officer glanced at the consumptive rabbit lying on the bed with a trace of sadness in his eyes, and then led several police officers in the room out of the ward, leaving enough space for the consumptive rabbit to be alone.

  The consumptive rabbit lying on the hospital bed looked at the backs of several police officers leaving, and slowly stopped the exaggerated expressions on his face, and licked the corner of his mouth with some unfinished thoughts.

   Is there such a background setting?

  Yuan didn’t write these things in his diary.

   It seems that the original identity really didn't know that he was green.

  This child is a bit pitiful.

  A moment later, the middle-aged police officer led several police officers in again, and looked at the consumptive rabbit on the hospital bed with a serious expression: "I sympathize with what happened to you, but I hope you can calm down first."

   "The suspicion on you has been temporarily cleared. I suspect that your wife's lover is the real murderer."

   "The reason why your wife opened the door is because she recognized this man, she thought that the man would not hurt her, and she opened the door because she was afraid that the man would make things worse."

   "You also said that you were concentrating on playing games at the time. Your wife may also know this, so she opened the door to explain the matter to the other party, so that the other party does not make too much noise."

  "And before your lover came to the door, your wife had a quarrel with the other party and deleted the other party's friends. The reason is that the other party asked your wife to divorce you. Your wife was unwilling, and then they quarreled."

"We have called up the location of this man's residence and sent people to arrest him. I believe the result will be reached soon. If the evidence proves that this man is the murderer, then sir, you can be discharged from the hospital after recovering from your injuries. "

   "Huh? Oh"

  Consumptive Rabbit had a strange expression on his face and didn't know what to say for a while. This plot trend completely deviated from Yi Ge's explanation to him. Yi Ge didn't explain the background of this story.

  Why did such a scapegoat really jump out?

After one hour.

  A young police officer strode into the ward.

   "Already recruited, the lover admitted that he killed the deceased, and cleaned up the crime scene thoroughly, removing all traces of himself."

   "But denies a lot of points."

"For example, he denied stabbing the suspect, and he denied stabbing the gentleman, indicating that he did not see the gentleman in the house, and that he did not intentionally set the blame on the gentleman. He only killed the deceased at the scene of the crime and then left. "

  ps: There is another chapter in tens of minutes.

  (end of this chapter)